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Abstract: The U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) defines an endangered species as one “at risk of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.” The prevailing interpretation of this phrase, which focuses exclusively on the overall viability of listed species without regard to their geographic distribution, has led to development of listing and recovery criteria with fundamental conceptual, legal, and practical shortcomings. The ESA's concept of endangerment is broader than the biological concept of extinction risk in that the “esthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific” values provided by species are not necessarily furthered by a species mere existence, but rather by a species presence across much of its former range. The concept of “significant portion of range” thus implies an additional geographic component to recovery that may enhance viability, but also offers independent benefits that Congress intended the act to achieve. Although the ESA differs from other major endangered‐species protection laws because it acknowledges the distinct contribution of geography to recovery, it resembles the “representation, resiliency, and redundancy” conservation‐planning framework commonly referenced in recovery plans. To address representation, listing and recovery standards should consider not only what proportion of its former range a species inhabits, but the types of habitats a species occupies and the ecological role it plays there. Recovery planning for formerly widely distributed species (e.g., the gray wolf [Canis lupus]) exemplifies how the geographic component implicit in the ESA's definition of endangerment should be considered in determining recovery goals through identification of ecologically significant types or niche variation within the extent of listed species, subspecies, or “distinct population segments.” By linking listing and recovery standards to niche and ecosystem concepts, the concept of ecologically significant type offers a scientific framework that promotes more coherent dialogue concerning the societal decisions surrounding recovery of endangered species.  相似文献   
The wolf (Canis lupus) is classified as endangered in Sweden by the Swedish Species Information Centre, which is the official authority for threat classification. The present population, which was founded in the early 1980s, descends from 5 individuals. It is isolated and highly inbred, and on average individuals are more related than siblings. Hunts have been used by Swedish authorities during 2010 and 2011 to reduce the population size to its upper tolerable level of 210 wolves. European Union (EU) biodiversity legislation requires all member states to promote a concept called “favourable conservation status” (FCS) for a series of species including the wolf. Swedish national policy stipulates maintenance of viable populations with sufficient levels of genetic variation of all naturally occurring species. Hunting to reduce wolf numbers in Sweden is currently not in line with national and EU policy agreements and will make genetically based FCS criteria less achievable for this species. We suggest that to reach FCS for the wolf in Sweden the following criteria need to be met: (1) a well‐connected, large, subdivided wolf population over Scandinavia, Finland, and the Russian Karelia‐Kola region should be reestablished, (2) genetically effective size (Ne) of this population is in the minimum range of Ne = 500–1000, (3) Sweden harbors a part of this total population that substantially contributes to the total Ne and that is large enough to not be classified as threatened genetically or according to IUCN criteria, and (4) average inbreeding levels in the Swedish population are <0.1. Efectos de la Cacería sobre el Estatus de Conservación Favorable de Lobos Suecos con Endogamia Alta  相似文献   
Calculamos tamuños de poblaciones genéticamente efectivas (Ne) para poblaciones simuladas del oso gris (Ursus arctos) trazando la péridida de heterozigasidad a tráves del tiempo, luego las comparamos con estimaciones de Ne Producidas aplicando fórmulas publicadas a los resultados demográficos de la simulación. Los valores de Ne calculados usando diferentes fórmula.s con datos idénticos, variaron mucho. Las ecuaciones publicadas por Hill (1972), y modificaciones de las usuadas por Ryman, et aL (1981) y Reed et al. (1986), proporcionaron los cálculos más precsios Fluctuaciones menores en las poblacionales tuvieron poco efecto sobre Ne pero la variación en el éxito repductivo por vida entre los machos Vkm redujo tremendamente el Ne comparado con el valor esperado bajo exito reproductivo al azar. Todos los métodos para calcular Ne para poblaciones con demografias complejas requieren datos extensos, pero estimaciones para Vkm en especies poligamas son especialmente dificiles de obtener. Sugerimos que modelos de simulación pueden proveer métodos alternutivos para calcular Vkm y Ne.  相似文献   
Abstract: Howellia aquatilis (Campanulaceae) is a rare aquatic plant considered endangered throughout its range in the Pacific Northwest. Howellia appears to have a narrow ecological amplitude, occurring only in temporary ponds suwounded by trees. Anatomical observations of developing flowers indicate a restrictive breeding system approaching obligate self-fertilization. We used protein electrophoresis to examine the genetic structure of four populations from throughout the range of species. Eight enzymes encoded by 18 putative loci showed no variation, either within or among populations. Howellia's small ecological amplitude and lack of genetic variability lead us to believe that the species is prone to extinction A conservation strategy for this species should include protection of ponds that are currently inhabited by Howellia as well as ponds that will become appropriate habitat in the future. To insure against large-scale environmental perturbations, multiple pond clusters throughout the range of the species should be protected.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Captive-bred animals derived from native, alien, or hybrid stocks are often released in large numbers in natural settings with the intention of augmenting harvests. In brown trout ( Salmo trutta ), stocking with hatchery-reared non-native fish has been the main management strategy used to maintain or improve depleted wild brown trout populations in Iberian and other Mediterranean regions. This measure has become a serious threat to the conservation of native genetic diversity, mainly due to introgressive hybridization. Aware of this risk, the agency responsible for management of brown trout in the eastern Pyrenees (Spain) created "brown trout genetic refuges" to preserve the integrity of brown trout gene pools in this region. Within refuge areas, the prerefuge status with respect to fishing activities has been maintained, but hatchery releases have been banned completely. We evaluated this management strategy through a comparison of the stocking impact on native populations that accounted for stocking histories before and after refuge designations and fishing activities. In particular we examined the relevant scientific, cultural, and political challenges encountered. Despite agency willingness to change fishery policies to balance exploitation and conservation, acceptance of these new policies by anglers and genetic monitoring of refuge populations should also be considered. To improve management supported by genetic refuges, we suggest focusing on areas where the public is more receptive, considering the situation of local native diversity, and monitoring of adjacent introgressed populations. We recommend the use of directional supportive breeding only when a population really needs to be enhanced. In any case, management strategies should be developed to allow for protection within the context of human use.  相似文献   
The ocean provides food, economic activity, and cultural value for a large proportion of humanity. Our knowledge of marine ecosystems lags behind that of terrestrial ecosystems, limiting effective protection of marine resources. We describe the outcome of 2 workshops in 2011 and 2012 to establish a list of important questions, which, if answered, would substantially improve our ability to conserve and manage the world's marine resources. Participants included individuals from academia, government, and nongovernment organizations with broad experience across disciplines, marine ecosystems, and countries that vary in levels of development. Contributors from the fields of science, conservation, industry, and government submitted questions to our workshops, which we distilled into a list of priority research questions. Through this process, we identified 71 key questions. We grouped these into 8 subject categories, each pertaining to a broad component of marine conservation: fisheries, climate change, other anthropogenic threats, ecosystems, marine citizenship, policy, societal and cultural considerations, and scientific enterprise. Our questions address many issues that are specific to marine conservation, and will serve as a road map to funders and researchers to develop programs that can greatly benefit marine conservation. Setenta y Un Preguntas Importantes para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad Marina  相似文献   
Abstract: The cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki) presents a series of unusual and difficult problems in conservation biology. As many as 16 subspecies have been recognized in the recent literature. The genetic distance between subspecies based upon 46 enzyme loci ranges from that usually seen between congeneric species to virtual genetic identity. Subspecies from the western portion of the range of the cutthroat trout are genetically more similar to rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) than they are to the other subspecies of cutthroat trout. In addition, much of the genetic variation within the west-slope cutthroat trout (S. c. lewisi) results from alleles found in only one or two local populations, but they often occur at high frequencies in those populations. Thus, preserving the genetic variation in westslope cutthroat trout entails preserving as many local populations as possible.
Captive populations of cutthroat trout present a series of opportunities and genetic problems. A number of management agencies are using captive populations to supplement and reestablish natural populations. Basic genetic principles must be understood and followed in establishing and maintaining captive populations. We describe examples of unsuccessful and successful efforts by management agencies to develop captive populations.
The greatest danger to the conservation of the cutthroat trout is introgressive hybridization among subspecies and with rainbow trout. Several factors make salmonid fishes especially susceptible to problems associated with introgressive hybridization. We conclude that biochemical analysis provides a more reliable and informative means of detecting interbreeding than morphological characters. Interbreeding between westslope and Yellowstone cutthroat trout and nonnative Salmo appears to be common and widespread throughout the natural range of these subspecies.  相似文献   
Pesticides in stream flow from the 142 ha Colworth catchment in Bedfordshire, UK were monitored from October 1999 to December 2000. About 47% of the catchment is tile-drained and different pesticides and cropping patterns have recently been evaluated in terms of their effect on nutrient and pesticide losses to the stream. The data from Colworth were used to test soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) 2000 predictions of pesticide concentrations at the catchment outlet. A sound model set-up to carry out pesticide modelling was created by means of hydrological modelling with proper simulation of crop growth and evapotranspiration. The pesticides terbuthylazine, terbutryn, cyanazine and bentazone were modelled. There was close agreement between SWAT-predicted pesticide concentration values and observations. Scenario trials were conducted to explore management options for reducing pesticide loads arriving at the catchment outlet. The results obtained indicate that SWAT can be used as a tool to understand pesticide behavior at the catchment scale.  相似文献   
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