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Zusammenfassung  Cyanide entstehen bei der Pyrolyse von Kohle, und bei der Gasreinigung wird Blaus?ure als Berliner Blau gef?llt. Diese Abf?lle sind heute h?ufig Bestandteil von innerst?dtischen Altlasten. Cyanwasserstoff HCN (Blaus?ure) ist ein schnell wirksames und starkes Gift; eisenkomplexierte Cyanide im Boden sind jedoch weit weniger giftig. Die Phytotoxizit?t von freiem Cyanid wurde für Korbweiden (Sálix viminális) mit dem Baum-Transpirationstest bestimmt. Der EC10 liegt für t=72 h bei 0,76 mg KCN (0,3 mg CN) je Liter, der EC50 bei 4,47 mg/l KCN. Langfristig sind 5 mg/l KCN t?dlich. Balsampappeln (Pópulus trichocárpa) k?nnen in bis zu 2500 mg/l Ferroferricyanid (Berliner Blau) überleben, wenn auch mit Wachstumsst?rungen. Weiden überlebten in einem Gaswerksboden mit bis zu 452 mg/kg Gesamt-CN. Aus der N?hrl?sung wurde mehr freies CN aufgenommen als aus dem Boden. M?glicherweise wird auch komplexiertes Cyanid in die Bl?tter verlagert. In Erlenmeyern mit Pflanzen wurde freies Cyanid bei sublethaler Dosis rasch aus der N?hrl?sung eliminiert. Die Bepflanzung mit geeigneter Vegetation k?nnte eine L?sung für viele cyanid-kontaminierte Gaswerks- und Minengel?nde sein. OnlineFirst: 09. 01. 2001  相似文献   
A combined mass-balance and stable isotope approach was set up to identify and quantify dissolved organic carbon (DOC) sources in a DOC-rich (9 mg L−1) eutrophic reservoir located in Western France and used for drinking water supply (so-called Rophemel reservoir). The mass-balance approach consisted in measuring the flux of allochthonous DOC on a daily basis, and in comparing it with the effective (measured) DOC concentration of the reservoir. The isotopic approach consisted, for its part, in measuring the carbon isotope ratios (δ13C values) of both allochthonous and autochthonous DOC sources, and comparing these values with the δ13C values of the reservoir DOC. Results from both approaches were consistent pointing out for a DOC of 100% allochthonous origin. In particular, the δ13C values of the DOC recovered in the reservoir (−28.5 ± 0.2‰; n = 22) during the algal bloom season (May-September) showed no trace of an autochthonous contribution (δ13C in algae = −30.1 ± 0.3‰; n = 2) being indistinguishable from the δ13C values of allochthonous DOC from inflowing rivers (−28.6 ± 0.1‰; n = 8). These results demonstrate that eutrophication is not responsible for the high DOC concentrations observed in the Rophemel reservoir and that limiting eutrophication of this reservoir will not reduce the potential formation of disinfection by-products during water treatment. The methodology developed in this study based on a complementary isotopic and mass-balance approach provides a powerful tool, suitable to identify and quantify DOC sources in eutrophic, DOC-contaminated reservoirs.  相似文献   
Controversy between alternative uses of forests in Finnish Upper Lapland has been going on for decades, and in recent years it has been escalated to a serious conflict. The core of the conflict is the adverse impacts of forestry on old forests which are important grazing areas for reindeer and which are regarded as intact nature and wilderness areas. This paper describes the experiences of applying multi-criteria decision analysis interview approach on this conflict. The approach provides tools for structuring the problem and preferences of the stakeholders as well as for analyzing the effects of different alternatives in a common framework. We focus on the practical experiences gained from the application of this approach in this context. Multi-criteria decision analysis was found to be a useful approach to evaluate the economic, ecological and cultural aspects of this intense conflict. The obtained experiences also support the view that the approach works best when tightly integrated into the planning process.  相似文献   
Filamentous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria form extensive summer blooms in the Baltic Sea. Their ability to fix dissolved N2 allows cyanobacteria to circumvent the general summer nitrogen limitation, while also generating a supply of novel bioavailable nitrogen for the food web. However, the fate of the nitrogen fixed by cyanobacteria remains unresolved, as does its importance for secondary production in the Baltic Sea. Here, we synthesize recent experimental and field studies providing strong empirical evidence that cyanobacterial nitrogen is efficiently assimilated and transferred in Baltic food webs via two major pathways: directly by grazing on fresh or decaying cyanobacteria and indirectly through the uptake by other phytoplankton and microbes of bioavailable nitrogen exuded from cyanobacterial cells. This information is an essential step toward guiding nutrient management to minimize noxious blooms without overly reducing secondary production, and ultimately most probably fish production in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   
The soil/water partition coefficient (Kd) of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) ranged from 220 1/kg to 1800 1/kg for eight soils having a wide range of physico-chemical properties. Kd normalised to soil organic carbon (Koc) was found to be 28000 ± 4800 1/kg. Anionic surfactant dodecylsulphate (DS) present at concentrations above the critical micellar concentration (CMC) caused reductions in the apparent soil/water partition coefficient (Kd *) in the range of 3–26 times for most soils and up to 36–91 times for sandy soils. Below CMC, at environmentally relevant surfactant concentrations, Kd * was reduced by a factor of 1–13. For clay and calcareous soils significant adsorption/complexation/precipitation of DS occurred. At the lowest DS concentration this produced a two-fold increase in Kd *. At increasing DS concentrations this effect was shielded by the solubihzing effect from DS. Monomer (Kmn) and micellar (Kmc) surfactant/water partition coefficients for HCB were determined to be, 980 ± 190 1/kg and 21000 ± 1600 1/kg, respectively.  相似文献   
Large quantities of untreated industrial and domestic wastewater are discharged from the city of Hanoi into urban rivers. Sediment samples from three sites in the To Lich River in Hanoi were assessed with respect to the concentrations and potential mobility of cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb). Due to very high Cd concentrations up to 700 mg kg?1 at one site, the sediment was considered highly unsuitable for any types of land use if dredged and disposed of on land. Chemical sequential extractions of wet and anoxic sediment samples showed that Cd and Pb were largely associated with the redox-sensitive fractions and could thus be mobilised following measures such as resuspension or dredging. To assess the potential mobilisation of heavy metals from the anoxic sediment due to oxidation, the samples were exposed to different oxidants (i.e. atmospheric air and hydrogen peroxide) and afterwards submitted to a leaching test. These experiments showed that although oxidation may increase the equilibrium pore water concentrations of heavy metals in the sediments, other sediment mineral fractions seem to effectively immobilise heavy metals potentially released from the oxidisable fraction.  相似文献   
Understanding and managing ecosystems affected by several anthropogenic stressors require methods that enable analyzing the joint effects of different factors in one framework. Further, as scientific knowledge about natural systems is loaded with uncertainty, it is essential that analyses are based on a probabilistic approach. We describe in this article about building a Bayesian decision model, which includes three stressors present in the Gulf of Finland. The outcome of the integrative model is a set of probability distributions for future nutrient concentrations, herring stock biomass, and achieving the water quality targets set by HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan. These distributions can then be used to derive the probability of reaching the management targets for each alternative combination of management actions.  相似文献   
The paper describes an experimental set-up designed to measure the volatilization of different pesticides after application under full-scale field conditions. The pesticides were sprayed around the circumference of a circle and measurements of meteorology and air concentrations of pesticides were taken in the centre of the circle. The paper describes how the dimensions like the radius of the circle and height of the mast in the experimental set-up are found from theoretical considerations. A method to increase the confidence of the flux calculations is described. It utilizes that several substances were applied simultaneously and that a certain parameter in the fitted concentration profiles depends on turbulence only and thus have the same value for all substances. The design was used during two campaigns, conducted on the same location, one during fall on bare soil and one in spring on a barley crop.  相似文献   
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