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以双室无介体微生物燃料电池构建了BOD检测系统,研究了阴极流量、有机物浓度(BOD)及阳极流量的变化对系统响应信号(电池电压)的影响,并考察了系统响应信号与BOD浓度的对应关系。结果表明:阴极流量在1.5~5mL/min时,阴极流量变化对响应信号具有显著的影响,且响应信号随阴极流量增大而增大;当阴极流量由5 mL/min增加到10 mL/min时,阴极流量变化对响应信号影响不显著。BOD浓度在10~150 mg/L时,响应信号随底物浓度增加而升高,而BOD浓度大于150 mg/L时,BOD浓度变化对响应信号没有显著影响。当BOD浓度较高时,阳极流量变化对响应信号影响不大,但当BOD浓度较低时,阳极流量变化对响应信号有显著影响,且响应信号随阳极流量增大而增加。电池稳态电压与BOD浓度在10~150 mg/L范围内成指数衰减关系,而电池电压的初始变化速率与BOD浓度在50~200 mg/L范围有线性响应。  相似文献   
为解决综合能源企业集团生产区域集中、多种业态并存的现状下,应对多灾耦合、区域协同、快速救援处置需求问题,提出构建“构架一体系统共用、数据入湖实时获取、GIS数据动态调用”的智能管控系统,运用多灾事故耦合协同处置、数字结构预案辅助决策和处置情景构建救援演练等技术,达到“集团总部—产业实体—生产单位—作业单元”的点、线、面虚拟集成统一先期处置网络。研究结果表明:生产安全事故应急救援“基础管理健全、3级联动响应、全域覆盖网络、资源实时共享、培训演练规范、力量快速投放”等6个方面的能力得到提升,为综合能源企业安全生产和应急管理决策支持提供新的可行性方案。  相似文献   
兽药制药粉尘加工工艺过程中,由于粉尘颗粒之间或颗粒与设备、管壁之间的碰撞、摩擦,导致装置内部静电荷量积聚,激发静电放电,粉尘燃烧或爆炸的事故频发。实验主要通过包括粉尘与管材摩擦的漏电电流测试和静电放电火花对粉尘云点燃敏感性测试两部分。结果表明:单一药物药粉的静电漏电电流随着管材管径的增大,管长的增长,静电漏电电流逐渐变大;随着倾斜角的增大,静电漏电电流先增大后降低;镀锌铁管的漏电电流大于PVC管,电荷逸散速度更快。单一兽药粉的粉尘云放电火花最小点燃能量随质量浓度的变化,呈现二次曲线的变化趋势。混合兽药粉与单一兽药粉的漏电电流和粉尘云放电火花最小点燃能量的测试结果的变化趋势是一致的。  相似文献   
Cassava starch waste hydrolysates (CSWHs) with different degrees of polymerisation, i.e., CSWHs-1, CSWHs-2 and CSWHs-3, were prepared through the hydrolysis of cassava starch waste with thermostable a-amylase from Thermococcus sp. HJ21. The prepared CSWHs were then used as a carbon source for curdlan production with Alcaligenes faecalis ATCC 31749. The amount of curdlan produced and the glucosyltransferase activity during curdlan synthesis increased more obviously when CSWHs-2 was used as the carbon source than when glucose was used. Using both carbon sources, the maximum curdlan production was observed at day 5, and the maximum glucosyltransferase activity was observed at day 4. Glucosyltransferase activity decreased thereafter, and biomass continued to increase until the end of the experiment (day 6). Results indicated that the enhanced curdlan production with CSWHs as the carbon source was highly correlated with glucosyltransferase activity.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) are ubiquitous priority pollutants that cause great damage to the natural environment and health. Average genome size in a community is critical for shedding light on microbiome’s functional response to pollution stress within an environment. Here, microcosms under different concentrations were performed to evaluate the selection of PAHs stress on the average genome size in a community. We found the distinct communities of significantly larger genome size w...  相似文献   
针对青铜峡变电站330 kV母线电容式电压互感器(Capacitive Voltage Transformer,CVT)自激法测试过程中出现的问题,对异常数据进行了详细分析,逐一排除了试验仪器、测试方法及运行情况等因素对试验结果造成影响的可能性,并通过理论计算和现场复测结果的对比,验证了分析过程。结果表明:引起测试数据异常的主要原因是接地刀闸未完全拉开,形成分流回路。因此,在电容式电压互感器测量前,应仔细检查与CVT相连接的其他设备是否有接地刀闸触头虚接、接地线未拆除等情况,避免测试过程中引入分流支路,干扰测试结果判定。  相似文献   
文章对深圳市餐饮垃圾单独收运处置进行了规划研究,规划年限2006-2020年.通过对深圳市餐饮垃圾的产生、收运处置现状及存在的问题分析,提出了餐饮垃圾的收运模式以及采用厌氧消化制沼气的处置方式.此外,还提出了深圳市餐饮垃圾的管理建设思路.  相似文献   
Maintaining soil fertility, while controlling pollution from excessive chemical fertilizer application is important for keeping soil productivity of sustainable agriculture. Variety of straws have been used and proven to be good soil amendments for increasing soil organic matter (OM) and a range of additional soil nutrients. However, little is known about the utilization of cotton straw for soil amendment. To better understand the mechanism behind cotton straw soil amendments, investigations were performed upon cucumber seedlings, where changes to soil nutrients and microbial communities were investigated. The results revealed that the cotton straw application promoted the cucumber seedling growth by significantly increasing the soil OM, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium. The concentration of cotton straw was positively correlated to both the number of the culturable microorganisms and also the total microbial biomass within soil. Furthermore, assessment of cotton straw application using Biolog metabolic profiling and phospholipid fatty acid analysis revealed that such application increased the microbial community metabolic activity, and markedly changed the structure of microbial community. 16S rRNA gene clone library construction and phylogenetic analysis of soil bacteria revealed γ- Proteobacteria sequences dominated the cotton straw amendment soil, comprising 27.8% of the total number of analyzed sequences, while they were less represented in control soil (13.4%). On the contrary, the Sphingobacteria (7.8%) and Verrucomicrobia (2.4%) in the cotton straw amendment soil decreased after application when compared to the control soil 15.2% and 15.2%.  相似文献   
以岩口水库上游村庄为研究区域,分析了该区域农村存在的点源污染问题,并结合当地实际情况提出了可行的治理对策。实地调研发现:当地农村整体经济水平较好,水冲厕和淋浴设施配备齐全,自来水管网普及率达80%以上,但村民节、排水意识不强,长期以来形成的用水习惯导致“污水入塘,净水入网”的现象普遍存在;村内现状污水管网存在设施缺陷、雨水体系不健全和污水管道错接漏接等情况,导致晴天污水外渗,雨天雨水入网;强降雨天气条件下往往出现倒虹管排水不畅、检查井溢冒的现象,导致水库水质存在严重的安全隐患。考虑到上游村庄点源污染对水库水质的威胁,结合当地村民生活习惯和社会经济发展水平,从政策引导、管网运维和项目实施3个方面提出了解决农村点源污染问题的策略,以期为其他有类似农村点源污染问题的库区水质保护提供参考。  相似文献   
以实地考察材料为基础,分析了兴山县农业生态环境的两大问题——水土流失和土壤质量差。提出了切实可行的整治策略。  相似文献   
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