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Microphytoplankton data along the southern Tunisian coasts have been monitored weekly since 1995. This study used the data collected during the period 2000–2007 to determine the temporal variability patterns and to characterize the geographical structures of microphytoplankton populations. The methodological approach consisted in isolating the temporal variability common to all sampled sites and in analyzing the “residual” site-specific component. Multivariate ordination methods were used to determine the seasonal and interannual variability. The temporal pattern shared by all sites was highlighted and the seasonal cycle of the most frequent phytoplankton communities contrasted the diatoms winter-spring species to the dinoflagellates summer-fall species. Multitable comparison allowed the identification of three areas exhibiting similar phytoplankton population variability. The results, despite the coastal location of sampling sites, indicated that hydrodynamic and geomorphologic properties of the different areas as well as anthropogenic activities play a key role in the structure of the phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   
The objective of this work is to assess the environmental impacts of the drilling mud system in Algeria's arid region. Water-based mud (WBM) and oil-based mud (OBM) are used during well drilling in Hassi Messaoud petroleum field, and have a considerable pollution potential particularly on the aquifer system which constitutes the single resource of drinking water in the Sahara. The Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach is applied to evaluate the impacts of several drilling mud systems across all stages of their life cycle, e.g. use, treatment and disposal. Environmental impacts of five treatments scenarios corresponding to the drilling waste management applied in Hassi Messaoud are compared: reserve pit without treatment (burial option), secondary high centrifugation (vertical cuttings dryer), stabilisation/solidification online, stabilisation/solidification off line and thermal desorption. The impact assessment is carried on using the LCIA models of Impact 2002+ method in SIMAPRO7 software. This assessment identifies human toxicity and terrestrial eco-toxicity as the major impact categories in this specific arid context and quantifies the emissions contributions. The local environmental impact is the most important of the drilling mud life cycle and is mainly linked to emissions from reserve pits, treated cuttings, and drilling phase 16″ through the Turonian and Albian aquifer. The main contributing substances are aromatic hydrocarbons fraction and metals in particular barium, zinc, antimony, arsenic, and aluminium. Concerning the comparison of the treatment scenarios, it appears that stabilisation/solidification online is the best one; it has the lowest impact score in the two dominating categories because of the waste minimisation: mud storage avoided in the reserve pit. The second best scenario is the thermal desorption which obtains the lowest impact score in carcinogen effects due to hydrocarbons reduction (<1%) and avoided impacts of recovered oil. The toxic substances fate modeling will be improved by taking into account their site-specific impact.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The effect of environmental factors on zooplankton diversity, abundance, and distribution in the Ghrib Dam water body was investigated for...  相似文献   
This study aimed at contributing to the identification of the sardine populations in the Moroccan Atlantic. The approach used is enzymes electrophoresis (allozymic marker analysis). The analysis was conducted in seven stations (251 individuals analysed). Two enzymes were tested (LDH* and SOD*). Only the SOD* was polymorphic and highly informative. Statistical analysis results showed heterogeneity between samples. Homogeneous population was identified in the south, from Tarfaya to Dakhla (~28°–24°N). The sampling from Safi (~32°N) seems to come from a differentiated population. The Agadir (~30°N) population would overlap the previous ones. The population identified offshore of Larache (~35°N) would be similar to the population located south of Portugal (~37°N).  相似文献   
The purpose of this research is to study the effect of a new method of adsorption using membrane filtration to determine the maximum amount of lead adsorbed by clay and investigate the behavior of the clay after adsorption of the said metal. Treatment of wastewater contaminated with heavy metals depends on the characteristics of the effluent, the amount of final discharge, the cost of treatment, and the compatibility of the treatment process. The process of adsorption of heavy metals by clays may be a simple, selective, and economically viable alternative to the conventional physical–chemical treatment. This is justified by the importance of the surface developed by this material, the presence of negative charges on the said surface, the possibility of ion exchange taking place, and its wide availability in nature. The removal of lead from wastewater was studied by using the adsorption technique and using clay as the adsorbent. A method was optimized for adsorption through a membrane approaching natural adsorption. This new method is simple, selective, and the lead adsorption time is about 3 days. The various properties of clay were determined. It was observed that the cation exchange capacity of the clay was 56 meq/100 g of hydrated clay for the raw sample and 82 meq/100 g for the purified sample. The total surface area determined by the methylene blue method was equal to 556 and 783 m²/g for the raw and purified samples, respectively. The adsorption kinetics depends on several parameters. The Pb(II) clay, obeys the Langmuir, Freundlich, and the Elovich adsorption isotherms with high regression coefficients. The use of this adsorbent notably decreases the cost of treatment. It was concluded that clay shows a strong adsorption capacity on Pb(II), the maximum interaction occurring with purified clay treated at high concentration of lead. It is proposed that this adsorption through a membrane be extended for the treatment of effluents containing other metals.  相似文献   
Khalili, Malika, François Brissette, and Robert Leconte, 2011. Effectiveness of Multi‐site Weather Generator for Hydrological Modeling. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1‐12. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2010.00514.x Abstract: A multi‐site weather generator has been developed using the concept of spatial autocorrelation. The multi‐site generation approach reproduces the spatial autocorrelations observed between a set of weather stations as well as the correlations between each pair of stations. Its performance has been assessed in two previous studies using both precipitation and temperature data. The main objective of this paper is to assess the efficiency of this multi‐site weather generator compared to a uni‐site generator with respect to hydrological modeling. A hydrological model, known as Hydrotel, was applied over the Chute du Diable watershed, located in the Canadian province of Quebec. The distributed nature of Hydrotel accounts for the spatial variations throughout the watershed, and thus allows a more in‐depth assessment of the effect of spatially dependent meteorological input on runoff generation. Simulated streamflows using both the multi‐site and uni‐site generated weather data were statistically compared to flows modeled using observed data. Overall, the hydrological modeling using the multi‐site weather generator significantly outperformed that using the uni‐site generator. This latter combined to Hydrotel resulted in a significant underestimation of extreme streamflows in all seasons.  相似文献   
Groundwater is the main source of water in Mediterranean, water-scarce, semiarid regions of Tunisia, Africa. In this study of the Korba coastal aquifer, 17 water wells were studied to assess their suitability for irrigation and drinking purposes. Assessment parameters include pH, salinity, specific ion toxicity, sodium adsorption ratio, nutrients, trace metals pollutants, and fecal indicators and pathogens. Results indicate that salinity of groundwater varied between 0.36 dS/m and 17.4 dS/m; in addition, its degree of restriction is defined as "none", "slight to moderate", and "severe" for 18, 23, and 59% of the studied wells, respectively. To control salts brought in by irrigation waters, the question arises as to how much water should be used to reach crop and soil requirements. To answer this question, a new approach that calculates the optimum amount of irrigation water considering the electrical conductivity of well water (ECw), field crops, and the semiarid meteorological local conditions for evapotranspiration and rainfall is developed. This is applied to the authors' case study area; barley and lettuce were selected among the commonly grown crops because they are high- and low-salinity tolerant, respectively. Leaching requirements were found to be independent of the crop selected, and depend only on the season, that is, 250 to 260 mm/month in the driest season, with a minimum of 47 mm/month though all seasons. A high bacteriological contamination appears in almost all samples. However, if disinfected and corrected for pH, all the well waters can be used for animal farming (including livestock and poultry), although only 29% could be used for human consumption.  相似文献   
Background In the Aral Sea basin, safe water resources are scarce and steadily becoming scarcer. Particularly high quality water is going to become a rare good. The object of the study was the Tuyamuyun Hydroengineering Complex (THC), a complex of artificial water reservoirs located in the lower Amu Darya River, which provides water for irrigation, industry, and drinking for the lower Amu Darya region. The focus was on operation of one of its four reservoirs, the Kaparas, which is mainly used for drinking water supply. The objective includes the investigation of impacts of conventional operation schemes on the reservoir water quality for improving drinking water quality (salinity). Basic operation rules for Kaparas, which can be considered as representative for conventional dam operation under dry year conditions, had to be identified and improved operation schemes derived. Methods Existing data archives were analysed, and further data were acquired from field surveys, data processing and modelling studies. Historical data were identified, which are appropriate to determine representative schemes for the conventional operation. For the simulation of time-dependent and depth-dependent changes of reservoir salinisation, the reservoir water quality model Lac was used and linked with the THC model. Results and Discussion Modelling results for the simulation of temperature dynamics and density stratification showed a sufficient congruence with the measured temperature profiles. The conformity of measured and calculated salt concentration is basically ensured. The reservoir, which fill with higher saline water at the end of the summer, aggravates the entrainment of high saline water in the entire water column. Conclusions The current conventional operation regime mainly leads to filling the Kaparas reservoir with high saline water during the winter months. Even in the event of starting with comparable low salinity levels, the simulation demonstrates the rapid deterioration of the reservoir water quality. Under dry year conditions, the WHO standards for drinking water will be exceeded by 30% after two years, so that the impact of dry years in the context of water stress becomes visible. Recommendations and Outlook Processed data and results are now available to identify enhanced reservoir operation strategies for salinity reduction by changing the period of reservoir filling and release, as well as to initiate a detailed analysis of how water deficits in dry years may be reduced by improved operation regimes. Using adapted and enhanced operation rules for THC reservoirs, the local population within the lower Aral Sea basin might be supplied with more potable water of higher quality in future.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal variations in copepod communities were investigated during four oceanographic cruises conducted between July 2005 and March 2007 aboard the R/V Hannibal. A close relationship was observed between the temperature, salinity, hydrographic properties and water masses characterising the Gulf of Gabes. Indeed, water thermal stratification began in May–June, and a thermocline was established at a 20-m depth, but ranged from 25 m in July to more than 30 m in September. The zooplankton community is dominated by copepods representing 69 % to 83 % of total zooplankton. Spatial and temporal variation of copepods in relation to environmental factors shows their close relationship with the hydrodynamic features of the water column. Thermal stratification in the column, established in summer, supports copepod development. In fact, copepod abundance increases gradually with rising water temperature and salinity, starting from the beginning of thermal stratification (May–June 2006) and lasting until its completion (July 2005 and September 2006). When the water column is well mixed (March 2007), copepod abundance decreased. Our finding shows that temperature and salinity seem to be the most important physical factors and thus strongly influence the taxonomic diversity and distribution of the copepod population. They are characterised by the dominance of Oithona nana, representing 75–86 % of total cyclopoid abundance. The most abundant species during the stratification period were O. nana, Acartia clausi and Stephos marsalensis in July 2005 and September 2006. However, during the mixing period, Euterpina acutifrons was more abundant, representing 21 % of the total. Unlike the copepod community, which is more abundant during the period of high stratification, phytoplankton proliferates during semi-mixed conditions.  相似文献   
We investigated the occurrence of three pharmaceutical residues in four wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) from northern Tunisia. The selected compounds were carbamazepine, naproxen, and ibuprofen; they are among the most commonly prescribed and widely used pharmaceutical agents worldwide. Samples (200?mL) were pre-concentrated using the solid phase extraction (SPE) enrichment procedure and the analysis of the pharmaceuticals was performed with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-UV). The overall procedure provided limits of detection (LOD) lower than 0.5 µg.L?1and recoveries of 78–97%. For the carbamazepine compound, the mean concentrations were 60.58, 93.19, and 132 µg.L?1 for the Bizerte, Jendouba, and Tunis WWTPs, respectively. This pharmaceutical was not detected in the Beja WWTPs. Naproxen and ibuprofens were not detected in the Jendouba WWTP but were found in the three other WWTPs with concentrations ranging from 2.94 to 36.17 µg.L?1 and from 8.02 to 43.22 µg.L?1, respectively. From the obtained data, it seems that these WWTPs are not able to eliminate this kind of micro-pollutants.  相似文献   
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