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In this paper the inventory of 90Sr in 34 points distributed along the Spanish peninsular territory is presented. Obtained values range between 173 Bq/m2 and 2047 Bq/m2. From these data set and those 137Cs data obtained in a previous work the 137Cs/90Sr activity ratio has been established, laying this value between 0.9 and 3.6. Also the migration depth of both radionuclides has been analysed obtaining for 137Cs an average value 57% lower than that obtained for 90Sr.Additionally, this paper presents the results obtained in 11 sampling points in which the activity vertical profile has been measured. These profiles have been analysed to state the behaviour of strontium in soils and after, by using a convective-diffusive model, the parameters of the model which governs the vertical migration of 90Sr in the soil, v (apparent convection velocity) and D (apparent diffusion coefficient) have been evaluated. Mean values obtained are 0.20 cm/year and 3.67 cm2/year, respectively.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A lipid peroxidation product, malondialdehyde (MDA), was studied in Vardar chub (Squalius vardarensis Karaman) as an indicator of oxidative stress,...  相似文献   
A Best Available Techniques (BAT) analysis of a mussel canning processing facility in northwest Spain was undertaken to investigate potential cleaner production and efficiency improvements. Potential techniques were identified from the literature and from our experience in the seafood sector. BATs were then assessed for possible implementation in a mussel canning facility. This work describes, in considerable detail, the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques discussed.  相似文献   
This study focused on accumulation of organochlorine compounds (OCs), including dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethanes (DDTs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) accumulation in the muscle of four sturgeon (Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus; Stellate sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus; Ship sturgeon, Acipenser nudiventris and Beluga sturgeon, Huso huso) from the southern Caspian Sea. The DDT group was prominent in all of the sturgeon muscle tested constituting almost half or more of the total organochlorine content. Contaminant concentration generally followed this order: DDTs>PCBs>HCHs>HCB. The OCs concentrations in Beluga sturgeon (H. huso) were the highest and over four times higher than in the next highest species (A. nudiventris). From an ecotoxicological point of view, the concentrations of OCs in experimental fishes do not reflect a comparatively clean and pollution-free environment; however, results from this study shown that the inflow of organic pollutants into the Caspian Sea has been reduced when compared with prior studies. Levels of measured OCs in sturgeon were relatively low, but the level of some OCs in some of the specimens tested exceeded the guidelines for food; therefore, the maximum allowable daily consumption rate for sturgeon from this watershed may be limited by DDTs and PCBs content for high risk populations.  相似文献   
Electric field strengths normally exceed the reference levels for occupational exposure in close vicinity to large frequency modulation (FM) transmitters. Thus, a detailed investigation on compliance with basic restrictions is needed before any administrative protection measures are applied. We prepared a detailed numerical model of a 20-kW FM transmitter on a 32-m mast. An electrically isolated anatomical human model was placed in 3 different positions inside the mast in the region where the values of the electric field were highest. The electric field strengths in this region were up to 700 V/m. The highest calculated whole-body specific absorption rate (SAR) was 0.48 W/kg, whereas the maximum 10-g average SAR in the head and trunk was 1.66 W/kg. The results show that the reference levels in the FM frequency range are very conservative for near field exposure. SAR values are not exceeded even for fields 10 times stronger than the reference levels.  相似文献   
Cyanides are very popular electrolytes used in metal electroplating, metal ore processing, chemical and electrochemical applications. Due to wide utility of these technologies cyanides become increasingly harmful effluent, which has to be treated. One of the best ways to degrade cyanides is an anodic electrooxidation. In this work the destruction of free cyanide on platinum, titanium and stainless steel (SS) electrodes has been investigated. It was determined that anode material greatly influences the process of cyanide electrooxidation. The best results were obtained by using the Pt electrode. This kind of anode allows us to reduce CN? concentration from 0.1 M to 0.06 M during the first hour of electrolysis at a current density of 200 A m?2, with a current efficiency up to 80%. To substitute expensive Pt anodes Ti electrodes covered with nanolayers of Pt were prepared and used for the anodic oxidation of cyanide ions. An effect of a thickness of Pt layer and temperature of an electrolyte solution were studied. It was established that using platinized Ti electrodes the current efficiencies of electrooxidation of cyanides of about 60% can be obtained. The usage of chloride ions to facilitate the destruction of cyanide was also studied.  相似文献   
The intertidal crabs Chasmagnathus granulatus and Cyrtograpsus angulatus coexist across the SW Atlantic intertidal. Previous studies in this region suggest that C. granulatus displace C. angulatus in soft sediment, where C. granulatus build burrows (“burrowing beds”). We examined variation in abundance, size-frequency distribution, sex ratio, incidence of autotomies, and diet of both species in C. granulatus crab beds and adjacent areas without burrows. We also experimentally tested the hypothesis that in the absence of C. granulatus, C. angulatus will build burrows. Only large sized individuals of C. angulatus venture into C. granulatus crab beds. The sex ratio of C. angulatus was always biased towards females, with higher bias outside crab beds (1:8 outside, 1:2 inside). Although the items consumed in the crab beds did not differ from those consumed outside, the males of C. angulatus had a higher frequency of empty stomachs in crab beds. The incidence of limb autotomies of C. angulatus was higher outside C. granulatus crab bed areas. After a long rainy period in which C. granulatus was absent from these areas, the pattern of habitat use of C. angulatus changed. During this period C. angulatus showed higher abundance in the areas, where C. granulatus previously constructed burrows, and there were no differences between areas in any of the measured parameters. In the absence of C. granulatus, C. angulatus built their own burrows and never used C. granulatus burrows. The interaction between C. granulatus and C. angulatus may be a good example of competitive exclusion, when the shared resource is the access to surface soft-sediment.  相似文献   
In this study the total activity of 137Cs deposited per unit area over the Spanish peninsular territory was analysed using a 150 × 150 km2 mesh grid, with samples taken from 29 points. The deposited activities ranged between 251 and 6074 Bq/m2. A linear relationship was obtained between these values and the mean annual rainfall at each sampling point which allowed a map to be drawn, using GIS software, which shows the distribution of total deposited 137Cs activity across the Spanish mainland. At twelve of these sampling points the vertical migration profile of 137Cs was obtained. These profiles are separated into two groups with different behaviour, one of which includes clay and loam soils and the other containing sandy soils. For both groups of profiles the parameters of the convective-diffusive model, which describes the vertical migration of 137Cs in the soil, v (apparent convection velocity) and D (apparent diffusion coefficient) were calculated.  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - There is ambiguity about the airborne transmission of the SARS-CoV-2. While a distance of 6 feet is considered a safe physical distance, new findings...  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The aims of this study were to assess the health impact of PM10 on inhabitants and to investigate the trend of PM10 concentrations in Ilam, Iran, from...  相似文献   
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