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Communities in Phoenix are confronted with numerous challenges that adversely affect human health and safety, with disproportionate impacts on low-income communities. While some challenges are being addressed at the city level, new alliances at the neighbourhood level are initiating community development programmes and projects. This article reports on an intervention study carried out in collaboration with community representatives, city staff, and non-profit organisations to mitigate adverse effects of urban sprawl in the Sky Harbour Neighbourhood in Phoenix. Participatory research was conducted to design and test a tree and shade intervention. Challenges associated with navigating community desires and broader principles of sustainable development are discussed. The study offers a replicable and adaptable intervention research design aimed at empowering communities to meet urban challenges.  相似文献   
A promising approach for addressing sustainability problems is to recognize the unique conditions of a particular place, such as problem features and solution capabilities, and adopt and adapt solutions developed at other places around the world. Therefore, research and teaching in international networks becomes critical, as it allows for accelerating learning by sharing problem understandings, successful solutions, and important contextual considerations. This article identifies eight distinct types of research and teaching collaborations in international networks that can support such accelerated learning. The four research types are, with increasing intensity of collaboration: (1) solution adoption; (2) solution consultation; (3) joint research on different problems; and (4) joint research on similar problems. The four teaching types are, with increasing intensity of collaboration: (1) adopted course; (2) course with visiting faculty; (3) joint course with traveling faculty; and (4) joint course with traveling students. The typology is illustrated by extending existing research and teaching projects on urban sustainability in the International Network of Programs in Sustainability, with partner universities from Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa. The article concludes with challenges and strategies for extending individual projects into collaborations in international networks.  相似文献   
Because wicked problems are beyond the scope of normal, industrial-age engineering science, sustainability problems will require reform of current engineering science and technology practices. We assert that, while pluralism concerning use of the term sustainability is likely to persist, universities should continue to cultivate research and education programs specifically devoted to sustainable engineering science, an enterprise that is formally demarcated from business-as-usual and systems optimization approaches. Advancing sustainable engineering science requires a shift in orientation away from reductionism and intellectual specialization towards integrative approaches to science, education, and technology that: (1) draw upon an ethical awareness that extends beyond the usual bounds of professional ethics or responsible conduct of research to include macroethics, (2) adopt anticipatory and adaptive approaches to unintended consequences resulting from technological innovation that result in more resilient systems, and (3) cultivate interactional expertise to facilitate cross-disciplinary exchange. Unfortunately, existing education and research training programs are ill-equipped to prepare scientists and engineers to operate effectively in a wicked problems milieu. Therefore, it is essential to create new programs of graduate education that will train scientists and engineers to become sustainable engineering science experts equipped to recognize and grapple with the macro-ethical, adaptive, and cross-disciplinary challenges embedded in their technical research and development programs.  相似文献   
The development of criteria for the comparative assessment of technologies and substances beyond the toxicological approach and the development of an integrated pattern of criteria is still at the beginning. The criteria presented here for integrating the precautionary principle into the substance and technology assessment have to be further operationlised and completed, in the same way as the criteria which have been discussed and developed within the framework of
  • - the poisoning and pollutant paradigm
  • - the equilibrium paradigm
  • - the sustainability and “Mitwelt” paradigm
  • - the energy and the general technology assessment debate.
  • The resolution of the criteria has to be improved and their range (which is certainly limited) has to be explored more precisely. The application of the criteria should never occur mechanically. Technology assessment and substance assessment are not only scientific, but essentially social and, hence, discursive processes. It is not so much the assessment of individual substances which should be in the center of the debate, but rather the comparative assessment of competing techniques, substances and substancerelated development pathways (see vonGleich andRubik, 1966 as a first approach to assess the environmental effects of old and new materials). According to the example of the energy strategies, only the development of competing strategies in the substance field could create the necessary prerequisites for a broad public discourse and thus for a democratisation of the basic substancerelated policy decisions. This discourse is a duty which science and economy have toward society.  相似文献   
    Ohne Zusammenfassung Online First: 27. 03. 2002 ‚Sustainable Substitution of Hazardous Substances‚; Projektbeschreibung unter wwwoekopolde oder wwwfh-hamburgdelpers/gleich_von bzw. www.uni-hamburgde/kooperationssteI1e-hh. Das Vorhaben wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im F?rderschwerpunkt ‚Rahmenbedingungen für Innovationen zum nachhaitigen Wirtschaften’ (RIW) gef?rdert und von der GSF als Projekttr?ger betreut (FkZ. O7Riw4).  相似文献   
    Zusammenfassung  Die Erarbeitung von Kriterien zur vergleichenden Bewertung von Technologien und Stoffen über den toxikologischen Ansatz hinaus und die Entwicklung eines integrierten Kriterienrasters stehen erst am Anfang. Die hier vorgestellten Kriterien aus der Technikanalyse zur Integration des Vorsorgeprinzips in die Stoffund Technikbewertung müssen weiter operationalisiert und vervollst?ndigt werden, ebenso wie die bisher im Rahmen
    –  - des Vergiftungs- bzw. Schadstoffparadigmas
    –  - des Gleichgewichtsparadigmas
    –  - des Nachhaltigkeits- und Mitweltparadigmas
    –  - der Energie-bzw. der allgemeinen Technikbewertungsdebatte diskutierten und entwickelten Kriterien. Ihre Trennsch?rfe mu? verbessert und ihre (sicher begrenzte) Reichweite mu? genauer ausgelotet werden.
    Die Anwendung der Kriterien sollte nie “mechanisch” erfolgen. Technikbewertung und Stoffbewertung sind nicht nur wissenschaftliche, sondern ganz wesentlich gesellschaftliche und damit diskursive Prozesse. Dabei sollte weniger die Bewertung einzelner Stoffe oder Techniken im Zentrum stehen, sondern eher die vergleichende Bewertung konkurrierender Techniken, Stoffe bzw. stofflich-technischer Entwicklungspfade (vgl. z.B. als ersten Ansatz zur Bewertung von Umweltwirkungen alter und neuer Werkstoffe vonGleich undRubik, 1996). Erst die Erarbeitung konkurrierender Entwicklungspfade auch im stofflichtechnischen Bereich nach dem Vorbild der Energiepfade würde die notwendigen Voraussetzungen für einen breiten ?ffentlichen Diskurs schaffen und damit für die Demokratisierung zumindest der grundlegenden technologie- und stoffpolitischen Richtungsentscheidungen. Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft haben diesbezüglich eine Bringschuld gegenüber der Gesellschaft.   相似文献   
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