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Whole-body carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content, and stable-isotope composition (13C:12C and 15N:14N), were followed during metamorphosis of bonefish (Albula sp.) larvae (leptocephali). Metamorphosing larvae depend entirely on endogenous carbon compounds (some of which contain N and P) as an energy source. Two fundamental questions are (1) Do the demands of extensive tissue remodeling during metamorphosis require the efficient retention of N and P during the catabolism of carbon compounds? (2) What effect does the lack of feeding have on stable-isotope composition? Our results showed that both C and N decreased by ~35 to 40%, reflecting the utilization of neutral lipid (triacylglycerols) and N-containing compounds (phosphatidylethanolamine and keratan sulfate glycosaminoglycan) as energy sources, and indicating that larvae have little or no capacity to retain N. Evidence suggested that collagen breakdown, measured as a loss of hydroxyproline content, also contributed to N loss. Stable-isotope ratios, expressed as 13C and 15N, showed no statistically significant differences in early and advanced metamorphosing larvae. In contrast to C and N, phosphorus was conserved during metamorphosis and most probably is utilized in the increased bone mineralization occurring in advanced larvae. We show, however, that advanced larvae are P-limited and that normal ossification is dependent upon a supply of exogenous P obtained after the resumption of feeding. The N:P ratio of 12.3 in early larvae decreased to 8.1 in advanced larvae owing to the conservation of P as N was lost. The mean 15N value in early metamorphic larvae (11.6‰) is consistent with results from other studies, and provides further support for the view that premetamorphic leptocephali feed at a very low trophic level.  相似文献   
Samples taken in the northern North Sea with the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR), the Undulating Oceanographic Recorder (UOR) and the Longhurst-Hardy Plankton Recorder (LHPR) during the Fladen Ground Experiment in 1976 (FLEX 76) are used to describe the vertical distribution and population dynamics of Thysanoessa inermis (Krøyer) and to provide estimates of the production and carbon budget of the population from 19th March to 3 June 1976. Spawning occurred in late April and early May, in near synchronisation with the start of the spring bloom of phytoplankton. Eggs, nauplii and calyptopes reached maximum abundance in succession, and furciliae were numerous when sampling ceased in early June. Adults increased in length from a mean of 12.1 mm in mid-March to 17.5 mm in early June and the estimated production was 2.40 mg m-3 over the 74 d period. Total carbon ingested by the population of T. inermis was estimated to be 10 mg C m-2 d-1 in the upper 100m which was only 1.5% of the daily primary production of 0.68 gC m-2 measured over the FLEX period 26 March to 4 June 1976. The grazing by T. inermis on the phytoplankton population was assumed to have little effect on the control and depletion of the spring phytoplankton bloom during FLEX 77.JOSDAP Contribution No. 50  相似文献   
The phoronts (resting cysts) of apostome ciliates have been recorded on Euphausia hemigibba, E. krohni, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, Nematoscelis megalops, Nyctiphanes couchi, Thysanoessa gregaria, T. inermis, T. longicaudata and T. raschi taken in the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey of the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. Variations in the percentage of host euphausiids infested by apostomes have been studied in relation to species, geography, body size and season. The percentage infestation was found to be related mainly to the body size of the hosts. The apostomes are believed to be species that develop either in the exuviae discarded exoskeletons or corpses of the euphausiids, or in the digestive systems of predators of the euphausiids.  相似文献   
Variations in the vertical distributions of pelagic stages of decapod crustaceans are described from five hauls taken over the Great Sole Bank in June 1983. Analyses of the results discriminated between the distributions mainly according to the time of day at which the hauls were taken, suggesting that diel variations were their most significant feature. Substantial ontogenetic variations were observed in the distributions of Processa canaliculata.  相似文献   
J. A. Lindley 《Marine Biology》1990,104(2):209-217
Eggs of the calanoid copepodsLabidocera wollastoni (Lubbock) andCentropages hamatus (Lilljeborg) and others, which could not be reliably assigned to species, were identified from sediment samples taken during three cruises in December 1984, January 1986, and February 1987 in the southern North Sea, the English Channel, the Irish Sea and the Celtic Sea. Eggs were most abundant in sediment samples taken between 20 and 80 m depth, with bottom stress less than 10 dyn cm–2, and near to the positions of tidal fronts. It is suggested that sedimentation, resuspension and sediment transport contribute to the causes of these distributions, which have been found to be consistent with the distributions of species which are known to produce diapause eggs as an overwintering strategy. Nauplii ofL. wollastoni, C. hamatus, C. typicus (Krøyer)Temora longicornis (Müller) andAcartia sp. hatched from incubated sediment samples. The last noted hatchings ofL. wollastoni, Centropages spp. andT. longicornis all occurred more than 1 yr after the start of the incubation experiments.  相似文献   
Adults and furciliae of Thysanoessa longicaudata (Krøyer) taken in continuous plankton records (CPR) in 1966 and 1967 were examined and measured. The measurements were converted to biomass using a length/weight equation, and net production values were calculated from these data. Two generations were spawned annually in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean and only one in the colder western waters and in the Norwegian Sea. The timing of reproduction in the spring was correlated with the mean sea-surface temperature. The highest annual production values (up to 12.24 mg dry weight m-3 year-1) were recorded in the eastern areas, where the ratio between production and biomass was usually between 4:1 and 8:1 compared with ratios usually between 2:1 and 3:1 in the western waters. The values for daily production per individual ranged from 3.34 g dry weight day-1 to 17.54 g day-1. Mortality in the early stages of development was calculated as about 98.2% of the eggs produced.  相似文献   
Hidden process models are a conceptually useful and practical way to simultaneously account for process variation in animal population dynamics and measurement errors in observations and estimates made on the population. Process variation, which can be both demographic and environmental, is modeled by linking a series of stochastic and deterministic subprocesses that characterize processes such as birth, survival, maturation, and movement. Observations of the population can be modeled as functions of true abundance with realistic probability distributions to describe observation or estimation error. Computer-intensive procedures, such as sequential Monte Carlo methods or Markov chain Monte Carlo, condition on the observed data to yield estimates of both the underlying true population abundances and the unknown population dynamics parameters. Formulation and fitting of a hidden process model are demonstrated for Sacramento River winter-run chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytsha).  相似文献   
Pontomyia is a genus of tiny flightless marine midges, with 4 described species, found on tropical or subtropical sea shores of the western Pacific Ocean. They are rarely noticed because of their small size (about 1.5 mm) and ephemeral adult life (1 to 3 h). They usually occur in association with seagrasses and seaweeds on which the larvae feed. The oar-like wings of adult males propel them over the water surface, but do not enable them to fly. Adult females are not only wingless but virtually legless. Emergence of the adults in the field may occur either during the day or at night. In a laboratory aquarium population of P. cottoni Womersley, maintained for about 18 months in a 12 h light-12 h dark cycle, males began to emerge at the end of the light period, whereas females emerged only after the onset of darkness. Field observations suggest that emergence times are probably influenced also by tides.  相似文献   
J. Lindley  P. Reid 《Marine Biology》2002,141(1):153-165
The interannual variations in abundance of the calanoid copepod Centropages typicus (Krøyer) in the North Sea are significantly positively correlated with sea-surface temperature. The same is true of Calanus helgolandicus Claus. In both cases there was a deviation from the close relationship with temperature for several years in the early to mid-1980s. Centropages typicus was less abundant than expected from 1981 to 1984, but Calanus helgolandicus recovered from a period of lower than expected abundance from 1980 to 1982, to become more abundant than expected from 1983 to 1987. The difference between the responses of the two species to climate-driven changes in seasonal cycles of phytoplankton is interpreted in relation to their biology. Geographical variations of the interannual variability and seasonal cycles of Centropages typicus in the North Sea are analysed. The centre of the population of this species in the North Sea is in the German and Southern Bights, but the variations in abundance may be partly influenced by advection from areas to the west of Britain.  相似文献   
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