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高土石坝震害与抗震措施评述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目前,我国西部地区正建或拟建一大批高土石坝,这些高坝都位于地震高烈度区,做好抗震设计非常重要。本文总结了地震荷载作用下土石坝常见的几种破坏形式,包括地震永久变形、滑坡失稳、液化、防渗体破坏、次生破坏;针对这些破坏形式,总结了地震高烈度区高土石坝的抗震措施,包括预留超高、坡脚压重、坝顶加固、抗液化措施、防渗体处理等;提出了现阶段高土石坝抗震的计算方法和抗震措施存在的缺点和不足,并对我国今后的高土石坝抗震稳定研究提出了建议。  相似文献   
为研究梯级水坝运行条件下沉积物中重金属和营养盐的污染状况,于2016年对澜沧江漫湾和大朝山梯级水坝库区表层沉积物中重金属(As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb和Zn)和营养盐(总有机碳TOC、总氮TN)的污染特征展开了调查,并采用潜在生态风险指数(RI)、有机指数(OI)、有机氮百分数(ONP)、TOC/TN和Pearson相关分析评价了梯级水坝库区沉积物污染状况及空间分布特征.结果表明,沿着库区河流纵向梯度,重金属和营养盐污染均表现为坝前静水区相对较高的空间分布格局.重金属潜在生态风险指数(RI)评价结果表明,上游漫湾库区重金属生态风险(I~III级)总体高于下游大朝山库区(I~II级);而营养盐污染程度则表现为下游大朝山库区高于上游漫湾库区的分布格局.两库区沉积物有机质主要由水库水体产生,漫湾库区坝前静水区雨季有机质来源主要为陆源.Pearson相关分析表明,沉积物重金属生态风险与营养盐污染的来源具有一定的空间差异性.梯级水坝工程对沉积物的重金属和营养盐污染具有显著的累积和拦截效应.  相似文献   
梯级筑坝显著改变了河流碳的生物地球化学循环。为了了解梯级筑坝对河流HCO_3~-的影响,本文对乌江中上游梯级水库的HCO_3~-浓度、溶解无机碳同位素(δ~(13)CDIC)及相关的环境参数进行了长时间跨度的分析。乌江中上游梯级水库-河流体系HCO_3~-浓度为1 42154~3 38752μmol/L,平均值为2 36321μmol/L;δ~(13)CDIC为-1066‰~-452‰,平均值为-854‰;梯级筑坝导致河流具有下游HCO_3~-浓度升高的变化趋势。河流筑坝发电,易形成峡谷型深水水库。碳同位素证据和相关性分析表明,上层的光合作用和下层的呼吸作用成为控制发电水库碳循环的主要因素。这导致HCO_3~-浓度在水库剖面上呈现出由上层至下层逐渐增高的变化规律,再加上水库底层泄水的发电方式,最终导致梯级筑坝河流下游HCO_3~-浓度逐渐升高。本研究将加深梯级筑坝对河流碳循环影响机理的理解。  相似文献   
利用前人所编的历代(共四代)地震烈度(地震动)区划图,组合叠加后得到一个综合烈度(地震动)。这种叠加是一个集成的专家系统综合认识结果,以此作为坝体可能遭受地震破坏危险的因素。初步研究建立了混凝土大坝震害评估模型,此模型是考虑了坝体的结构类型、建设年代、使用现状、场地条件、抗震设防水平等因素,用逐步线性拟合方法进行回归分析得到的。用此模型对汶川地震破坏的坝体进行了实例分析,分析结果比较符合实际。最后,用这个模型对黄河上游10座重点混凝土大坝做了震害评估分析。  相似文献   
Controlling invasive species is critical for conservation but can have unintended consequences for native species and divert resources away from other efforts. This dilemma occurs on a grand scale in the North American Great Lakes, where dams and culverts block tributary access to habitat of desirable fish species and are a lynchpin of long‐standing efforts to limit ecological damage inflicted by the invasive, parasitic sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). Habitat restoration and sea‐lamprey control create conflicting goals for managing aging infrastructure. We used optimization to minimize opportunity costs of habitat gains for 37 desirable migratory fishes that arose from restricting sea lamprey access (0–25% increase) when selecting barriers for removal under a limited budget (US$1–105 million). Imposing limits on sea lamprey habitat reduced gains in tributary access for desirable species by 15–50% relative to an unconstrained scenario. Additional investment to offset the effect of limiting sea‐lamprey access resulted in high opportunity costs for 30 of 37 species (e.g., an additional US$20–80 million for lake sturgeon [Acipenser fulvescens]) and often required ≥5% increase in sea‐lamprey access to identify barrier‐removal solutions adhering to the budget and limiting access. Narrowly distributed species exhibited the highest opportunity costs but benefited more at less cost when small increases in sea‐lamprey access were allowed. Our results illustrate the value of optimization in limiting opportunity costs when balancing invasion control against restoration benefits for diverse desirable species. Such trade‐off analyses are essential to the restoration of connectivity within fragmented rivers without unleashing invaders.  相似文献   
Hydroelectric dams represent major investments and major sources of environmental and social impacts. Powerful forces surround the decision-making process on public investments in the various options for the generation and conservation of electricity. Brazil’s proposed Belo Monte Dam (formerly Kararaô) and its upstream counterpart, the Altamira Dam (better known by its former name of Babaquara) are at the center of controversies on the decision-making process for major infrastructure projects in Amazonia. The Belo Monte Dam by itself would have a small reservoir area (440 km2) and large installed capacity (11, 181.3 MW), but the Altamira/Babaquara Dam that would regulate the flow of the Xingu River (thereby increasing power generation at Belo Monte) would flood a vast area (6140 km2). The great impact of dams provides a powerful reason for Brazil to reassess its current policies that allocate large amounts of energy in the country’s national grid to subsidized aluminum smelting for export. The case of Belo Monte and the five additional dams planned upstream (including the Altamira/Babaquara Dam) indicate the need for Brazil to reform its environmental assessment and licensing system to include the impacts of multiple interdependent projects.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: In Yegua Creek, a principal tributary of the Brazos River in Texas, surveys of a 19 km channel reach downstream of Somerville Dam show that channel capacity decreased by an average of 65 percent in a 34 year period following dam closure. The decrease corresponds with an approximately 85 percent reduction in annual flood peaks. Channel depth has changed the most, decreasing by an average of 61 percent. Channel width remained stable with an average decrease of only 9 percent, reflecting cohesive bank materials along with the growth of riparian vegetation resulting from increased low flows during dry summer months. Although large changes in stream channel geometry are not uncommon downstream of dams, such pronounced reductions in channel capacity could have long‐term implications for sediment delivery through the system.  相似文献   
淮河流域多闸坝河流COD综合衰减系数测算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出在多闸坝河流上,利用枯水期断面化学需氧量同步监测数据测算COD综合衰减系数的方法,用该方法测算河南省辖河流域部分河流COD综合减系数在0.08-0.341/d。并用实际监测结果进行检验。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Effects of the 1993 flood on river water and sediment quality were investigated using historical data and data collected from the Illinois River and Upper Mississippi River in a post‐flood period. Overall the post‐flood results showed systematic reductions and individual changes in the water and sediment constituents. The reductions in sediment metals and nutrients were most obvious at the Keokuk and Lock and Dam 26 stations. By analyzing and comparing the physical changes to the changes in water and sediment constituents at each station, it was found that physical processes such as sediment entrainment and, more importantly, the removal of fine sediment to be the main causes for the reduced concentrations in sediment constituents. On the other hand, sediment redistribution and associated secondary contamination could have caused the emergence of several water and sediment constituents that were undetected before the flood.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The state of Michigan is interested in removing two low‐head dams in an 8.8 km reach of the Kalamazoo River between Plainwell and Otsego, Michigan, while minimizing impacts locally and to downstream reaches. The study was designed to evaluate the erosion, transport, and deposition of sediments over a 37.3‐year period using the channel evolution model CONCEPTS for three simulation scenarios: Dams In (DI), Dams Out (DO), and Design (D). The total mass of sediment emanating from the channel boundary, for the DI case, shows net deposition of 4,100 T/y for the study reach, with net transport (suspended and bed load) of 10,500 T/y passing the downstream boundary. For the DO case, net erosion is 19,200 T/y with net transport of 30,100 T/y (187% increase) passing the downstream boundary. For the D case, net deposition is 2,570 T/y (37% decrease) with transport of 14,200 T/y (35% increase) passing the downstream boundary. The most significant findings were: (1) removal of the low‐head dams will cause significant erosion of sediments stored behind the dams and increased sediment loads passing the downstream boundary and (2) sediment loads for the proposed channel design are similar to existing conditions and offer reduced fine‐sediment loadings.  相似文献   
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