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清洁生产在石油钻探行业中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在介绍清洁生产理念的基础上,通过对石油钻探生产现状的分析,大量的引证了在钻探过程中应用清洁生产的可能性。对减轻钻井作业的末端处理负担,预防由于末端处理不完全造成的环境污染等方面作出了有益的探索。  相似文献   
从事野外地质勘探的职工常常处于大自然环境中。自然环境灾害(气象灾害、地质灾害等)是造成地质勘探职业伤害的重要原因之一。在诸多的环境灾害中,又以气象灾害的危害最为突出。研究和预防气象灾害,是地质勘探安全卫生工作的重要内容。如果只研究人为职业伤害(一般工业安全卫生中的主要问题),而不研究环境灾害,特别是气象灾害所造成的事故和职业病,那是舍本求末。在地质勘探安全卫生领域中,研究气象灾害及其防护技术,既是保护野外作业职工安全和健康的需要,也是拓宽安全科学外延领域的有益探讨。  相似文献   
职业高等教育法律专业的培养目标与专业课程设置初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章认为职业高等教育法律专业应根据自身特色规划培养目标和专业课程,尤其是从理论讲授、实际操作与社会实践三个方面对专业课程的设置作了较为深入的探讨.  相似文献   
本文分析了我国蓬勃发展的高职教育形势,对国内外主要职业教育的培养模式进行了比较,以期为我国高等职业技术教育的健康发展提供帮助。  相似文献   
21世纪安全类专业专科培养目标与模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安全类专业高等教育是培养安全人才的主要途径,对安全类专业人才的需求进行了简要的分析,以安全类专生高等教育体系的现状分析为基础指出。应重视该类专业的专科层次教育,并从当前的具体情况出发,探讨安全类专业专科层次的教育模式。  相似文献   
《环境土建工程》是研究环境工程土建施工方法的一门综合性、实践性很强的学科。它是为环境工程专业高职生开设的一门重要的专业基础课。以往这门课程的教学形式较为传统,不适应当今高职教育形式之处很多。因而,改变单一的课堂教学方式,多种教学手段相结合;改革考核、考试办法,培养学生的学习能力;勤于实践总结,不断发现问题,培养创新能力。  相似文献   
Public participation in planning is frequently linked to ideas of environmental justice and sustainability; yet, despite the voluminous literature on the topic, the reaction of frontline planning professionals to the broadly pro-participation agendas of central and devolved government in Great Britain has not been sufficiently examined. This is important because of their role in implementing such agendas, and the space for frontline professionals to shape the contours of reform. Drawing on extensive empirical material, I explore the reaction of local authority planners to participation policies, finding divided opinion as to whether more participation is needed to improve planning, but a strong framing of participation as something requiring careful management. I conclude that planners are broadly supportive of participation so long as they are in control, which can be understood through an institutionalist perspective that suggests there will be a similar reaction to further, ongoing, efforts to make planning more participatory.  相似文献   
Literature on environment and representation in politics, management, and deliberation has paid little attention on the people involved: environmental representatives. The aim of this paper is to illuminate how environmental representatives in various organizational and professional contexts understand their role as representatives, and how they are shaped by their contexts. The paper argues that it is crucial to learn about the everyday reality of individual representatives to better understand the limitations and possibilities they face. The study is based on 19 interviews with environmental representatives from five organizational and professional contexts: the state, civil society, business, science, and media in Sweden. The paper concludes that some differences in experiences, for example, in freedom and constraint, can be understood in relation to the representatives’ organizational and professional affiliation. Other experiences are common: (i) all categories stated the importance of being impartial and well read; (ii) complex layers of affiliation imply that representation requires sensitivity and adjustment between different situations; and (iii) the performative aspects of representation include the representatives’ claims-making, others’ attributions, and long-term learning of their role. The article contributes an understanding of organizational conditions and the often paradoxical, layered, multifaceted, and cautious representation these individual actors perform.  相似文献   
根据《京都议定书》关于清洁发展机制(Clean Development Mechanism,CDM)的目标、设立条件、步骤和监管制度的规定,指出了中国在实施清洁发展机制中所获得的环境、社会和经济方面的巨大利益,同时,也分析了目前中国实施清洁发展机制在项目发展规模、潜在项目识别、额外行证明、CER法律权属界定、项目签发等方面存在的问题。文章结合国际社会清洁发展制度的趋势走向,预测在今后相当长的时期内清洁发展机制仍将作为全球温室气体减排的有效制度而存在,并将对CDM宗旨重新定位和完善CDM项目具体实施制度。还根据国际形势变化,对2012年后中国清洁发展机制的法律制度建设提出了具体的建议:应尽快出台一部能源基本法,使得包括清洁能源机制在内的应对气候变化的措施能够有法可依。立法中应重点确立能源可持续发展原则,具体规定CDM项目适格标准、改变传统一元所有权模式,明确CER法律权属和所有权、完善CDM项目监管制度,以限制CDM项目单纯追求经济效益的危险性、加强CDM服务行业规范,提高CER签发率。  相似文献   
移动互联网技术下不断出现一些新教学模式如慕课、同步课堂、翻转课堂、专递课堂等,教师职业主次颠倒,建议采取教师职业再造、教学过程再造、课程模式再造和教学管理再造等应对策略.参19.  相似文献   
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