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Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage is increasingly being considered as an important climate change mitigation option. This paper explores provisions for including geological CO2 storage in climate policy. The storage capacity of Norway's Continental Shelf is alone sufficient to store a large share of European CO2 emissions for many decades. If CO2 is injected into oil reservoirs there is an additional benefit in terms of enhanced oil recovery. However, there are significant technical and economic challenges, including the large investment in infrastructure required, with related economies of scale properties. Thus CO2 capture, transportation and storage projects are likely to be more economically attractive if developed on a large scale, which could mean involving two or more nations. An additional challenge is the risk of future leakages from storage sites, where the government must take on a major responsibility. In institutional and policy terms, important challenges are the unsettled status of geological CO2 storage as a policy measure in the Kyoto Protocol, lack of relevant reporting and verification procedures, and lack of decisions on how the option should be linked to the flexibility mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol. In terms of competitiveness with expected prices for CO2 permits under Kyoto Protocol trading, the relatively high costs per tonne of CO2 stored means that geological CO2 storage is primarily of interest where enhanced oil recovery is possible. These shortcomings and uncertainties mean that companies and governments today only have weak incentives to venture into geological CO2 storage.  相似文献   
针对输气场站HAZOP风险评估出的天然气泄漏风险进行工艺安全量化分析,通过天然气泄漏喷射火模拟,对天然气泄漏风险进行量化,为输气场站的安全管理提供有效的技术支持。通过量化,分析出对天然气泄漏喷射火造成后果大小的影响因素,提高了HAZOP风险分析的准确性和科学性,对输气场站的风险管理具有参考意义。  相似文献   
供水管线震害量化参数--渗漏面积的估算方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了分析管线破坏状态对震后供水管网功能的影响,首先需要对管线的震害状态进行量化。建议用管线渗漏面积标定管线的破坏状态。在管线震害分析和理论计算的基础上,提出了震后管线渗漏面积的计算方法,为进一步进行供水管网抗震分析和设计提供了研究基础。  相似文献   
头盔式面罩和头带式面罩性能的比较:头盔式面罩具有佩戴容易、气密性好。工艺简单,但舒适性差,视野不如头带式面罩好等特点;头带式面罩具有舒适性好,视野宽阔,但工艺较复杂,佩戴不易气密等特点。  相似文献   
在全球碳中和的新形势下,欧盟委员会于2021年7月正式提出“碳边境调节机制”(CBAM)立法提案,并计划于2023年起实施。本文在总结立法提案关键要素的基础上,着重分析欧盟CBAM的合法性与合理性,研判可能对我国产生的潜在影响,并从国际国内层面提出对策建议。分析发现,欧盟采取“名义”碳市场的形式,初期将覆盖水泥、电力、化肥、钢铁和铝等5个行业,只核算产品生产过程的直接排放,暂不考虑间接排放,2023—2025年是过渡期,2026年开始正式实施。欧盟CBAM的合法性与合理性面临诸多挑战:不符合世界贸易组织国民待遇原则和最惠国待遇原则,但存在满足关税与贸易总协定例外条款的可能性;违反国际气候治理的共同但有区别的责任原则、公平原则和各自能力原则,也不符合公约关于国际贸易歧视或变相限制的条款;对解决碳泄漏问题和保护本土竞争力的作用有限;产品隐含碳核算和碳价确定是技术难点问题。影响评估发现,欧盟CBAM将使我国受影响部门的对欧出口总额降低11%~13%,出口成本增加1亿~3.05亿美元,其中约四分之三的成本将由钢铁行业承担,对贸易隐含碳的下降作用有待进一步考量;此外,欧盟CBAM将会影响多边国际...  相似文献   
基于主成分分析和后果评价模型,提出了一种液体管道泄漏后果综合评价方法。将液体管道泄漏后果划分为火灾、爆炸和中毒3大类14个基本指标,建立后果评价指标体系。在VCE等后果模拟计算的基础上得到初始数据,运用SPSS软件处理相关数据,使用主成分分析法得到各指标相互独立的综合评价模型。选择天津港某码头进行实例分析,运用该方法对该港口储运的15类有代表性液体危险化学品进行综合评价,得到了各化学品的综合评价值以及按照其发生泄漏后危险性大小的排序。结果表明,该方法适用于评价港口码头等储运多种液体危险化学品的行业。  相似文献   
Asymmetric regulation of a global pollutant between countries can alter the competitiveness of industries and lead to emissions leakage, which hampers countries’ welfare. In order to limit leakage, governments consider supporting domestic trade-exposed firms by subsidizing their investments in abatement technology. The suppliers of such technologies tend to be less than perfectly competitive, particularly when both emissions regulations and advanced technologies are new. In this context of twin market failures, we consider the relative effects and desirability of subsidies for abatement technology. We find a more robust recommendation for upstream subsidies than for downstream subsidies. Downstream subsidies tend to increase global abatement technology prices, reduce pollution abatement abroad and increase emission leakage. On the contrary, upstream subsidies reduce abatement technology prices, and hence also emissions leakage.  相似文献   
为了解决移动变电站低压侧为变频器供电时漏电保护装置误动的问题,提出了基于傅式算法的附加直流原理漏电保护新方法。通过理论分析和MATLAB/Simulink仿真,研究了具有变频器的矿井低压供电系统附加直流原理漏电保护,提出由傅式算法分解出采样电压直流分量以反映电缆绝缘水平的保护方法;同时分析了其他因素对直流分量的影响。研究结果表明:变频器对传统附加直流保护整定值有较大影响,易造成漏电保护装置误动且无法实现电缆的在线绝缘监测;所提出的直流分量法能准确测量电缆对地绝缘电阻,且可消除电缆分布电容、变频器载波频率、变频器输出频率等其他因素的干扰;采用该漏电保护方法,可承受变频器投入时对采样电压造成的较大冲击,不必在启动期间解除漏电保护装置,能够消除在此期间存在的人身触电安全隐患。  相似文献   
将CO2注入海底已经成为目前碳封存的一种有效方式,而CO2海底封存泄漏会引起pH降低造成海水酸化,改变海水化学环境及海洋生态系统等。本文分析并建立了含有缓冲项的CO2与pH之间换算的动态数值模型,并针对CO2海底封存泄漏对pH的影响做了模拟实验研究,通过实验验证模型的可行性并完善数值模型,旨在为中国CO2海底封存风险控制研究工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The off-gas handling system is a vital component of a smelter and it is essential that it operates in accordance with environmental regulations. A key feature of the off-gas management system is maintaining a slightly negative system pressure to prevent gas leakage, such as SO2, out into the work and external environments. To enhance sustainable development, there is also growing interest in capturing and reusing the significant amount of heat and CO2 contained within off-gas. The potential incorporation of heat and CO2 recovery systems places importance on enhancing control to minimize the risk of both gas leakage and disturbance of the smelting process. With these requirements in mind, an easily implementable feedforward control enhancement to existing control schemes is proposed to help provide improved performance.  相似文献   
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