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This study numerically investigates the influence of initial water content and rain intensities on the preferential migration of two fluorescent tracers, Acid Yellow 7 (AY7) and Sulforhodamine B (SB), through variably-saturated fractured clayey till. The simulations are based on the numerical model HydroGeoSphere, which solves 3D variably-saturated flow and solute transport in discretely-fractured porous media. Using detailed knowledge of the matrix, fracture, and biopore properties, the numerical model is calibrated and validated against experimental high-resolution tracer images/data collected under dry and wet soil conditions and for three different rain events. The model could reproduce reasonably well the observed preferential migration of AY7 and SB through the fractured till, although it did not capture the exact depth of migration and the negligible impact of the dead-end biopores in a near-saturated matrix. A sensitivity analysis suggests fast flow mechanisms and dynamic surface coating in the biopores, and the presence of a plough pan in the till.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Ground water and surface water interaction in the prairie pothole region of the United States and Canada is seasonally dominated by the presence of thick, frozen soil layers that affect infiltration. During a spring thaw, the subsoil may remain frozen, preventing infiltration. The impact of the frozen soil layer on the timing of infiltration of depressional‐focused recharge to the ground water is not clearly understood. The objective of this paper is to relate changes in the water table during spring to changes in frost depth and soil water content. A depression and adjacent upland study site were instrumented with CRREL‐type frost tubes, neutron probe access tubes, and ground water monitoring wells. Increases in water table levels in a depression occurred before the frost layer decomposed and infiltrating water quickly formed a recharge mound. Water table responses at the upland site took place as two events. The first event was a gradual rise, probably caused by the lateral dissemination of the recharge mound. The second rise was a rapid rise coinciding with the decomposition of the soil frost layer. Because of the accumulation of surface water in depressions, agricultural practices that remove water from a field can affect water resources management by limiting the addition of water recharge to unconfmed ground water.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Intensive cropping systems based on mechanical movement of soil have induced land degradation in most agricultural areas due to soil erosion and soil fertility losses. Thus, farmers have been increasing fertilization rates to maintain an economically competitive crop yield. This practice has resulted in water quality degradation and lake eutrophication in many agricultural watersheds. Research was conducted in the Patzcuaro watershed in central Mexico to develop appropriate technology that prevents nonpoint source pollution from fertilizers. Organic matter (OM) and nitrogen (N) losses in runoff and nitrate (NO3‐N) percolation in Andisols with corn under conventional till (CT) and no‐till (NT) treatments using variable percentages of crop residue as soil cover were investigated for steep‐slope agriculture. USLE type runoff plots were used to collect water runoff, while suction tubes with porous caps at 30, 60, and 90 cm depth were used to sample soil water solutes for NO3‐N analyses. Results indicated a significant reduction of N and OM losses in runoff as residue cover increased in the NT treatments. Inorganic N in runoff was 25 kg/ha for NT without residue cover (NT‐0) and 6 kg/ha for the NT with 100 percent residue cover (NT‐100). Organic matter losses in runoff were 157 and 24 kg/ha for the NT‐0 and NT‐100 treatments, respectively. Nitrate‐N percolation was evident in CT and NT with 100 percent residue cover (NT‐100). However, NT‐100 had higher NO3‐N concentration at the root zone, suggesting the possibility of reducing fertilization rates with the use of NT treatments.  相似文献   
Abstract: Unpaved roads are a primary sediment source in forested watersheds. Validation of erosion models and improvements to road management require information on road erosion rates and the factors controlling erosion. This study measured sediment yields from twenty ~0.05 ha unsurfaced (native) road plots in Belt Supergroup and glacial till parent materials of western Montana, and investigated the factors controlling erosion. Annual sediment yields for individual plots ranged from 0 to 96.9 Mg/ha/yr over 3 years (2002‐2004). Annual mean sediment yield ranged from 2.1 Mg/ha in 2003 to 9.9 Mg/ha in 2004 with an overall mean of 5.4 Mg/ha/yr. The mean of log‐transformed sediment yields for sites in glacial till parent materials was higher than Belt Supergroup parent materials (p = 0.063). A regression model with road slope, time since last grading, roadbed gravel content, and precipitation as predictive variables explained 68% of the variability in sediment yield (F = 28.2; p < 0.0001). Road erosion in western Montana is limited by low erodibility of the dominant parent materials and low rainfall. Management procedures such as reducing the frequency of grading can significantly reduce sediment yields from forest roads.  相似文献   
Contents of cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and carbon(C) in the O, B and C horizons of podzolized forest soils inSweden were surveyed. Concentrations and storage of Cd, Hg andPb in the O and B horizons were high in southern Sweden and gradually decreased towards the north, though with considerablelocal variability. This pattern reflects the influence of anthropogenic emissions of these metals, as well as the effectsof soil-forming processes. Parent till material, as representedby the C horizon concentration of the respective metal, accountedfor little of the variation in metal concentration in the O horizon. For Cd and Pb, the correlations were not significant orslightly negative (R2 = 0.12 and 0.09 respectively) depending on region, while for Hg the correlation was not significant or slightly positive (R2 = 0.03 and 0.08). Furthermore, parent till material accounted for more of the variation in metal concentrations in the B horizons in the northern part of Sweden than in the middle and southernmost parts, where the concentration of total carbon had more influence. The correlation between the metal concentrationsin the B and C horizon was strongest for Pb (R2 = 0.63 and 0.36 in the two northernmost regions), lower for Cd (R2 = 0.19 and 0.16) and not significant for Hg. For allsoil horizons, total C concentration accounted for much of thevariation in Hg concentration in particular (O-horizon R2 = 0.15–0.69, B horizon R2 = 0.36–0.50, C horizon R2 = 0.23–0.50 and ns in one region). Ratios of metal concentrations between the B and C horizons were highest for Hg(maximum value of 30), indicating a relatively larger addition or retention of Hg compared to Cd and Pb (maximum value of 10)in the B horizon. This study indicate that factors other than parent material account for the large scale variation in O horizon concentrationsof metals but patterns correspond well with those of atmosphericdeposition of heavy metals and acidifying substances. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of soil organicmatter and the intensity of pedogenic processes for the content and distribution of metals throughout the soil horizons.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Seven sets of ground water samples from 103 observation wells were analyzed for total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) in four areas and five materials including loess and loess derived alluvium in the Deep Loess Hills of western Iowa, outwash and fractured till adjacent to Clear Lake in north central Iowa, fractured till in central Iowa, and a sand and gravel aquifer in northwest Iowa. Land use in ground water recharge zones in all four areas is dominated by crop or animal production or both. Concentrations of TDP exceeding the minimum laboratory detection limit of 20 μg/l as P were found in all areas and in all materials sampled. Samples from the outwash deposits associated with Clear Lake contained significantly larger concentrations than all other areas and materials with a median of 160 μg/l. Water from fractured till in three areas produced the smallest range of concentrations with a median of 40 μg/l. The mean value of TDP in all sample sets exceeded 50 μg/l, an important ecological threshold that causes increased productivity in lakes and perennial streams and one being considered as a surface water nutrient standard by regulatory agencies. These results clearly show that ground water in essentially all near‐surface aquifers and aquitards discharging to Iowa's streams and lakes is capable of sustaining P concentrations of 50 to 100 μg/l in streams, lakes, and reservoirs. Consequently, even if point discharges and sediment sources of P are substantially reduced, ground‐water discharge to surface water may exceed critical thresholds under most conditions.  相似文献   
崇明岛典型土地利用方式对土壤有机碳和酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究上海崇明岛不同土地利用方式对土壤有机碳以及酶活性的影响,对冬小麦地、蔬菜地、柑桔地和冬绿肥地4种土地利用方式的土壤进行了调查、样品测定和分析。结果表明,土地利用方式对有机碳和4种酶活性的影响极显著。冬小麦地总有机碳和活性有机碳质量分数均最高,分别为19.23g·kg^-1和2.26mg·g^-1,柑桔地土壤脲酶、碱性磷酸酶、纤维素酶和蛋白酶等4种酶活性均高于其他3种土地利用方式,表明采用秸秆还田式的冬小麦地,可以增加土壤总有机碳和活性有机碳质量分数;常年处于免耕状态的柑桔地可以使土壤酶活性增强。  相似文献   
No-till (NT) farming is considered as a potential strategy for sequestering C in the soil. Data on soil-profile distribution of C and related soil properties are, however, limited, particularly for semiarid regions. We assessed soil C pool and soil structural properties such as aggregate stability and strength to 1 m soil depth across three long-term (≥21 year) NT and conventional till (CT) experiments along a precipitation gradient in the central Great Plains of the USA. Tillage systems were in continuous winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on a loam at Hutchinson and winter wheat-sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]-fallow on silt loams at Hays and Tribune, Kansas. Mean annual precipitation was 889 mm for Hutchinson, 580 mm for Hays, and 440 mm for Tribune. Changes in profile distribution of soil properties were affected by differences in precipitations input among the three sites. At Hutchinson, NT had 1.8 times greater SOC pool than CT in the 0-2.5-cm depth, but CT had 1.5 times greater SOC pool in the 5-20-cm. At Hays, NT had 1.4 times greater SOC pool than CT in the 0-2.5-cm depth. Differences in summed SOC pool for the whole soil profile (0-1 m depth) between NT and CT were not significant at any site. The summed SOC pool with depth between NT and CT were only significant above the 5 cm depth at Hutchinson and 2.5 cm depth at Hays. At Hutchinson, NT stored 3.4 Mg ha−1 more SOC than CT above 5 cm depth. At Hays, NT stored 1.35 Mg ha−1 more SOC than CT above 2.5 cm depth. Moreover, NT management increased mean weight diameter of aggregates (MWDA) by 3 to 4 times for the 0-5-cm depth at Hutchinson and by 1.8 times for the 0-2.5-cm depth at Hays. It also reduced air-dry aggregate tensile strength (TS) for the 0-5-cm depth at Hutchinson and Hays and for the 0-2.5-cm depth at Tribune. The TS (r = −0.73) and MWDA (r = 0.81) near the soil surface were more strongly correlated with SOC concentration at Hutchinson than at Hays and Tribune attributed to differences in precipitation input. Results suggested NT impacts on increasing SOC pool and improving soil structural properties decreased with a decrease in precipitation input. Changes in soil properties were larger at Hutchinson (880 mm of precipitation) than at Hays and Tribune (≤580 mm). While NT management did not increase SOC pool over CT for the whole soil profile, the greater near-surface accumulation of SOC in NT than in CT was critical to the improvement in soil structural properties. Overall, differences in precipitation input among soils appeared to be the dominant factor influencing NT impacts on soil-profile distribution of SOC and soil structural properties in this region.  相似文献   
Abstract: The pollutant reduction possible with a given agricultural best‐management practice (BMP) is complex and site‐specific. Water‐quality models can evaluate BMPs, but model results are often limited by the lack of calibrated parameters for a given BMP. This study calibrated runoff prediction of two models (ADAPT and SWAT) for individual field plots having one till and two no‐till management practices. The factors used for runoff calibration were curve number II (CNII) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) for ADAPT, and CNII, Ksat, and available water capacity for SWAT. Results were evaluated using coefficient of determination (R2), Nash‐Sutcliffe efficiency (Ef), root‐mean square error, median‐based Ef, and sign tests. Results indicated that for ADAPT, the best‐fit CNII was 66 for the NT/SB (no‐till plot with surface‐broadcast fertilizer) treatment, 68 for the NT/DB (no‐till with deep‐banded fertilizer) treatment, and 70 for the tilled plot, whereas for SWAT the best‐fit CNII was much higher, 86, for all treatments. Neither agreed with the textbook CNII, 78, for sorghum in silty clay loam soil. The best‐fit model parameters for both runoff calibration phases had excellent correlation to monthly totals and moderate correlation to individual events.  相似文献   
Chemical weathering losses were calculated for two conifer stands in relation to ongoing studies on liming effects and ash amendments on chemical status, soil solution chemistry and soil genesis. Weathering losses were based on elemental depletion trends in soil profiles since deglaciation and exposure to the weathering environment. Gradients in total geochemical composition were assumed to reflect alteration over time. Study sites were Horröd and Hasslöv in southern Sweden. Both Horröd and Hasslöv sites are located on sandy loamy Weichselian till at an altitude of 85 and 190 m a.s.l., respectively. Aliquots from volume determined samples from a number of soil levels were fused with lithium metaborate, dissolved in HNO3, and analysed by ICP – AES. Results indicated highest cumulative weathering losses at Hasslöv. The weathering losses for the elements are in the following order:Si > Al > K > Na > Ca > MgTotal annual losses for Ca+Mg+K+Na, expressed in mmolc m-2 yr-1, amounted to c. 28 and 58 at Horröd and Hasslöv, respectively. Variations between study sites could not be explained by differences in bulk density, geochemistry or mineralogy. The accumulated weathering losses since deglaciation were larger in the uppermost 15 cm than in deeper B horizons for most elements studied.  相似文献   
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