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一直以业北京昌平区白浮村京密引水渠边的一片小树林里异常热闹。据悉,这是北京最大的宠物墓园,现有1000多只小动物,包括猫、狗、兔子、热带鱼、猴子长眠在这里。据了解,在这个墓园中安葬一只宠物,包括火化、墓室、认养树木,基本费用在500元至800元之间,如果加上丧葬用品,花费数千元也属平常。  相似文献   
五十天紧急改造京密引水渠 虽然已是秋风萧瑟、树叶纷纷飘落的时候, 京密引水渠技术改造工程工地上却是一派热火朝天的景象。尤其到了夜间,工地上的灯光像一串串星星,使夜空中闪烁的寒星黯然无光。挑灯夜战的工人们的身影在灯光中起起伏伏,从颐和园团城湖至怀柔水库的73公里引水渠显得人气很旺。 据京密引水渠管理处主任张土清介绍,此项工程是解决北京城市供水的基本建设工程项目,是缓解水资源紧缺的紧急对策之一。 京密引水渠建成于60年代,全长112.7公里,原设计是以农业灌溉为主,主要供应密云、怀柔、顺义、昌平、海淀、…  相似文献   
无论是密云水库的波澜壮阔,还是层林尽染的秋色无边,当然还有人们津津乐道的开河肥鱼,都与密云的水密不可分. 12000移民 每当进入秋天,人们在花店里常常可以看到火簇金灿灿夺人眼目、象征着高洁长寿的菊花,而它们很有可能是来自张淑珍的鲜花大棚.  相似文献   
梁沂滨 《环境》2004,(2):39
近年,城乡在大兴土木搞建设中出现了一些令人担忧的违背自然规律的现象,即给大地覆盖人造“铠甲”,水泥“铠甲”便是其一。此举既劳民伤财,又给生态环境带来了祸害。  相似文献   
为保护水环境安全,不断提高水环境管理水平,针对京密引水渠史山段的水环境现状,指出其中存在的问题,包括乱扔垃圾、倾倒渣土,违法涉水行为,林木老化及杨柳飞絮,水质及水草等问题,结合渠道实际情况提出治理措施:加大水环境保洁力度,做好水质检测,加大巡视及联合执法力度,更新改造林木,治理杨柳飘絮,加强自动化管理建设,加大宣传力度...  相似文献   
The high population and concrete environment alter urban areas by changing temperature, rainfall runoff, and water resource utilization activities. This study was conducted to investigate the water quality features of the Yongding Diversion Channel in Beijing, China, and its relationship with rainfall and urban development. Monthly water quality data were obtained from April to October of 2004 at monitoring sites of Sanjiadian, Gaojing, Luodaozhuang, and Yuyuangtan. The monthly water quality grades from 2007 to 2011 were also investigated and compared with those of other rivers. Dissolved oxygen and pH showed greater decreases after one or two moderate rainfall events than several light rainfall events. The potassium permanganate index (CODMn), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and total phosphorus (TP) increased more after several light rainfall events than after one or two moderate or heavy rainfall events. Pollutant concentrations (CODMn, NH3-N, TP) in downstream regions showed greater changes than those in upstream areas after heavy rainfall events. Intense human activities around the channel greatly influenced the water quality of the channel in rainy season because of runoff pollution; however, heavy rainfall had a strong dilution effect on the pollutant concentrations in rivers. Overall, urban development has obviously deteriorated the water quality of the Yongding Diversion Channel as indicated by an increase in the water quality index from 3.22 in 2008 to 4.55 in 2010. The Pearson correlation between monthly rainfall and water quality indices from 2007 to 2011 ranged from 0.1286 to 0.6968, generally becoming weaker as rainfall and rainfall runoff became more random and extreme.  相似文献   
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