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For hundreds of years, the seas have been used as a place to dispose of wastes from human activities. Although no high level radioactive waste has been disposed of into the sea, variable amounts of packaged low level radioactive wastes have been dumped at 47 sites in the northern part of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. in 1946 the first sea dumping operation took place at a site in the North-East Pacific Ocean. the last dumping operation was in 1982, at a site off the European continental shelf in the Atlantic Ocean. Between these two dates, an estimated 46 PBq (1.24 MCi) of radioactive waste coming from research, medical, military and industrial activities have been disposed of at sea. the present trend, through the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter and other Regional Conventions, points towards the prohibition of the dumping of any radioactive waste into the marine environment.  相似文献   
塔希提岛火山岩属典型的大洋岛屿玄武岩(OIB)。该岛是法属波利尼西亚群岛中社会群岛链之一部分,火山活动可分三期:早期(1.7—1.3Ma),中期(1.3—0.6Ma)和晚期(0.6—0.3Ma)。早期火山岩兼有碱性和拉斑系列岩石,包括苦橄玄武岩、碱性玄武岩、拉斑玄武岩及少量玄武安山岩;中期火山岩主要有粗面玄武岩—粗面岩、碱性玄武岩和少量碧玄岩;晚期则以碧玄岩为主,并有部分碱玄岩出现。火山岩的这种岩性变化表明其岩浆由早到晚从富镁、硅弱不饱和向富碱和硅强烈不饱和演化。 社会群岛火山链的火山活动以平均11cm/a的速率从西北向东南迁移,与MORB相比,所有塔希提的岩石皆富大离子亲石元素并有较高的~(87)Sr/~(66)Sr比值,这一特征可能与其特殊的源区成分有关,即富集的地幔热柱或大洋岩石圈。早期岩石是地幔热柱和少量洋壳的部分熔融产物的混合体,故既有拉斑系列又有碱性系列。随着火山活动远离存在热柱的热点区域,洋壳部分熔融的程度逐渐降低,因而其产生的熔融体也越来越富碱,~(87)Sr/~(66)Sr比值也相应有所降低。  相似文献   
This article does not focus on adaptation or mitigation policy directly but on an allied opportunity that exists for the Pacific Islands via the auspices of the Climate Convention, because the existing very costly energy systems used in the Pacific Island region are fossil-fuel dependent. It is argued here that efforts can be made towards the development of energy systems that are ecologically sustainable because Pacific Island nations are eligible to receive assistance to introduce renewable energy technology and pursue energy conservation via implementation mechanisms of the Climate Convention and, in particular, through transfer of technology and via joint implementation. It is contended that assistance in the form of finance, technology, and human resource development from developed countries and international organizations would provide sustainable benefits in improving the local Pacific Island environments. It is also emphasized that mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions is not the responsibility of the Pacific Islands as they contribute very little on a per capita global scale and a tiny proportion of total global greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   
西北黄土地区现场石油污染土壤生物修复研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过在陕北安塞油田某废弃油井建立中试试验基地,以实验室中筛选分离得到的高效降解石油的优势菌为添加的高效菌,研究土壤石油初始浓度、营养物质和高效菌对石油降解的影响.结果表明:(1)在各土壤石油初始浓度下,石油降解率总体均随降解时间的延长而升高.在土壤石油初始质量浓度为15.34 g/kg下,72 d时石油降解率为47.8...  相似文献   
Reconstructions of 250 years historical inputs of two distinct types of black carbon (soot/graphitic black carbon (GBC) and char-BC) were conducted on sediment cores from two basins of the Puget Sound, WA. Signatures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were also used to support the historical reconstructions of BC to this system. Down-core maxima in GBC and combustion-derived PAHs occurred in the 1940s in the cores from the Puget Sound Main Basin, whereas in Hood Canal such peak was observed in the 1970s, showing basin-specific differences in inputs of combustion byproducts. This system showed relatively higher inputs from softwood combustion than the northeastern U.S. The historical variations in char-BC concentrations were consistent with shifts in climate indices, suggesting an influence of climate oscillations on wildfire events. Environmental loading of combustion byproducts thus appears as a complex function of urbanization, fuel usage, combustion technology, environmental policies, and climate conditions.  相似文献   
石油污染对牡蛎超显微结构毒性效应的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用电子显微镜观察石油污染对牡蛎生殖腺和肝胰腺组织细胞的毒性作用。结果显示,石油污染对牡蛎具有明显的慢性毒害作用,50 mg/L浓度组,实验10 d的牡蛎,其组织细胞受石油污染不明显;当实验时间为30 d时,出现明显的毒性效应,细胞核核膜肿胀,染色质聚集并边际化,细胞核崩解,细胞坏死,组织萎缩,线粒体的变化较其他细胞器对石油污染较敏感,受损坏的程度较重。  相似文献   
基于臭氧监测仪(OMI)卫星反演数据,对2005~2018年西北4省区域大气甲醛柱浓度数据进行提取及分析,探讨其时空变化特征及影响因素.结果表明:在时间变化上,14a甲醛柱浓度整体呈先上升后下降的波动变化趋势,夏秋季显著高于冬春季,且冬季均值略高于春季.在空间分布上,甲醛柱浓度自西向东、自北向南逐渐升高,高值区集中于陕西和甘肃东南部及青海西南部;低值区集中于宁夏、青海和甘肃的西北部;稳定性呈现出东部分散、西部集聚、差异显著的分布格局.影响甲醛柱浓度变化的因素包括自然和人为因素,自然因素中,甲醛柱浓度受地形影响显著,与风向、气温均呈现显著正相关;人为因素中,甲醛柱浓度与人口密度、地区生产总值、工业废气排放量及建筑房屋竣工面积均表现出正相关关系,与工业废气排放量的相关度最高.大气中甲醛分子与气溶胶粒子二者间呈显著正相关关系,这进一步说明甲醛浓度受到了诸多因素的综合影响,但气溶胶粒子、气温及工业废气的排放是主导因素.  相似文献   
黔西北土法炼锌矿区重金属污染现状及其环境影响评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在对黔西北土法炼锌四个矿区周围的土壤和植物(蔬菜和作物等)进行全面调查的基础上,对土壤和植物重金属(Zn、Cd、Pb、Cu和As)污染现状进行了监测与初步评价.结果表明,四个土法炼锌矿区除野马川的土壤属于中度污染外,其余全部处于严重污染状态,并且Cd是每个矿区的主要污染元素;土法炼锌矿区周围的蔬菜已全部受到严重污染,综合污染指数在10.83~40.67之间,属于重度污染,蔬菜污染主要以Cd为主,超过国家食品卫生标准54倍;矿区周围其他植物如土豆、玉米和绿肥等中的重金属亦严重超标,主要以Pb污染为主,超过国家食品卫生标准366.75倍.说明矿区土壤中种植作物的生长及食用安全已经受到重金属污染的严重影响,对居民健康构成潜在威胁.  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地西北部引水工程的建成和运行,对工程沿线区域土地资源的利用方式产生了深远的影响,也改变了该区域以土地资源为载体的生态系统的结构和生态环境的价值。以Constanza等人对全球各类生态系统单位面积服务价值的测算为依据,根据准噶尔盆地西北部引水工程沿线影响区2000年和2002年LandsatTM卫星影像解译数据,对工程建设和运行的生态环境效益予以估算。结果表明:引水工程的建设运行使工程影响区内生态系统的生态环境效益增加了2657 14×104 (约合22054 26×104元人民币),其中水域及耕地生态系统生态效益的增加是研究区生态效益增加的主要方面。  相似文献   
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