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我国安全生产统计工作所依托的行政手段还不能完全适应变化中的市场经济环境 ,政府安全生产管理不到位 ,监管不严 ,各类事故的少报、瞒报、不报现象相当普遍 ,极大地影响了伤亡事故统计的准确性。2 0 0 4年我国已实施新的《工伤保险条例》 ,笔者认为 ,会在一个较长的时期内对生产事故统计带来较明显的影响 ,使生产事故造成的伤亡人数统计变得更为全面和科学 ,这种影响必然会对原有统计偏差的修正 ,有利于今后加强和完善对安全生产的宏观决策和管理 ,会从根本上促进安全生产水平的提高。  相似文献   
实施规划环境影响评价条例的对策措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对规划环评存在的问题进行了系统分析,提出完善规划环评机制,规范规划环评程序,强化规划环评的审批管理,加强有关规划环评技术方法研究,提高规划环评管理者、评价者、审批者及有关专家的业务水平,制定地方性规划环评条例实施细则等推进规划环评条例的措施。  相似文献   
2009年2月,国务院发布《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》,成为我国废弃电器电子产品回收处理的纲领性文件。在《废弃电器电子产品处理目录(第一批)》中,明确将电视机、电冰箱、洗衣机、房间空调器、微型计算机等5种产品纳入第一批目录。同时,为了为了能够及时、客观地与经济发展、技术进步以及电器电子产品行业的发展变化等相适应,《目录》管理委员会起草了《制订和调整废弃电器电子产品处理目录的若干规定》,明确随着经济发展变化及电子产品废弃形势调整电器电子产品处理目录的原则。废弃电池在近几年来在我国增长速度很大,将来的管理形势十分紧迫。本文在此分析我国几种废弃电池(铅酸电池、镍氢电池及锂电池)的产生量、再生处理处置情况及管理政策导向。并在目录一批筛选原则的基础上利用权重分析法,筛选评估废弃电池能否进入废弃电器电子产品处理目录(第二批)管理的可能,研究显示铅酸电池已具备进入管理目录的资质。  相似文献   
This is a case study that describes a survey of anglers that was used to assist in modifying fishing regulations for indigenous trout in the Snake River, Wyoming. A mail survey of anglers who purchased 1991 Wyoming fishing licenses in the two counties adjacent to the Snake River was conducted during fall 1992. Differences in angler preferences were noted between anglers who purchased licenses in two adjacent counties with different socioeconomic structures, as well as between residents and nonresidents in each county. Anglers who purchased licenses in Teton County, where there is extensive tourism and immigration by relatively wealthy residents, tended to be more specialized and less harvest oriented. Anglers in Lincoln County, which is largely agricultural and has substantially less tourism and immigration of residents, tended to fish in many different ways and indicated more desire to harvest fish. Anglers from the two counties segregated themselves; those from Teton County primarily used the upstream portion of the study reach, and those from Lincoln County primarily used a short downstream portion of the reach. Modification of fishing regulations to reduce harvest of spawning-size cutthroat trout in the Snake River probably was acceptable to most anglers due to spatial segregation and their attitudes toward harvest.The unit is jointly supported by the University of Wyoming, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, and the National Biological Survey.  相似文献   
Social housing in the UK is currently required to meet higher levels of sustainability than new private housing, but since social tenants have little choice about their housing, this poses important issues about the possible coerced consumption of sustainable housing. The article examines residents' responses to two social housing developments in Kent in which the housing association concerned took advantage of government subsidies to incorporate sustainability features. The similarities and differences between residents' responses in the two estates are outlined, and are attributed to the types of tenants involved and to the particular technical and administrative features of the innovative features. It is concluded that, given the potential coercive character of the consumption of sustainability features, housing associations need to adopt a sensitive and realistic approach to such innovations and their possible benefits.  相似文献   
Harvesting of non-timber forest products is an integral component of rural livelihoods throughout the developing world. At times this is at odds with conservation objectives. Reconciliation of the two requires examination of local level contexts and needs. This paper reports on the harvesting needs for Ischyrolepis by a rural community in South Africa, against the setting that they had recently been prohibited from harvesting by the local conservation officials. Interviews were conducted with conservation officials to understand the reasoning for the prohibition. Local demand for Ischyrolepis was assessed by household surveys, as well as in-depth interviews with traders. The density and size class distribution of Ischyrolepis was determined using transects. The total annual demand for Ischyrolepis was determined to be approximately only 2.7% of the standing crop. The bulk of the annual demand was for small-scale trade, the income from which was a primary source of income for the few harvesters. Very little evidence could be found indicating that harvesting was damaging the resource or its habitat, and local knowledge suggested that the abundance of the species was stimulated by harvesting. Even if market demand were to increase, the size of the shoots required means that less than 20% of the standing crop could be harvested annually. Current regulations around harvesting are in a state of revision, and hence confusion prevails regarding if harvesting is permissible, and if so, under what conditions, which is detrimental to both conservation and livelihoods. Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   
2009年2月,国务院发布《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》,成为我国废弃电器电子产品回收处理的纲领性文件。在《废弃电器电子产品处理目录(第一批)》中,明确将电视机、电冰箱、洗衣机、房间空调器、微型计算机等5种产品纳入第一批目录。同时,为了为了能够及时、客观地与经济发展、技术进步以及电器电子产品行业的发展变化等相适应,《目录》管理委员会起草了《制订和调整废弃电器电子产品处理目录的若干规定》,明确随着经济发展变化及电子产品废弃形势调整电器电子产品处理目录的原则。废弃电池在近几年来在我国增长速度很大,将来的管理形势十分紧迫。本文在此分析我国几种废弃电池(铅酸电池、镍氢电池及锂电池)的产生量、再生处理处置情况及管理政策导向。并在目录一批筛选原则的基础上利用权重分析法,筛选评估废弃电池能否进入废弃电器电子产品处理目录(第二批)管理的可能,研究显示铅酸电池已具备进入管理目录的资质。  相似文献   
针对大气污染问题,2013年国务院颁布了《大气污染防治行动计划》,从更高层次上实施国家及区域层面的大气污染协同治理战略。区域联合防控及协同治理是当前情况下治理好大气污染的必然选择,但是尚未形成完整的体系。收集整理了100篇大气污染协同治理相关政策文件,构建了政策工具量化的二维分析框架,探讨了当前对大气污染协同治理的政策工具使用情况,并针对性地提出了强化命令型政策工具、弥补能力型建设工具、完善奖惩福利机制、完善监督监测预警系统等一系列政策建议。  相似文献   
Awareness of groundwater protection has increased substantially in recent decades. In the Province of Quebec, Canada, the Groundwater Catchment Regulation (GWCR) was promulgated in 2002 to protect water quality in public wells. The goal of the present study was to document groundwater protection in the context of emerging regulations and identify factors explaining the propensity of municipalities applying protection strategies. Two types of information were used in this study: data from a questionnaire-based survey conducted among 665 municipalities in the Province of Quebec and complementary information gathered from various sources. Data from the survey revealed that fewer than half of the municipalities have been able to comply with the GWCR, mainly because of financial limitations. Also, close to half of the municipalities have either identified or are expecting land use conflicts to arise between protection areas required by the GWCR and other land usage, with agriculture being the main conflicting activity. Multivariate logistic regression models served to identify factors explaining the likelihood of municipalities to take groundwater protection measures. Those factors were municipality revenue, history of water contamination in distribution systems, land use near wellheads, location of municipalities within a provincial priority watershed and the importance of groundwater use in a region. Results of the study may prove helpful for government authorities in better understanding the groundwater protection issue and in implementing strategies that improve the ability of municipalities to protect groundwater.  相似文献   
随着经济社会和防震减灾事业的发展,特别是《突发事件应对法》的发布实施和《防震减灾法》的修订,曾经为加强和规范地震应急管理,推进防震减灾事业全面发展,发挥了重要的制度保障作用的《破坏性地震应急条例》,在实施过程中出现了一些明显不适应的地方,对条例进行修订已迫在眉睫。本文阐述了条例修订的基本原则和意义,并就应急机构、应急预...  相似文献   
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