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In the meerkat (Suricata suricatta), a cooperative mongoose, pups follow potential feeders while the group is foraging and emit incessant calls when soliciting food from them. In contrast to a ’stationary’ brood of chicks, in which nestlings are fed at a fixed location, meerkat pups are ’mobile’ and become spread out. The question arises whether meerkat pups that experience different constraints to those facing chicks have evolved similar begging strategies. This paper describes the vocalisations that meerkat pups emit in the context of begging and investigates the influence of these calls on food allocation by older group members and on the behaviour of littermates. Meerkat pups use two types of calls when soliciting food from a potential feeder. The most common is a ’repeat’ call, which pups emit continuously when following an older forager over several hours a day. In addition, when a potential feeder finds a prey item, the pups next to it emit a bout of calls with increased calling rate, amplitude and fundamental frequency, termed ’high-pitched’ calls. Observations, together with playback experiments, showed that more prey was allocated to pups that called longer and more intensely. The pup closest to a feeder was almost always fed. The probability of emitting high-pitched calls did not depend on the time since a pup had received food, and the change from repeat to high-pitched calls occurred suddenly. The main function of the high-pitched call, therefore, does not appear to be to signal a pup’s hunger state. More likely, the two calls, in the context of begging, may be an adaptation to energetic constraints in a mobile feeding system. Pups, which are dispersed during foraging, may emit repeat calls over long periods to prevent potential feeders from eating all the prey themselves. At the moment a potential feeder finds prey, pups may give the more intense high-pitched calls to direct feeders to bring the food item to them and not to a littermate. Therefore, unlike the stationary feeding system where chicks emit one type of begging call when the feeder approaches the nest, meerkats, with a mobile feeding system, have evolved two discrete types of vocalisations in the context of begging. Received: 22 November 1999 / Revised: 1 July 2000 / Accepted: 17 July 2000  相似文献   
We tested separately the effect of two taxonomically related rotifers (B. patulus and B. macracanthus) on the population dynamics of another species (A. fissa) at low (0.5 ×10 6) and high food levels (1.5 × 106 cells/ml of Chlorella vulgaris) using different inoculation densities (0–100%). We also quantified the impact of A. fissa on the two brachionid species. Regardless of the presence of the competing species, an increase in the availability of food led to increase in the abundances of the three rotifers. The population growth of B. patulus, B. macracanthus, or A. fissa was affected negatively when cultured together with another species. An increase in the initial density of any one of the competing species became advantageous to maintain a certain population size. At a low algal food level, B. patulus was able to suppress A. fissa more strongly than B. macracanthus. On the other hand, at a high food level, B. macracanthus suppressed the population of A. fissa more strongly than B. patulus. Peak population densities for A. fissa varied from about 150 to 1000 ind./ml, depending on food density and the presence of competitors. The rate of population increase (r) of A. fissa, B. patulus, and B. macracanthus increased with an increase in food availability but decreased with increasing initial density of the competitor. Both Brachionus spp. experienced negative growth rates in the presence of A. fissa, especially at a high initial density of the latter. Published in Russian in Ekologiya, 2007, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 381–390. The article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   
介绍了我国模具工业结构现状及敏捷制造的基本思想 ,论述了应用敏捷制造建立模具行业的动态联盟可缩短模具设计和制造周期 ,提高我国模具工业的竞争力。  相似文献   
滤池被广泛运用于饮用水厂中,前期研究发现某水厂生物滤池处理含砷地下水时,一方面三价砷可被生物氧化锰氧化为五价砷,另一方面滤池系统中存在的微生物砷还原酶可促使五价砷还原为三价砷,而滤池表面存在的这种微生物竞争关系会影响滤池的稳定性及处理效率.为探讨其内在机制,本研究选取1株锰氧化模式菌(Pseudomonas sp.QJX-1)和1株砷还原模式菌(Brevibacterium sp.LSJ-9),考察在Mn2+、As(As3+、As5+)共存时,两菌株对空间、营养物质以及对砷氧化/还原的竞争关系.结果表明,不同的反应时间,Mn、As质量浓度/价态不同,三价及五价砷体系中,Pseudomonas sp.QJX-1生成的锰氧化物在砷的氧化还原反应中占主导地位,即能迅速氧化本身存在的As3+(三价砷体系)和砷还原菌产生的As3+(五价砷体系),最终两体系中砷都主要以As5+的形式存在.PCR及RT-PCR结果表明,反应过程中锰氧化菌功能基因(cum A)抑制了砷还原酶(ars C)的表达,锰氧化菌16S rRNA表达量始终比砷还原菌高两个数量级,即锰氧化菌在生长竞争过程中占优势.实验结果表明滤池的水力停留时间是决定出水中砷价态的一个重要因素.  相似文献   
微藻对水网藻在水体修复中的胁迫作用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过单独与混合培养实验,结果显示在适宜营养水平下,水网藻对氮、磷有较强的富集吸收能力;而来自微藻生长竞争的压力会促使水网藻对营养物的生态幅变窄,满足其最佳生长所需要的PO43-P从0.085mg/L降低为0.024mg/L;并且其富集磷的能力也大为降低。在利用水网藻进行富营养化水体修复或净化水质时,这种生物之间的抑制现象必须引起重视。  相似文献   
A study on root competition in alley cropping was carried out in an agroforestry system, involving Cassia siamea Lam. and maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Katumani composite B). The existence and intensity of root competition in the top soil as manifested by the distribution of the active roots of cassia and maize, in space and time, was assessed. The root length density of maize was far greater than that of cassia in the upper 10 cm, implying that cassia was not competing with maize for water and/or nutrients at that depth. However, at maize crop tasselling and grain filling stages there was a marked overlap of roots of the two plants at lower depths (20—50 cm). This varied with distance from the cassia hedge in a way that there was a tendency for highest overlap near middle maize rows. This partly explained observed yield differences. Therefore cassia may not be a suitable choice for alley cropping with maize under semi-arid conditions on non-sloping land, unless most of its active roots can be properly managed to absorb resources below the feeding rhizosphere of the active maize roots.  相似文献   
青岛奥运帆船赛区及邻近海域海水环境质量分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年7月对青岛市2008年奥运会帆船赛区及邻近海域监测,结果表明,海水质量总体状况良好,能够满足功能要求,无机氮、铅和粪大肠菌群在局部海域略有超标。今后仍要有针对性的加大治理力度,确保2008年奥运会帆船比赛的顺利进行。  相似文献   
Interspecific evidence that testis size responds to selection caused by sperm competition has been obtained from many taxa. However, little is known about the sources of intraspecific variation in testis size, although such variation may have functional significance. Variation in testis size and asymmetry was studied within and between eight geographically separated (and genetically differentiated) populations of greenfinches Carduelis chloris. The relationships between testis size and plumage brightness (degree of yellowness) and the prevalence of haematozoan infections were also investigated in three of these populations, as they related to the predictions of the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis, and Møller's hypothesis relating directional testis asymmetry to phenotypic quality. There were large differences between populations in testis size, with males from northern populations having larger testes than those from southern populations. Within populations, large testes were associated with larger body size and greater age. When the influence of these factors was removed statistically, males with large testes were more likely to be infected with haematozoan parasites, and had brighter yellow plumage. No evidence was found that directional asymmetry in testis size was related to either of these measures of phenotypic quality. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that males with large testes, while signalling higher phenotypic quality as revealed by increased plumage brightness, also pay a cost in terms of reduced immunocompetence, revealed by the increased probability of infection in these males. That these patterns were similar in three different populations adds further strength to these conclusions. Our results suggest that studying the sources of variation in testis size among individuals can reveal interesting processes in sexual selection.  相似文献   
Humans’ superiority over all other organisms on earth rests on five main foundations: command of fire requiring fuel; controlled production of food and other biotic substances; utilization of metals and other non-living materials for construction and appliances; technically determined, urban-oriented living standard; economically and culturally regulated societal organization. The young discipline of ecology has revealed that the progress of civilization and technology attained, and being further pursued by humankind, and generally taken for granted and permanent, is leading into ecological traps. This metaphor circumscribes ecological situations where finite resources are being exhausted or rendered non-utilizable without a realistic prospect of restitution. Energy, food and land are the principal, closely interrelated traps; but the absolutely decisive resource in question is land whose increasing scarcity is totally underrated. Land is needed for fulfilling growing food demands, for producing renewable energy in the post-fossil and post-nuclear era, for maintaining other ecosystem services, for urban-industrial uses, transport, material extraction, refuse deposition, but also for leisure, recreation, and nature conservation. All these needs compete for land, food and non-food biomass production moreover for good soils that are scarcer than ever. We are preoccupied with fighting climate change and loss of biodiversity; but these are minor problems we could adapt to, albeit painfully, and their solution will fail if we are caught in the interrelated traps of energy, food, and land scarcity. Land and soils, finite and irreproducible resources, are the key issues we have to devote our work to, based on careful ecological information, planning and design for proper uses and purposes. The article concludes with a short reflection on economy and competition as general driving forces, and on the role and reputation of today’s ecology. Updated version of the keynote lecture presented at the EcoSummit 2007 in Beijing, China, May 24. The article is gratefully dedicated to the memory of my late colleague and friend Frank B. Golley.  相似文献   
长江流域冬季农业主要作物的耕地竞争机制及案例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江流域是世界最大的油菜籽生产带,增加油菜籽种植面积和产量是提高我国油料供给能力的重要方面。在该区域,油菜籽和小麦是最主要的冬季农作物,也是具备耕地竞争关系的2种主要作物。在对长江流域这两种作物的耕地竞争机制进行理论分析的基础上,系统阐述了耕地竞争力各影响因素之间的内在联系;根据实地调查的数据与结果,对油菜籽和冬小麦的耕地竞争关系进行深入分析。研究结果显示:油菜籽耕地竞争力的影响因素主要有单产、收购价格、机械化水平、劳动力价格及国家政策;稳定油菜籽收购价格是提高油菜籽耕地竞争力的关键;随着农村劳动力成本的提高,油菜籽生产的机械化水平成为影响种植效益的重要因素;国家补贴的影响作用不大。另外,结论也表明长江流域存在很大的油菜籽生产潜力。  相似文献   
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