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室内灰尘是人体对多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)暴露的重要乃至主要途径.吸尘器收集的灰尘中PBDEs的含量与室内人员血液中该物质含量的相关性较差,不适用于估算人体暴露剂量,也不能研究其沉降通量及其季节变化,用被动采样法采集室内降尘则可弥补这些不足.在厦门市选取家庭、办公室、机房和家具厂等采样点49个,用水平放置的玻璃板(四周用洁净铝箔围起)采集一年四季的降尘样品,对降尘中PBDEs的沉降通量、含量、组成、季节变化与人体暴露水平等进行研究.厦门家庭、办公室、机房和家具厂中ΣPBDEs(16种BDE的和,含BDE-209)全年沉降通量几何均值分别为6.1、3.0、1.1和179.8ng·(m~2·d)~(-1),家庭室内ΣPBDEs沉降通量是办公室的两倍,但全年家庭室内降尘中ΣPBDEs的含量(445.5 ng·g~(-1))仅略高于办公环境(384.0 ng·g~(-1)).厦门家庭、办公室、机房ΣPBDEs年均沉降通量与国内外城市相比处于较低水平.家具厂PBDEs沉降通量远高于普通环境.秋季ΣPBDEs沉降通量最大.各类室内环境四季降尘ΣPBDEs中BDE-209的百分比几何均值都在80%以上.家庭、办公室和机房室内ΣPBDEs沉降通量和降尘通量显著相关,而家具厂ΣPBDEs沉降通量与降尘通量无显著相关性.家庭和办公室Σ_(15)PBDEs沉降通量与电脑年龄显著相关,而与电器和家具数量、装修等无统计显著相关性.室内降尘是人体对ΣPBDEs尤其是高溴BDEs的一条主要暴露途径.  相似文献   
介绍一种处理报废电冰箱的技术。首先对报废电冰箱进行分解,包括制冷剂回收、压缩机拆卸、散热系统和蒸发系统拆卸、箱体箱门钢板拆卸、箱体内胆拆卸、门衬拆卸和绝热泡沫剥离等。然后对于拆出的材料作进一步处理,钢板、管材经平整或矫直裁剪之后作为旧板材或旧管材;内胆和门衬破碎后作为注塑材料使用;压缩机组经专业检测、修复再利用或作为冶金炉料使用。聚氨酯泡沫需经分离回收R11处理,处理工艺路线包括泡沫粉碎、发泡剂蒸发、混合气收集、除尘、储气、压缩、冷凝、节流以及发泡剂与空气的分离;工艺参数涉及主要工艺环节的热力学计算,包括破碎后的泡沫中的R11发泡剂的蒸发吸热、混合气压缩功耗、冷凝过程的散热。同时还介绍了应用发泡胶接法的聚氨酯硬泡沫碎屑再成型技术。采用该工艺处理报废电冰箱,具有拆解物利用价值高、处理过程能耗低、便于分拣、设备造价低等优点,适合我国国情。  相似文献   
北京市居家空气微生物粒径及分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
室内外空气微生物对人们健康的危害不仅与微生物的种类和浓度有关,而且还与微生物粒子的大小及粒径分布特征密切相关,并且不同粒径的空气微生物对人们健康影响的作用机制不同.在北京市不同方向选取31户有1~10岁儿童的家庭进行空气微生物取样,系统研究了室内家庭空气微生物粒径及分布特征.结果表明,室内空气细菌和真菌粒径分布特征不随家庭环境、季节特征、儿童性别、房屋结构的变化而变化,但空气细菌和真菌的粒径分布特征不同.总体上空气细菌和真菌粒径均呈对数正态分布,但空气细菌粒子百分比从Ⅰ级(>8.2μm)到Ⅴ级(1.0~2.0μm)逐渐增加,Ⅵ级(<1.0μm)细菌粒子百分比急剧下降,最高值出现在Ⅴ级,而空气真菌粒径百分比从Ⅰ级~Ⅳ级(2.0~3.5μm)逐渐增加,而后从Ⅳ级~Ⅵ级真菌粒径百分比急剧下降,最高值出现在Ⅳ级.不同优势真菌属的粒径分布也不相同,枝孢属、青霉属和曲霉属呈对数正态分布,最高值出现在Ⅳ级,而链格孢属为偏态分布,最高值出现在Ⅱ级(5.0~10.4μm).室内空气细菌的中值直径明显大于空气真菌,1 a中空气细菌和真菌春、夏、秋季的粒径明显大于冬季.  相似文献   
针对家电产品回收工艺流程决策评价的多阶段、多目标的特点,以及不同类型家电产品和不同回收工艺过程的动态特性,采用层次分类方法建立了以经济指标和环境指标为主要内容的回收工艺流程评价指标体系,对指标体系的组成进行了较为详细的分析,讨论了应该考虑的因素及有关计算方法。以电冰箱为例,用改进的模糊层次分析法与遗传算法相结合,介绍了回收工艺流程的优化决策方法。建立的指标体系不仅可以根据评价对象进行动态修改,而且具有较强的可操作性。  相似文献   
Experiencing nature and enjoying natural amenities have long been identified as key motives for rural second home tourism. However, the more people travel and spend time in the natural environment, the more it is disturbed by their actions and activities. In this paper, we examine how people perceive the environmental impacts of rural second home tourism and how they justify their views. The study focuses on Finland where rural second homes are widespread. Analysis is based on a questionnaire survey conducted among Finns in 2012 (n?=?1189). Responses from different groups of respondents (second home owners, regular users of second homes and non-users) are quantitatively and qualitatively analysed. The results indicate that the Finnish respondents generally think that second home tourism poses some degree of harmful environmental impacts. However, it is the second home owners who are least worried about these environmental impacts. They generally justify their opinions using a “place-related” perspective, that is, by referring to their own experiences and actions at the cottage site. In contrast, the non-users see environmental impacts more often from a broader perspective by referring to the wider environmental interconnections with second home tourism. In our discussion, we introduce the notions of place-based (relative) and phenomenon-based (relational) environmental perceptions as a potential framework for future research on this topic. In mitigating the increasing environmental impacts of second home tourism, understanding the environmental perceptions and awareness of second home owners and users is crucial to be successful in mobilising sustainable options and environmental governance.  相似文献   
In Korea due to rapid economical growth followed by urbanisation, breakage of large traditional families into small nuclear families, continuous changes in equipment features and capabilities causes tremendous increase in sale of new electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and decrease in sale of used EEE. Subsequently, the ever-increasing quantity of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has become a serious social problem and threat to the environment. Therefore, the gradual increase in the generation of WEEE intensifies the interest for recycling to conserve the resources and protect the environment. In view of the above, a review has been made related to the present status of the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment in Korea. This paper describes the present status of generation and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment, namely TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, personal computers and mobile phones in Korea. The commercial processes and the status of developing new technologies for the recycling of metallic values from waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) is also described briefly. Since 1998, three recycling centers are in full operation to recycle WEEE such as refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners, having the total capacity of 880,000 units/year. All waste TVs are recently recycled on commission basis by several private recycling plants. The recycling of waste personal computers and mobile phones is insignificant in comparison with the amount of estimated obsolete those. Korea has adopted and enforced the extended producer responsibility (EPR) system. Korea is making consistent efforts to improve the recycling rate to the standards indicated in the EU directives for WEEE. Especially environmentally friendly and energy-saving technologies are being developed to recycle metal values from PCBs of WEEE.  相似文献   
为了考察生活垃圾复垦排矸场的渗滤水特性,对垃圾与矸石在三种不同堆置方式下重点考察了渗滤水pH值、COD、F~-、Cr~(6 )和全Hg浓度;并对腐熟后土壤中的有机质含量、容重、含水量及饱和水等进行了测定。试验研究表明,垃圾与矸石均匀混合堆置方式具有较好的效果。  相似文献   
文章阐述了国内外海油陆采HSE管理现状,通过分析总结滩海油气生产设施从设计到投入使用全过程HSE管理经验,归纳整理出可借鉴的HSE管理技术,为中国石油海油陆采油田HSE文化的培育提供了有益的建议。  相似文献   
This article investigates the impact that the electricity tariff reform is likely to have on investments in renewable energies (i.e., photovoltaics) and the adoption of energy efficiency measures (i.e., installation of heat pumps and efficient home appliances) in the residential market in Italy. The study develops detailed cost comparisons and simulations considering two different investment scenarios (before and after the reform) to conclude that the reform will: (i) have a negative impact on investments in photovoltaic systems; (ii) favor the adoption of energy efficiency measures, such as efficient home appliances.  相似文献   
Home composting is a waste prevention measure related to the management of the household's food waste, garden trimmings, and other smaller organic household waste streams. Thus, home composting is an alternative way of exploitation of the “biomass” generated from the households. It is an alternative to centralized composting. Biomass utilization is explicitly stated as a principle of green chemistry. The aim of this paper is presentation of the results of a case study dealing with the life cycle environmental assessment of home composting of food waste in households in Greece. The results of the study indicate that home composting is environmentally preferable over the current organic waste management situation in Greece.  相似文献   
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