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水解酸化+两级生物接触氧化处理高盐度水产品加工废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了“水解酸化+两级生物接触氧化”处理水产品加工废水的运行效果和工程实例,结果表明:对C1^-浓度平均6000mg/L的高盐度水产品加工废水,系统对COD、SS、氨氮的去除率分别超过了88%、90%、85%,出水COD、SS、氨氮分别低于100mg/L、70mg/L、15mg/L,出水完全可以达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978—1996)一级排放标准。  相似文献   
水稻(Oryza.sativa L.)是我国最重要的粮食作物之一,水稻产量占粮食总产量的一半以上,一旦水稻受到重金属污染,将会影响水稻植株的正常生长和生理特性。目前关于钒胁迫对水稻植株生理特性指标的影响方面报道较少。通过水培实验,研究了不同钒(V)质量浓度(0、4、8、12、16、20 mg·L-1)对水稻幼苗(Oryza.sativa L)生理生化和富集特性的影响。结果表明:随着V胁迫浓度的增加,叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)等均呈现先上升、后下降的变化趋势。当ρ(V)≤12 mg·L-1,与对照相比较,叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量和酶活性增大了135.3%、104.2%、77.8%(CAT)、84.5%(POD)和273.2%(SOD);当ρ(V)〉12 mg·L-1,则分别降低37.2%、39.4%、41.1%、24.1%和24.5%。随着 V 胁迫浓度的增加,丙二醛(MDA)含量和细胞膜透性逐渐增大,与对照相比,分别增加了38.5%~289.3%、21.2%~303.2%,根系活力下降了10.9%~82.2%。可见,低ρ(V)(≤12 mg·L-1)对水稻幼苗的生长有一定的刺激作用,水稻幼苗自身保护酶表现出较强的自我调节能力;高ρ(V)(〉12 mg·L-1)明显抑制叶绿素和蛋白合成、抗氧化酶活性和根系活力,伤害了细胞质膜系统,影响水稻幼苗的生长发育。不同V浓度胁迫下,水稻幼苗累积的V含量为:根〉茎叶。随着V胁迫浓度增加,水稻幼苗各器官V含量增大,其中根部增幅远大于茎叶,当ρ(V)从5 mg·L-1增加到40 mg·L-1,与对照相比较,根部增加了0.98~25.3倍,茎叶部增加了0.26~4.74倍。生物富集系数(BF)先增加后降低,最大值为2.8408;迁移系数(TF)下降,最低值为0.1170,说明水稻对V有较强的富集能力,但迁移能力较低,积累的V主要富集在根部,可减轻V对地上部植物的危害。  相似文献   
川东古代盐业开发对行政区划和城市分布的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
盐是人类生活的必需品,盐的利用是人类发展史上的一大进步。以前在探讨早期人类活动以地关系时,主要关注温和的气候,宽阔的冲积平原或阶地、弃足的食物来源因素,极少考虑盐的重要性,这是历史学、考古学、地理学、经济的学的空白点。 和根据三峡库区的考古成果,结合对古盐井的考察研究后,认为:川东长江流域地区是井亍开发最早的区域,盐的利用与早期聚落的起源密切相关。手工业、商业从农业分离以后,越界 和为商品利润极高  相似文献   
Terrace-contouring systems with on-site water detention cannot be installed in areas of complex topography, small parceling and multi-blade moldboard plow use. However, field borders at the downslope end may be raised at the deepest part where runoff overtops to create detention ponds, which can be drained by subsurface tile outlets and act similar to terrace-contouring systems. Four of such detention ponds were monitored over 8 years. Monitored effects included the prevention of linear erosion down slope, the sediment trapping from upslope, the enrichment of major nutrients in the trapped and delivered sediments, the amount of runoff retained temporarily, the amount of runoff reduced by infiltration, the decrease in peak runoff rate and the decrease in peak concentrations of agrochemicals due to the mixing of different volumes of water within the detention ponds. The detention ponds had a volume of 30–260 m3 ha−1 and trapped 54–85% of the incoming sediment, which was insignificantly to slightly depleted (5–25%) in organic carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen and clay as compared to the eroding topsoil, while the delivered sediment was strongly enriched (+70–270%) but part of this enrichment already resulted from the enrichment of soil loss. The detention ponds temporarily stored 200–500 m3 of runoff. A failure was never experienced. Due to the siltation of the pond bottom, the short filled time (1–5 days) and the small water covered area, infiltration and evaporation reduced runoff by less than 10% for large events. Peak runoff during heavy rains was lowered by a factor of three. Peak concentrations of agrochemicals (Terbutylazin) were lowered by a factor of two. The detention ponds created by raising the downslope field borders at the pour point efficiently reduced adverse erosion effects downslope the eroding site. They are cheap and can easily be created with on-farm machinery. Their efficiency is improved where they are combined with an on-site erosion control like mulch tillage because sediment and runoff input are reduced. Ponds had to be dredged only after the first year when on-site erosion control was not fully effective.  相似文献   
济源市平原区农田重金属污染特征及综合风险评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
铅锌冶炼区农田重金属污染问题受到广泛关注.本研究通过区域调查和空间分析明确济源市东部平原区农田土壤-小麦重金属污染特征,应用富集因子、潜在生态风险指数法和Monte Carlo模拟方法评估区域土壤重金属生态风险以及小麦Cd和Pb健康风险.结果表明:土壤Cd、Pb、Cu和Zn平均含量分别为1.51、97.1、29.0和79.5 mg·kg-1,均高于河南省土壤元素背景值.其中74.2%和10.8%的样点Cd、Pb含量分别超过农田土壤风险筛选值,61.3%和40.9%的样点小麦Cd、Pb含量分别超过国家食品安全限量标准.富集因子研究结果表明土壤Cd污染程度最高.高风险区主要分布在西南部、西北部和中东部以铅锌冶炼为主的工业区.健康风险评估结果显示研究区小麦Cd非致癌风险和致癌风险高于国际推荐安全值的概率分别高达27.5%和100%.济源市小麦田Cd、Pb累积显著,需引起当地有关部门足够关注.空间分析与风险评价结果相结合,可以有效辨识高风险区域,进而为研究区污染防治和管控提供理论依据.  相似文献   
上海市郊区大气细颗粒和超细颗粒物中元素粒径分布研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
用同步辐射X荧光光谱分析了上海市郊区大气细颗粒和超细颗粒物(0.028 7~2.40 μm)中元素粒径分布、质量中值粒径、元素相关性和不同粒径颗粒物中的富集因子.Ca、Ti主要分布于粒径>2 μm的颗粒物中,它们之间的相关系数达0.933,富集因子在0.1~3.2之间,且与粒径无明显关联,主要来自土壤扬尘等自然来源.V、Cr、Mn、Ni、Zn、Cu、Pb、Cl、S等元素主要分布在0.1~1.0 μm颗粒物中,质量中值粒径在0.56~0.94 μm之间.V、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb显著富集,且富集程度随粒径减小而增大.其中Pb在超细颗粒物(<0.1 μm)中的富集因子达2 023.7~2 244.2,远大于在细颗粒和 PM2.5中的富集程度.这些元素主要来自燃油、燃煤、冶金和机动车尾气等人为污染.Fe在>0.2 μm颗粒物中分布较均匀,质量中值粒径1.3 μm.除了局部污染源,远距离传输对该地区大气颗粒物污染有不可忽略的影响.  相似文献   
鲁西平原微咸水资源的开发意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁西平原处于黄泛平原的尾闾地段,常受旱涝盐咸多种危害。本文分析了浅层微咸水的形成、水质及动态特征,对水质、水量进行了评价,探讨了开发利用微咸水的可能性及灌溉效益。农业上开采浅层微咸水,无疑对扩大地下水资源及促进鲁西平原水、土环境的良性循环有重大意义。  相似文献   
为研究咸潮预警,上海某饮用水源地安装了蓝色卫士水质综合预警系统。采用实验室配制人工海水模拟减潮,通过动态实验研究蓝色卫士的成潮预警值。试验证明,成潮预警值设定范围为1.6~1.8较好。经过连续1a自动监测,蓝色卫士共准确预警预报两次成潮,成功保障了该水源地的饮水安全。  相似文献   
This research seeks for improved understanding regarding the interaction of meaningful work and the work–family interface. Existing literature suggests that experiencing a sense of calling toward work makes the work domain particularly salient to employees compared to other life domains. In this article, we draw on this idea, rooted in identity theory, to hypothesize that a sense of calling toward work diminishes the effects of work–family conflict and work–family enrichment on employee's job and life satisfaction. We test these ideas in two studies. First, we surveyed an alumni sample of 598 employees from various jobs, industries, and job levels. Then, in a constructive replication, we surveyed 327 employees using a time-lagged design. Calling was found to significantly buffer the effect of work–family conflict on job satisfaction in Study 2, but not Study 1. Calling did not buffer the effect of conflict on life satisfaction in either study. However, both studies demonstrated that calling attenuated (substituted for) the effect of work–family enrichment on job satisfaction. Study 1 supported the idea that calling attenuates the effect of enrichment on life satisfaction; however, this interactive effect was reversed in Study 2, contrary to expectations. We discuss implications for theory and practice related to callings and career choices, as well as for the role of calling and work identity in the work–family interface.  相似文献   
Sediment and suspended particulate matter samples from 24 stations in the Gulf of Kavala have been examined for lead contamination. Grain size analysis and organic matter content were also performed. Total – anthropogenic sediment lead concentrations and enrichment factors at stations close to harbors and chemical industries were found higher (up to 209–135μg/g and 4.12 respectively), in relation to concentrations from the rest of the coastal zone. In the above areas, increased suspended particulate lead in the bottom of the water column was also recorded (up to 109μg/g). Total sediment lead concentrations composed of high natural Pb background increased with decreasing grain size, suggesting their association with the fine fractions of the sediments (31.1–66.0% mud presence) and the organic matter content (6–9% higher values). Overall, higher total lead concentrations in the sediments, determined by this work, appear to be significantly different from those reported for the Gulf of Kavala in previous studies and similar to those detected in other highly contaminated eastern Mediterranean coastal areas.  相似文献   
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