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大气CO2浓度升高已成为世界范围内重要环境问题。为了解大气CO2浓度升高对春小麦光合作用及水分生理生态特性的影响,在典型半干旱区定西利用开顶式气室(OTC)试验平台,以春小麦“定西24号”为供试品种,开展了CO2浓度增加模拟试验。试验设对照(390μmol·mol?1)、480μmol·mol?1和570μmol·mol?1等3个CO2浓度(摩尔分数)梯度。结果表明:在对照和增加CO2浓度条件下,春小麦叶片净光合速率和蒸腾速率日变化均呈“双峰型”分布,出现明显的“午休”现象;胞间CO2浓度的日变化表现为斜“V”字型曲线;叶水势日变化呈现反抛物线曲线走向,在中午后出现水势曲线拐点。在不同生育时期内,净光合速率、气孔导度和胞间CO2浓度均表现为开花期最大,乳熟期最小。而蒸腾速率表现为开花期最大,拔节期最小,叶片水平水分利用效率表现为孕穗期最大,乳熟期最小。随着CO2浓度升高,春小麦叶片净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度、水分利用效率和水势提高,气孔导度和蒸腾速率降低。与对照大气CO2浓度相比,在480μmol·mol?1浓度和570μmol·mol?1浓度下,整个生育期净光合速率平均分别提高了14.68%和28.20%,气孔导度平均降低了15.29%和24.83%,胞间CO2浓度平均提高了10.38%和26.15%,蒸腾速率平均减小了6.63%和12.41%,WUE平均增加了22.9%和46.9%。随着CO2浓度升高,蒸腾失水减少,叶片水势不断增加,从而增强了春小麦对干旱胁迫的抵御能力。研究结果为我国半干旱区春小麦对全球气候变化下的敏感性及适应性提供理论参考。  相似文献   
Large, intact areas of tropical peatland are highly threatened at a global scale by the expansion of commercial agriculture and other forms of economic development. Conserving peatlands on a landscape scale, with their hydrology intact, is of international conservation importance to preserve their distinctive biodiversity and ecosystem services and maintain their resilience to future environmental change. We explored threats to and opportunities for conserving remaining intact tropical peatlands; thus, we excluded peatlands of Indonesia and Malaysia, where extensive deforestation, drainage, and conversion to plantations means conservation in this region can protect only small fragments of the original ecosystem. We focused on a case study, the Pastaza‐Marañón Foreland Basin (PMFB) in Peru, which is among the largest known intact tropical peatland landscapes in the world and is representative of peatland vulnerability. Maintenance of the hydrological conditions critical for carbon storage and ecosystem function of peatlands is, in the PMFB, primarily threatened by expansion of commercial agriculture linked to new transport infrastructure that is facilitating access to remote areas. There remain opportunities in the PMFB and elsewhere to develop alternative, more sustainable land‐use practices. Although some of the peatlands in the PMFB fall within existing legally protected areas, this protection does not include the most carbon‐dense (domed pole forest) areas. New carbon‐based conservation instruments (e.g., REDD+, Green Climate Fund), developing markets for sustainable peatland products, transferring land title to local communities, and expanding protected areas offer pathways to increased protection for intact tropical peatlands in Amazonia and elsewhere, such as those in New Guinea and Central Africa which remain, for the moment, broadly beyond the frontier of commercial development.  相似文献   
Many national exposure programmes have been performed in tropical and subtropical climates during the last 50 years. However, ambitious programmes involving more than a few countries are scarce. In this paper a recently formed network of test sites is described involving 12 test sites in Asia (India, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and China including Hong Kong) and four test sites in Africa (South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe). This effort is part of the 2001–2004 Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) funded Programme on Regional Air Pollution in Developing Countries (RAPIDC). Corrosion attack after one (2002–2003) year of exposure (carbon steel, zinc, copper, limestone and paint coated steel) are presented together with environmental data (SO2, NO2, HNO3, O3, particles, amount and pH of precipitation, temperature and relative humidity) for all the test sites. The obtained corrosion values are substantially higher than expected for limestone, higher than expected for carbon steel and lower than expected for zinc compared to values calculated using the best available dose–response functions.  相似文献   
Bayesian network analyses can be used to interactively change the strength of effect of variables in a model to explore complex relationships in new ways. In doing so, they allow one to identify influential nodes that are not well studied empirically so that future research can be prioritized. We identified relationships in host and pathogen biology to examine disease‐driven declines of amphibians associated with amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis). We constructed a Bayesian network consisting of behavioral, genetic, physiological, and environmental variables that influence disease and used them to predict host population trends. We varied the impacts of specific variables in the model to reveal factors with the most influence on host population trend. The behavior of the nodes (the way in which the variables probabilistically responded to changes in states of the parents, which are the nodes or variables that directly influenced them in the graphical model) was consistent with published results. The frog population had a 49% probability of decline when all states were set at their original values, and this probability increased when body temperatures were cold, the immune system was not suppressing infection, and the ambient environment was conducive to growth of B. dendrobatidis. These findings suggest the construction of our model reflected the complex relationships characteristic of host–pathogen interactions. Changes to climatic variables alone did not strongly influence the probability of population decline, which suggests that climate interacts with other factors such as the capacity of the frog immune system to suppress disease. Changes to the adaptive immune system and disease reservoirs had a large effect on the population trend, but there was little empirical information available for model construction. Our model inputs can be used as a base to examine other systems, and our results show that such analyses are useful tools for reviewing existing literature, identifying links poorly supported by evidence, and understanding complexities in emerging infectious‐disease systems.  相似文献   
为了解海南岛半干旱区农业土壤中重金属富集因素和污染状况,在感城镇采集1818件表层土壤样品,测定其重金属含量和化学组成.采用相关分析、地累积指数(Igeo)、综合生态风险指数(RI)、危害指数(HI)、致癌风险指数(CR)和正定矩阵因子分析(PMF)开展重金属风险评价和来源识别.结果显示,重金属ω(As)、ω(Cd)、ω(Cr)、ω(Cu)、ω(Hg)、ω(Ni)、ω(Pb)和ω(Zn)的平均值分别为22.7、0.128、33.4、14.5、0.032、9.32、32.5和43.3 mg ·kg-1,除Zn外,均高于海南岛土壤背景值.相关分析表明,重金属富集与土壤中Fe、Mn、Al和有机质含量密切相关.Igeo结果表明,研究区农业土壤主要受到As的污染,其次为Cd和Cu;RI结果显示,高风险以上的样品占比为29.4%,其中As是潜在生态风险的主要贡献者;健康风险评估结果显示,As、Cr和Ni对儿童存在致癌风险,需要引起注意.基于PMF模型,确定了研究区重金属的4种主要来源,其中Hg主要来自工业排放;As主要来自农业活动;Ni、Cu、Cr和Zn主要来自与成土母质密切相关的自然来源;Pb和Cd主要来自农业活动和机动车尾气的混合源.研究表明PMF模型与相关分析相结合,能够有效识别土壤重金属来源.  相似文献   
围栏封育促进植被恢复效果研究方法很多,其中通过研究植被的群落特征及物种多样性来阐述恢复状况仍是比较常用和有效的手段,但多样性测度对生物群落的自组织及有序性方面的特征描述欠缺,鉴于此,多样性与复杂性测度结合起来研究群落结构与功能显得更有意义。研究人工封育对植被恢复过程中群落的多样性与复杂性的影响,必然有助于揭示生态恢复过程机理。目前,利用多样性与复杂性测度相结合来对群落结构进行量化研究不多,用于对草原生态系统植物群落结构研究更少。本文通过样地调查,利用多样性和复杂性指数相结合定量研究半干旱区人工封育草场植物群落物种多样性、复杂性随封育年限的变化规律,并对比分析复杂性与物种多样性之间的相关性。结果表明,(1)老封育区、新封育区丰富度指数整体高于对照区,说明封育有利于物种丰富度的增加。但随封育时间的延长,封育区的优势种占据主要的资源空间,丰富度指数降低。长时间封育,草场植被丰富度将发生规律性波动变化,低峰值和高峰值出现频率均约为4~5年/次。老封育区、新封育区的SW、SP多样性指数值大部分也高于对照区,说明封育措施增加草场植被的多样性。物种多样性指数受降水影响显著,当降水量增加或减少时,多样性指数也相应出现增加或减少,但降水影响效应具有一定的滞后性。老封育区、新封育区均匀度变化比较平稳,且指数值高于对照区,说明封育有利于均匀度的增加。(2)老封育区、新封育区总复杂性指数、无序结构复杂性指数值大部分比对照区指数值高,且指数波动相对平稳,说明封育区群落结构比对照区稳定,更适合荒漠草原植被的生长,封育增加了群落总复杂性、无序结构复杂性。封育也提高群落有序结构复杂性,但?  相似文献   
近年来,伴随着东部地区煤炭资源的枯竭,我国煤炭开采的重心逐步由东部湿润地区转移到西部干旱半干旱地区。生态环境脆弱是干旱半干旱区自然本底特征,大规模的煤炭开采一定程度上改变了当地的环境现状,带来了诸多环境问题。基于"井工"和"露天"两种不同煤炭开采方式,文章分析了干旱半干旱区煤炭开采造成的主要环境问题,并基于生态累积效应理论,分析了采煤活动的生态累积评估方法。最后,针对存在的主要环境问题提出了相应的对策与策略。  相似文献   
2 /yr, respectively. Geomorphic evidence indicates that plantation agriculture during the 18th and 19th centuries did not cause severe erosion. Since about 1950 there has been rapid growth in roads and development due to increasing tourism and second-home development. Our field investigations identified the approximately 50 km of unpaved roads as the primary source of anthropogenic sediment. Field measurements of the road network in two catchments led to the development of a vector-based GIS model to predict road surface erosion and sediment delivery. We estimate that road erosion has caused at least a fourfold increase in island-wide sediment yields and that current sedimentation rates are unprecedented. Paving the dirt roads and implementing standard sediment control practices can greatly reduce current sediment yields and possible adverse effects on the marine ecosystems surrounding St. John.  相似文献   
A study on root competition in alley cropping was carried out in an agroforestry system, involving Cassia siamea Lam. and maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Katumani composite B). The existence and intensity of root competition in the top soil as manifested by the distribution of the active roots of cassia and maize, in space and time, was assessed. The root length density of maize was far greater than that of cassia in the upper 10 cm, implying that cassia was not competing with maize for water and/or nutrients at that depth. However, at maize crop tasselling and grain filling stages there was a marked overlap of roots of the two plants at lower depths (20—50 cm). This varied with distance from the cassia hedge in a way that there was a tendency for highest overlap near middle maize rows. This partly explained observed yield differences. Therefore cassia may not be a suitable choice for alley cropping with maize under semi-arid conditions on non-sloping land, unless most of its active roots can be properly managed to absorb resources below the feeding rhizosphere of the active maize roots.  相似文献   
生物炭添加对半干旱地区土壤温室气体排放的影响   总被引:5,自引:9,他引:5  
为确定生物炭添加对半干旱地区农田土壤温室气体释放的影响,采用小区定位试验,利用锯末(J)和槐树皮(H)及3种添加比例(1%、3%、5%,质量百分比),研究了生物炭添加6个月内表层土壤CO2、CH4和N2O等3种温室气体排放的动态变化.结果表明,与对照相比,各处理土壤CO2排放通量随生物炭的添加呈现增加的趋势,锯末和槐树皮等两种生物炭处理的土壤CO2平均排放通量分别增加了1.89%和3.34%,但差异不显著.CH4排放随着生物炭添加量的增加而降低,各生物炭处理的土壤表层CH4排放量平均降幅分别为:J1:1.17%、J3:2.55%、J5:4.32%、H1:2.35%、H3:5.83%、H5:7.32%.其中,锯末生物炭仅在5%添加量时较对照差异显著(P0.05),而槐树皮生物炭处理在3%和5%的添加量与对照差异均达显著水平(P0.05).生物炭对N2O的排放影响没有明显规律性.研究表明,生物炭在短期内对半干旱地区农田土壤CO2和N2O的排放没有显著影响,而对CH4排放则影响显著(P0.05).就生物炭类型而言,槐树皮生物炭在抑制CH4排放方面优于锯末生物炭,差异显著(P=0.048).  相似文献   
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