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印度首都新德里,人们正在实施一个大胆的废物回收利用计划,力图把被丢弃的塑料袋转化成高科技的时装原料和精美的日常用品。这个资源回收利用计划不仅生产高级女用时装手袋,还把废塑料变成文件夹、鞋架、储物盒、桌布和垫板。该计划是由当地的非政府组织自然保护组织推广的。该组织认为这个资源回收利用计划是“一个有效的废物处理计划,并且给当地城市贫民带来了一个新的谋生的手段”。自然保护组织成立于1 988年,它长期致力于环保项目的开发和推广,如把家庭日常垃圾转变成混合肥料。近两年该组织主要关注的是废塑料回收利用问题。废塑料…  相似文献   
莫雯 《环境导报》2002,(12):45-45
20世纪90年代初期,科研人员在从斯里兰卡到阿富汗的整个印度半岛南亚上空距地面14公里处发现了一片3公里厚的“亚洲褐云”。联合国环境规划署成立了一个研究小组,对这块云层进行研究。  相似文献   
吴蓓 《环境教育》2005,(12):54-55
如果你去印度旅行,将有许多有趣而且重要的停靠地。但第一个应当是位于喜马拉雅山山坳的“大地”。这个印度最北边的村庄曾发生了举世瞩目的非暴力生态运动——抱树运动。  相似文献   
中国和印度几乎同时出现在世界舞台表明国际事务的架构发生了史无前例的变化.这两个占世界人口40%的巨人,其人口相当于位居其后的20个人口最多国家的人口总和.在十九和二十世纪,这两个巨人长期在主宰国际事务的欧洲、日本和美国的阴影之下沉睡.  相似文献   
A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of elemental sulfur to contaminated soil on plant uptake by a heavy metal hyperaccumulator, Indian mustard( Brassica juncea ) and a field crop, winter wheat( Triticum. aestivum). Elemental sulfur(S) with different rates was carried out, they were 0(S0 ), 20(S20 ), 40(S40 ), 80(S80 ), and 160(S160 ) mmol/kg respectively. Extra pots with the same rates of S but without plants were used for soil sampling to monitor pH and CaCl2-extractable heavy metal changes. The results showed that S enhanced phytoextraction of Pb and Zn from contaminated soil. Application S effectively decreased soil pH down to 1.1 as the most at the rate of Sl60. The concentrations of CaCl2-extractable Pb and Zn in soil and uptake of Pb and Zn by the plants were increased with soil pH decreased. A good correlation between CaCl2-extractable Pb/Zn and soil pH was found( Rpb^2 = 0.847 and RZn^2 = 0,991, n = 25). With S application, soil CaCl2-extractable Pb and Zn concentrations, concentration of Pb and Zn in plants and the amount of removal by plant uptake were significanfly higher than those without S. Under the treatment of S160, the highest CaCl2-extmctable Pb and Zn were observed, they were 4.23 mg/kg and 0.40 mg/kg, 2.7 and 2.0 times as that of the control(So ) respectively. At the highest rates of S( Sl~0 ), both Indian mustard and winter wheat reached the highest uptake of Pb and Zn. The highest Pb concentrations in wheat and Indian mustard were 32.8 mg/kg and 537.0 mg/kg, all 1.8 times as that of the control, and the highest Zn concentrations in wheat and Indian mustard were 215.5 mg/kg and 404.0 mg/kg, 2.4 and 2.0 times as that of the control respectively. The highest removals of Pb and Zn from the contaminated soil were 0.41 rag/pot and 0.31 nag/pot by Indian mustard in the treatment of S160 through 50 days growth.  相似文献   
Char.  VS 《产业与环境》1998,20(3):28-29
提高的公众意识,便严的格法规和反应灵敏的司法体系,都是印度工业界正在改善其事故预防与准备能力的原因。目前特别需要恰如其分的培训与教育,由于心中想着此事,印度行政人员学院能源,环境与技术中心组织了一个关于化学事故管理的培训计划,以期提高化学工业中事故预防与准意识的发展这一方面的技术。介绍了该培训计划的具体目标,主要话题笔所出现的问题。  相似文献   
通过根际袋法土培盆栽试验,研究了印度芥菜对石灰性土壤中难溶态Cd、Pb的吸收差异。试验结果表明,印度芥菜能吸收石灰性土壤中的难溶态Cd、Pb并对其有较高的忍耐性。印度芥菜吸收的Cd 70%以上累积在地上部而吸收的Pb 83%以上累积在根系;印度芥菜根际土壤中的DTPA提取态Cd显著高于非根际土壤,但根际与非根际土壤中的DTPA提取的Pb含量差异不显著。本试验条件下,印度芥菜对土壤Cd的净化率为0.83%~1.25%,对土壤Pb的净化率则只有0.04%~0.07%。  相似文献   
潘苏红  张干  孙亚莉  解启来 《环境科学》2012,33(4):1204-1208
为探讨城市道路街尘中多环芳烃(PAHs)和黑碳(BC)的分布特征,2007年12月~2009年2月,分别在中国的北京、上海、广州和武汉以及印度的加尔各答采集了城市主干道的街尘.样品处理后分别用GC-MS和元素分析仪进行测定.结果表明,中国主要城市道路街尘中PAHs的含量范围为2.30~22.2μg.g-1,主要是以荧蒽、菲、芘、、苯并(b)荧蒽和苯并(ghi)苝为主要的多环芳烃化合物.印度加尔各答PAHs的含量范围为4.85~30.5μg.g-1,呈现出以2环的萘为主要的PAHs化合物.BC在中国主要城市道路街尘中的含量值高于印度的加尔各答,说明了2个国家可能的不同能源结构和能源消耗.相关分析表明,PAHs与BC在不同的城市显示出不同的特点,可能指示了不同的来源.特征比值法表明城市街尘中的PAHs主要来源于机动车排放,其次来源于燃煤.  相似文献   
Eight mollusc species and sediment samples collected from three different stations along Tamilnadu coast, Bay of Bengal, India were analysed for the levels of petroleum hydrocarbons to elucidate the status of the petroleum residues in mollusc meant for human consumption. The concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in sediments along Tamilnadu coast varied from 5.04–25.5 g/g dw (dry weight). High concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in the sediment of Uppanar estuary (25.5 1.45 g/g dw) was perhaps land and marine based anthropogenic sources of this region. The petroleum hydrocarbon residues in eight mollusc species collected from Uppanar, Vellar and Coleroon estuaries varied between 2.44–6.04 g/g ww (wet weight). Although the concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in sediment of the Uppanar region was markedly higher than the background, the petroleum hydrocarbon residues in mollusc collected from Uppanar estuary did not suggest bioaccumulation. The results signified that industrial growth has affected the aquatic environments and regular monitoring will help to adopt stringent pollution control measures for better management of the aquatic region.  相似文献   
Umak.  RR 《产业与环境》1998,20(3):43-46
4年多来,以马德拉斯附近的马纳利-恩诺尔工业我中实施APEEL/LAMP计划所取得的经验,为进一步发展提供了一良好的基础,在APELL方法的成功实施方面,特别重要的两步是1993年在国家安全理事会与世界环境中心之间签署一项为期4年的京解备记录,和建立一个国家顾问委员会, 利于计划成功的因素,遇到的和身心健康为止的一些成线。  相似文献   
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