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1997年和 1998年夏季桥墩水库相继发生大面积蓝藻水华 .1998年 9月 1m2 水面喷洒 38 8g改性明矾浆应急除藻 ,当年蓝藻水华基本消失 .1998年底和 1999年初 ,1hm2 水面放养尾重 2 0g左右鲢、鳙鱼种 12 0 0尾 .1999年仅局部发生蓝藻水华 ,8月份水库浮游蓝藻数量比 1998年同期下降 77 7% ,透明度提高 1 5m ;2 0 0 0和 2 0 0 1年水库不再出现蓝藻水华 ,水体表观质量明显提高 ,与 1998年 8月同期比较 ,透明度提高 2 4m ,总氮下降 6 1 1% ,总磷下降 5 9.4 % ,浮游蓝藻总量由 1998年的 10 4 35 5× 10 4个细胞 L下降至 14 3 3× 10 4个细胞 L ,蓝藻个体数量比例从 1998年的 99 2 %下降至 31 5 % .水体富营养状况从治理前的中—富营养类型恢复到中—贫营养类型 .  相似文献   
通过实验室模拟富营养化水体进行鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)鲴(Plagiogathops micrloepis Bleeker)混养,结合同位素标记与微生物检测,研究其中沉积物微生物群落的变化及其对氮素迁移转化的影响,揭示鲢鳙鲴混养作用机制....  相似文献   
大亚湾和大鹏湾麻痹性贝类毒素动态分析   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:14  
于1997~1999年在大亚湾和大鹏湾的主要贝类养殖区设立了四个采样点,以华贵栉孔扇贝和翡翠贻贝为对象逐月采样,用美国分析化学家协会推荐的生物测定法进行麻痹性贝类毒素测定。结果显示,1999年1月~1999年6月大亚湾东山海域的扇贝消化腺毒素含量为1263~105Mu/g,剔除消化腺后的软组织毒素含量为13.4至低于1.7Mu/g,消化腺和其他软组织毒素含量的加权平均值为7.7~117Mu/g,高  相似文献   
利用15N稳定同位素技术研究混养细鳞斜颌鲴对鲢鱅鱼水环境及氮素迁移转化的影响.结果显示:实验期间,鲴鲢鱅组各营养盐浓度经过短暂升高后迅速降低,实验结束时,TN,TP,NO3--N,NO2--N,PO43--P浓度分别达到2.67,0.13,0.93,0.026,0.0035mg/L,鲢鱅组各营养盐浓度总体保持增长趋势并于第10d后显著大于鲴鲢鱅组相应值(P<0.05),到实验结束分别为鲴鲢鱅组的1.80,1.69,1.73,1.72,1.83倍.与对照组相比,有鱼组的叶绿素浓度Chla和藻细胞密度明显下降,到实验结束,鲢鱅组的Chla和藻细胞密度分别为34.69mg/m3,1.96×106cells/L,鲴鲢鱅组分别为25.32mg/m3,1.9×106cells/L,均显著低于对照组(P<0.05).同位素分析结果显示:标记物15N微囊藻进入系统后,部分被鲢鱅鱼摄食同化为机体组成部分,再通过鱼类分泌,排泄等方式进入水体,水体中含氮营养盐被藻类生长吸收,此外,一部分微囊藻沉淀和鱼类排泄物作为沉积腐质被鲴鱼摄食同化为其机体组成部分.  相似文献   
通过鲢鳙鱼不同密度的放养试验,研究了滤食性鱼类对池塘浮游生物结构的影响。结果表明,随鲢鳙鱼密度的增加,浮游植物生产力并不下降,密度有所提高;鲢鳙鱼的放养促使浮游动植物向小型化发展;鲢鳙鱼放养密度对浮游生物多样性指数无明显影响。  相似文献   
广东大亚湾和大鹏湾麻痹性贝类毒素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
于1997-1999年在广东大亚湾和大鹏湾的主要贝类养殖区设立了4个采样点,以华贵栉孔扇贝和翡翠贻贝为对象逐月采样,以美国分析化学家协会(AOAC)推荐的小白鼠法测定其麻痹性贝类毒素(PSP)含量.1999年1-6月大亚湾东山海域的扇贝贝毒含量高于联合国粮农组织(FAO)制定的贝类安全食用标准的限定值,尤其是1月份,超过限定值近30倍.贻贝仅1月份超标.总体上贝毒含量表现为由冬春季高峰期逐月波动下降的趋势.大亚湾澳头和大鹏湾南澳的两种贝类毒素含量都不高,扇贝长期含有较低的毒素,贻贝在大部分时间内不含毒素.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Commercially fished holothurians have important functions in nutrient recycling, which increases the benthic productivity of coral reef ecosystems. Thus, removal of these animals through fishing may reduce the overall productivity of affected coral reefs. To investigate the potential for recovery of overfished holothurian (  Holothuria nobilis ) stocks on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), we (1) conducted field surveys on 23 reefs after fishery closure, (2) modeled total virgin biomass and compared it with the total amount fished, and (3) estimated individual growth rates with a DNA fingerprinting technique. Two years after fishery closure, no recovery of H. nobilis stocks on reefs previously open to fishing was observed. Densities on reefs protected from fishing since the onset of the fishery in the mid 1980s remained about four times higher than on fished reefs. Based on density estimates and geographic information system data on the habitat area of each reef, we calculated that the virgin biomass (in the main fished area between 12° and 19°S) was about 5500 t and is now about 2500 t. The reduction is on the same order of magnitude as the total amount fished until 1999 (approximately 2500 t). The DNA analysis of repeated samples on three locations indicated high recapture rates of fingerprinted and released individuals of H. nobilis . Fitting growth curves with Francis's growth function indicated that medium-sized individuals (1 kg) grew 35–533 g /year, whereas large animals (2.5 kg) consistently shrank. Small animals (<500 g) were rarely observed. In combination, these data indicate that production of H. nobilis stocks is very low, presumably with low mortality, low recruitment, and slow individual growth rates. Consistent with anecdotal evidence, recovery of H. nobilis stocks on the GBR may take several decades, and we suggest a highly conservative management plan to protect both the stocks and the ecosystem.  相似文献   
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