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黑龙江省2006—2009年城市声环境质量状况及变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黑龙江省13个市地2006年-2009年声环境质量的监测数据进行研究,分析了黑龙江省声环境质量状况及变化趋势。黑龙江省城市区域声环境质量主要处于较好和轻度污染状态;城市道路交通环境质量处于好和较好水平;城市各类功能区声环境质量,夜间超标现象仍很严重;交通噪声影响强度最大;社会生活噪声影响范围最广;改善声环境质量仍是今后一项主要工作。  相似文献   
宽域灰色决策法在企业环境经济效益综合评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探索宽域灰色决策法用于企业环境经济效益评价的可行性和合理性,应用宽域灰色决策方法构建企业环境经济效益的综合评价模型,并将该方法用于实例分析.结果表明,宽域灰色决策法用于企业环境经济效益评价是可行的.  相似文献   
介绍了采用UASB+ A/O工艺处理大豆蛋白生产废水的工程,包括大豆蛋白生产废水的特点、废水处理的工艺流程、主要构筑物以及工艺运行的控制事项、处理效果和效益分析.工程实践表明,采用UASB+ A/O工艺处理大豆蛋白生产废水效果良好,运行稳定,出水能够达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)三级标准,并且工艺过程能够产生经济效益,减少了系统的运行费用,达到了资源化的目的.  相似文献   
工艺方案的好坏,不仅将直接影响生产(试验)的成败,影响产品的质量,而且还会影响生产的成本,即最终影响企业的经济效益。此文重点介绍9303产品收口工艺方案的改变及所产生的巨大经济效益。  相似文献   
本文研究了雷林1号桉(Eucalyptus leizhou No.1)林地间种菠萝(Ananas comosus)对土壤性质、林地养分积累和林木生长的影响,并对间种的经济效益作了初步分析。结果表明,间种两年半后,林地枯落物保存量比对照区提高76%;间种区枯落物和菠萝植株所积累的N、P、K、Ca、Mg分別是对照区枯落物所积累的养分量的4.3、5.5、34.6、3.6和3.5倍;间种区桉树平均树高、胸径和每木蓄积量分別比对照区增大8.9%、13.4%和34.7%,蓄积量增加14.9m~3ha~(-1)。间种的直接经济效益已达4100元ha~(-1)。  相似文献   
环境税收制度是未来中国环境政策改革的突破口,相对于其它的环境政策如排污收费与排污权交易等,环境税收其经济效益与环境效益明显,开征环境税收有重要的意义,但在短期内,我国实施环境税收制度的条件尚不成熟,环境政策体系应该采取税费并存,并逐步过渡到以环境税为主的方式。  相似文献   
/ Limit values are legal limits for the concentrations of substances in the environment. They must be agreed upon in a consensual procedure between science, economics/technology, and political forces. This is a crucial political precondition for their social acceptance. The arguments put forward to justify their expediency and numerical level are based not only on risk-benefit considerations but also on the aspect of the technical avoidability of direct and indirect exposure. The critical assessment of the direct benefit of specified exposures falls within the responsibility of economics/technology, whereas criteria for their potential adverse effects (direct and indirect) are provided by medicine/biochemistry and/or ecology. Within this concept, the avoidance of nonbeneficial-even if not openly adverse-exposure is the essential aim of environmental hygiene and should be promoted by politics/science. In general, society or segments thereof reject adverse, accept beneficial, and tolerate unavoidable exposure. Conflicts of interest arise when different groups of society simultaneously define a given exposure as being adverse, beneficial, and unavoidable. Therefore, from the viewpoint of society as a whole, an optimal exposure lies as far as reasonably achievable at a level lower than known or plausible adverse effect thresholds (as defined by toxicology or ecology). This optimal level of exposure must be determined using a transparent and, hence, public procedure.KEY WORDS: Legal limit values; Benefit threshold; Social acceptance; Social tolerability; Adverse effect threshold; Avoidable exposure; Tolerance threshold; Environmental hygiene  相似文献   
This paper assesses the private and social profitability of current strategies for managing processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) in Portuguese pine forests, looking at economic and environmental costs and benefits. Costs include the expenses for forest treatment and the social costs of threats to human health (dermatitis amongst others); benefits are assessed in terms of both revenue and social benefits such as carbon fixation and recreation. The evaluation was done using Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) as an analytical framework. While this tool is currently applied to forest and environmental assessment and specific applications to pest management strategies are to be found in agricultural economics, rather few attempts have been made in the field of forest pest management. In order to assess and compare with--without options, a case-study was analysed for the Setúbal Peninsula, south of Lisbon, an area where extensive stands of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) grow. The exercise has shown that CBA can be a valuable tool for assessing the economic and social profitability of pest management. The results demonstrate that the loss of revenues in the no-management option is not sufficient to make pest management profitable for private forest owners in the short-term. Conversely, a social profit is gained as pest management minimizes health risks for humans and avoids possible recreational losses.  相似文献   
通过实例,针对某铸造分厂砂处理生产工艺落后,旧砂对车间、环境及产品质量的影响,提出了建立旧砂再生系统的技术改造方案,阐述了旧砂干法再生方法及系统设施选择,分析了砂处理后取得的环境效益和经济效益。可为中小型铸造厂提供借鉴。  相似文献   
质量保证与质量拉制是水质自动监测中十分重要的技术工作和管理工作,包括人员素质、运行与管理机制、试剂与标准溶液的配制及文件记录等。在实际工作中,监测人员可根据仪器的运行状况,定期对仪器进行校准、标准溶液的棱查、比对实验验证及试剂有效性检查,用以检查仪器的基线飘移情况。如果分析中出现一个异常值,它的前后均为正常值,这种数值大多是由仪器的进样、仪器内部试剂传输等原因所致,如果发生原因不明的数据异常,就要及时检查系统的各个环节并采集实际水样进行人工分析,直至查清原因,剔除异常值,并在周报中加以说明,以确保上报数据的准确性、精密性和可比性。  相似文献   
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