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介绍由一级动力学模式推导废水处理实用公式。文中探讨了20℃降解速率系数K20和温度修正系数θ,仅是某种水质和生化条件下的对应值,不能任意通用。  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to compare the performances of the Brungraber Mark II (BM II) and Mark III (BM III) slipmeters. Friction measurements with the two slipmeters were conducted in a laboratory using four footwear materials, four floor types, and three surface conditions. Both the coefficient of friction (COF) values obtained with the slipmeters and the force platform-based COF values were measured. The COF measured with the BM II was slightly higher than that measured with the BM III with a R2 of 0.83. A comparison of the averaged normal force between the two slipmeters showed that the BM II generated a significantly higher normal force than the BM III at a low COF and the difference of the normal force between the two slipmeters decreased when the COF value was increased. The regression analysis results in this study showed that the force platform-based COF values were closer to the COF values obtained with the BM III than with the BM II. The R2 values for the regression model between the COF values obtained from the slipmeter and the force platform were 0.90 and 0.79 for the BM II and BM III, respectively.  相似文献   
淮河支流污染物综合降解系数动态测算   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
确定河流污染物综合降解系数动态变化规律对提高水环境容量测算精度和水环境管理具有重要意义。通过现场模拟法,采用一维稳态模型测算了淮河支流洪河五沟营-塔桥乡河段COD、氨氮和总磷在枯水期、平水期和丰水期的综合降解系数,COD、氨氮和总磷降解系数在各水期的关系为枯水期平水期丰水期,提出了建议值并利用实测浓度对计算结果进行了检验,结果表明,不同水期综合降解系数吻合情况较好。  相似文献   
中国地区经济差距及其演化的产业变动因素   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
20世纪90年代以来中国地区经济差距扩大具有深刻的产业变动原因。以人均GDP为基本指标,通过对基尼系数进行产业分解和对泰尔指数进行地区分解,深刻分析了1990~2004年中国地区经济差距的动态变化、地区构成和产业构成,揭示了中国地区经济差距及其演变的产业结构变动与产业地区集中因素。结果表明,1990年以来中国地区经济差距的决定性因素是第二产业发展水平的地区差距,而非农产业向东部沿海地区的集中又是推动中国地区经济差距扩大的主导性因素。20世纪90年代以来,随着以制造业为主的非农产业向东部沿海地区集中,中西部地区逐渐沦落为以农业与采掘业为主的外围区域,中国的地区经济差距也由此持续扩大。基于此,认为缩小地区差距的关键是推进中西部地区制造业发展,缓解非农产业地区分布的不平衡状况。  相似文献   
基于时空尺度的中国省级区域能源消费碳排放公平性分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
为深入了解各省级区域能源消费碳排放的差异性和公平性,论文通过对基尼系数内涵的扩展,构建碳排放公平性评价模型,计算1996-2008年能源消费碳排放的生态基尼系数和经济基尼系数,结果表明:从生态角度,能源消费碳排放的不公平程度逐渐减小,但仍然处于"高度不平均"状态;从经济角度,能源消费碳排放的不公平程度先上升后下降,位于"相对平均"区间。同时,提出经济贡献系数和生态承载系数以评价2008年各个省级区域能源消费碳排放的公平性和差异性,利用贡献系数矩阵对各个区域进行类型划分,阐述各个类别的特点,以期为国家制定区域差别化的节能减排政策提供依据,提升应对气候变化的整体能力。  相似文献   
蔬菜含锗(Ge)量的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究发现,在普通蔬菜中亦不乏锗的存在。本文报导了18个蔬菜品种可食部分的含锗量平均值为1.03±0.49mg/kg(以干物质计)。其含量因品种而异,也受土壤的影响。蔬菜含锗量相当于人参含锗量的40%;蔬菜对土壤锗的富集系数在0.0540~1.12之间;蔬菜中锗与其它12种元素间无显著相关性。  相似文献   
拉深是利用拉深模具把平板材料变成开口空心零件的冲压过程,是典型的变形工序。通过对不锈钢拉深件成形过程中的滑移状态及应力、应变分析,揭示了不锈钢拉深件成形时的表面划痕出现的根源,进而提出了表面保护的基本方式。  相似文献   
文章采用计算流体力学软件Fluent数值模拟了1 025 t/h四角切圆煤粉炉内的湍流扩散燃烧,分析了空气过量系数对炉内烟气速度、烟气温度和氮氧化物组分的影响。结果表明:空气过量系数会对炉内流场的空气动力学特性和温度场分布均匀性产生显著影响。煤粉炉膛最佳空气过量系数为1.07,此时炉内温度场、速度场和浓度场的分布可使燃烧中间产物HCN和NH_3较好的将燃料型NO还原为N_2,来充分发挥空气分级燃烧降低NO排放的功效。  相似文献   
Using a methodology derived from Economics, the Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient are introduced as tools for investigating and quantifying seasonal variability in environmental radon gas concentration. While the Lorenz Curve presents a graphical view of the cumulative exposure during the course of the time-frame of interest, typically one year, the Gini Coefficient distils this data still further, to provide a single-parameter measure of temporal clustering. Using the assumption that domestic indoor radon concentrations show annual cyclic behaviour, generally higher in the winter months than in summer, published data on seasonal variability of domestic radon concentration levels, in various areas of the UK, Europe, Asia and North America, are analysed. The results demonstrate significantly different annual variation profiles between domestic radon concentrations in different countries and between regions within a country, highlighting the need for caution in ascribing seasonal correction factors to extended geographical areas. The underlying geography, geology and meteorology of a region have defining influences on the seasonal variability of domestic radon concentration, and some examples of potential associations between the Gini Coefficient and regional geological and geographical characteristics are proposed. Similar differences in annual variation profiles are found for soil-gas radon measured as a function of depth at a common site, and among the activity levels of certain radon progeny species, specifically 214Bi deposited preferentially in human body-fat by decay of inhaled radon gas. Conclusions on the association between these observed measures of variation and potential underlying defining parameters are presented.  相似文献   
针对云南省的铅冶炼行业企业的原料、工艺、企业规模和固体废物的产生及处置情况进行全面调研,并选取代表性企业分析工艺及产排污环节.重点研究铅冶炼企业重金属类危险废物产生规律,借助物料衡算、实测法核算和经验估值等方法分析计算,获取中铅冶炼行业生产过程重金属类危险废物的产生和排放系数.本研究获取危险废物产排污系数可用于排污申报登记、排污收费、核定许可排污量、环境影响评价、标准制定、清洁生产审计等工作,为云南省危险废物环境管理提供理论参考.  相似文献   
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