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Soil samples obtained from the former polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) manufacturing site in Michigan were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. The results indicate significant degradation of the PBB residue in the soil sample. The soil sample with the highest concentration of PBB has the greatest degree of degradation. Principal degradation products include 2,3’,4,4’,5‐pentabromo‐biphenyl, 2,2’,4,4’,5‐pencabromobiphenyl and two unidentified tetrabromobiphenyls.

The degradation pattern observed supports a photochemical decomposition mechanism. These degraded residues may be more toxic than the original Firemaster residues. The implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   
氯化消毒可以有效杀灭细菌,但同时会产生危害人体健康的消毒副产物(DBPs).溶解性有机氮(DON)是DBPs的重要前体物,为考察DON对THMs的影响,首次选取乙酰胺(AcAm)作为前体物DON的代表物质,采用Plackett-Burman和Box-Behnken方法设计试验,考察了AcAm初始浓度、加氯量、pH、温度、溴离子浓度和反应时间等因素对三卤甲烷(THMs)生成的影响.结果表明,在AcAm生成THMs的过程中,AcAm初始浓度、pH和反应温度3个因素的影响程度较小,溴离子、有效氯和反应时间3因素的影响较大,其中溴离子的影响最为显著.溴离子浓度一定时,改变有效氯的含量,生成的THMs总量变化不大,溴离子对THMs的生成有一定的催化作用,控制溴离子的浓度是减少AcAm生成THMs的有效措施.在有效氯为8.77 mg/L、溴离子为0.77 mg/L及接触时间为6.20 h的条件下,THMs存在最大生成量为45.82 μg/L.随着反应时间的推移,溴分配系数n呈上升趋势,控制消毒反应时间,是减少THMs致癌风险的有效方法.同时探讨了AcAm生成THMs的反应路径,表述了溴离子的催化作用机制.  相似文献   
东亚春季边界层臭氧的数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用嵌套网格空气质量模式系统(NAQPMS)对2004年4月东亚边界层(距地面.km以下)臭氧进行了数值模拟.并评估了东亚边界层光化学反应的活性.结果表明.东亚春季臭氧呈带状分布,其高值.〔φ(O3)>55×10-9.主要集中在30°N~40°N.受东亚季风气候控制.沿蒙古、中国东北以及日本一线有一强臭氧输送通道.输送通量达3×10-.mol/(m2·s).通过计算边界层O3光化学净生成率可知.光化学影响主要集中在高污染源排放地区.其与水平输送对臭氧影响的分布具有负相关性.说明光化学生成的O3可被输送至下风地区,而不仅限于局地.   相似文献   
袁浩东  白瑶  李秋旭  王英  金军 《环境科学》2017,38(6):2594-2599
本研究通过分析采集自云南省开远市的13个树皮混合样品和13个相应的头发混合样品中DL-PCBs的水平、同族体分布及相关性,研究了当地人群对DL-PCBs的主要暴露途径.结果表明,云南开远树皮和头发样品中DL-PCBs的含量分别为4.0~88.9 pg·g-1和4.1~19.3 pg·g-1,其在当地环境和人体中的污染程度均较轻.树皮和头发样品中主要的DL-PCB同族体均是PCB-118,分别占总含量的48%和61%.树皮样品中DL-PCBs的各同族体具有相同的源,其主要的来源可能是大气的长距离输移.云南开远市居民头发中的PCBs可能来源于内部暴露和外部暴露的综合作用,其中外部暴露对低氯代PCBs的贡献要高于高氯代PCBs.  相似文献   
采集渭河河床沉积物,研究了反硝化条件下有机碳低丰度的河床沉积层中苯胺降解.结果表明,反硝化条件下,苯胺在有机碳低丰度的河床沉积层中可生物降解.使该环境中苯胺(约50 mg/L)降解近95%,当硝酸盐为30.69、184.16、245.54 mg/L时,降解时间分别约为20、45、70 d.在上述环境中另加35.98 mg/L乙酸盐后,苯胺降解速度在硝酸盐为184.16 mg/L时最大,硝酸盐为30.69 mg/L时最小.当硝酸盐为30.69 mg/L,不加乙酸盐,27 d苯胺降解约95%;添加35.98 mg/L乙酸盐后,实验进行了47 d还仍有近13 mg/L苯胺残留,说明外加碳源(乙酸盐)对苯胺降解具有抑制作用.但当硝酸盐为184.16、245.54 mg/L时,外加碳源(乙酸盐)则强化苯胺降解.水合金属氧化物对苯胺降解具有促进作用.  相似文献   
Background, aims, and scope  Since toxaphene (polychlorocamphene, polychloropinene, or strobane) mixtures were applied for massive insecticide use in the 1960s to replace the use of DDT, some of their congeners have been found at high latitudes far away from the usage areas. Especially polychlorinated bornanes have demonstrated dominating congeners transported by air up to the Arctic areas. Environmental fate modeling has been applied to monitor this phenomenon using parallel zones of atmosphere around the globe as interconnected environments. These zones, shown in many meteorological maps, however, may not be the best way to configure atmospheric transport in air trajectories. The latter could also be covered by connecting a chain of simple model boxes. We aim to study this alternative approach by modeling the trajectory chain using catchment boxes of our FATEMOD model. Polychlorobornanes analyzed in biota of the Barents Sea offered one case to study this modeling alternative, while toxaphene has been and partly still is used massively at southern East Europe and around rivers flowing to the Aral Sea. Materials and methods  Pure model substances of three polychlorobornanes (toxaphene congeners P26, P50, and P62) were synthesized, their environmentally important thermal properties measured by differential scanning calorimetry, as evaluated from literature data, and their temperature dependences estimated by the QSPR programs VPLEST, WATSOLU, and TDLKOW. The evaluated property parameters were used to model their atmospheric long-range transport from toxaphene heavy usage areas in Ukraine and Aral/SyrDarja/AmuDarja region areas, through East Europe and Northern Norway (Finnmarken) to the Barents Sea. The time period used for the emission model was June 1997. Usual weather conditions in June were applied in the model, which was constructed by chaining FATEMOD model boxes of the catchment’s areas along assumed maximal air flow trajectories. Analysis of the three chlorobornanes in toxaphene mixtures function as a basis for the estimates of emission levels caused by its usage. High estimate (A) was taken from contents in a Western product chlorocamphene and low estimate (B) from mean contents in Russian polychloroterpene products to achieve modeled water concentrations. Bioaccumulation to analyzed lipid of aquatic biota at the target region was estimated by using statistical calculation for persistent organic pollutants in literature. Results  The results from model runs A and B (high and low emission estimate) for levels in sea biota were compared to analysis results of samples taken in August 1997 at Barents Sea. The model results (ng g−1 lw): 4–95 in lipid of planktovores and 7–150 in lipid of piscivores, were in fair agreement with the analysis results from August 1997: 21–31 in Themisto libellula (chatka), 26–42 in Boreocadus saida (Polar cod), and 5–27 in Gadus morhua (cod) liver. Discussion  The modeling results indicate that the application of chained simple multimedia catchment boxes on predicted trajectory is a useful method for estimation of volatile airborne persistent chemical exposures to biota in remote areas. For hazard assessment of these pollutants, their properties, especially temperature dependences, must be estimated by a reasonable accuracy. That can be achieved by using measurements in laboratory with pure model compounds and estimation of properties by thermodynamic QSPR methods. The property parameters can be validated by comparing their values at an environmental temperature range with measured or QSPR-estimated values derived by independent methods. The chained box method used for long-range air transport modeling can be more suitable than global parallel zones modeling used earlier, provided that the main airflow trajectories and properties of transported pollutants are predictable enough. Conclusions  Long-range air transport modeling of persistent, especially photo-resistant organic compounds using a chain of joint simple boxes of catchment’s environments is a feasible method to predict concentrations of pollutants at the target area. This is justified from model results compared with analytical measurements in Barents Sea biota in August 1997: three of six modeled values were high and the other three low compared to the analysis results. The order of magnitude level was similar in both modeled (planktovore and piscivore) and observed (chatka and polar cod) values of lipid samples. The obtained results were too limited to firm validation but are sufficient to justify feasibility of the method, which prompts one to perform more studies on this modeling system. Recommendations and perspectives  For assessment of the risk of environmental damages, chemical fate determination is an essential tool for chemical control, e.g., for EU following the REACH rules. The present conclusion of applicability of the chained single-box multimedia modeling can be validated by further studies using analyses of emissions and target biota in various other cases. To achieve useful results, fate models built with databases having automatic steps for most calculations and outputs accessible to all chemical control professionals are essential. Our FATEMOD program catchments at environments and compound properties listed in the database represent a feasible tool for local, regional, and, according our present test results, for global exposure predictions. As an extended use of model, emission estimates can be achieved by reversed modeling from analysis results of samples corresponding to the target area. This article is dedicated to the memory of Professor Alexander B Terentiev (who passed away in November 2006), our true friend. With his Institute of Organo-Element Compounds, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, he was an important main organizer of the six joint Finnish–Russian seminars (every third year since 1989) on the field (‘Chemistry and Ecology of Organo-Element Compounds’). He prompted us especially to search properties and environmental fates for various polyhalogen compounds. We remember him for his friendly character and great sense of humor.  相似文献   
This paper examines the importance of the correlation between hydraulic conductivity (K) and degradation rate constant (k) during the transport of reactive contaminants in heterogeneous aquifers. We simulated reactive transport in an ensemble of two-dimensional heterogeneous aquifers. Two sets of transport simulations were conducted: one in which a perfect positive correlation was assumed between ln(K) and ln(k), and one in which a perfect negative correlation was assumed. We found that the sign of the correlation has important consequences for the contaminant transport. Qualitatively, a negative correlation leads to significantly more pronounced "fingering" of the contaminant plume than does a positive correlation, with potentially important consequences for downgradient receptors. Quantitatively, the expected behavior (as quantified by the contaminant mass remaining in the aquifer) is statistically different between the positive and negative cases: on average, more contaminant mass persists when K and k are negatively correlated. Also, the negative correlation leads to more variability between realizations of the ensemble, whereas a positive correlation induces relatively little variability between realizations. We discuss the implications of these findings for the management of contaminated aquifers.  相似文献   
This paper investigated sulfadiazine oxidation by the Fenton process under various reaction conditions. The reaction conditions tested in the experiments included the initial pH value of reaction solutions, and the dosages of ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide. Under the reaction conditions with pH 3, 0.25 mM of ferrous ion and 2 mM of hydrogen peroxide, a removal efficiency of nearly 100% was achieved for sulfadiazine. A series of intermediate products including 4-OH-sulfadiazine/or 5-OH-sulfadiazine, 2-aminopyrimidine, sulfanilamide, formic acid, and oxalic acid were identified. Based on these products, the possible oxidation pathway of sulfadiazine by Fenton's reagent was proposed. The toxicity evaluation of reaction solutions showed increased antimicrobial effects following the Fenton oxidation process. The results from this study suggest that the Fenton oxidation process could remove sulfadiazine, but also increase solution toxicity due to the presence of more toxic products.  相似文献   
A multitude of forensic techniques are available for age dating and source identification, including corrosion models for underground storage tanks, the commercial availability of a compound, chemical associations with discrete types of manufacturing processes, chemical profiling, proprietary additives, stable isotope analysis, degradation models, biomarkers and contaminant transport models. The selection and use of these techniques in environmental litigation must be thoroughly understood and applied to be effective as forensic evidence. When introduced as scientific evidence, the governing assumptions and quality of the data are critically evaluated and frequently successfully challenged. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of commonly used environmental forensic techniques and their possible applications so that a user can decide which technique or combination of methods is most appropriate for their case.  相似文献   
Two anticoccidial agents, salinomycin and robenidine, heavily used in the worldwide veterinary meat production, were investigated for their potential biotic degradation by cultured soil bacteria. The degradation-study was performed in lab-scale bio-reactors under aerobic and anaerobic conditions incubated for 200 h with a mixed culture of soil bacteria. Samples were analyzed by LC-MS/MS and potential transformation products were tentatively identified. Salinomycin was degraded under aerobic conditions and traces could be found after 200 h, however, seems more persistent under anaerobic conditions. Four transformation products of salinomycin were discovered. Robenidine was degraded under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, however, traces of robenidine were observed after 200 h. Five biotic transformation products of robenidine were discovered.  相似文献   
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