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对矿山坠井事故进行故障树分析,找出了矿山坠井事故发生的原因,提出了在溜矿井口使用安全挡墙、活动安全门和安全警示灯等防护措施,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   
微细水雾除尘技术的实验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
分析了煤矿并下呼吸性粉尘防治技术现状,并对水的超声雾化技术进行了实验研究,应用回归分析建立了超声雾化性能的数学模型。在分析微细水雾捕尘机理及捕尘水雾凝并沉降技术的基础上,设计了一集微细水雾捕尘-凝聚、凝并降尘-惯性沉降分离为一体的含尘气流净化系统,并对该系统的除尘效率进行了实验研究,建立了相应的数学模型。  相似文献   
本文研究青岛市大气环境中颗粒物的污染状况及其发展趋势,并对污染原因进行了探索与分析.本文为青岛市大气环境中颗粒物污染防治,提供了科学的依据和有效的防治对策.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: This study investigated the impact of subjective reports of drowsy driving and non-driving duties on the falling asleep responses and road crash involvement of professional drivers in Crete. An attempt was also made to elucidate other driving parameters, such as freight transportation, which could be potential predictors of risky driving, after controlling for lifestyle patterns. METHOD: A sample of 317 professional drivers was studied through personal interviews. The interview questionnaire included items about sleep and fatigue as contributing factors to falling asleep probability and crash risk. In addition, the drivers reported the type of freight they carried in their last trip, as well as practices such as smoking and alcohol consumption. RESULTS: The first logistic regression analysis showed that the most significant predictors of falling asleep at the wheel were transportation of fruits/vegetables and livestock, non-driving hours of work, insufficient hours of sleep, and smoking. The second logistic regression analysis revealed all the previous items as powerful factors of crash probability, including the transportation of express freight and freezer. IMPACT: The findings of the current study are discussed as they pertain to directions for future studies and for the development of fatigue countermeasures.  相似文献   
扶梯乘员坠落事故已经发生多起,如何进行相关风险的辨析并提出防范对策,是电梯从业者难以回避的课题.本文试从生产者、经营管理者之角度就此课题进行“归责”与“对策”的辨析与思考,希冀关注者有所借鉴,防范已经存在或可能发生的风险.  相似文献   
An experimental study for fluid hydrodynamic characteristics in thin water films falling down the outside of a vertical tube was performed with the analysis of several factors about the uniformity and stability of the film. Liquid evaporation is of major interest for many fields in process engineering. One of these is chemical process engineering, where evaporation of liquids and generation of super heated steam is mandatory for numerous processes. Generally, this is performed by the use of classical pool boiling and evaporation process equipment, providing relatively limited performance. The performance of the film distributor will affect the production capacity and service life of the evaporator. In this publication a novel falling-film distributor which is used annular gap and inlet tube rotated tangentially 270° to guarantee the film uniformity is presented. Experimental data suggested that there is optimum annular gap distance is between 1.5 and 2.0 mm and the spray density should be controlled between 250 and 700 kg m−1 h−1. Several suggestions for evaporator design are proposed.  相似文献   
建筑施工高处坠落事故研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
高处坠落是建筑施工中经常发生的安全事故之一。笔者首先通过对上海市 1995~ 2 0 0 1年建筑施工安全事故档案资料的统计整理 ,发现建筑施工高处坠落事故主要集中在建筑物临边、洞口 ,脚手架、操作平台 ,机械设备和模板工程等部位 ;进而采用曲线拟合的方法得到了上海市建筑施工安全事故年发生起数的预测模型 ,并通过对 2 0 0 2年、2 0 0 3年的预测值同实际数据的比较 ,对预测模型进行了验证 ;最后 ,笔者按照事故致因理论 ,从人、物、环境等因素系统分析了高处坠落的事故原因 ,提出了预防坠落的控制措施和有关建议。  相似文献   
谈建筑业高处坠落事故特点、原因及预防对策   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
高处坠落事故是威胁建筑工人安全的四大事故之首。分析原因,主要有思想麻痹忽视安全的违章作业;管理不力,“四口”、“五临边”防护不严格;缺乏培训,不懂安全技术等。必须从加强安全教育入手,实现安全管理科学化、标准化,才能有效地控制高处坠落事故的发生。  相似文献   
在阐述国内外防坠落装置应用现状的基础上,重点分析我国轨道交通防坠落装置应用中存在的主要问题,结合施工实践提出了使用要点,即正确选择和使用安全带、合理布置固定点并经过检测、搭设完整的生命线系统及重视防坠落装置的维护检查,以期通过防坠落装置的科学使用,在确保工作效率的前提下,防范因高处坠落造成的严重伤害。  相似文献   
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