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In this paper we deal with the problem of identifying environmental principles for the design and operation of supply chains. The operations that are included in supply chains are briefly described along with the approaches that are applied in order to improve their environmental performance. A background of environmental principles for achieving eco-efficiency and building of environmentally friendly organizational systems is presented and emphasis is put on the application of such principles “from cradle to grave”. Then, environmental principles applicable to particular objects of logistics networks planning are identified and commented upon. In addition, selective case studies from the literature, which show the applicability of the formulated principles and their relevance to practice, are discussed. The paper concludes with some remarks regarding the benefits for companies and societies, in general, that occur as a result of the application of the formulated principles.  相似文献   
基于Markov模型的南京土地利用时空变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用江苏2000年、2008年遥感数据,采用ArcGIS和Excel测算出南京市辖区8年土地利用的Matkov转移矩阵,从数量、空间和结构角度分析2000-2008年的土地利用变化状况,预测2016年的各类用地面积.结果表明,2000-2008年研究区的城镇和工矿交通用地扩张较快,农村居民点用地略有减少,呈集中态势;耕地、草地、林地、水域减少,未利用地减幅最大.在空间上,研究区的建设用地扩张由"同心圆状"变为"纺锤状",土地利用集中度和强度都增大.2016年预测显示,城镇用地比重达44.76%,耕地减少23.47%,其余用地基本保持前8年的变化趋势,但动态度有所减小,仅农村居民点用地减幅增大.  相似文献   
河流水质的动态马尔柯夫评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据马尔柯夫过程的原理,在水质级别评价结果的基础之上,构造水质变化的概率转移矩阵,并对转移概率赋权计算绝对进步度,然后在此基础上引出相对进步度的概念,用相对进步度来评价河流水质在一段时期内的变化程度.运用该方法计算了中国四大河流2005年的水质相对进步度,并对计算结果进行了分析.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the issue of the sustainability imperative and its influence on outsourcing practice. The research initially finds that there is currently little or no work that explores sustainable or green outsourcing, other than in an information technology context. This lack of research on sustainable outsourcing practice in the industrial organisation sector led to the development of this research study. This exploratory study used a qualitative survey tool to investigate current industrial practice. Manufacturing managers in 57 organisations formed the survey sample. The data were analysed by comparison and clustering of responses of survey participants. This study contributes five key findings that demonstrate current industrial practice which includes: 32% of respondents state that sustainability is not a factor in their outsourcing decision making and 65% of small- and medium-sized enterprises had never heard of the ‘triple bottom line’ concept. Future research needs are identified and proposed highlighting that urgent development of research is required in outsourcing performance measurement and also in considering sustainability as a new manufacturing competitive priority.  相似文献   
本文采用考虑反馈性出口隐含碳的MRIO模型,测算了2000—2011年中国14个制造业行业出口隐含碳排放强度;在此基础上,基于全球价值链(GVC)分工地位的视角,理论分析并实证检验了不同技术进步路径对中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度的影响。研究发现:中间品进口、自主研发、模仿创新显著降低了中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度,而国外技术引进和外商直接投资(FDI)对中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度的影响不显著;提升中国制造业在GVC中的国际分工地位能够显著降低其出口隐含碳排放强度。进一步研究发现,不同技术进步路径对中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度的作用效果受到制造业在GVC中的国际分工地位的影响,并表现出明显的门槛特征,即只有中国制造业在GVC中的分工地位越过门槛值后,技术进步路径才能显著降低中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度。此外,将制造业分为知识密集型、资本密集型和劳动密集型三类,发现不同技术进步路径对中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度还存在着显著的行业差异。因此,中国制造业应充分发挥中间品进口、自主研发、模仿创新在降低中国制造业出口隐含碳排放强度中的作用,在引进FDI和国外技术的过程中,优先考虑引进发达国家的先进低碳制造技术和清洁生产技术。同时,中国制造业还应积极培育自身竞争优势,构建自我主导的国内价值链和区域价值链体系,主动嵌入全球创新链,提升中国制造业在GVC中的国际分工地位。此外,政府应根据技术创新和引进政策在不同制造业行业中的执行效果,有所侧重地制定和实施相关政策。  相似文献   
为了研究不同经验驾驶人在高速公路特长隧道环境下的注视转移特性,在高速公路特长隧道中开展实车实验,利用 iView X HED型眼动仪采集了32名不同经验驾驶人的眼动数据。运用动态聚类方法,对驾驶人注视区域进行划分,分析了职业与非职业驾驶员在高速公路隧道不同段与普通路段的注视转移规律与注意力分配特性。结果表明:相较于非职业驾驶人,职业驾驶员具有较强的注视前瞻性,且在隧道的不同段主要注视的区域因行车环境不同变化较小;驾驶人对同一目标需要重复注视才能提取足够的信息,且当行车环境复杂度增加或驾驶员驾驶经验不足时,重复注视概率增加;驾驶人在不同路段行车时,主要通过注视中间区域获取信息;行车环境与驾驶经验对驾驶人在中间近处、左侧区域及内后视镜区域的注视平稳分布存在显著的交互作用。  相似文献   
Safety instrumented systems (SISs) are commonly used in the process industry, to respond to hazardous events. In line with the important standard IEC 61508, SISs are generally classified into two types: low-demand systems and high-demand systems. This article explores this classification by studying the SIS reliability for varying demand rates, demand durations, and test intervals. The approach is based on Markov models and is exemplified by two simple system configurations. The SIS reliability is quantified by the probability of failure on demand (PFD) and the frequency of entering a hazardous state that will lead to an accident if the situation is not controlled by additional barriers. The article concludes that very low-demand systems are similar and may be treated as a group. The same applies to very high-demand system. Between these group, there is a rather long interval where the demand rate is neither high-demand nor low-demand. These medium-demand systems need a specific treatment. The article shows that the frequency of entering into a hazardous state increases with the demand rate for low-demand systems, while it is nearly independent of both the demand rate and the demand duration for high-demand systems. The PFD is an adequate measure for the SIS reliability for low-demand systems, but may be confusing and difficult to interpret for high-demand systems.  相似文献   
应急物资的高效快速配置是降低灾害损失和顺利实施应急救援的有力保障。应急逆向物流包括废旧物资的回收利用以及可重复利用物资的回收再利用,能起到缓解应急物资匮乏,减少环境污染的作用。本文根据随机Petri网理论,构建考虑逆向物流的应急物资配置模型,通过对同构于该模型的马尔可夫链进行仿真,求得各种状态的稳态概率,结合马尔可夫链性质对关键因素进行静态分析和动态分析;通过“雅安地震”的案例应用表明,当地震灾害发生时,此模型可以反映各因素对应急物资配置整体流程的影响,并通过数值变化趋势反映不同条件下应急物资配置的关键环节,可以为灾后救援和应急物资的利用提供理论支持。  相似文献   
分析了青藏铁路中多种不利因素对轨道电路参数的影响 ;提出了在青藏铁路不宜采用现行基于轨道电路的列车运行控制系统 ,而应选择基于通信的列车运行控制系统的理由 ;给出了系统的基本结构及提高系统可靠性的措施 ;与此同时 ,就人们关心的无线传输列车控制数据的可靠性和安全性难题 ,通过建立马尔可夫模型的方法进行了分析  相似文献   
应用基于生理的药代动力学(PBPK)模型预测苯并(α)芘(BaP)暴露的人体内部剂量,基于贝叶斯的马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛模拟(MCMC)方法对模型参数进行校准和优化,最后运用已优化的模型对BaP内暴露基准值进行推导.研究发现,基于贝叶斯的MCMC方法对模型后验参数校准后,模型精度明显提高,两个数据集验证结果显示残差平方和分别降低了72%和94%.PBPK模型以BaP和子代谢物3-羟基苯并(α)芘(3-OHBaP)的体内动力学过程为结构基础,模拟BaP体内浓度分布大小为脂肪>肾脏>皮肤>缓慢灌注组织>快速灌注组织>静脉血>肝脏;3-OHBaP体内浓度分布大小为肾脏>快速灌注组织>脂肪>肺>静脉血>缓慢灌注组织>肝脏>皮肤.敏感性分析显示,快速灌注组织-血分配系数对模型输出影响最大,灵敏度系数超过了200%;排泄系数影响最小,只有肾小球过滤率KBR的灵敏度系数超过了1%.以美国国家环境保护局推荐的参考浓度2.0×10-6mg/m3为外暴露安全基准值,基于PBPK模型推导了职业暴露的BaP生物监测当量(BE),结果显示BE值为0.405pmol/mol肌酐(尿液3-OHBaP平均浓度),为基于人体内暴露剂量水平进行定量健康风险评估奠定了基础.  相似文献   
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