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定位研究了25a来缙云山银木荷林物种组成及多样性在自然演替过程中的动态变化。结果表明,银木荷林维管植物物种由57种(隶属于24科,46属)减少到38种(隶属于19科,26属)。林下草本和层间植物逐渐消失,胸径大于7.5cm的乔木层树总胸断面积有所减少。尽管群落物种组成以及多样性发生改变,但是银木荷依然是优势树种,处于林冠层,而林冠亚层的白毛新木姜子、四川山矾、长蕊杜鹃逐渐增多,短刺米槠逐渐减少。群落乔木层4个α多样性指数都呈下降趋势,丰富度指数由2.98下降为1.99,Shannon-Wiener指数25a间减小了0.34,Simpson指数和Pielou指数变化都很小;β多样性分析结果显示,银木荷群落的物种差异很大。研究表明,25a间群落物种差异显著。揭示缙云山银木荷林自然演替过程中的物种组成和多样性变化规律,可为缙云山保护区及长江流域中上游亚热带常绿阔叶林的银木荷群落的管理提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
以NH4NO3作为氮源,对广州东北郊木荷(Schima superba)人工幼林地进行模拟氮沉降处理,共设置3个氮沉降水平,分别为N0(N:0 g·m-2·a-1)、N5(N:5 g·m-2·a-1)以及N10(N:10 g·m-2·a-1),每月进行喷施。在连续施氮22个月(当月当次施氮5天后)对土壤氮素(硝氮、氨氮、总氮)、碳素(总碳)以及微生物量(脂磷)在0~60 cm土层中的垂直分布进行研究。结果显示:在3个氮沉降水平下,随着土层加深,pH呈现出下降的趋势,氮沉降存在加剧土壤酸化的风险;在N0、N5、N10水平下,土壤全氮和总碳的垂直分布趋势大体一致,随着土层加深,其含量下降,但在深层土壤(40~60 cm)中,施氮与对照比较,总碳呈现一定的增加趋势;除40~50 cm土层,N5、N10水平下的硝态氮含量在各个深度土壤中都表现为比对照组要高,氮沉降导致土壤一定程度上硝态氮的积累;在浅层土壤(0~20 cm)中,铵态氮水平较低并且其含量明显低于对照组,而在较深的土层中铵态氮有较多的积累,说明存在污染地下水的风险;N5和N10水平下,无机氮比例(无机氮含量与总氮含量之比)在各个深度土壤中总体高于N0水平;用脂磷含量表征土壤微生物含量,结果表明外加氮源对微生物含量有显著性影响,在N5、N10水平下,微生物含量在30~40 cm土层中出现峰值。  相似文献   
Background, Aim and Scope Acid deposition has become a concern in south China in recent years. This phenomenon has increased to a dramatic extent with the large use of cars and coal- fueled power plants. As a consequence, soils are becoming acidified and their element dynamics will change. A decrease in the nutrient availability will lead to slower plant growth and maybe to a change in the forest type with current species being replaced by new ones with less nutrient requirements. Because of these reasons, it is important to understand how the dynamics of elements will change and what mechanism is part of the process. This knowledge is important for modeling the acidification process and either finding ways to counter it or to predict its consequences. The primary purpose of this study was to provide information about how the dynamics of K, Na, Ca, Mg and P are affected by acid deposition in a typical forest in southern China. Materials and Methods: Experimental soils and saplings were collected directly from the monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest in Dinghushan. All saplings were transplanted individually into ceramic pots in August 2000 and placed in an open area near their origin site. Pot soils were treated weekly from October, 2000 to July, 2002 with an acidic solution at pH 3.05, pH 3.52, pH 4.00 or pH 4.40, or with tap water as a control. The concentrations of SO42-, NO3-, K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and available P and the pH were measured in soil and leachate samples taken at different times. The sapling leaves were collected and their element concentrations were measured at the end of the experiment. Results: Concentrations of soil exchangeable Ca and Mg decreased quickly over time, although only Ca showed changes with the acidic solution treatment and soil exchangeable K was stable because of soil weathering. Leaching of K, Mg and Ca was dependent upon the treatment acidity. Soil available P decreased slowly without any correlation with the acidity of the treatment. All the NO3- added by the treatment was taken up by the plants, but the SO42- added accumulated in the soil. Discussion: Amongst the plant species, Schima superba was little affected by the treatment, the leaf P content was affected in Acmena acuminatissima plants and Cryptocarya concinna was the most susceptible species to soil acidification, with a marked decrease of the leaf K, Ca and Mg concentrations when the treatment acidity increased. Conclusions: Simulated acid deposition affected the dynamics of K, Ca and Mg in the monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest. The dynamics of Ca in the soil and of K, Mg and Ca in the soil leachates were affected by the acidic solution treatment. If such a soil acidification occurs, Cryptocarya concinna will be amongst the first affected species, but Schima superba will be able to sustain a good growth and mineral nutrition. Recommendations and Perspectives: Acid deposition will lead to imbalance the nutrient elements in the evergreen broad-leaved forest because of accelerated leaching losses of soil exchangeable Ca and Mg. Measures should be developed to slow down soil acidification or nutrient decrease.  相似文献   
为研究荷木(Schima superba)个体间树干CO2释放通量(Es)的差异以及树干液流对Es的影响,提高森林生态系统呼吸计算准确性,利用红外气体分析仪及自制式气室于2009年湿季和干季监测了华南荷木人工林5棵样树的Es,并同步监测了树干温度(θs)、气温及液流密度.结果显示:θs与气温之间呈显著线形正相关;Es与树干温度之间存在显著指数函数关系;Es干湿季的差异显著,并呈现明显的季节变化;5株样树之间Es存在显著差异,平均Es分别为3.12、3.60、5.52、6.98、8.09μmol m-2 s-1;同时,样树之间树干CO2释放通量的温度系数(Q10)差异显著(1.97~4.24之间).Tree1、Tree2和Tree4白天的Es与液流速度(v)显著正相关,白天的标准化树干CO2释放通量(R25,温度为25℃时的Es)高于晚上.荷木Es个体之间及时间上的差异主要受树干温度、生长状况和液流速度的影响.图3表6参35  相似文献   
我国酸雨类型正在由硫酸型酸雨(Sulfuric acid rain,SAR)逐步向混合型酸雨(Mixed acid rain,MAR)、硝酸型酸雨(Nitricacid rain,NAR)转变,由此将产生各种未知环境效应。以木荷(Schima superba)为试验材料,在试验大棚内测定其在此3种光合生理特性参数。结果表明,在酸雨胁迫下木荷都受到不同程度的伤害。在同酸雨类型不同pH值处理下,3种酸雨类型均以pH 2.5处理各类光合参数数值较低,但是在pH 4.0时MAR处理的光饱和点(LSP)值最高,达到508.3μmol/(m2·s),此时对应的表观量子效率(AQE)值最低,为0.023 CO_2/photon;对照组(CK,pH 5.6)在3种类型酸雨处理中,以SAR处理数值最低。不同酸雨类型同pH值处理下,SAR和MAR处理的光响应曲线pH 4.0组均低于pH 2.5组和CK组,而NAR处理的光响应曲线pH 4.0组高于pH 2.5组和CK组;而且,3种酸雨类型处理pH 2.5组的最大光合速率(A_(max))始终低于CK组。这说明植物的A_(max)在一定程度上随着酸雨浓度的增加而减小。  相似文献   
酸雨胁迫对木荷叶片气体交换和叶绿素荧光参数的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过盆栽试验,研究了3种不同pH值(2.5、4.0、5.6)的模拟酸雨溶液对2年生木荷(Schima superba)幼苗叶片气体交换和荧光参数的影响。结果表明:在不同酸雨处理下,净光合速率和气孔导度日变化均呈"双峰"型,最大净光合速率和最高表观量子效率(AQE)变化趋势依次是pH4.0〉pH5.6〉pH2.5,说明pH4.0处理对木荷光合作用有促进作用;在不同酸雨处理下,PSⅡ原初光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ潜在活性(Fv/Fo)和相对叶绿素含量均呈现出pH4.0〉pH5.6〉pH2.5的变化趋势,pH4.0酸雨处理下表现出最高值,说明适度降低酸雨pH值(pH4.0)并不会对木荷的光合系统活性造成损伤,反而有促进作用,表明木荷对酸雨有较强的适应能力。  相似文献   
Introduction Nitrousoxide(N2O)isoneofthemostimportantgreen housegases,whichcontributestoglobalwarmingand consumptionofO3inthestratosphere(Breuer,2000,Solomon,1999).N2Oconcentrationincreasesatarateof0.25%peryear,57%ofwhichisderivedfromthesoildue tonitrific…  相似文献   
马尾松低产林套种木荷的林地与根际土壤养分特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马尾松低产林套种木荷的混交林林地与根际土壤养分特性研究表明,木荷根际对土壤养分的活化能力大于马尾松,这利于混交林中马尾松的生长.套种后所形成的混交林根际微区对土壤养分活化程度的提高改善了两树种的养分利用状况,这可能是低产林改造后林地土壤养分高于纯林地且林分生产力提高的主要原因之一.  相似文献   
酸雨对鼎湖山土壤的累积效应及荷木的反应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
运用盆栽实验研究了酸雨对鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林土壤危害的累积效应和优势树种荷木的一些生理反应.结果表明,在酸雨直接淋洗土壤的条件下,与对照相比,土壤酸度,土壤淋洗液酸度增加;土壤交换性K+、Na+上升,Ca2+、Mg2+和有效Mn、Zn下降;土壤淋洗液中K、Na含量下降,Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Mn和Al在pH3.05的酸雨处理下含量显著上升;但生长于模拟酸雨土壤中的荷木在土壤化学性质发生变化后仍能健康生长.  相似文献   
Bees are important pollinators for many flowering plants. Female bees are thought to be more effective pollinators than male bees because they carry much more pollen than males. Males of some solitary bee species are known to patrol near flowers that females visit. Because patrolling males visit flowers to mate or defend their territories, they may function as pollinators. However, the significance of patrolling males to pollination has not been studied. We studied males of a solitary bee, Heriades fulvohispidus (Megachilidae), patrolling near flowers and visiting flowers that attracted nectar-feeding insects, including conspecifics, on the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands. To test the hypothesis that patrolling male bees may function as pollen vectors, we compared the frequency of visits by H. fulvohispidus to flowers of an endemic plant, Schima mertensiana (Theaceae); comparisons were made among flowers with a dead H. fulvohispidus, a dead beetle, a piece of plastic, and nothing (control flowers). Patrolling H. fulvohispidus more frequently visited flowers with a dead conspecific, a dead beetle, or a piece of plastic than the control flowers. Our experiment demonstrates that nectar-feeding insects (including conspecifics and other insects) enhance the flower-visiting frequency of patrolling H. fulvohispidus males on S. mertensiana flowers. Furthermore, we observed S. mertensiana pollen on patrolling males as well as females, suggesting that male bees may also function as pollen vectors.  相似文献   
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