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The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is an erosion model to estimate average soil loss that would generally result from splash, sheet, and rill erosion from agricultural plots. Recently, use of USLE has been extended as a useful tool predicting soil losses and planning control practices in agricultural watersheds by the effective integration of the GIS-based procedures to estimate the factor values in a grid cell basis. This study was performed in the Kazan Watershed located in the central Anatolia, Turkey, to predict soil erosion risk by the USLE/GIS methodology for planning conservation measures in the site. Rain erosivity (R), soil erodibility (K), and cover management factor (C) values of the model were calculated from erosivity map, soil map, and land use map of Turkey, respectively. R values were site-specifically corrected using DEM and climatic data. The topographical and hydrological effects on the soil loss were characterized by LS factor evaluated by the flow accumulation tool using DEM and watershed delineation techniques. From resulting soil loss map of the watershed, the magnitude of the soil erosion was estimated in terms of the different soil units and land uses and the most erosion-prone areas where irreversible soil losses occurred were reasonably located in the Kazan watershed. This could be very useful for deciding restoration practices to control the soil erosion of the sites to be severely influenced.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Soil loss prediction equations (Universal Soil Loss Equation, Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation, and Onstad-Foster Method) were modified to reflect the impact of trampling on soil erosion. The erosion control practice factor, P, was replaced by a trampling ratio, Tr, which is a function of the change in soil erosion due to animal trampling. Trampling impact on soil erosion varied With soil type. The data are a preliminary attempt to account for the impact of trampling on soil erosion.  相似文献   
全国土壤侵蚀量估算及其在吸附态氮磷流失量匡算中的应用   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:26  
应用土壤流失方程(USLE),根据我国土壤水力侵蚀分类分级标准,建立了大尺度区域土壤侵蚀量的估算模型;基于GIS技术平台,利用土壤普查数据,构建了全国表层土壤氮磷含量数据库,完成了2000年全国境内水土流失影响下吸附态氮磷的流失量估算.经数据合理性分析验证后得出以下结论:(1)全国因水土流失引发的吸附态氮素和磷素的流失总量分别达到104.22×104t和34.65×104t;(2)长江、珠江和黄河三大流域的吸附态氮、磷流失量之和分别占全国总量的83%和89%,单位面积(1km2)吸附态氮、磷的流失量分别介于6.0×10-4~0.53t和2.1×10-4~0.13t之间;(3)吸附态氮的重点流失区主要分布在长江中上游水土易蚀区、黄河中游沟壑区、西辽河上游区、珠江流域红水河、西江等上游区以及怒江、澜沧江下游区.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Long-term land use and reservoir sedimentation were quantified and linked in a small agricultural reservoir-watershed system without having historical data. Land use was determined from a time sequence of aerial photographs, and reservoir sedimentation was determined from cores with 137Cs dating techniques. They were linked by relating sediment deposition to potential sediment production which was determined by the Universal Soil Loss Equation and by SCS estimates for gullied land. Sediment cores were collected from Tecumseh Lake, a 55-ha reservoir with a 1,189-ha agricultural watershed, constructed in 1934 in central Oklahoma. Reservoir sediment deposition decreased from an average of 5,933 Mg/yr from 1934 to 1954, to 3,179 Mg/yr from 1954 to 1962, and finally to 1,017 Mg/yr from 1962 to 1987. Potential sediment production decreased from an average of 29,892 to 11,122 and then to 3,589 Mg/yr for the same time periods as above, respectively. Reductions in deposition and sediment production corresponded to reductions in cultivated and abandoned cropland which became perennial pasture. Together, cultivated and abandoned cropland accounted for 59 percent of the watershed in 1937, 24 percent in 1954, and 10 percent in 1962. Roadway erosion, stream bank erosion, stored stream channel sediment, and long-term precipitation were considered, but none seemed to play a significant role in changing sediment deposition rates. Instead, the dominant factor was the conversion of fields to perennial pastures. The effect of conservation measures on reservoir sedimentation can now be quantified for many reservoirs where historical data is not available.  相似文献   
应用RS/GIS技术和景观生态学研究方法,利用通用土壤流失方程(USLE)分析了黄土高原马莲河流域2000年和2007年的景观格局变化与水土流失。结果表明:马莲河流域的景观格局和水土流失方面近8 a发生了重要变化:①建设用地、水域、中高盖度草地以及林地面积增加,低盖度草地、耕地等面积减少,其中超过50%的低盖度草地补充为中高盖度草地;②斑块数量、斑块密度以及多样性指数在减小,说明斑块破碎化程度减小,生态系统趋于稳定化,生态功能逐渐增强;③土壤侵蚀总量减小12 506.76 t,水土流失明显减弱,其变化原因与当地植被恢复、人类活动、人口城镇化、建设用地增加等因素密切相关,尤其是世行项目和国家退耕还林还草政策的有效实施。  相似文献   
延河流域降雨侵蚀力时空分布特征   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
降雨侵蚀力(R)反映了降水引起土壤水蚀的潜在能力,其时空分布规律定量研究是进行土壤侵蚀预报的基础.利用延河流域22个雨量站24a逐日降雨资料,分析了该区降雨侵蚀力的时空分布特征.结果表明,降雨侵蚀力与降雨量、侵蚀性降雨量具有一致的年内年际变化趋势.降雨侵蚀力年内变化为单峰型,集中分布在5~9月,占全年R值的91.61%.降雨侵蚀力多年平均值为1580.58MJ.mm.(hm2.h.a)-1,最高值(1981年)为2417.70MJ.mm.(hm2.h.a)-1,最低值(1999年)仅585.29MJ.mm.(hm2.h.a)-1,年际间变化为中等变异,变异系数为0.32.烧房砭站多年平均R值最大,为2190.33MJ.mm.(hm2.h.a)-1,镰刀湾和杨山站多年平均R值最小,分别为1151.37MJ.mm.(hm2.h.a)-1和1146.87MJ.mm.(hm2.h.a)-1.R值与侵蚀性降雨量具有一致的空间分布格局,北部雨量站R值年际变化呈现轻微的增加趋势,其它站点R值年际变化相对呈现出轻微的减少趋势,总体上延河流域降雨侵蚀力呈现下降趋势,趋势系数为-0.004.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Prior to PL95–87 little research had been conducted to determine the impacts of mining and reclamation practices on sediment concentrations and yields on a watershed scale. Furthermore, it was unknown whether sediment yield and other variables would return to undisturbed levels after reclamation. Therefore, three small watersheds, with differing lithologies and soils, were monitored for runoff and suspended sediment concentrations during three phases of watershed disturbances: undisturbed watershed condition, mining and reclamation disturbances, and post‐reclaimed condition. Profound increases in suspended‐sediment concentrations, load rates, and yields due to mining and reclamation activities, and subsequent drastic decreases after reclamation were documented. Even with increases in runoff potential, reductions in suspended‐sediment concentrations and load rates to below or near undisturbed‐watershed levels is possible by using the mulch‐crimping technique and by removing diversions. Maximum concentrations and load rates occurred during times of active disturbances that exposed loose soil and spoil to high‐intensity rains. Sediment concentrations remained elevated compared with the undisturbed watershed when diversions were not well maintained and overtopped, and when they were not removed for final reclamation. Diversions are useful for vegetation establishment, but should be maintained until they are removed for final reclamation after good vegetative cover is established.  相似文献   
全球变化引起了一系列环境效应,土壤侵蚀是全球变化最为敏感环境效应之一。选择生态极其脆弱区小江流域作为研究对象,通过遥感影像和雨量站点获取3期土地利用和降雨变化信息,结合区域基础地理信息数据,利用通用土壤流失方程(USLE模型)对该区域土壤侵蚀对土地利用和降雨变化的响应进行了分析。研究表明:(1)降雨量在1981~1990年为降雨量较小年份,1991~2000年为降雨量较大时间段,2001~2005年降雨量开始急剧减少;(2)1987、1995和2005年的平均侵蚀量分别为:7058、8008和7981 t/(hm2〖DK1〗·a),中度侵蚀以上面积分别占总面积的2992%、3383%和3318%,其中极强度侵蚀分别占915%、1281%和1263%;(3)在分布特征上,强度侵蚀和极强度侵蚀主要分布在小江流域的中下游地段。极强度侵蚀主要分布在中海拔区域(1 600~2 800 m),所占的比例呈持续下降的趋势,但在高海拔区域,极强度侵蚀呈增加趋势;同时,极强度侵蚀集中分布在高坡度段(>35°)上,占其面积的85%以上,且呈持续增加趋势,在中坡度段(15°~35°)上,极强度侵蚀呈现明显的减少趋势。USLE模型可以较好的反映出全球变化条件下土壤侵蚀效应,为合理开发土地资源和人类经济活动提供科学依据  相似文献   
依据实地调查资料,建立了典型小流域地理数据库;应用采样分析数据结果及坡面单元法,确定了定量计算通用土壤流失方程RUSLE因子指标的方法.在地理信息系统ArcGIS支持下,根据USLE/RUSLE土壤侵蚀预测模型对数据库实施运算操作,预测了小流域土壤侵蚀量.结果表明:①流域总体土壤侵蚀为中度,治理难度仍很大;②坡耕地是流...  相似文献   
GOAL, SCOPE, BACKGROUND: Sheet erosion from agricultural, forest and urban lands may increase stream sediment loads as well as transport other pollutants that adversely affect water quality, reduce agricultural and forest production, and increase infrastructure maintenance costs. This study uses spatial analysis techniques and a numerical modeling approach to predict areas with the greatest sheet erosion potential given different soils disturbance scenarios. METHODS: A Geographic Information System (GIS) and the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) were used to estimate sheet erosion from 0.64 ha parcels of land within the watershed. The Soil Survey of St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana was digitized, required soil attributes entered into the GIS database, and slope factors determined for each 80 x 80 meter parcel in the watershed. The GIS/USLE model used series-specific erosion K factors, a rainfall factor of 89, and a GIS database of scenario-driven cropping and erosion control practice factors to estimate potential soil loss due to sheet erosion. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A general trend of increased potential sheet erosion occurred for all land use categories (urban, agriculture/grasslands, forests) as soil disturbance increases from cropping, logging and construction activities. Modeling indicated that rapidly growing urban areas have the greatest potential for sheet erosion. Evergreen and mixed forests (production forest) had lower sheet erosion potentials; with deciduous forests (mostly riparian) having the least sheet erosion potential. Erosion estimates from construction activities may be overestimated because of the value chosen for the erosion control practice factor. CONCLUSIONS: This study illustrates the ease with which GIS can be integrated with the Universal Soil Loss Equation to identify areas with high sheet erosion potential for large scale management and policy decision making. RECOMMENDATIONS: The GIS/USLE modeling approach used in this study offers a quick and inexpensive tool for estimating sheet erosion within watersheds using publicly available information. This method can quickly identify discrete locations with relatively precise spatial boundaries (approximately 80 meter resolution) that have a high sheet erosion potential as well as areas where management interventions might be appropriate to prevent or ameliorate erosion.  相似文献   
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