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不同来源的气溶胶中正构烷烃稳定碳同位素的分布特征有比较明显的区别,以低陆生植物为主的高原清洁区,其气溶胶中正构烷烃δ^13C较轻,随碳数的增加,δ^13C较平平缓的曲线,以高等植物为主的海滨清洁区,正构烷烃δ^13C分布亦为较平缓的英线,但δ^13C较前者稍重,为-28‰--27‰;人为污染严重的城市区,气溶胶正构烷烃δ^13C为-29‰--25‰,且随碳数的增加有较大的变化。  相似文献   
北京、东京、筑波大气中有机污染物组成研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
用低流量采样器及双层采样滤膜 (石英及固相萃取用C1 8膜 )采集了北京、东京和筑波三城市冬季 (1999年 1月 )大气颗粒物和大气气相物质 ,3个城市的共同特点是大气气相物质中含有很高浓度的苯环数 2~ 4的多环芳烃及碳数小于 2 0的正构烷烃 ,大气颗粒物中以 5~ 6个苯环多环芳烃为主。冬季正构烷烃没有明显的偶数碳数和奇数的区别。但是 ,北京大气气相物质和颗粒物中多环芳烃浓度明显高于东京和筑波 ,而且各正构烷烃及多环芳烃的浓度分布也与东京和筑波的不同 ,表明冬季大气中有机污染物来源不同。   相似文献   
本文模拟大气条件,研究了CH3Br+H2O2+O2,CH3Br+O2,CHBr3+H2O2+O2,和CHBr3+O24个体系的光化学反应。这些体系在253.7nm的紫外光照射下H2O2产生了OH自由基,OH自由基与CH3Br和CHBr3反应,在20m的长光程气体池中FTIR测量这些反应产物,发现在CH3Br+H2O2+O2和CH3Br+O2体系其光化O2其光化学反应产物为CO和CO2,并从这些产物  相似文献   
Summary. Aphid colonies can reach high levels of abundance but last for short periods of time. The larvae of aphidophagous ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) that feed on these colonies might therefore suffer from starvation, which favours the occurrence of cannibalism and intraguild predation. Thus, the assessment of patch quality becomes crucial and it has been shown that female ladybirds refrain from laying eggs in the presence of an oviposition deterring semiochemical deposited by their larvae. Adalia bipunctata (L.), Adalia decempunctata (L.) and Coccinella septempunctata L. are 3 sympatric species of ladybirds, which can co-occur in aphid colonies. As a consequence, their eggs and larvae are under threat, not only from cannibalism but also intraguild predation. Females should, therefore, also use the tracks deposited by heterospecific larvae to assess the quality of aphid colonies as oviposition sites. The expectation is that: 1- the strength of the reaction to each other’s larval tracks should be correlated with percentage habitat overlap and that 2- the reaction to conspecific larval tracks should be stronger than to heterospecific tracks. In order to test these hypotheses, females’ oviposition behaviour was analysed and a chemical analysis of the tracks of their larvae undertaken. The results show that oviposition behaviour is not related to habitat overlap. Both species of Adalia react to tracks of their own larvae and those of C. septempunctata, but A. decempunctata reacted more strongly than A. bipunctata. C. septempunctata reacted very slightly to its own tracks but not to those of either species of Adalia. The larval tracks are mainly composed of alkanes. Those of the two species of Adalia are qualitatively 100% similar and 60% so when the quantitative results are compared. They are, however, only 24–29% similar to those of Coccinella septempunctata.  相似文献   
天津地区表层土中饱和烃的组成与分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示天津地区不同环境功能区表层土壤中饱和烃污染特征及其来源,分析了该地区几个具代表性的环境功能区表层土(0~25cm)中饱和烃化合物的组成和分布特征,重点讨论了正构烷烃和甾、萜烷烃类化合物的组成、分布及环境意义,比较了不同层次(亚层)(0~5cm,5~10cm,10~15cm,15~20cm,20~25cm)中这些化合物及相关的地球化学参数的变化规律。结果表明,不同采样点以及同一采样点的不同亚层之间正构烷烃的组成特征存在不同程度的差别,而甾、萜烷烃类化合物组成与分布特征均较为接近。正构烷烃以及甾、萜类地球化学参数综合分析揭示,不同采样点之间正构烷烃的来源多样,中低分子量的正构烷烃主要来源于石油等化石燃料,高分子量正构烷烃主要来源于高等植物蜡的分解产物,但甾、萜烷烃类化合物的来源是一致的,且主要来源于石油烃污染。不同采样点表层土中饱和烃的来源及污染程度均存在一定的差别,市区、油田附近、经济开发区以及近郊区受石油源影响较重,北部山区污染较轻,且主要来源于高等植物的降解。除个别采样点外,同一采样点不同亚层之间饱和烃的组成特征基本一致,表明污染源是一致的,主要来源由表层污染物往下迁移所致。  相似文献   
氨基酸对烷烃降解菌GS3C降解性能的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从广州石油化工总厂污水处理站旁的油泥混合物中分离筛选得到一株烷烃降解菌GS3C,从生理生化及16S rDNA基因扩增测序等方面进行了鉴定,并在振荡好氧培养条件下研究该菌的降解性能及酵母浸膏、碳源、氮源、维生素、水解酪蛋白等营养物对其降解的影响,同时考察不同氨基酸对降解的影响. 结果表明,该菌的16S rDNA基因扩增序列与Burkholderia cepacia的同源性为97%,初步断定该菌株属于洋葱伯克霍尔德氏菌(Burkholderia cepacia),酵母浸膏能促进其对正十六烷的降解,其主要因素为氨基酸对降解的促进作用. 谷氨酸、脯氨酸、赖氨酸、缬氨酸及亮氨酸的混合物对降解菌GS3C的代谢促进作用最好,其中赖氨酸与脯氨酸为关键的2种氨基酸.   相似文献   
为阐述青木关地下河中溶解态正构烷烃和脂肪酸的来源、迁移及转化研究,2013年7月31日、10月25日分别在青木关地下河入口、天窗和出口处进行采样,并利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对样品中溶解态正构烷烃、脂肪酸的组分进行定量分析.结果表明,7月和10月样品中溶解态正构烷烃、脂肪酸的平均含量分别为1 354、667 ng·L-1和24 203、2 526ng·L-1.溶解态正构烷烃和脂肪酸的含量随地下河运移距离的增加均呈降低的趋势;基于正构烷烃分子特征参数CPI、OEP、Paq和R(ΣC≤20含量与总量的百分比)发现7月青木关地下河中溶解态正构烷烃主要来源于细菌等微生物和藻类.10月主要来源于地表水生植物,但随着地下河运移距离的增加,藻类和细菌等微生物的贡献逐渐增大;溶解态脂肪酸C16:0比例最高,结合碳峰分布特征显示7月和10月水样中,藻类和细菌等微生物为地下河中溶解态脂肪酸的主要来源.  相似文献   
稠油降解菌的筛选、鉴定与菌群构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分别以烷烃、芳烃、胶质沥青质为唯一碳源,从稠油污染过的土壤里分离、筛选可培养的降解菌,将16株组合构建SL-16稠油降解菌群,通过室内摇瓶实验测得该菌群在最佳条件下对陈庄油田稠油降解率可达68%,其适宜的生长及降解温度为35~45℃,pH值为7.0~9.0,含盐量为4 000~14 000 mg/L,接种量为2%,稠油...  相似文献   
Che H  Lee W 《Chemosphere》2011,82(8):1103-1108
Selective redox degradation of chlorinated aliphatics by Fenton reaction in pyrite suspension was investigated in a closed system. Carbon tetrachloride (CT) was used as a representative target of perchlorinated alkanes and trichloroethylene (TCE) was used as one of highly chlorinated alkenes. Degradation of CT in Fenton reaction was significantly enhanced by pyrite used as an iron source instead of soluble Fe. Pyrite Fenton showed 93% of CT removal in 140 min, while Fenton reaction with soluble Fe(II) showed 52% and that with Fe(III) 15%. Addition of 2-propanol to the pyrite Fenton system significantly inhibited degradation of TCE (99% to 44% of TCE removal), while degradation of CT was slightly improved by the 2-propanol addition (80-91% of CT removal). The result suggests that, unlike oxidative degradation of TCE by hydroxyl radical in pyrite Fenton system, an oxidation by the hydroxyl radical is not a main degradation mechanism for the degradation of CT in pyrite Fenton system but a reductive dechlorination by superoxide can rather be the one for the CT degradation. The degradation kinetics of CT in the pyrite Fenton system was decelerated (0.13-0.03 min−1), as initial suspension pH decreased from 3 to 2. The formation of superoxide during the CT degradation in the pyrite Fenton system was observed by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The formation at initial pH 3 was greater than that at initial pH 2, which supported that superoxide was a main reductant for degradation of CT in the pyrite Fenton system.  相似文献   
采用红外掩日通量遥感监测(SOF)技术分别在2014年5月~2015年12月和2021年10月监测了我国7座大型炼油厂(其中6座原油年加工量均超过1000万t)非甲烷烷烃排放通量(kg/h)及分布.每座炼油厂监测3~8d,测量18~73次,总计获得328个排放通量测量数据,根据国内炼油厂VOCs排放烟羽中非甲烷烷烃质量分数估算了VOCs排放量,结合监测期间实际原油加工量计算了非甲烷烷烃和VOCs排放系数.结果显示:7座炼油厂2014~2015年的非甲烷烷烃排放系数测定值为0.016%~0.11%,平均为0.081%;VOCs排放系数估算为0.020%~0.14%,平均为0.10%.无组织排放约占炼油厂非甲烷烷烃排放总量的70%以上,其中轻油贮罐排放占比过半.国内7座炼油厂2014~2015年非甲烷烷烃排放系数的最好水平与美国南加州6座炼油厂同期SOF监测的最好水平相当,但非甲烷烷烃排放系数的平均水平约为其平均水平的3.9倍,国内炼油厂的VOCs排放控制水平更加参差不齐.国内1座千万吨级炼油厂2021年监测的非甲烷烷烃排放通量和排放系数分别较2015年削减72.4%和74.2%.SOF可为石化VOCs无组织排放监测、量化和排放清单修订提供最佳实用技术,本研究结果提供了国内石化行业VOCs综合整治初期典型炼油厂非甲烷烷烃和VOCs的基线排放实测数据,以及1座千万t级炼油厂6a后治理攻坚效果.  相似文献   
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