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The coastal water of northeast Taiwan island, called 'Yin-Yang Hai' for its distinct yellow colour compared with blue offshore water, was investigated from 1989 to 1990 by the authors. Biological study showed the dominant species of plankton to be Copepoda, Cladocera, planktonic eggs and Diatoma. Dominant species of benthos were young crabs, Amphipoda and Annelida, with Amphipoda usually occurring in heavily polluted areas. Heavy metal data showed that the concentration of copper was high. the copper and iron concentration in algae of the intertidal zone was also high. the concentrations of iron and copper in inshore water were also higher than in offshore water. By comparison of the pH and salinity distribution of this area, we conclude that this coastal water has been polluted by acid waste water from coastal industry. the suspended solids concentration in sea water is high. Flocculation occurring at the boundary of fresh and saline water might be a reason for the distinct yellow colour of the water of this area. Further study is required.  相似文献   
用大型底栖动物对武汉南湖水质的生物学评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2003年6月至2004年5月季度性调查武汉南湖大型底栖动物的种类组成,并对水质理化指标进行测定.结果表明,大型底栖动物由寡毛类和水生昆虫组成,密度为4 437个/m2,优势种为霍甫水丝蚓和刺铗长足摇蚊;大型底栖动物的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margelef多样性指数表明南湖水质为中等污染状态;历年夏季水体中主要营养元素含量的变化,进一步描述了近年来南湖富营养化的加剧进程.  相似文献   
底栖动物在水生生态系统健康评价中的作用分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从生态系统健康的概念入手,通过对生态系统健康评价方法的研究和分析,对底栖动物尤其是大型底柄无脊椎动物在生态系统健康评价中的作用进行了分析和总结.生物监测法和多指标评价法是水生态系统健康评价的主要手段,而利用指示物种、预测模型和底柄生物的完整性指数等多种方法可以对水生态系统健康进行快速和准确的评价.如何完善底栖动物在生态系统健康评价中的作用并综合运用其他评价技术,以及结合评价结果对受损水生态系统进行生态修复和重建将是这一领域未来研究的重点所在.  相似文献   
根据2001年-2008年的资料,对大连湾底栖生物重金属含量进行分析与评价。结果表明,底栖生物体内重金属平均含量顺序为:Zn〉Cr〉Cu〉Cd〉As〉Pb〉Hg;2006年-2008年均值与"十五"期间比较,海域底栖生物体重金属含量均有所下降;底栖生物受重金属污染较轻,但Cd、Cr、Zn、Hg、Cu富集问题严重;生物体内Cd含量超过人体消费标准,应引起有关部门重视。  相似文献   
基于GIS的海洋底栖生物栖息密度空间插值方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在地理信息系统即GIS的支持下,分别采用反距离加权(inverse distance weighted,IDW)、普通克里格(ordinary krig-ing,OK)、规则样条(regularize spline,RS)和张力样条(tension spline,TS)4种插值方法对2006年7月获得的大连湾底栖生物栖息密度的数据进行空间插值处理,并对插值结果的精确度进行交叉验证,分析和比较不同插值方法获得的分布图。结果表明,插值精确度普通克里格>反距离加权>张力样条>规则样条;4种方法均能较客观的模拟出底栖生物栖息密度的分布趋势,但是在整体趋势和局部趋势两方面的综合考虑下,普通克里格的表现效果更好。文章进一步指出,在确定站位数量及分布前提下,插值结果的精确度可以通过选择空间插值方法得以改善,但其根本还是取决于站位布置的数量和其分布合理性。  相似文献   
The benthic ecological structure of the Tan-Shui estuary, Taiwan is changed due to long term effects of dumping of urban wastewater and of engineering actions. to monitor these changes, we sampled and analyzed benthos and sediment from 12 stations on the estuary.

The composition of the dominant species of benthos varied seasonally, with molluscan and crustacean species having greater numbers and higher frequencies of occurrence than other species. the dominant taxa during winter were Nassarius sp. and Maldanidae at two stations. Analysis using Simpson's index and Shannon's index showed the benthic community varied more in coastal areas than in offshore areas.

Physicochemical analysis showed that most of the Tan-Shui estuary consisted of sandy sediment. the variations in concentrations of organic carbon and total nitrogen at each station were small. Although the concentrations of chlorophyll-a and carotenoid at all stations were generally low, the two stations had the highest concentrations, and we concluded that the concentration of pigments in these sediments was related to the abundance of benthos. the community structure of the benthos reflected the characteristics of the sediments, and benthic species exhibited selection of and adaptation to specific sedimentary environments.  相似文献   
GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Over the last decade Greece has become a leading country in the EU as concerns the cage farming of seabream and seabass. A strong debate has risen, however, about the environmental impacts of aquacultures in the coastal areas. The present paper deals with this problem and it is based on measurements of physico-chemical parameters in the water column, particulate matter and sediments in the area of Astakos Gulf, a coastal embayment in western Greece where three big fish farms are currently operating. METHODS: Water samples were collected by using Hydro-Bios sampling bottles, whereas a prototype sediment trap was installed under a fish cage for the collection of particulate matter. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and salinity were measured in situ using portable equipment. Nutrients were determined by standard spectrophotometric methods. Trace metals were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Dissolved organic carbon was determined by a Shimadzu 5000A carbon analyzer, whereas organic carbon in sediments was determined titrimetrically. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: No clear eutrophication incidents have been identified, although the water column near the fish farms was enriched in nutrients and organic carbon. A sludge 'blanket' covers considerable parts of the seabed and is enriched in colloidal organic carbon and trace metals (Cd, Cu, Fe and Zn) that come from unused fish food. The biodegradation of this sludge leads to the development of anoxic conditions followed by the formation of undesirable gases, precipitation or remobilization of metals and the extinction of benthic fauna. CONCLUSION: The operation of fish farms at the coastal area of Astakos Gulf, and probably in similar Mediterranean gulfs, affects the marine environment, particularly in the vicinity of the cages. The most significant influence concerns the near-bottom water layer. The environmental impacts depend on the amount of food given to fishes, the mode of feeding, the fish density in cages, the annual production and the years of unit operation. The hydrology and the geomorphology of the area are also critical factors for its environmental quality. RECOMMENDATION AND OUTLOOK: The success of the fish-farming sector in the Mediterranean is accompanied by environmental and, in some extents, by social and marketing problems. These problems, derived from the rapid development of fish farming, can be solved only through an integrated management, using methods such as environmental impact assessment, risk assessment, economic evaluation, vulnerability assessments, resource accounting, cost-benefit analysis and outcome-based monitoring.  相似文献   
长江口疏浚土掩埋对两种贝类存活的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
疏浚土处置产生的土丘状浮泥,会掩埋原有底质,底栖生物被掩埋后或死亡,或垂直向迁移重新获得生存机会,而使底栖生物群落得以重建.为评价疏浚土掩埋对底栖生物存活的潜在影响,采用长江口深水航道工程疏浚土模拟掩埋尖紫蛤(Sanguinolaria acuta)、文蛤(Meretrix meretrix),观测两种贝类对不同埋深的反应及其存活情况.结果表明,文蛤和尖紫蛤被掩埋后均表现出垂向迁移行为,文蛤比尖紫蛤表现出了更强的垂向迁移能力,当掩埋深度为8cm时,可100%迁移至疏浚土表层,获得存活机会,而尖紫蛤仅50%左右个体的进出水管伸出疏浚土表层;疏浚土掩埋深度与尖紫蛤死亡率之间有极其显著正相关关系(R2=0.967,P=0.007<0.01),并求得4d-LC50为6.9cm,95%置信区间5.2~8.6cm.试验所设置掩埋深度与文蛤死亡率之间没有表现出显著相关关系,难以通过统计方法获得文蛤的4d-LC50;借鉴毒理学中推定LOEC(最低有影响深度)的方法,推定文蛤的LOED为10cm.研究表明,疏浚土处置后的沉积厚度对底栖动物种群的存亡具有决定性作用,而底栖动物在被掩埋后表现出的垂向迁移能力大小也可影响自身种群及处置区整个底栖动物群落的最终重建几率,并且积极的管理策略对底栖群落重建意义重大.表4图1参22  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Geologic, engineering, and biological investigations of six Pennsylvania coldwater streams were undertaken to determine the impact of channel modifications instituted both prior to and following Hurricane Agnes. The primary focus of the study was on the ecological changes brought about by stream channelization. No long-term deleterious effects on water quality, attached algae, benthic fauna, or forage fish populations were found. Trout, however, were found to be greater in numbers and weight in natural than in channelized stream reaches. Lack of suitable physical habitat appears to be the primary cause of reduced trout populations in stream reaches which have been channelized.  相似文献   
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