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为了解苯并三唑(BTA)在水-土系统中的迁移转化,通过批实验方法研究了BTA在华北平原土样(GSS13)中的吸附,考察了平衡时间、土壤投加量、溶液初始pH以及共存阳离子对吸附的影响。结果表明,在初始阶段,土壤对BTA的吸附速率较快,之后随着吸附点位的减少,吸附逐渐变慢;吸附过程符合准二级反应动力学方程。土壤对BTA的平衡吸附为非线性吸附,吸附等温线为Freundlich型;随着土壤投加量的增大,单位质量土壤吸附BTA的量减少,可能原因是所选土壤对BTA的吸附存在"固体浓度效应"。溶液的pH通过改变BTA的存在形式和土壤表面的带电性而影响吸附,当溶液pH在BTA的pKa2(8.6)附近时,土壤对BTA的吸附效果最好。此外,溶液中共存阳离子对土壤吸附BTA有不同的影响, Na+对吸附影响不明显,而不同浓度Ca2+对BTA的吸附有不同程度的促进作用。  相似文献   
苯并三唑和镉对斑马鱼肝脏的联合毒性效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用转基因斑马鱼Tg (lfabp10a: dsRed; elaA:EGFP)为模型,探讨了环境中苯并三唑及其衍生物(BTRs)与重金属镉对斑马鱼的单独与联合肝脏毒性效应.结果表明,0.001~0.1μmol/L CdCl2单独暴露使斑马鱼肝脏结合蛋白基因lfabp10a表达量增强,肝脏尺寸相对空白对照组显著膨大(P<0.005),而1μmol/L CdCl2显著抑制斑马鱼lfabp10a的表达,肝脏尺寸相对空白对照组显著降低(P<0.005).苯并三唑(1H-BTR,1H-benzotriazole)相对CdCl2而言毒性较低,5 μmol/L 1H-BTR暴露时斑马鱼肝脏lfabp10a表达量增强(P=0.000).联合暴露研究发现,1H-BTR能显著降低重金属镉对斑马鱼的肝脏毒性.因此, 苯并三唑在环境污染物毒性评价中具有重要意义.  相似文献   
伍娟丽  张佳维  王婷  倪晋仁 《环境科学》2015,36(7):2540-2546
分别构建了以掺硼金刚石膜电极(BDD)和二氧化铅电极(Pb O2)为阳极的电化学体系,对比考察了两种电极对难降解有机污染物苯并三氮唑(BTA)的降解及体系的矿化效果,并从电极产生羟基自由基(·OH)的数量与形态角度深入探讨了影响电极矿化能力大小的内在因素.结果表明:1BDD和Pb O2电极均对BTA有较好的降解效果,电解12 h后BTA去除率分别为99.48%和98.36%,但BDD电极的矿化能力明显强于Pb O2电极,电解12 h后矿化率分别为87.69%和35.96%;2BDD体系阳极·OH产生速率和阴极H2产生速率均低于Pb O2体系,即表面活性位点数量少于Pb O2电极,因此·OH数量不是决定矿化能力大小的关键;3BDD电极表面吸附氧活性更强,结合能(532.37e V)大于Pb O2(530.74e V),且表面吸附层更薄,产生的·OH形态更自由,是决定其具有更大矿化能力的关键因素.  相似文献   
腐殖酸对苯并三唑的吸附动力学及热力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HA(腐殖酸)是土壤和沉积物中有机质的重要组成部分,能在很大程度上影响有机污染物的环境行为和毒理效应. 采用批量平衡法研究了BT(苯并三唑)在HA上的吸附动力学、等温吸附和吸附热力学等内容,结果表明:拟二级动力学能较好地描述BT在HA上的吸附行为,吸附过程分为快速吸附阶段和慢速吸附阶段,但主要以快速吸附为主;0~40min为快速吸附阶段,吸附总量占平衡吸附量的89.0%以上. 吸附等温线较好地符合Freundlich模型,R2均在0.9996以上. 初始ρ(BT)为300.0mg/L时,温度由288.15K升至308.15K,吸附量从15.70g/kg降至11.58g/kg,减少了26.24%. 此外,ΔH0(吸附焓变)为-30.19kJ/mol,说明吸附过程为放热反应;ΔG0(吉布斯自由能变)小于零,说明反应是自发的. 吸附反应的Ea(活化能)为19.35kJ/mol,表明吸附属于物理吸附.   相似文献   
臭氧降解水中苯并三唑反应动力学及效能研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
陈忠林  蔡金玲  沈吉敏  董霖 《环境科学》2009,30(4):1044-1049
对臭氧氧化去除水中痕量苯并三唑(BTri)的反应动力学、效能及其影响因素进行了实验研究.结果表明,臭氧分子与BTri直接反应速率常数k3=20.18 L·(mol·s)-1,臭氧与BTri反应的表观反应速率常数KBTri随pH值的不同而有显著差异,当pH值由6.63增加到7.83时,表观反应速率常数由63.42 L·(mol·s)-1提高至582.69 L·(mol·s)-1,增加约8倍.单独臭氧化可以有效地去除水体中痕量BTri,最终去除率可达85%;随着水体pH值的增加及水体温度的升高,BTri的反应速率大幅度提高;自然水体中常见阴离子NO-3、SO2-4、Cl-对臭氧化去除BTri的去除率及反应速率无明显影响;羟基自由基(·OH)抑制剂叔丁醇对臭氧氧化去除BTri有一定的抑制作用,说明·OH也对臭氧氧化去除BTri有一定的贡献,表明臭氧化去除BTri的过程为O3直接氧化及·OH间接氧化共同作用的结果.  相似文献   
杨宁伟  毕二平 《环境科学》2017,38(6):2568-2576
溶解性有机质(DOM)影响着有机污染物在土壤中的吸附行为.将从腐殖土中提取的DOM(DOMbulk)用XAD-8树脂和阴/阳离子交换树脂进行分级,用红外光谱、元素分析、紫外分光光度计和电位滴定的方法对DOM不同组分特征进行分析.用吸附批次实验方法研究了DOM不同组分对棕壤和黑土吸附苯并三唑(BTA)的影响.结果表明,DOMbulk中疏水酸性(HOA)、疏水中性(HON)、亲水酸性(HIA)、亲水碱性(HIB)和亲水中性(HIN)组分比例分别为61%、17%、6%、2%和14%.由于黑土有机碳(OC)含量高于棕壤,黑土对BTA和DOM组分的吸附能力均大于棕壤.相对于黑土,棕壤吸附DOM的标化分配系数Koc较高,其原因是棕壤中含有较多的对吸附DOM起重要作用的黏粒和粉砂.由于水分子占据DOM结合点位,DOM组分与BTA在溶液中结合较弱.DOMbulk中HIN在土壤上吸附最强.HIN的吸附增加了土壤吸附BTA的点位,增加点位的促进吸附作用大于HIN与BTA的竞争吸附作用,最终表现为促进吸附.疏水组分在土壤上的吸附较弱,产生的新吸附点位较少,主要通过竞争吸附作用抑制土壤对BTA的吸附.DOMbulk由78%的疏水组分构成,对土壤吸附BTA的影响与疏水组分相似.  相似文献   
ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles(ZFNPs) were developed as catalyst for the degradation of benzotriazole(BTA) by heterogeneous photoelectroFenton(PE-Fenton) like process.ZFNPs were prepared by a co-precipitation process and then characterized with transmission electron microscopy(TEM),X-ray fluorescence(XRF),X-ray diffraction(XRD) and BET surface area.Using such ZFNPs as catalyst,the degradation of BTA was investigated.Due to the high catalytic activity of ZFNPs,PE-Fenton like process showed efficient degradation of BTA.The influencing factors such as pH,dosage of ZFNPs,applied potential and initial concentration of BTA were systematically investigated.Under the optimum conditions,91.2% of BTA was removed after 180 min treatment.  相似文献   
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/espr2006.01.295 Background Many organic micropollutants occur at trace concentrations in municipal wastewater effluents and in the aquatic environment. Some of these xenobiotic chemicals can be considered as 'emerging' contaminants and some are suspect to have endocrine disrupting effects. Among the latter are nonylphenol (NP), octylphenol (OP) and bisphenol A (BPA), which deserve special attention due to their ubiquitous occurrence in the aquatic environment. The complexing agents benzotriazole (BT) and tolyltriazole (TT) are applied as anticorrosive agents (e.g. in cooling and hydraulic fluids, in antifreezing fluids, in aircraft deicing fluids, in dish washing liquids for silver protection), as antifogging agents and as intermediates for the synthesis of various chemicals. The environmental occurrence of NP and OP is caused by the fact that they are intermediate products (metabolites) in the biodegradation of alkylphenol polyethoxylate surfactants. BPA is globally used for the production of polycarbonate and epoxy resins. Methods BT, TT, NP, OP and BPA were quantitatively determined in municipal wastewater effluents in Switzerland and in the Glatt River. The analytes were enriched by solid-phase enrichment. BT and TT were determined underivatized by electrospray LC/tandem MS. Reversed-phase LC was performed on octylsilica columns with isocratic water/methanol elution. Multiple reaction monitoring of the positive ions provided selective and sensitive detection for reliable quantifications. NP, OP and BPA were determined by GC/MS after derivatization with N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide. Results and Discussion BT and TT concentrations in primary and secondary effluents of municipal wastewater treatment plants varied from below 10 to 100 μg/L. The ranges of the concentrations in the Glatt River in ng/L were 636–3,690 for BT, 122–628 for TT, 68–326 for NP, 6–22 for OP and 9–76 for BPA. The corresponding mass flows in g/d were 93–1,870 for BT, 18–360 for TT, 24–183 for NP, 1–16 for OP and 2–72 for BPA. The concentrations and mass flows of NP in the River Glatt were drastically lower than the analogous values found 15 years ago. Thus, a substantially decreased environmental exposure can be observed due to the reduction of the use of alkyphenol polyethoxylate surfactants in Switzerland. The current concentrations of NP, OP and BPA are within the ranges reported for weakly impacted surface waters. Conclusion The investigated contaminants occur at quantitatively measurable but varying concentrations in municipal wastewaters and in the Glatt River reflecting their ubiquitous input into wastewaters and their different behaviour during biological wastewater treatment.  相似文献   
以硝酸-磺酸型退锡剂为基础配方,研制了一种脱除废旧电路板表面残留焊锡的剥离液.该剥离液以硝酸为氧化剂,氨基磺酸为稳定剂,苯并三氮唑为铜的缓蚀剂.实验结果表明:剥离液的最佳配比为硝酸浓度3 mol/L,氨基磺酸浓度0.4 mol/L,苯并三氮唑浓度0.08 mol/L;每升剥离液可处理3.5 kg废旧电路板,处理后电路板中的铅离子含量降至100 mg/kg以下.该剥离液处理后的电路板表面的铜箔保持完好,基本没有被剥离液浸蚀.  相似文献   
The environmental fate of many of the additives in the deicing agents used at airports is poorly understood. One and two years after deicing activities ceased, soil and groundwater samples were taken at an abandoned airport. Benzotriazole (BT), a corrosion and flame inhibitor, was found in low concentrations in soils along runways (mean 0.33 mg/kg), at a snow disposal site (0.66 mg/kg), as well as in sediments of a drainage ditch (13 mg/kg). Locally, high BT concentrations were found in the groundwater below the deicing pad, the regeneration plant and the snow disposal site (1.2 to 1100 g/l). Methyl substituted triazoles or tolytriazoles (MeBT) were found in concentrations less than 10% of the BT concentration. Propylene glycol was not detected in soil samples and in only one of the groundwater samples. Microtox tests of the water samples revealed no acute toxic response, however a reduction in nitrification rate was observed (14–43%). The nitrification response could not be related directly to the BT concentration in the samples, although samples with a high BT concentration showed the largest reduction in nitrification rate. BT showed very little sorption in various soil matrices, only peat and compost with a high organic carbon content showed significant sorption. Sorption could be best described using a Freundlich isotherm. These results indicate a high mobility and possibly long persistence of BT in soil and groundwater, which may be attributed to the absence of microbial degradation of BT.  相似文献   
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