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设立8个调查区对滇池外海湖滨水生植物现状和分布特点进行了调查,结合历史资料对比,分析了环境改变对自然湖滨带水生植物演替变化的影响。  相似文献   
锌冶炼不同群落生境蟋蟀汞污染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑冬梅  李昕馨  罗庆 《环境科学》2012,33(10):3680-3684
研究了葫芦岛锌厂周围不同群落生境蟋蟀汞含量,比较了蟋蟀与其它昆虫汞含量的差异,探讨了汞在不同群落蟋蟀体内的分布特征.结果表明,蟋蟀汞含量很高,平均值为0.081 mg.kg-1,远高于对照点群落汞含量(0.012 mg.kg-1);蟋蟀体内汞的分布特征为头>翅膀>胸≈腹>足.不同群落生境中蟋蟀汞含量差异明显,蟋蟀汞含量与距离污染源的远近、植物茎汞存在显著的相关关系.与土壤汞之间无明显的相关关系.蟋蟀汞含量低于生命周期较长的蝉汞含量,与生命周期较短的其它昆虫相近.  相似文献   
生态单元制图是通过对区域遥感信息的解译及与现场调查信息的叠合,得到可视性较强的生态信息图谱,是将景观生态学成果应用到城乡规划中的一条有效途径。生态单元制图如何与中国城乡规划编制相衔接,提供专业、可靠的基础性研究成果,是本文期待解决的主要问题。提出了将城市所有用地类型都作为研究对象的本土化和城市化的生态单元分类方法,完成了符合我国《城市用地分类与建设用地标准》的生态单元制图分类系统(9大类37小类)及其景观生态学指数分析;通过绿地率、建筑密度、乔木树冠覆盖度、植物物种丰富度等各单项指标进行分层及叠加综合评价制图,科学全面地识别不同用地的生态价值。认为可以通过提出诸如各类城市用地的附属绿地的面积、容积率高低、建筑退让范围、大乔木的保护措施等具体细致的规划要求,来保护及调整城市用地内部的绿地面积及植被丰富度、乔木的覆盖度等生态指标,确保重要的城镇自然系统在城市开发过程中不受冲击,以及如何实现我国城市绿地的精明增长等后续研究方向。  相似文献   
生态单元制图作为景观生态学研究方法之一,能够提供研究区域内基础详细的、保护或规划定向的、便于使用的生物学和生态学信息,该方法已经成为一些国家自然保护和城乡规划工作的基本工具。论文首先简明介绍了生态单元的定义和功能以及制图的两种主要方法。着重探讨了生态单元制图在国外30多年不同阶段的发展历程,并分析了生态单元制图在自然保护和城乡规划中应用的3个方面:物种和生境保护、土地利用规划和管理以及不同尺度景观规划和管理。另外,论文还对生态单元制图中存在的问题和不足以及深入研究的思路进行探讨。目前生态单元制图研究中存在的问题主要集中在生态单元调查的主观性、制图比例尺和G IS技术等方面。最后分析了生态单元制图在我国的研究现状以及生态单元制图在我国自然保护和城乡规划中应用的前景。  相似文献   
日本琵琶湖流域生态系统的修复与重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
琵琶湖流域生态系统的修复与重建着眼于全流域及中长期目标的实现. 在《琵琶湖综合保全整备规划》基础上,滋贺县政府提出了流域生物生息空间网络化构筑的长期构想,在全流域划定了16个重要生物生息空间及10条重要河流作为生态回廊;从上游的森林建设、内湖重建、河流治理到湖滨带芦苇群落的保护等开展了一系列的流域修复工作,如针对湖滨带修复,制定了芦苇群落保护条例与规划,划定了琵琶湖湖岸及周边内湖的芦苇群落保护与恢复区域,面积达138 hm2,其中芦苇带栽植面积达15 hm2,收割等维护管理每年达30 hm2等. 琵琶湖修复与重建工程的开展使生物多样性逐渐提高,生态系统功能得到恢复. 与之相比,我国湖泊流域生态修复存在的问题主要体现在生态修复缺乏流域整体的长远规划以及在湿地修复、低污染尾水的生物处理、湖滨带修复等领域存在一定的理念差异.   相似文献   
The results of studies on transformations of the floristic diversity of forest ecosystems under the effect of human activity in the southern and middle taiga subzones of the Komi Republic are reviewed. It is shown that the change of dominants in the tree layer leads to the formation of specific biotopes and, as a consequence, to changes in floristic complexes and the cenotic roles of species in the lower layers of forest communities. In the study region, the -diversity of forest communities is determined mainly by two environmental factors: soil fertility and acidity. The factor of illumination has only a slight effect on the -diversity of taiga forests, which is especially clear in the group of deciduous forest formations.__________Translated from Ekologiya, No. 3, 2005, pp. 180–185.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Degteva.  相似文献   
During land transformation process in the human history,naturalized plants were introduced to several land use patterns by the different ways of plant itself .Including some naturalized plants that had been contribute to land restoration,many naturalized plants have been invaded to original habitat or landscape for native plants.Once the plants were colonized,they extend their area and population size.Urban developed areas often give an impotant role of source habitat for naturalized plants and expanding their popuation size.In recent,this tituation is appearing as one of environmental problems about the urban landscape management controlling the naturalized plants that invaded in the developed area and conserving the native vegetation.This paper is focusing on relationships between distribution of habitat of naturalized plants and landscape patch in urban area in Seoul.Gengdong-Gu ,one of the administrative areas in Seoul was selected for this study.We examined the recent land use change using LANDSAT TM data and spreading of the representative naturalized plants(Robinia pseudoacacia and Eupatorium rugosum)by Seoul Biotope Mapping Project and field survey in 1999.As a result,these two species were often occurred in the same habitat and distributed in forest edge disturbed by man.Their distribution patterns were related to landscape indices (patch size and shape)in the forest edge.  相似文献   
The impact of disturbance on the macroinvertebrate community was investigated in the biotope of a river catchment area. A total of 56 and 18 taxa were recorded at Stations 1 and 2, accounting for 71 and 29% individual organisms, respectively. Twelve taxa were common at both stations. Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) constituted the predominant group with the 46% density at the upstream biotope of Station 1, whereas, family Hydrobidae (Mollusca) dominated numerically the downstream Station 2. Data revealed that months of sampling at stations significantly influenced the occurrence and abundance of the major groups. Three distinct patterns of seasonal affiliation among the benthos were observed. Monthly variation in species diversity occurred. The macroinvertebrate community was affected by disturbances at the downstream bank-root biotope, limiting the occurrence of life forms to a few adaptable groups.  相似文献   
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