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氮掺杂氧化钛的简易制备及可见光催化活性的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为开发对可见光响应的催化剂,以尿素为氮掺杂剂,采用简易溶胶-凝胶法制备氮掺杂氧化钛,并以2,4-DCP的降解检验其光催化活性。XRD、BET、XPS和UV-Vis漫反射光谱分析表明,随着氮/钛原子比(N/Ti)的增大,各催化剂晶粒尺寸减小,比表面积增大,锐钛矿相向金红石相的转变得到抑制,除0#样品出现金红石相外,其他催化剂均只出现锐钛矿相;掺入催化剂的N位于晶格O位点和晶格间隙,替代N和间隙N掺杂使催化剂的光吸收发生明显的红移。荧光光谱分析表明,当N/Ti在0~6范围内增加时,反应体系中·OH自由基的产生速率增加,当N/Ti增大至8时,速率则下降。相似的规律也表现在氮掺杂量对光催化活性的影响。适量氮掺杂能增强氧化钛的可见光催化活性,该改性催化剂可用于有机污染物的太阳光激催化降解。  相似文献   
TiO2/粉煤灰光催化降解双氯芬酸钠研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以燃煤电厂外排的废弃物粉煤灰(CFA)为载体,采用混合泥浆法将TiO2负载在CFA的表面,得到一种新型的复合光催化剂TiO2/CFA.对TiO2/CFA进行了扫描电镜分析、X射线衍射分析和氮吸附测试,并以双氯芬酸钠的光催化降解为评价手段,研究了TiO2负载量对TiO2/CFA光催化性能及重复使用性能的影响.结果表明,TiO2负载量的增加有助于提高TiO2/CFA的光催化性能,但当TiO2负载量过高时,CFA上的TiO2在水处理过程中容易脱落,对TiO2/CFA光催化剂的重复使用性能不利.本研究中,最佳的TiO2负载量约为50%,循环使用6次,其光催化降解效率没有明显降低,双氯芬酸钠的降解率均可达70%以上.  相似文献   
通过阳极氧化法制备了适于工业应用的大尺寸二氧化钛纳米管阵列.考察了电极形状和面积、氧化电压、氧化时间、预处理等因素对阳极氧化法制备二氧化钛纳米管阵列形貌的影响.结果显示,电极形状对纳米管的制备没有影响;阳极氧化前打磨与否对纳米管也没有影响;氧化电压、氧化时间和电极面积对纳米管的影响较大,只有在合适的电压和时间下才能制成纳米管阵列.电极面积影响电流密度,从而影响纳米管的形貌,试验中电极最大面积为360cm2.通过试验得出工业化制备二氧化钛纳米管阵列的最佳条件是电压20V,电解时间30min,反应前不用进行打磨.实验结果显示制成的纳米管阵列对强酸强碱的耐受力强,完全可以适应工业化废水的pH变化.  相似文献   
Titania (TiO2) has been the focus of attention of researchers since the first demonstration of its capability to generate the photocatalytic splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen. However, there seems to be a recent surge in the research activity, involving modified TiO2 nanoparticles (NP), which are considered to be more effective due to different physicochemical properties in comparison to unmodified fine particle analogs. Several strategies have been employed to modify TiO2 to reduce recombination rates of photogenerated charge carriers to enhance the optimal functioning of TiO2. Doping with cations and anions and coupling it with another semiconductor are the most well-known modification methods used. Titania nanocomposites are known to have a plethora of applications. Photoexcitation of these particles are seen to be extraordinarily effective in eliciting microbial death which makes it an attractive candidate for the manufacturing of antimicrobial coatings. On the other hand, TiO2 induces the oxidation of various organic refractory compounds like tetracycline, sulfamethazine, and bisphenol. The photo-electrocatalytic oxidation technique which amalgamates the principle of photocatalysis and electrolysis serves as a newer, unswerving, and cost effective water treatment process. In the biomedical arena, use is now acknowledged for the photodynamic therapy of cancer, cell imaging, biological sensors, drug delivery system, and as endonucleases. In the commercial front, it is utilized in creams owing to its small particle size, which facilitates absorption through skin. It is also employed as ultraviolet blocking agents in sunscreen and commonly encountered as a brilliant white pigment in paint due to its brightness, high refractive index and resistance to discoloration. Its use in solar cells has also been reported. This review aims to encompass the new progress of modified TiO2 nanocomposites for efficient applications, emphasizing the future trends of TiO2 in arenas like healthcare, environment, biomedical, food, personal care, and pharmacy and also highlights the commercial implications of this promising nanomaterial.  相似文献   
可见光下氮掺杂二氧化钛对巯基苯并噻唑的降解   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
秦好丽  古国榜  柳松 《生态环境》2006,15(4):720-725
光降解反应中为了有效地利用可见光,以氨水为氮源,采用溶胶凝胶法在温和条件下制备出黄色氮掺杂二氧化钛。分别采用XRD、TEM、XPS和UV-Vis漫反射光谱对样品进行了表征。结果表明,所制备的样品均为锐钛矿相,晶粒随N/Ti配比的增加而增大;氮掺杂进入二氧化钛晶格中使可见光吸收增强。为控制水处理过程中的气味问题,以巯基苯并噻唑为探针,考察了氮掺杂二氧化钛的可见光活性。结果显示氮掺杂二氧化钛在可见光照射下可使巯基苯并噻唑的降解率为商用二氧化钛DegussaP-25的3倍。此外,存在一个最佳N/Ti配比显示出最高的可见光活性。  相似文献   
叶钊  邱挺  潘海波 《环境化学》2003,22(6):578-581
用超临界二氧化碳萃取TiO2醇凝胶制备纳米二氧化钛粉体,对萃取工艺条件进行了讨论,并用XRD,FT-IR,BET和DRS对上述粉体进行表征.以光催化降解甲基橙为模型反应,结果表明,与超临界二氧化碳干燥所得的粒子比较,该工艺干燥的TiO2粉体粒径小,比表面积大,光催化活性较高。  相似文献   
混晶纳米TiO_2的制备及其光催化降解有毒有机污染物   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邓安平  杨静  汪淑廉  黄应平  杨勇 《环境科学》2010,31(12):2965-2972
以无定形TiO2沉淀为前驱体,在水热条件下得到了含板钛矿(121)相混晶纳米TiO2,考察了水热反应的温度和时间等因素对含板钛矿型TiO2光催化活性的影响.采用XRD、TEM对制备的TiO2进行初步表征,并结合光催化(λ≤387 nm)降解有机染料的光活性探针反应.结果表明,水热温度为150℃,时间为24 h时,可制得具有较高光催化活性的纳米TiO2,其纳米尺寸为14.20 nm,板钛矿相含量63.6%,锐钛矿含量为36.4%.光催化实验中跟踪研究了其对染料酸性桃红(sulforhodmineB,SRB)的褪色及2,4-DCP的降解情况,并对降解中间产物H2 O2、.OH进行跟踪测定,实验结果表明板钛矿相混晶TiO2的光催化主要涉及.OH氧化历程,光照射9 h对SRB和2,4-DCP的矿化氧化分别达到89%和78%,循环5次光催化降解SRB实验,催化剂表现出较好的稳定性,催化性能无明显变化.  相似文献   
在TiO2粉末中掺杂SiO2,制备0—20%的SiO2TiO2载体.利用浸渍法在载体上负载Ru,制备Ru/SiO2TiO2催化剂.结果表明,催化剂的晶相以锐钛矿为主,晶粒尺寸为30—50nm.掺杂的SiO2主要为无定型,以5—15nm分散于催化剂中,比表面积随SiO2掺杂量的增加显著增大,但对TiO2的晶体结构无明显影响,也未形成Si—O—Ti键.Ru因粒径细化及含量过低未产生衍射峰.在300ml间歇式反应釜中,反应温度210—270℃,初始氧分压085MPa条件下,对丁二酸(74g·l-1,COD=7000mg·l-1)的催化湿式氧化结果表明,SiO2掺杂量对COD的去除率有显著影响,掺杂10%SiO2的催化剂对COD的去除率最高.在连续十次运行中,COD的去除率保持在85%左右,活性未见降低.  相似文献   
Nanotechnology has revolutionized plethora of scientific and technological fields; environmental safety is no exception. One of the most promising and well- developed environmental applications of nanotechnology has been in water remediation and treatment where different nanomaterials can help purify water through different mechanisms including adsorption of heavy metals and other pollutants, removal and inactivation of patho- gens and transformation of toxic materials into less toxic compounds. For this purpose, nanomaterials have been produced in different shapes, integrated into various composites and functionalized with active components. Nanomaterials have also been incorporated in nanostructured catalytic membranes which can in turn help enhance water treatment. In this article, we have provided a succinct review of the most common and popular nanomaterials (titania, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), zero-valent iron, dendrimers and silver nanomaterials) which are currently used in environmental remediation and particularly in water purification. The catalytic properties and functionalities of the mentioned materials have also been discussed.  相似文献   
采用水热合成-浸渍法制备锌掺杂TiO2纳米管(Zn-TiO2纳米管),透射电镜照片显示Zn-TiO2纳米管为两端开口形貌均一的中空管状结构,管径约6~8 nm,壁厚约1 nm,长度约50~200 nm。研究了Zn-TiO2纳米管对甲基橙的光催化性能,结果表明:掺杂适量锌提高了TiO2纳米管对甲基橙的光催化降解性能,0.4%Zn-TiO2纳米管的光催化性能最佳。同时还探讨了Zn-TiO2纳米管用量和初始pH值等因素对光催化降解甲基橙的影响,结果显示Zn-TiO2纳米管能有效地降解甲基橙。随着光催化反应进行,CODCr去除率和脱色率变化规律不完全相同,可能是由于芳基和烷基降解速率不同所致。  相似文献   
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