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介绍了国外舰载导弹发射装置的基本概况及发展历程,分析了固定式发射装置、回转式发射装置、臂式发射装置、垂直发射装置的优缺点及适装范围。根据冷热发射方式的特点,分析了4种发射装置安装方式、贮弹量、射界、发射效率、反应速度、可靠性、安全性等基本性能,阐明了倾斜发射、垂直发射、冷热共架发射的基本原理。垂直发射装置以射界大、效率高、反应快、贮弹量多等优点成为舰载发射装置主流,倾斜发射在近程末端区域防空方面,可提前指向目标,减少导弹近距离大幅机动时间,提升末端拦截概率,是垂直发射的有效补充。舰载导弹发射装置正在朝垂直化、通用化发展,模块化发射和电磁垂直发射是下一代舰载发射的发展方向。  相似文献   
目的研究舰载机机载装备弹射起飞和拦阻着陆冲击试验的工程实现方法。方法从GJB 150.18A—2009、MIL-STD-810F/G及其提供的实测数据出发,分析弹射起飞和拦阻着陆冲击载荷特征,对几种常用试验方法的工程实现进行探讨和比较。结果弹射起飞和拦阻着陆冲击具有瞬态、交变、低频、大位移、高速度等特征。阻尼正弦波方法的实施路径比较明确,复杂波形再现方法实施路径比较模糊且复杂,超长脉冲半正弦波方法具有多种局限性,前两种方法的速度、位移都较大。结论阻尼正弦波方法较复杂波形再现方法更容易实现,但两者都需要大位移、高速度的专用冲击试验设备和适当的波形处理技术,超长脉冲半正弦波方法在前面两种标准推荐方法能够实现时,不建议使用。  相似文献   
贮运发射箱对自然环境条件适应性能的优劣直接影响到待发射导弹的贮存可靠性和任务完成能力,分析了6种主要自然环境条件对贮运发射箱的影响,并针对这些影响提出了贮运发射箱在设计和贮存上应采取的措施,以减少自然环境对贮运发射箱的影响。  相似文献   
Observations of damage to vegetation, acute reductions in surface water pH, and kills of small fish prompted the Biomedical Operations and Research Office at the John F. Kennedy Space Center to initiate intensive environmental evaluations of possible acute and long-term chronic impacts that may be produced by repeated launches of the space shuttle. An important step in this evaluation was the identification of deposition patterns and the quantification of ecosystem loading rates of exhaust constituents from the solid rocket motors (SRMs) in the area of the launch pad. These constituents are primarily aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and hydrochloric acid (HCl). During three launches of the space transportation system (STS-11, 13, and 14) up to 100 bulk deposition collectors, 83 mm in diameter containing 100 ml of deionized water, were deployed in a grid pattern covering 12.6 ha north of launch pad 39-A. Estimates of HCl and particulate deposition levels were made based on laboratory measurements of items entrained in the collectors. Captured particulates consisted of a variety of items including Al2O3, sand grains, sea shell fragments, paint chips, and other debris ablated from the launch pad surface by the initial thrust of the SRMs. Estimated ranges of HCl and particulate deposition in the study area were 0–127 g/m2 and 0–246 g/m2, respectively. Deposition patterns were highly influenced by wind speed and direction. These measurements indicate that, under certain meteorological conditions, up to 7.1 × 103 kg of particulates and 3.4 × 103 kg of HCl can be deposited to the near-field environment beyond the launch pad perimeter fence.  相似文献   
Space shuttle launches produce localized hydrochloric acid deposition. The interaction of solid rocket motor exhaust and deluge water released on the pad at the time of launch results in the formation of an exhaust cloud. The spatial pattern and extent of deposition from the launch cloud are predicted by the rocket exhaust effluent diffusion (REED) model. The actual pattern of deposition has been mapped by field surveys for each shuttle launch since 1981. In this paper we use a geographical information system (GIS) to compare model predictions with ground patterns for 49 shuttle launches. We also compile cumulative maps of deposition patterns needed to consider long-term impacts. The direction of launch cloud movement did not differ significantly from model predictions. The REED model overpredicted both the area that received deposition and the maximum distance from the launch pad that deposition occurred. Severe vegetation damage was restricted to near-field deposition areas within 1980 m north of each launch pad. Total area impacted from launches has been 87.0 ha around pad 39A and 52.9 ha around pad 39B. Far-field deposition has caused leaf spotting from acid droplets or aluminum oxide over a wider and more variable area than near-field. A total of 19,397 ha has received deposition, but 63.6% of this area has received deposition only one time and 92.2% not more than three times. GIS techniques provide means to test spatial models and compile information useful for assessing cumulative impacts.  相似文献   
首先介绍了水下枪炮类武器发射问题的研究意义,并对其军事需求进行了分析。之后对常见的水下枪炮发射方式进行了介绍,并简述了各自的发展历程。总结了目前对水下发射问题内弹道的研究进展,结合水下枪炮发射问题自身特点,阐述了燃气射流的形成机理以及相关研究的发展过程,比较性地总结了空气中枪炮发射膛口流场与水下枪炮发射膛口流场的研究进展及对应典型波系结构。最后,对水下枪炮发射领域仍存在的科学问题以及未来发展趋势作出了展望。  相似文献   
目的获取舰载飞机弹射过程中冲击动载荷在结构上的响应规律,以及前起落架和与其连接的机体主传力结构的动响应特性。方法基于多体系统动力学理论,建立描述舰载机弹射过程的刚柔耦合多体系统动力学模型,对弹射过程进行仿真分析。同时开展地面模拟弹射冲击试验,通过仿真和试验对照,重点研究牵制载荷突卸瞬间结构的动态响应规律。结果仿真和试验得到结构传力路径各点的加速度和应力响应数据,试验测得机体结构加速度峰值达到255g,而同位置的应力峰值为85 MPa,仿真和试验数据的趋势一致。结论牵制载荷突卸形成的冲击动响应峰值沿着结构传力路径衰减。航向加速度和应力响应峰值随着牵制释放载荷的增加而增加。虽然瞬态加速度峰值达到较高水平,但是瞬态作用机体结构的应力峰值不高,不足以造成结构失效。结构设计应重点关注弹射冲击响应峰值和振动疲劳的影响。  相似文献   
构建装备发射可靠性框图和可靠性模型,建立自下而上的发射可靠性综合评估方法,明确数据折合、逐级向上数据综合、相容性检验以及CMSR综合评估等四个流程的具体方法,开展某装备发射可靠性数据的收集和可靠性评估,评估结果满足战标要求。  相似文献   
海洋大气环境对航天发射场建设影响与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与内陆地区相比,热带海洋大气环境地区的气候类型、气象条件,有着诸多不同之处,对航天发射场场址的选择、建设和测试发射,具有十分重要的影响。旨在通过对热带海洋大气环境特点和对航天发射场影响的分析,对沿海发射场场址选择、建设和测试发射工作,探讨性地提出解决的有关思路和对策。  相似文献   
目的研究可重复使用运载器的静电防护方案。方法针对可重复使用运载器特点,以及飞行期间遭遇的空间静电放电环境,基于空间静电带电数学模型,计算出运载器表面材料带电离子的静电充电电位。在此基础上,分析复合材料静电特性,提出静电防护层与电气设备等电位共地方案。结果该方案采用碳纤维复合材料作为静电防护层,与大截面积的接地母线相连,为运载器电气设备提供低阻抗、大电荷容量的等电位地。结论该方案能够有效抵御静电产生的干扰,为运载器电子设备提供可靠、安全、抗干扰的电磁环境。另外,该方案工艺实现简单,大大减轻了运载器的设计质量。  相似文献   
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