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进入21世纪,安全工程教育有了快速的发展.但是,面对就业的压力,安全工程专业,尤其是新成立的安全工程专业如何得到生存和发展成为一个亟待解决的问题.从社会对安全人才的需求类型及毕业生就业心理方面探讨了有关安全工程专业人才培养模式的问题.  相似文献   
2004年1月1日生效的《工伤保险条例》规定了非法用工单位向伤亡人员赔偿的标准和争议解决的程序,但是非法用工单位不属于法律上合法的主体,劳动仲裁机关和法院不能对不存在的主体作出裁定和判决,就算作出裁判,也不可能得到执行,从而使得该条例规定的对非法用工单位伤亡人员的赔偿成为一纸空文。为此,笔者从劳动争议和诉讼主体认定,程序保障和伤亡人员及时得到救助三个方面提出建议,以确保条例得到执行。  相似文献   
耕地撂荒是世界各国长期普遍存在的一种土地利用变化现象。基于闽赣湘山区640户农户调查数据,运用Tobit和IV-Tobit模型回归分析得出:农户家庭非农就业每提升10%,耕地撂荒占比会增加1.11%;小规模农户土地转入会提升其耕地撂荒规模,此时扩大经营规模对耕地撂荒的减缓作用甚微,而土地转出会降低非农就业对耕地撂荒的正向影响。此外,农户的劳动力、土地与农业机械等要素投入,以及灌溉条件和地块数等均稳健影响其耕地撂荒行为。农业机械化和土地流转是缓解山区耕地撂荒的重要举措,政府在推动经营规模扩大的同时,应着重提高地块规模,鼓励留村务农劳动力换工,并提升农机社会化服务水平,以及拓宽农户家庭多元化的收入机会。  相似文献   
贸易开放、劳动力转移和就业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长久以来主流国际贸易模型中充分就业的假设使经济学界忽略了对贸易开放如何影响就业的分析,而哈里斯-托达罗模型则为此提供了一个可供扩展的框架.将哈里斯-托达罗模型扩展到存在贸易开放的情况后,本文发现如果一国的比较优势为制造品,贸易开放将会减少就业,这是因为制造品价格的提高会吸引更多的劳动力从农业向制造业转移,而制造业部门劳动力市场刚性的存在则阻碍了劳动需求的增加.为了研究我国改革开放以来贸易开放对就业的影响机制,并且考虑到就业的持续性,本文利用我国省际面板动态数据进行实证研究,并使用国有企业和政府部门劳动力占比度量我国劳动力市场刚性程度.实证研究结果发现当不考虑劳动市场刚性时,由于我国的比较优势是劳动密集型产品,贸易开放能增加就业;而当劳动力市场刚性较大时,劳动力转移过程反而促使贸易开放减少我国的就业,恰好验证了本文的理论分析结果.该文的政策含义则意味着政府应努力降低劳动力市场刚性以促使贸易开放增加就业.  相似文献   
高职高专教育是以就业为导向的教育,专业人才培养方案要与社会需求相一致。除了加强就业指导之外,还应采取多种手段对学生进行正确的就业观、择业观教育,全方位多渠道实现毕业生与人才市场沟通,引导毕业生顺利就业。  相似文献   
改革开放30年来,上亿农村劳动力实现了向城镇非农产业大规模转移,而我国沿袭至今的劳动就业统计制度突出的缺陷是将三部分人--在农村从事纯农的农民,在城镇从事非农工作但户口在农村的农民工,游移于乡城间"亦工亦农"的农村劳动力--排除于劳动统计计量之外.不解决这部分劳动力就业的统计计量的问题,则很难准确回答"中国的失业率究竟有多高?".为此,确定严格的、便于与国际接轨的劳动就业标准,从而构建我国统一的、规范的劳动就业市场至关重要.本文着重探讨了游移于农村与城市之间、就业岗位、就业时间不固定的农村劳动力就业、失业不充分的计量问题.作者在对国内外就业和失业定义和计量标准进行比较和评价基础上,结合我国实情提出了以法定劳动力年工时为核心的劳动力流动性就业的调查和计量方法,并通过调查案例证实了它的有效性与可行性.  相似文献   
Women are globally underrepresented in the energy industry. This paper reviews existing academic and practitioner literature on women's employment in renewable energy in industrialized nations, emerging economies and developing countries. It highlights similarities and differences in occupational patterns in women's employment in renewables in different parts of the world, and makes recommendations for optimizing women's participation. Findings reveal the need for broader socially‐progressive policies and shifts in societal attitudes about gender roles, in order for women to benefit optimally from employment in renewables. In some industrialized countries, restructuring paid employment in innovative ways while unlinking social protection from employment status has been suggested as a way to balance gender equity with economic security and environmental protection. However, without more transformative social changes in gender relations, such strategies may simply reinforce rather than subvert existing gender inequities both in paid employment and in unpaid domestic labor. Grounded interventions to promote gender equality in renewable energy employment – especially within the context of increasing access to energy services for underserved communities – are more prevalent and better‐established in some non‐OECD (Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development) countries. OECD countries might be well‐advised to try to implement certain programs and policies that are already in place in some emerging economies.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The authors conducted a mail survey of 600 employers in the government and private sectors who were thought to hire water track environmental engineers. Of a total of 148 respondents, over 80 percent employed a combined total of over 2,800 environmental engineers. The survey addressed two basic questions: (1) what is the quality of graduate education recently trained engineers have received, and (2) what effect does a nonengineering undergraduate degree have on an engineering graduate student's employment potential. In answer to the first question, respondents indicated that engineering graduates were deficient in report writing, business law (contracts and specifications), economics and finance, and practical design. Many employers stated that students could better prepare themselves for employment by (1) obtaining professional experience through internships and summer or part-time jobs, and (2) learning to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. In answer to the second question, 50 percent of the respondents indicated that engineers without an engineering undergraduate degree would not necessarily be limited in their abilities to perform engineering duties.  相似文献   
根据人口普查资料,本文从行业和职业方面对烟台地区在业人口的就业结构现状及变动特点进行了系统分析,并在此基础上对农业剩余劳动力的转移问题作了深入探讨。  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the failure of published research to provide a framework within which local technology policy could be analysed and evaluated. It firstly describes a simple model of the technological development process. Then, using this model as a base, develops a framework for analysing the main aspects of technological policies. The paper considers the main results of a recent survey of local authority technology development policies and initiatives before providing some overall conclusions relating to the nature, direction and likely effectiveness of such policies.  相似文献   
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