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采用Gibbs图解和端元分析方法研究了马莲河水化学特征、离子来源和化学风化作用,利用质量平衡正演模型评价了各风化作用对水化学组分的贡献率。结果表明,马莲河水为高TDS咸水,阳离子以Na~+、Mg~(2+)为主,阴离子以Cl~-、SO_4~(2-)为主;沿河水流向TDS降低,水化学类型由Cl-Na型演变为HCO_3·SO_4-Na·Mg型;河水化学组分的主要形成作用为化学风化,蒸发盐主导了流域风化过程,对离子组分平均贡献率高达76.5%,硅酸盐和碳酸盐风化较弱;化学风化具空间变异,从上游到下游,硫酸盐和碳酸盐贡献率增加,岩盐贡献率降低。岩性是控制流域化学风化作用的首要因素,降雨量和径流量可能也有一定影响。  相似文献   
长江中下游海相三叠系膏盖层中含有很大比例的大、中型铜(金)、铁、多金属矿床。膏盐层不仅是铜(金)、铁矿床的主要赋矿层位之一,而且是部分成矿金属的矿源层;膏盐层还为燕山期岩浆提供部分钠质、钾质及挥发组分,影响岩浆演化的方向,改变了含矿流体的性质;另外,从岩体和矿床中金属硫化物中流同位素重硫成分的增高,说明在成者、成矿过程中,膏盐层是硫的供应者之一。因此膏盐层与铜(金)、铁、多金属矿床之间存在着特殊的成因联系。  相似文献   
马莲河流域化学风化的季节变化和影响因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为查明黄土高原马莲河流域不同季节河水化学的变化特征、来源及主要控制因子,2016年1~12月在流域下游雨落坪水文站采集时间序列水样40组,分析了主要离子组成并计算了化学风化速率.结果表明,河水总溶解固体(TDS)均值1 154.0 mg·L~(-1),远高于长江、黄河和珠江.阳离子以Na+为主,均值202.8 mg·L~(-1),其次为Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+),阴离子以SO_4~(2-)为主,均值431.2 mg·L~(-1).主要离子质量浓度的季节变化明显,总体规律是雨季前降低,雨季后增高,在融冰期和暴雨期分别突增和骤降.离子来源主要为岩石化学风化,蒸发岩、硅酸盐和碳酸盐贡献比例均值分别为67.1%、13.7%和19.2%.矿物含量和风化速率的不同决定了各风化作用对气候变化的差异响应:蒸发岩因其高风化速率对季风气候响应积极,雨季风化作用增强;雨季前期河水流量低,较长的水岩作用时间有利于硅酸盐风化进行;碳酸盐风化作用在雨季晚期和后期明显增强,可能因其在黄土中含量较高,雨季后降雨吸收了更多的土壤CO_2形成H2CO3增进了碳酸盐的溶解.蒸发岩、碳酸盐风化速率和流量显著正相关,流量是控制流域化学风化的主要因素.  相似文献   
The Seymour aquifer consists of unconfined outcrops of sand and gravel in a semiarid, agricultural region of north‐central Texas in the United States of America. Most water samples collected from the aquifer in 2015 had nitrate concentrations above the drinking water standard of 44.3 milligrams per liter (mg/L). Generally, areas with high nitrate concentration in 2010 remained high in 2015, although the median dropped by 3.9 mg/L. The largest decreases in nitrate concentration—up to 97 mg/L (60%)—were observed in wells with depths less than the median of 13.1 meters (m). However, other wells, including depths above and below the median, showed increases in nitrate concentration of up to 40 mg/L (42%). In 2015, chloride concentrations in six wells exceeded the secondary contaminant level of 250 mg/L, and one well had a chloride concentration of 1,810 mg/L. Past and ongoing agricultural practices, including cultivation of native grassland, application of fertilizer, and irrigation with nitrate‐contaminated groundwater, help sustain overall high nitrate concentrations within the aquifer. Local conditions governing nitrogen inputs and dilution result in significant improvement or worsening of the nitrate problem over relatively short timeframes. The pumping of groundwater from the aquifer may facilitate mixing with groundwater of increased salinity that has been affected by the dissolution of evaporites in underlying Permian bedrock.  相似文献   
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