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To understand certain mechanisms causing variations between rice cultivars with regard to cadmium uptake and tolerance, pot soil experiments were conducted with two rice cultivars of di erent genotypes under di erent soil Cd levels. The relationships between plant Cd uptake and iron/manganese (Fe/Mn) plaque formation on roots were investigated. The results showed that rice cultivars di ered markedly in Cd uptake and tolerance. Under soil Cd treatments, Cd concentrations and accumulations in the cultivar Shanyou 63 (the genotype indica) were significantly higher than those in the cultivar Wuyunjing 7 (the genotype japonica) (P < 0.01, or P < 0.05), and Shanyou 63 was more sensitive to Cd toxicity than Wuyunjing 7. The di erences between the rice cultivars were the largest at relatively low soil Cd level (i.e., 10 mg/kg). Fe concentrations in dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate root extracts of Shanyou 63 were generally lower than that of Wuyunjing 7, and the di erence was the most significant under the treatment of 10 mg Cd/kg soil. The results indicated that the formation of iron plaque on rice roots could act as a barrier to soil Cd toxicity, and may be a “bu er” or a “reservoir” which could reduce Cd uptake into rice roots. And the plaque may contribute, to some extent, to the genotypic di erences of rice cultivars in Cd uptake and tolerance.  相似文献   
The rapid development and increase of antibiotic resistance are global phenomena resulting from the extensive use of antibiotics in human clinics and animal feeding operations. Antibiotics can promote the occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), which can be transferred horizontally to humans and animals through water and the food chain. In this study, the presence and abundance of ARGs in livestock waste was monitored by quantitative PCR. A diverse set of bacteria and tetracycline resistance genes encoding ribosomal protection proteins (RPPs) from three livestock farms and a river were analyzed through denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The abundance of sul(I) was 103 to 105 orders of magnitude higher than that of sul(II). Among 11 tet-ARGs, the most abundant was tet(O). The results regarding bacterial diversity indicated that the presence of antibiotics might have an evident impact on bacterial diversity at every site, particularly at the investigated swine producer. The effect of livestock waste on the bacterial diversity of soil was stronger than that of water. Furthermore, a sequencing analysis showed that tet(M) exhibited two genotypes, while the other RPPs-encoding genes exhibited at least three genotypes. This study showed that various ARGs and RPPs-encoding genes are particularly widespread among livestock.  相似文献   
盐碱胁迫对水稻主要生育性状的影响   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
对7个水稻品种(品系)和苏打盐碱土(pH6.5~19.81)进行盆栽试验,探讨了盐碱胁迫对水稻株高、秆长、分蘖和抽穗期等主要生育性状的影响。结果表明,盐碱胁迫使水稻株高降低、秆长缩短,且盐碱度越大,降低幅度越大;盐碱胁迫使水稻单株分蘖力明显下降,使分蘖高峰明显推迟或不出现分蘖高峰;水稻抽穗期随着盐碱度的提高,其延长的天数越长,并且发现不耐盐碱的早熟品种比耐盐碱的中晚熟品种抽穗晚;水稻成熟期的株高或秆长不宜作为衡量其耐盐碱强弱的主要指标,只能作为一般参考指标。水稻单株分蘖力(茎蘖数)和抽穗期存在明显的基因型差异,是衡量水稻耐盐碱强弱的良好指标。盐碱地种稻应重视选择单株分蘖力较强的耐盐碱品种,这对提高单位面积的有效穗数具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
Enhanced Cd uptake and Zn depletion in rice grains and high potential for food Cd exposure by the high-yielding hybrid cultivars of China had been addressed. A field experiment was conducted in 2006 to determine the di erence in grain Cd and Zn between cultivars. Total 110 cultivars including super rice and common hybrid rice cultivars were grown on a single paddy soil (Entic Haplaquept) with a neutral reaction and low total Cd content. Grain Cd and Zn concentrations were determined with graphite atomic adsorption spectrophotometer (GFAAS) and flame atomic adsorption spectrophotometer (AAS) respectively.Wide variation of Cd content in grain was found in a range of 0.004–0.057 mg/kg, while the Zn content in a range of 10.25–30.06 mg/kg among the cultivars. Higher Cd but lower Zn concentration in grains of super rice cultivars was observed compared to the common hybrid ones. A highly significant positive linear correlation of grain Cd/Zn with grain Cd was found for super rice and common hybrid cultivars, meanwhile much higher slope for these hybrid cultivars than the reported non-hybrid cultivars was also observed. Using the limit value of the Chinese chemical guidelines for foods (MOHC and SSC, 2005), calculated potential risk of food Cd exposure with “Zn hungry” through diet intake was prominent with all the studied 110 hybrid rice cultivars, possessing high potential health problems for rice production in South China using the super rice cultivars. Breeding of genotypes of rice cultivars with low grain Cd and low Cd/Zn ratio is needed for rice production in acidic red soils where Cd bioavailability is prevalently high.  相似文献   
The selection and use of low-Cd-accumulating cultivar (LCAC) has been proposed as one of the promising approaches in minimizing the entry of Cd in the human food chain. This study suggests a screening criterion of LCACs focusing on food safety. Pot culture and plot experiments were conducted to screen out LCACs from 35 pakchoi cultivars and to identify the crucial soil factors that affect Cd accumulation in LCACs. Results of the pot culture experiment showed that shoot Cd concentrations under the three Cd treatments significantly varied across cultivars. Two cultivars, Hualv 2 and Huajun 2, were identified as LCACs because their shoot Cd concentrations were lower than 0.2 mg. kg-1 under low Cd treatment and high Cd exposure did not affect the biomass of their shoots. The plot experiment further confirmed the consistency and genotypic stability of the low-Cd- accumulating traits of the two LCACs under various soil conditions. Results also showed that soil phosphorus availability was the most important soil factor in the Cd accumulation of pakchoi, which related negatively not only to Cd uptake by root but also to Cd translocation from root to shoot. The total Cd accumulation and translocation rates were lower in the LCACs than in the high-Cd cultivar, suggesting that Cd accumulation in different cultivars is associated with the Cd uptake by root as well as translocation from root to shoot. This study proves the feasibility of the application of the LCAC strategy in pakchoi cultivation to cope with Cd contamination in agricultural soils.  相似文献   
水稻基因类型与生长环境对精米中砷积累的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
砷(As)是动植物非必需的有毒类金属。水稻是对As有较强吸收和富集能力的大宗粮食作物,大米的食用是我国及东南亚地区人体暴露As的最主要途径,严重威胁人体健康。水稻籽粒中As的积累与水稻的基因型及众多环境因子密切相关,而且表现出复杂的交互作用。在浙江省选择了不同土壤砷背景值的5块水稻田,同时在嘉兴市农科院布置了人工添加As的盆栽实验,比较了20个水稻品种在这6个实验点的精米中As含量。结果表明,水稻基因型与环境及其相互作用对水稻籽粒中As的积累均有极显著影响,并且筛选得到了5个精米中As含量较低的基因型:秀水128、秀水09、秀水134、甬粳16和Y-05-8。  相似文献   
玉米自交系氮效率基因型差异的比较研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
采用溶液培养的方法。选用经田间,土壤试验对N反应有典型差异的玉米自交系478,H21,Wu312,Zong31,Baici,在4个供氮水平下(0.04,0.4,2和4nmol/L),研究了不同基因型玉米苗期氮素吸收,利用的差异及其原因,结果表明:极低N胁迫条件下(0.04mmol/L),总干重的基因型差异是由根系,地上部的共同作用的结果,高N下,总干重是由地上部的差异所决定的(表1),极低供N条件下,4578的总干重最大,且有较高的氮效率,Wu312,Zong31相对较低,478相对较高的氮效率主要来源于吸收效率的差异。该基因型在低N下总吸氮量最高,H21居中,Baici,Zong31相对较低,478相对较高的氮效率主要来源于吸收效率的差异。该基因型在低N下总吸氮量最高,H21居中,Baici,Zong31,Wu312相对较低(图1),吸收效率的差异主要是由于根系全N量的不同所致(图3),而根系全N量的差异主要是由于根系大小不同(表1),在极低氮水平下,不同基因型玉米根系全氮量的变幅比地上部高出28.1%,高N下(4mmol/L),全N量的变幅比地上部高出15.4%(图2,图3),在0.04mmol/L下,478与Wu312,Zong31的利用效率不存在显著差异(表2)。  相似文献   
钝化与叶面阻控对不同基因型红菜苔镉累积的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹坤坤  李成成  胡学玉  郭晓  黄洋 《环境科学》2020,41(7):3434-3440
为探索中轻度重金属镉(Cd)污染农田安全利用技术,实现农产品安全生产,以两种不同镉累积基因型红菜苔为供试作物,采用盆栽试验的方法,分别于两种作物上设置相同的6个处理:对照(CK)、添加3%(质量分数)生物质炭(BC)、添加0.17%钙镁磷肥(CMP)、叶面喷施3 mg·L~(-1) Na_2SeO_3的水溶液(Se)、 BC+Se和CMP+Se,研究不同处理土壤镉有效性变化及植株不同部位镉累积特征.结果表明:①相同处理下,低镉累积基因型金秋红三号红菜苔根部土壤有效态镉含量均显著低于高镉累积基因型十月红.BC和CMP两种钝化剂对金秋红三号根部土壤中的镉钝化效果显著,且BC效果更佳,钝化处理的效果显著优于叶面阻控.②金秋红三号红菜苔根系较十月红对镉有更强的富集能力,其富集的镉倾向于囤积在根部.叶面施硒与两种钝化剂对抑制镉向红菜苔可食部位转移富集无协同效果.③在BC和CMP钝化处理下,金秋红三号红菜苔可食部位镉含量低于GB 2762-2017中镉限量值(0.10mg·kg~(-1)).本研究表明,针对中轻度镉污染农田土壤,通过施加生物质炭、钙镁磷肥等绿色钝化剂,种植弱吸收低积累作物品种,可以实现受镉污染农田的安全利用和农产品的安全生产.  相似文献   
采用盆栽试验系统研究了不同耐酸特性的4个玉米自交系苗期、拔节期和散粉期的生长状况和钙、镁营养特性.结果表明,铝毒对玉米生长发育的影响贯穿于全生育期,但是影响强度随时间推移而减轻.在苗期,铝毒严重影响玉米对钙、镁营养的吸收,且对钙吸收的影响大于镁,不同基因型间存在明显差异.与酸敏感自交系相比,耐酸自交系苗期可保持较高的钙、镁浓度,地上部钙、镁耐酸指数显著高于酸敏感自交系.苗期之后,玉米钙、镁营养受酸胁迫的影响相对较小,除散粉期耐酸自交系功能叶中钙镁比表现较稳定外,其它钙镁营养特性没有表现出明显规律.  相似文献   
采用双因素随机区组设计,研究了分别来自干旱与湿润区的4个小麦品种6个播种密度对冬小麦生长、生物量分配及产量的影响.结果表明,在本试验条件下,生长指标、生物量积累各指标及籽粒产量均主要受基因型和播种密度互作(g×d)影响,而成穗数、穗粒数主要受播种密度(d)的影响,基因型(g)则是引起小麦籽粒产量、千粒重及穗长变化的主要因素.白粒三号和川麦39最佳播种密度为315×104 hm-2,籽粒产量达到5 863.8 kg hm-2和5 882.1 kg hm-2;西农2000与陕麦139产量最佳播种密度为195×104 hm-2,籽粒产量分别为6 422.4 kg hm-2和7 062.4 kg hm-2.陕西小麦品种籽粒产量高出四川小麦约12.90%~18.62%.相关分析表明,籽粒产量与成穗数、千粒重呈极显著正相关(r=0.859 7**,r=0.499 3**),而与穗长、地上部干重及根系长度呈极显著负相关,与穗粒数及其它生长、生物量指标无显著相关.研究表明,干旱区小麦在湿润地区种植表现出较大的增产潜力,此外,在生产中应重视基因型和播种密度二者互作所表现出来的优势.表5参31  相似文献   
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