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地铁系统已成为恐怖分子袭击的重要目标,为提高政府应对地铁系统突发恐怖袭击事件的应对和紧急处置能力,通过对我国各市地铁系统实际情况的调查和研究,根据对地铁典型恐怖袭击案例的剖析,详细阐述地铁系统反恐怖应急预案编制指南的思路、特点和重要作用,重点探讨对指南中的突发恐怖事件的分级分类和应急处置等方法,通过编制该指南的研究,为城市地铁系统反恐应急预案的编制提供指导性建议。  相似文献   
机场作为民航运输的关键节点和重要枢纽,肩负着服务区域经济的重要使命,同时也面临环境保护与可持续发展的巨大挑战。作为公共基础设施和城市形象窗口,机场上市公司具有披露环境信息的义务与责任。在充分研究国内机场上市公司环境信息披露制度背景的基础上,本研究借鉴全球报告倡议组织(GRI)发布的《可持续发展报告指南》(第四版)及机场运营者行业补充(GRI-AOSS)构建了适用于我国机场的环境信息披露评价指标体系,并利用公开数据对国内6家机场上市公司的环境信息披露情况进行了实际测评。结果表明:我国机场环境信息披露程度较低,存在内容简单、量化不足、质量下降等问题。机场上市公司环境信息披露亟待在法律法规层面进行系统规范。建议借鉴GRI等相关国际标准及成功经验,制定适用于我国的科学可行的环境信息披露标准和制度体系。  相似文献   
Well-written procedures are an integral part of any industrial organization for safe operation, managing risks, and continuous improvement. Regulatory bodies around the world require industries to have current, accurate, and appropriate procedures for most processes. Although the importance of procedures is recognized by all industries in general, significant incidents still occur due to procedural breakdowns. Some of the procedural breakdowns come from obvious problems such as the procedure not being available or the procedure being wrong. However, some incidents have occurred when correct procedures were available and the operator used those procedures. In these instances, the reason workers do not follow procedures correctly may be attributable the procedure being presented or designed in a manner that does not sufficiently communicate the information in a manner that is easily and quickly understood. This indicates that procedure writers may need more guidance on how to write and design procedures so they accomplish this. To effectively manage risk, procedures need to be technically correct (and regulatory compliant) and usable. As part of this, the current work is focused on developing a systematic approach to a procedure writer's guide that includes a regulatory compliant component. The work presented here consists of an effort to identify procedure-writing practices necessary to ensure regulatory compliance by summarizing a large sample of regulations and standards from several industries. The regulations and standards were organized to reflect common ideas and the implications in terms of human factors needs for procedure design were identified. This information will be used as part of the development of a writer's guide that accounts for human factors (HF) that includes explanations of HF implications and empirical support for each of the guidelines. The novelty of the method and information presented here is in the idea of leveraging the cumulative information available regarding procedures in regulations and standards. Incorporating this information into a procedure's writers guide in this manner may not only facilitate procedure being regulatory compliant for facilities in different geographies of the world, but could also support their being written with considerations for human performance.  相似文献   
本文主要对洋水磷矿区牛赶冲矿段下盘矿的断裂和褶皱构造的产状、形态、位置、对矿体的破坏程度及其形成机制等进行了综合研究,并对研究结果在矿山生产实践中的指导意义进行了阐述。  相似文献   
当今城市规划理论正在变得越来越具有广泛综合性.除了传统的理论,例如城市设计、形态学等等,环境心理学也日益受到重视,成为一个具有影响力的元素,以期满足社会日益复杂的功能与心理需求,完善设计成果.  相似文献   
刘莎 《环境科学与管理》2012,37(4):16-19,57
随着环境信息公开制度的建立和公众知情意识的觉醒,人们对环境信息公开的呼声越来越高。不仅政府基于其环境监督管理的职能需要公开环境信息,企业基于对环境产生影响也需要依法公开环境信息。而上市公司作为具有特殊地位的企业,其在环境信息披露中的重要性不可小觑。近年来屡屡发生的上市公司环境污染事件也一再提醒环境监管部门和广大社会公众,亟需对上市公司环境信息披露进行有力监管。本文试从环境保护监管部门的角度论述目前法律法规对上市公司环境信息披露在披露内容和披露方式上的不足和改进建议。期望能引起环境保护部门和上市公司相关部门的注意,从而推动上市公司环境信息披露制度的不断完善。  相似文献   
本文试从英语阅读的心理与习惯,对阅读中所遇到的新、生词汇的处理及阅读方法与技巧几个方面来论述,加强学生英语阅读能力及提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   
Bottled water may not be safer, or healthier, than tap water. The present studies have proved that styrene and some other aromatic compounds leach continuously from polystyrene (PS) bottles used locally for packaging. Water sapmles in contact with PS were extracted by a preconcentration technique called as "purge and trap" and analysed by gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC/MS). Eleven aromatic compounds were identified in these studies. Maximum concentration of styrene in PS bottles was 29.5 μg/L. Apart from styrene, ethyl benzene, toluene and benzene were also quantified but their concentrations were much less than WHO guide line values. All other compounds were in traces. Quality of plastic and storage time were the major factor in leaching of styrene. Concentration of styrene was increased to 69.53 μg/L after one-year storage. In Styrofoam and PS cups studies, hot water was found to be contaminated with styrene and other aromatic compounds. It was observed that temperature played a major role in the leaching of styrene monomer from Styrofoam cups. Paper cups were found to be safe for hot drinks.  相似文献   
为指导操作人员正确地处理化工生产过程中的问题,防范人为误操作导致的事故发生,开发了以化工生产的危险与可操作性分析结果和典型事故原因分析结果为知识库的事故预防信息系统.系统实时在线监测化工生产过程中的关键变量,通过判定变量间的影响关系,实现对化工生产过程潜在危险的辨识、预警并给予实时操作指导,以确保生产安全,提高装置的生产效率.最后,以丙烯聚合工艺为例,在多功能过程试验控制平台上进行了验证,探讨了事故预防信息系统的应用方法.  相似文献   
分析了导布辊辊筒加工中的一个重要工艺辘圆工艺。论述了完成这个工艺的装备 ,辘头、辘模和辘床的一些设计方法  相似文献   
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