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上海市郊区大气细颗粒和超细颗粒物中元素粒径分布研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
用同步辐射X荧光光谱分析了上海市郊区大气细颗粒和超细颗粒物(0.028 7~2.40 μm)中元素粒径分布、质量中值粒径、元素相关性和不同粒径颗粒物中的富集因子.Ca、Ti主要分布于粒径>2 μm的颗粒物中,它们之间的相关系数达0.933,富集因子在0.1~3.2之间,且与粒径无明显关联,主要来自土壤扬尘等自然来源.V、Cr、Mn、Ni、Zn、Cu、Pb、Cl、S等元素主要分布在0.1~1.0 μm颗粒物中,质量中值粒径在0.56~0.94 μm之间.V、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb显著富集,且富集程度随粒径减小而增大.其中Pb在超细颗粒物(<0.1 μm)中的富集因子达2 023.7~2 244.2,远大于在细颗粒和 PM2.5中的富集程度.这些元素主要来自燃油、燃煤、冶金和机动车尾气等人为污染.Fe在>0.2 μm颗粒物中分布较均匀,质量中值粒径1.3 μm.除了局部污染源,远距离传输对该地区大气颗粒物污染有不可忽略的影响.  相似文献   
滴滴涕和苯并芘这两种典型持久性有机污染物在环境中已广泛分布,因此,本研究利用单细胞真核模式生物-草履虫来研究其急性毒性效应,结果发现其毒性效应存在显著的剂量效应关系.DDT和BaP的半数致死浓度分别为126.012 mg·L-1和180.167 mg·L-1,且这两种污染物的浓度和概率间存在很好的线性关系.不同浓度的D...  相似文献   
垃圾填埋场微生物气溶胶粒径分布研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了了解垃圾填埋场微生物气溶胶粒径分布规律,在北京市某垃圾卫生填埋场填埋区、渗滤液处理区、生活区分别选定监测点,利用安德森六级微生物采样器,对填埋场空气微生物进行了系统的定点取样、测定和分析。研究结果表明,空气细菌粒径分布均为第Ⅰ级(>8.2 μm)最高,填埋区空气细菌粒径呈偏态分布,渗滤液处理区、生活区分别在第Ⅳ级和第Ⅲ级出现第2个峰值。携带细菌的可吸入微粒在渗滤液处理区比例最大。空气真菌与放线菌均在第Ⅳ级分布最高,携带真菌和放线菌的可吸入粒子的比例显著大于细菌(P<0.05)。填埋区不同作业时段空气微生物粒径在各级分布比例基本一致。填埋区细菌气溶胶中值直径为5.7 μm,渗滤液处理区为3.7 μm,生活区为5.3 μm,显著大于真菌气溶胶和放线菌气溶胶的中值直径(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
Municipal solid waste landfills pose a threat on environment and human health, especially old landfills which lack facilities for collection and treatment of landfill gas and leachate. Consequently, missing information about emission flows prevent site-specific environmental risk assessments. To overcome this gap, the combination of waste sampling and analysis with statistical modeling is one option for estimating present and future emission potentials. Optimizing the tradeoff between investigation costs and reliable results requires knowledge about both: the number of samples to be taken and variables to be analyzed.This article aims to identify the optimized number of waste samples and variables in order to predict a larger set of variables. Therefore, we introduce a multivariate linear regression model and tested the applicability by usage of two case studies. Landfill A was used to set up and calibrate the model based on 50 waste samples and twelve variables. The calibrated model was applied to Landfill B including 36 waste samples and twelve variables with four predictor variables.The case study results are twofold: first, the reliable and accurate prediction of the twelve variables can be achieved with the knowledge of four predictor variables (Loi, EC, pH and Cl). For the second Landfill B, only ten full measurements would be needed for a reliable prediction of most response variables. The four predictor variables would exhibit comparably low analytical costs in comparison to the full set of measurements. This cost reduction could be used to increase the number of samples yielding an improved understanding of the spatial waste heterogeneity in landfills.Concluding, the future application of the developed model potentially improves the reliability of predicted emission potentials. The model could become a standard screening tool for old landfills if its applicability and reliability would be tested in additional case studies.  相似文献   
为解决大采高厚煤层工作面回采期间瓦斯超限难题,应用顶板走向长钻孔中位钻孔和下临近层底板定向长钻孔等瓦斯抽采措施,对回采面瓦斯进行了多源头治理。通过对顶板走向长钻孔的抽采效果考察,确定其垂直层位为40±5 m范围、水平层位为50±10 m范围为最佳瓦斯抽采区域;中位钻孔合理的垂直层位为20 m左右,水平层位为45~50 m范围抽采效果最佳;下临近层底板定向长钻孔是拦截下部5#煤和7#煤向上部采掘空间涌出瓦斯的有效手段,其最佳的水平层位为距巷道轮廓线20 m范围,垂直层位为钻孔布置在下临近层煤层中。通过对3种不同瓦斯治理措施的综合评价考察,确定顶板走向长钻孔是治理回采面最为有效的措施,其抽采量占工作面回采期间总抽采量的79.6%,中位钻孔抽采和下临近层底板定向长钻孔抽采是回采面回采期间的辅助性措施。措施使用后,工作面上隅角瓦斯浓度保持在0.4%~0.6%之间,有效保证了工作面的安全高效回采。  相似文献   
We report a case of prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of frontonasal dysplasia. This represents a very rare disorder involving the face (hypertelorism, median cleft lip, absence of the nasal tip) and often the central nervous system (CNS) (cranium bifidum occultum, ethmoidal cephalocele, agenesis of the corpus callosum). Although several of the typical anomalies are diagnosable by ultrasound in utero (hypertelorism, median cleft lip, anterior cephalocele), very few cases have been reported prenatally, the present being only the third. In the present case, hemimegalencephaly is first reported among the anomalies possibly associated with frontonasal dysplasia. The diagnosis was made at 22 weeks' gestation and was confirmed by necropsy following termination of pregnancy. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
除尘器对颗粒物的除尘效率与颗粒物的荷电量密切相关,PM2.5等细小颗粒物由于其荷电量不足而导致其吸收效率较低,对环境造成危害。为了增加粒子的荷电量,以粒子荷电原理为理论依据,从离子电流密度和通过电凝并扩大尘粒中位径2个方面研究了电除尘电源中交流电压分量对PM2.5等细小颗粒物荷电特性的影响,得出了电除尘器电源中交流电压分量可从以上2个方面提高装置对PM2.5等微小颗粒物的荷电量,且频率越高,幅值越大,荷电效果越好,从而可以提高装置对细小颗粒物的除尘效率。  相似文献   
以线管式静电除尘器为研究对象,利用Fluent数值模拟了离子风和外加磁场作用下中位粒径对静电除尘器(ESP)除尘性能的影响。数值结果表明:ESP对PM2.5除尘效率随中位粒径的增大呈增大的趋势,离子风和外加磁场效应均能提高ESP的除尘效率,联合作用更为明显,可为未来的ESP优化设计提供指导。  相似文献   
用大流量冲击式分级采样器采集大气颗粒物样品,通过重量法求出不同粒径颗粒物的质量,研究不同粒径颗粒物的质量百分比.分析不同粒径颗粒物与风速、温度、湿度等气象条件的变化规律.结果表明:各级颗粒物整体与温度和风速呈负相关性,与湿度呈正相关性,且粒径小于2.1 μm的颗粒物与湿度相关性最大.大气颗粒物主要集中在2.1 μm以下...  相似文献   
咪唑型离子液体对小鼠的急性毒性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用寇氏改良法研究了咪唑型离子液体对小鼠的急性毒性,并考察了烷基侧链长度对其毒性的影响,同时采用HE染色法观察了其对小鼠肝脏的毒性.结果表明,4种咪唑型离子液体([C10mim]Br、[C12mim]Br、[C14mim]Br和[C18mim]Br)对小鼠肝脏均有损伤,其LD50值在98.91~220.16 mg·kg...  相似文献   
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