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偏电压对Ti/TiO2光电催化氧化富里酸的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用光电催化反应器对水中天然有机物富里酸(FA)进行降解试验,考察了外加阳极偏电压对光电催化反应器降解富里酸的影响.结果表明,当外加电压为1.2V时,具有最佳的UV254和有机碳TOC去除率,当反应时间为2h时,富里酸的UV254和总有机碳TOC的去除率分别为77.4%和45.4%.另外,在反应初期(前1h内)富里酸光电催化反应动力学常数主要受外加偏电压的影响.  相似文献   
独立提出并研究开发了一种密度控制和区域分解相结合的四边形网格自动生成方法 ,简称区域分解法。以区域分解法为基础 ,自主开发了商品化网格自动生成 /再生成软件AU TOMESH ,并已经在中国版权保护中心进行了软件著作权登记。介绍区域分解法和软件AU TOMESH ,并给出多个划分实例  相似文献   
Preventing the propagation of flames in a pipeline is an effective measure for avoiding gas explosion accidents and reducing losses. To evaluate the effect of wire mesh, acting as a porous media, experimental and simulation studies are conducted to determine the influence of the wire mesh on the dynamics of premixed methane/air flame propagation in a semi-closed pipe. Four different kinds of wire mesh with different numbers of layers are chosen in the experiments and simulation, and the mechanism of wire mesh quenching of the flame is investigated. The experimental and simulation results are consistent. Flames are quenched when 4 layers of 40-mesh or 3 layers of 60-mesh wire mesh are used; however, once the flame propagates through the wire mesh, the risk of methane combustion may increase. The wire mesh becomes the key factor causing flame folds and acceleration, and the greater the number of layers or the larger the mesh size is, the more obvious the folds after the flame passes through the wire mesh. Moreover, the combination of heat absorption and disruption of the continuous flame surface by the mesh causes flame quenching. Wire mesh can effectively attenuate the flame temperature during premixed flame propagation in a pipe, and the attenuated maximum rate reaches approximately 79% in the case of adding 3 layers of 60-mesh wire mesh.  相似文献   
为研究河谷型城市地形及其引起的风场和污染物扩散的复杂问题,利用CFD(计算流体力学)方法和复杂地形网格生成技术,建立河谷型城市风场及大气污染分布的数值仿真模型,实现CFD方法在复杂地形空气运动和污染物扩散方面的应用.分别使用LES(large eddy simulation)模型和mixture模型研究兰州市地面风场特征和污染物扩散形态,计算得到的污染物分布结果与实测结果分布一致.结果表明:复杂地形对空气运动的影响很大,如风速因山体屏障作用会呈现带状分布特征,山体后侧易出现弱风区域;同时,风场会密切影响污染物扩散,决定了污染物扩散形态,如幅散能够影响污染物扩散范围及污染水平.而给定西北风条件下,如地面以上10 m、风速为5 m/s、不受地形阻挡情况下,工业区污染物浓度被稀释10倍,约扩散2.2 km;山体阻挡会抑制污染物纵向扩散,表现在山体阻挡情况下污染物稀释100倍时的扩散长度约为相对平坦区域的1/3.此外,不同的入口风向会引起空气运动与山体相互作用发生变化,进而会使得地面风速、局部风场存在差异,造成污染物扩散及分布形态差异.研究显示,CFD方法可行,模型可靠,可以用来研究地形对风场和污染物扩散的影响.   相似文献   
为研究管道内金属丝网对甲烷/空气预混火焰传播的影响,通过实验和三维数值模拟研究安装金属丝网的管道内火焰传播特性以及流场、温度场的变化。结果表明:40目4层的金属丝网可以使火焰淬熄,30目4层的金属丝网无法淬熄,但可以使火焰停滞3 ms;大涡模型可以很好地对管道内火焰淬熄现象进行模拟;当火焰穿过30目4层金属丝网时,速度增大,在Kelvin Helmholtz不稳定和Rayleigh Taylor不稳定的耦合作用下形成湍流;金属丝网的目数会影响热量在丝网层中的扩散,当金属丝网为30目4层时,火焰热量扩散快,而当金属丝网为40目4层时,火焰热量扩散慢且温度大幅度衰减,衰减率达到83%。  相似文献   
朱艺峰  黄简易  林霞  杨莹  邢超  严小军 《环境科学》2013,34(4):1498-1509
为探明电厂强增温海域浮游动物群落结构和多样性的时空特征,于2011年在象山港国华电厂附近海域,采用浮游生物Ⅱ型网(网目160μm)进行10站位2重复的浮游动物季节性采样.结果表明,共识别出62种浮游动物(含幼体),平均丰度为9 531.1 ind.m-3.该海域浮游动物群落主要由桡足类和浮游幼体类组成,且以浮游幼体类为主,比例高达66.6%.相似性分析显示,各月间浮游动物群落结构差异极显著(P<0.01),控制群落结构的优势种有18种,最重要的判别种有瘦尾胸刺水蚤Centropages tenuiremis、大同长腹剑水蚤Oithona similis、伪长腹剑水蚤Oithona fallax、克氏纺锤水蚤Acartia clausi、长尾基齿哲水蚤Clausocalanus furcatus、针刺拟哲水蚤Paracalanus aculeatus和小拟哲水蚤Paracalanus parvus.GLM分析显示,月份间的多样性指数也存在极显著差异(P<0.01),经计算,各多样性指数随水温增加而下降的拐点水温范围为20.31~22.31℃.在断面上,离排水口0.2 km断面(D02)的平均水温比2 km断面高2.16℃.受温度影响,主要优势种如瘦尾胸刺水蚤和大同长腹剑水蚤倾向于向D02断面移动,克氏纺锤水蚤、尤其是大型浮游动物倾向于远离排水口,并向1.2 km断面聚集,使D02断面的种类数最少(33种)、丰度最低(5 522.8 ind.m-3),而1.2 km断面的种类数(53种)和丰度(16 491.0 ind.m-3)最高;同时,D02断面的多样性指数也明显低于其它断面.经线性回归分析,海域增温使多样性指数极显著下降(P<0.01),每增温1℃浮游动物丰富度下降12.3%.  相似文献   
Intensification of pollution loading worldwide has promoted an escalation of different types of disease-causing microorganisms, such as harmful algal blooms(HABs), instigating detrimental impacts on the quality of receiving surface waters. Formation of unwanted disinfection by-products(DBPs) resulting from conventional disinfection technologies reveals the need for the development of new sustainable alternatives. Quaternary Ammonium Compounds(QACs) are cationic surfactants widely known for their effective biocidal properties at the ppm level. In this study, a novel silica-based antimicrobial nanofilm was developed using a composite of silica-modified QAC(Fixed-Quat) and applied to a fiberglass mesh as an active surface via sol–gel technique. The synthesized Fixed-Quat nanocoating was found to be effective against E. coli with an inactivation rate of 1.3 × 10~(-3) log reduction/cm min. The Fixed-Quat coated fiberglass mesh also demonstrated successful control of Microcystis aeruginosa with more than 99% inactivation after 10 hr of exposure.The developed antimicrobial mesh was also evaluated with wild-type microalgal species collected in a water body experiencing HABs, obtaining a 97% removal efficiency. Overall,the silica-functionalized Fixed-Quat nanocoating showed promising antimicrobial properties for water disinfection and HABs control, while decreasing concerns related to DBPs formation and the possible release of toxic nanomaterials into the environment.  相似文献   
沿空窄煤柱锚网带支护的巷道稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
锚杆支护是煤矿采准巷道的重要支护方式 ,沿空留巷技术是回采巷道支护技术改革的主要方面。笔者将两种技术相结合 ,用于保证回采巷道的稳定。在现场矿压观测的基础上 ,讨论了支承压力分布规律和窄煤柱护巷机理 ,运用极限平衡理论计算出护巷煤柱宽度 ,同时结合数值分析和现场巷道变形以观测结果 ,实践证明 ,只要设计参数合理 ,施工质量满足要求 ,沿空窄煤柱锚网带支护技术就可以保证回采巷道的稳定  相似文献   
为了解流域地形空间参数和其它参数的精度对农业非点源污染模型AnnAGNPS预测准确性的影响,利用三峡库区黑河小流域观测资料校准了AnnAGNPS模型,分析了1.5-12.5m格网尺度DEM对地形参数和模型负载输出的影响.结果表明,1.5~12.5m格网尺度DEM对流域径流量、洪峰流量、总N输出影响不显著,但对泥沙、总P、有机碳输出影响显著.三峡库区类似小流域宜采用5m格网尺度DEM,AnnAGNPS模型较不适合于尺度较小、坡度较大的小流域泥沙负载预测.  相似文献   
本文对远程医疗的ZIGBEE系统从印制电路板(PCB)的器件布局、布线等方面来进行了电磁兼容性研究和设计,完成的ZIGBEE监护系统能够实时传输性能良好的心电信号和血氧信号。同时该系统可以实现多节点网络的监控,能够通过ZIGBEE mesh网络实现数据的传输。同时该系统还可以通过协调器发送指令使终端设备休眠或唤醒,实现低功耗便携带的目的。该系统传输的数据误码率低,时延短,冲突少,通过本系统的设计,可以较好地通过网络观察人体的部分生理参数实现便携式远程医疗监护的目的。  相似文献   
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