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The Aravalli mountain range (AMR) in the northwestern part of the Indian Peninsula consists of two main Proterozoic metasedimentary and metaigneous sequences, the Aravalli and Delhi Supergroups, respectively, which rest over the Archaean gneissic basement. A synthesis and reinterpretation of the available geological, geochronological and geophysical data, including results of own field work and geophysical interpretations pertaining to the AMR, indicate its origin as an inverted basin: rifting into granitoid basement began ca. 2.5; Ga ago with Aravalli passive rifting (ca. 2.5–2.0 Ga) and Delhi active rifting (ca. 1.9–1.6 Ga). Associated mafic igneous rocks show both continental and oceanic tholeiitic geochemistry and are comparable with Phanerozoic, rift-related magmatic products. Available data showed no conclusive evidence for oceanic lithoshere and island-arc/active margin magmatic activity in the AMR. Subsequent inversion and orogeny (Delhi orogeny, ca. 1.5-1.4 Ga) lead to complex deformation and metamorphism. Only in the western and central zones has the basement been involved in this mid-Proterozoic (Delhi) deformation, whereas it is unaffected in the eastern part, except for local shear zones mainly along the basement/cover interface. The grade of metamorphism increases from the greenschist facies in the east to the amphibolite facies in the west with local HP assemblages. These latter are explained by rapid burial and exhumation of thin and cool continental lithosphere. Subsequently, during a final, mild phase of inversion, the Vindhyan basins consisting mainly of sandstones, limestones and shales, flanking the AMR formed which are comparable to foreland basins. The tectonic evolution of the AMR is therefore interpreted as an example of a major inverted continental rift and of a Proterozoic intra-continental orogen.  相似文献   
华东地区前寒武纪主要地质事件及构造演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对地层分区与板块构造关系的分析,依据华东地区前寒武纪地质事件主要特点及划分原则.在充分了解现代构造观和基本地质事实基础上,建议将华东地区“晋宁运动二幕”改为“休宁上升‘”;“栏杆运动”和“霍丘运动”改为“栏杆上升”和“霍丘上升”.因为它们不具备造山运动性质。通过对新太古代末蚌埠运动、古元古代末龙川运动、迪口运动,中元古代末凤阳运动、青白田纪内部神功运动的特点分析,认为区内经历了新太古代陆核的生成;占元占代褶皱变质和混合岩化;凤阳运动和神功运动造成了华北古板块、扬子古板块和华夏古板块的拼合等演化阶段;并发生了四次造山运动和三次裂陷运动。  相似文献   
西昆仑北带库地一带广泛发育基性岩墙群(辉绿岩),其化学成分为拉斑质玄武岩系列。岩脉的微量元素与稀土元素具典型的板内溢流玄武岩特征,富集大离子亲石元素、轻稀土,稀土元素总量较高,弱的Eu正异常。Ta、Nb、Hf、Zr无亏损现象,反映岩脉未受到地壳物质的明显混染及经历了弱的结晶分异作用;而Sr、P明显亏损。则反映了亏损的源区性质,但不相容元素的比值表现出EMI特征,推测不相容元素富集是软流圈地幔上涌过程中低程度熔融所致。综合本文的研究及野外地质特征。表明辉绿岩是古塔里木南缘新元古代大陆裂解背景下的产物。  相似文献   
浙闽裂谷带为金银铅锌铜钼金属矿床及萤石、高岭土等非金属矿床的重要成矿域,其代表性矿床有治岭头金银矿床、梅仙式块状硫化物多金属矿床、银坑斑岩型钼矿床、湖山萤石矿田、武义萤石矿田等。裂谷带活动具两个旋回,第一旋回与超大陆解体相当,始于新元古代,闭合于加里东期,代表性地层标志为中元古代地层。第二旋回始于燕山早期,止于燕山晚期,代表性地层标志为下侏罗统枫坪组地层及白垩纪断陷盆地沉积地层。第一旋回相对应区域变质、混合岩化、韧性剪切活动及岩浆岩侵位等地质作用。第二旋回相对应大规模火山喷发、岩浆侵位、断陷盆地等地质作用。第一旋回裂谷环境中,形成治岭头式金银矿和梅仙式铅锌多金属矿床的初胚或金属矿床的初始矿体;在第二旋回后期大规模火山热液的成矿作用中,使前者叠加富集,形成了巨大资源量的工业矿体,而岩体侵位形成了一系列斑岩铜矿和浙闽地区极富特色非金属矿、萤石矿成矿带。  相似文献   
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