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为了研究南京市区与郊区气溶胶中多环芳烃(PAHs)污染状况和分布特征,利用气-质联用仪(GC-MS)分析了2010年1月1~10日日间和夜间分别在南京大学和南京信息工程大学采集的气溶胶样品,得到南京市区与郊区17种PAHs浓度,总浓度分别为41.36~220.35 ng.m-3和45.10~200.86 ng.m-3,其中约66%~67%分布于细粒子(Dp≤2.1μm)中.研究发现,南京市区和郊区气溶胶中PAH总浓度均处于较高的水平;但两者昼夜变化趋势不同,即市区PAH总浓度日间高于夜间,郊区PAH总浓度日间低于夜间.主导风向的改变和高压天气系统对PAH浓度变化影响较大;在市区其影响主要表现在细粒子部分,而郊区主要表现在粗粒子部分.市区和郊区不同环数的PAHs粒径分布不同;2~3环PAHs,郊区含量高于市区;而4~6环PAHs,市区含量高于郊区.高环数(4~6环)PAHs在粗模态出现较大浓度峰可能是由于南京地区粗模态气溶胶中碳含量较高.市区和郊区相似的特征比值说明两者的PAHs具有相同污染来源,主要为生物质及煤的燃烧和汽车尾气,表明南京市区PAHs受到郊区工业源排放影响较大.  相似文献   
王昌江  施成晓  冯帆  陈婷  张磊  吕晓康  吴伟  廖允成 《环境科学》2016,37(11):4437-4445
为探明不同宽度沟垄集雨种植下土壤呼吸对土壤水热因子的响应机制,对比研究了沟垄比分别为20 cm∶40 cm(P40)、30 cm∶30 cm(P30)、40 cm∶20 cm(P20)的沟垄集雨种植和平作种植(CP)下冬小麦的土壤呼吸动态变化,及其与土壤温度和水分的关系.结果表明,4个处理的土壤呼吸速率在越冬期最低,返青期开始升高,扬花期前后达到峰值,之后逐渐降低.沟垄集雨处理土壤呼吸速率表现为P40P30P20,垄宽增加使呼吸速率提高1.2%~18.4%;苗期和越冬期,沟垄集雨种植提高了土壤呼吸速率,表现为P40P30P20CP,其中苗期3个沟垄集雨处理均显著高于CP(P0.05),越冬期P40处理显著高于CP;苗期和越冬期沟垄集雨种植提高了土壤温度,拔节期至成熟期CP土壤温度高于沟垄集雨处理;沟垄集雨种植能有效蓄水保墒,随着垄宽的增加集雨效果越好,苗期至拔节期降雨稀少,7.6 cm和12 cm土层土壤含水量均表现为P40P30P20CP.相关分析表明,土壤呼吸与温度的相关系数达极显著水平(P0.01),P40和P30的土壤呼吸与水分的相关系数小于P20和CP;水热双因子二次方程模型能解释呼吸变化的61.7%~74.1%,温度指数模型能解释50.3%~68.2%.本研究结果为沟垄集雨种植的生态效益评估提供理论依据.  相似文献   
葛祥  吴健  高松  冯加良  陈俊伟  张舒惟  焦正 《环境科学》2021,42(12):5663-5672
于冬春两季在华东3个典型石化化工集中区设置环境空气观测点,利用PUF大气被动采样技术(PUF-PAS)采集大气中半挥发性有机化合物(SVOCs),使用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)进行分析.获得59种SVOCs的浓度,包括25种多环芳烃(PAHs)、24种正构烷烃及10种藿烷,并结合主成分分析和特征比值法解析PAHs来源.结果表明:①各观测点正构烷烃贡献率最高,其次是PAHs,分别超过60%和30%;②根据各化合物冬春季浓度变化并结合风向进行分析,推测正构烷烃C18、C29 αβ-藿烷和C30αβ-藿烷与石油化工排放有关;③PAHs单体以菲(Phe)、荧蒽(Fla)、萘(Nap)、芴(Flu)和芘(Pyr)为主,合计占比高达90.0%;④主成分分析显示观测点PAHs主要来自化石燃料燃烧、机动车尾气和石化工艺排放等,3类来源对PAHs的贡献率分别为56.0%、19.2%和8.6%,基于特征比值法的PAHs来源解析予以了验证.  相似文献   
青藏高原淡水湖泊水化学组成特征及其演化   总被引:7,自引:12,他引:7  
青藏高原淡水湖具有高生态价值和高脆弱性并存的特点.以海拔5 080 m±10 m的打加芒错湖水为研究对象,测试及分析了湖水化学组分,探讨了其主要离子来源、控制因子和湖泊水化学演化趋势.结果表明,湖水阳离子以Ca2+和Na+为主,阴离子以HCO3-为主,为HCO3-Ca型水;TDS为71.2~199.8 mg·L-1,矿化度低;受地表径流的稀释作用和富铝贫钙的地质背景约束湖区东南部水体的EC、Ca2+和HCO3-浓度均较低.湖水的Na+/(Na++Ca2+)为0.08~0.75,Cl-/(Cl-+HCO3-)为0.11~0.35,Ca/Na值为0.58,Mg/Ca值为0.12,HCO3/Na值为1.46,据Gibbs模型和元素化学计量分析表明,其化学组成主要受硅酸盐岩风化控制.湖区流域参与风化的矿物岩石包括斜长石(钙长石、钠长石)、钾长石、云母、石膏、盐岩等,但以斜长石风化为主,湖水的K/Na值平均为0.059,表明流域钾长石风化程度较低.湖水中方解石、白云石、石英、石膏等矿物饱和指数(SI)大于0,石盐的SI则小于0,揭示了青藏高原上淡水湖泊演变成咸水湖的变化趋势.  相似文献   
针对径向浓淡旋流煤粉燃烧器直流二交风对出口冷态流动特性的影响进行了试验研究,并在一台220t/h锅炉和一台670t/h锅炉上进行了工业性试验。冷模试验表明,直流二次风对旋流燃烧器出口气流的流动和混合特性有重要影响。  相似文献   
王晓玲  尹军  李术宽  韦新东  高尚 《环境科学》2011,32(11):3412-3418
基于ASM2d模型建立了稳定运行的MUCT工艺营养物质去除过程的动力学反应模型,比较各种COD、TN、NH 4+-N、TP的实测值和模拟值,以确定系统在低C/N条件下运行时的动力学和化学计量学参数.模拟结果表明,稳态模型中的动力学参数qPHA、KA、KPP、YPO3-4、μAUT和ηNO-3分别取值2.90 g.(g.d)-1、3.85 g.m-3、1.35 g.(g.d)-1、0.35、1.6和0.8.其他的动力学和化学计量学参数可采用IWA给出的默认值.  相似文献   
This article is the most recent report of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Muar River and Pulau Merambong, Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 16 priority pollutant PAHs in addition to methylphenanthrene among alkylated PAHs were analyzed in surface sediments during May 2013. Total PAHs ranged from 212 to 440 and 151 to 412 ng g?1 dw in sediments from the Muar River and the Pulau Merambong, respectively. The Muar River showed an increasing trend of PAH concentrations, while no previous data exist for the Pulau Merambong. Generally, mixed petrogenic and pyrogenic sources of PAHs with predominance of the latter were detected in the study area. Effective management of oil pollution has caused a drastic decrease in petrogenic sources of PAHs.  相似文献   
The present study applied sequential extraction techniques to investigate the binding and mobility of plutonium (Pu) in sediments from the rivers and estuaries of the Ob and Yenisey. As a study site, the Ob and Yenisey are particularly interesting as both rivers have weapons-grade Pu sources in their catchment areas, including the Russian Pu production and reprocessing plants at Mayak, Tomsk-7 and Krashnoyarsk, and the Semipalantinsk nuclear weapons testing site in Kazakhstan. Plutonium activity and 240Pu/239Pu ratios were determined using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Sequential extractions showed that between 47 and 80% of the Pu in Yenisey River sediments and 35–53% of the Pu in soils around the Techa River are mobilized with weak oxidising agents, which can indicate that Pu is bound to organic material. In contrast, Pu in Ob and Yenisey Estuarine sediments was more strongly bound, with 60–100% being found in the HNO3-extractable fraction. This change in speciation could reflect either that Pu bound to organic material in the Techa and Yenisey River sediments becomes more fixed to the sediments with time, or that organic-bound Pu is mobilized and released to the water when the sediments encounter the more saline water of the Ob and Yenisey estuaries. In general, 240Pu/239Pu ratios were relatively consistent between different extraction fractions, although, in whole sediments, an increase in ratio was observed with distance from the source. This reflects the increased influence of weapon fallout from catchment runoff within the river systems, as compared to the weapons-grade sources close to the production and reprocessing plants. Knowledge of Pu speciation in the Ob and Yenisey Rivers, and the processes controlling its behaviour in estuarine systems, can improve predictions of its transfer and subsequent environmental impact to Arctic Seas.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of the C/N ratios and variations in δ13C and δ15N of suspended particulate matter were used to characterise their source in Asia’s largest brackish water lagoon, Chilika, India. In addition, the significance of re-mineralised nutrients in the primary productivity of the shallow lagoon was also determined through quantification of the subsurface nitrogen uptake conditions at two relatively stable locations in the lagoon. The results indicated that the influence of terrestrial organic matter was the maximum in the northern sector and was relatively limited at the central and southern part of the lagoon. In situ 15N uptake experiments (daytime) under biogeochemically stable conditions revealed that the N uptake by phytoplankton ranged between 0.24 and 1.01?mM?m?3?h?1 during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. New production and regenerated production in the shallow lagoon was also estimated by calculating f-ratios (ratio of nitrate assimilation by phytoplankton to total nitrogenous nutrient assimilation, have been estimated), which varied from 0.52 in the post-monsoon to 0.38 in the pre-monsoon. Lowering of the f-ratio from post- to pre-monsoon indicated a dominance of mineralisation over the new production.  相似文献   
Acute respiratory infections are common in children below 5 years and recent studies suggest a possible link with air pollution. In this study, we investigated the association between ambient nitrogen oxides (NOx) and bronchitis or upper airway inflammation.This longitudinal study was conducted in Teplice and Prachatice districts, Czech Republic. Children were followed from birth to 4.5 years of age. Data were compiled from medical records at delivery and at follow up, and from self-administered questionnaires from the same two time points. Air pollution monitoring data were used to estimate exposure over five different averaging periods ranging from three to 45 days prior to an episode. To quantify the association between exposure and outcome, while accounting for repeated measure correlation we conducted logistic regression analysis using generalized estimating equations.During the first 2 years of life, the adjusted rate ratio for bronchitis associated with interquartile increase in the 30-day average NOx was 1.31 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.07, 1.61] and for two to 4.5 year olds, it was 1.23 (95% CI: 1.01, 1.49). The 14-day exposure also had stable association across both age groups: below 2 years it was 1.25 (95% CI: 1.06, 1.47) and for two to 4.5 years it was 1.21 (95% CI: 1.06, 1.39). The association between bronchitis and NOx increased with child's age in the under 2 years group, which is a relatively novel finding.The results demonstrate an association between NOx and respiratory infections that are sufficiently severe to come to medical attention. The evidence, if causal, can be of public health concern because acute respiratory illnesses are common in preschool children.  相似文献   
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