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Varroa jacobsoni, an ectoparasite of the Asian honeybeeApis cerana, has been introduced world-wide, and is currently decimating colonies of the European honeybeeApis mellifera.Varroa's reproductive cycle is tuned to that of drone cells, those mainly parasitized in the original host. We describe here how a single fertilized female, infesting a brood cell, can produce two to four adult fertilized females within the limited time span of bee development (270 h in worker and 320 h in drone cells), despite the disturbance caused by cocoon spinning and subsequent morphological changes of the bee. From observations on transparent artificial cells we were able to show how the mite combats these problems with specialized behaviors that avoid destruction by the developing bee, prepares a feeding site for the nymphs on the bee pupa, and constructs a fecal accumulation on the cell wall which serves as a rendezvous site for matings between its offspring. The proximity of the fecal accumulation to the feeding site facilitates feeding by the maturing progeny. However, communal use of the feeding site leads to competition between individuals, and protonymphs are most disadvantaged. This competition is somewhat compensated by the timing of oviposition by the mites. Use of a common rendezvous and feeding site by two or moreVarroa mothers in multiinfested cells may have developed from the parental care afforded to them as nymphs.  相似文献   
The side-effects of pesticides on predatory mites have been investigated at various levels and international teams (e.g., the IOBC/wprs Working Group “Pesticides and beneficial organisms”) have selected a few species of predatory mites occurring in Central and Northern Europe as representative for such studies. Key biocontrol species occurring in Southern Europe have received much less attention. Kampimodromus aberrans is the most important predator of herbivorous mites in South-European vineyards treated with selective pesticides. The impact of pesticides on K. aberrans populations has been studied in field conditions whereas few toxicological tests have been conducted in the laboratory because of difficulties in rearing this species. A method for rearing K. aberrans in the laboratory has recently been set up allowing toxicological studies to be conducted. In this paper, a toxicological method to assess the effects of pesticides on K. aberrans is described and the effects of insecticides frequently used in European vineyards on two K. aberrans strains are reported. These strains were collected from vineyards treated with organophosphates. Insecticides characterized by different modes of action were selected for trials. Among these, etofenprox and spinosad were classified as harmful to predatory mites. Chlorpyrifos reduced predatory mite fecundity, and was classified as moderately harmful for both strains. The toxicity of thiamethoxam and flufenoxuron varied with the strain (low to moderate). Indoxacarb and methoxyfenozide appeared to be harmless or slightly harmful. Implications of this study for adopting IPM tactics with a reduced risk for K. aberrans are discussed.  相似文献   
Little has been done to compare the relative importance of various mechanisms through which prey assess the potential risk from natural enemies. We used predator-naive spider mites (Tetranychus urticae, Tetranychidae) to (1) compare the responses of prey to chemical cues from enemy and non-enemy species and (2) investigate the source of these cues. In the laboratory, we observed the distribution of T. urticae in response to cues from nine mite species, including (1) predators of spider mites, (2) predators/parasites of other animals, and (3) fungivores/pollen-feeders. When given a choice over 24 h, spider mites foraged and oviposited in fewer numbers on leaf discs that were previously exposed to predatory or parasitic mites (including species incapable of attacking spider mites) than on clean leaf discs (unexposed to mites). Interestingly, previous exposure of leaf arenas to fungivores and pollen-feeders had no significant effect on spider mite distribution. We then observed the response of T. urticae to cues from two species of predator that had been reared on a diet of either spider mites or pollen. T. urticae showed stronger avoidance of leaf discs that were previously exposed to spider-mite-fed predators than of discs exposed to pollen-fed predators. Nevertheless, for one predator species (Amblyseius andersoni), T. urticae still preferred to forage and oviposit on clean (unexposed) discs than on discs exposed to pollen-fed predators. Protein-derived metabolic wastes of predatory or parasitic mites may provide a general cue about potential predation risk for T. urticae. However, T. urticae also avoided areas exposed to pollen-fed predators, suggesting there may be other sources of enemy recognition by the spider mites. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms that may influence the scope of information through which animals assess predation risk. Received: 11 January 1999 / Received in revised form: 25 October 1999 / Accepted: 20 November 1999  相似文献   
Summary During foraging, natural enemies of herbivores may employ volatile allelochemicals that originate from an interaction of the herbivore and its host plant. The composition of allelochemical blends emitted by herbivore-infested plants is known to be affected by both the herbivore and the plant. Our chemical data add new evidence to the recent notion that the plants are more important than the herbivore in affecting the composition of the volatile blends. Blends emitted by apple leaves infested with spider mites of 2 different species,T. urticae andP. ulmi, differed less in composition (principally quantitative differences for some compounds) than blends emitted by leaves of two apple cultivars infested by the same spider-mite species,T. urticae (many quantitative and a few qualitative differences). Comparison between three plant species — apple, cucumber and Lima bean — reveals even larger differences between volatile blends emitted upon spider-mite damage (many quantitative differences and several qualitative differences).  相似文献   
We studied the correlation between male-male aggressive behavior of the spider mite, Schizotetranychus miscanthi and winter coldness, a factor hypothesized to correlate with the degree of relatedness of the interacting males through the frequent occurrence of mother-son mating in the spring. Thirty-one samples from various populations throughout Japan were added to previous data. A cluster analysis revealed two clinal trends for male-male aggression in S. miscanthi in regions of light or no snowfall. The two clines may represent a dimorphism within the species, each having a similar clinal trend within Japan. Further support for the hypothesis that male overwintering survival affects male-male aggressiveness came from a comparison between regions of heavy snowfall and those of light or no snowfall. In regions with heavy snow insulation, overwintering survival may not be as high as in other areas, and there was no correlation between male aggressiveness and the minimum winter temperature. However, there was a significant correlation in regions of light snow. Received: 26 May 1998 / Received in revised form: 16 December 1998 / Accepted: 30 December 1998  相似文献   
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