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Egg production, fecal pellet production and hatching success are reported for Acartia clausi females sampled during three cruises in February 1997, 1998 and June 1997 at 20-24 stations along 4 transects in the North Adriatic Sea. Dramatically low hatching rates were recorded during both diatom bloom events in February as opposed to much higher rates during post-bloom conditions in June, even though A. clausi productivity during the bloom was apparently high. These results are discussed in the light of recent findings on the negative impact of diatoms on copepod reproductive potential.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to assess the effects of dredging on the structure and composition of diatom assemblages from a lowland stream and to investigate whether the response of diatom assemblages to the dredging is also influenced by different water quality. Three sampling sites were established in Rodríguez Stream (Argentina); physico-chemical variables and benthic diatom assemblages were sampled weekly in spring 2001. Species composition, cell density, diversity and evenness were estimated. Diatom tolerance to organic pollution and eutrophication were also analyzed. Differences in physico-chemical variables and changes in benthic diatom assemblages were compared between the pre- and post-dredging periods using a t-test. Data were analyzed using Principal Components Analysis (PCA), non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) ordination and cluster analysis. The effects of dredging in the stream involve two types of disturbances: (i) in the stream bed, by the removal and destabilization of the substrate and (ii) in the water column, by generating chemical changes and an alteration of the light environment of the stream. Suspended solids, soluble reactive phosphorus and dissolved inorganic nitrogen were significantly higher in post-dredging periods. Physical and chemical modifications in the habitat of benthic diatoms produced changes in the assemblage; diversity and species numbers showed an immediate increase after dredging, decreasing at the end of the study period. Changes in the tolerance of the diatom assemblage to organic pollution and eutrophication were also observed as a consequence of dredging; in the post-dredging period sensitive species were replaced by either tolerant or most tolerant species. These changes were particularly noticeable in site 1 (characterized by its lower amount of nutrients and organic matter previous to dredging), which showed an increase in the amount of nutrients and oxygen demand as a consequence of sediment removal. However, these changes were not so conspicuous in sites 2 and 3, which already presented a marked water quality deterioration before the execution of the dredging works.  相似文献   
In order to find effective measures to control diatom blooms, a better understanding of the physiological characteristics of nutrient uptake in diatoms is needed. A study of P and Si-uptake kinetics for diatom species from two light regimes was conducted at low (LL), moderate (ML) and high light intensities (HL) (2, 25 and 80 μmol photons/(m2·sec)), respectively. The results showed that P uptake of diatoms was heavily influenced by historic light regimes. P affinity changed with growth and photosynthetic activity. The lowest half saturation constant for P uptake (Km(P)) was under HL for high-light adapted diatoms while the lowest half-saturation constant for low-light adapted diatoms was observed under LL. The Si half-saturation constant (Km(Si)) increased with increasing light intensities for pennate diatoms but decreased for centric diatoms. Diatom volumes were correlated with the maximum Si uptake rates (Vm(Si)) at HL and Km(Si) at ML and HL for six diatom species. Our results imply that when we assess the development of diatom blooms we should consider light intensity and cell volume in addition to ambient Si or P concentration. The relationship between light intensity and P-uptake suggests that we can find suitable methods to control diatom blooms on the basis of reducing phytoplankton activity of P-uptake and photosynthesis simultaneously.  相似文献   
Populations of marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii were grown in continuous cultures enriched with f/2 medium. One of the two contrasting cultures (‘eutrophic’) received 5.6 times more nutrients than the other (‘oligotrophic’). Two mathematical models are analyzed to estimate eutrophication differences. The second model based on the Michaelis–Menten uptake and Droop growth shows that cells in the eutrophic culture should have about 56% higher content of silica which is the limiting nutrient. Diatom samples were prepared for the transmission electron microscopy after cells have been kept in chemostats for 37 days. The structure of diatom cells was investigated and a comparison is made between cells grown in oligotrophic and eutrophic conditions. In eutrophic culture, dividing cells were encountered more frequently while cell concentration was approximately equal in both chemostats. The central vacuole of cells in eutrophic culture accumulated dispersed and compact material from amorphous to spherical shape. In some cells the large central vacuole had fibrilar and peppered dense materials in addition to translucent granules, vesicules and multivesicular bodies. In the cytoplasm we found increased number of multivesicular bodies, dense and lucent granules some of which enclose membrane particles and lucent vesicules. Dense material depositions observed in the vacuole are also seen in the cytoplasm associated with organelles, mitochondria and plasmalemma. Cells have well-developed, active and slightly increased number of dictyosomes (5–6). Some dictyosomes with dense secretory material in the cistern are apparently engaged in a granule formation process. Functional significance of dense material in the central vacuole, which has not been observed in cells grown in oligotrophic condition, is discussed.  相似文献   
Egg production, fecal pellet production and hatching success are reported for Acartia clausi females sampled during three cruises in February 1997, 1998 and June 1997 at 20-24 stations along 4 transects in the North Adriatic Sea. Dramatically low hatching rates were recorded during both diatom bloom events in February as opposed to much higher rates during post-bloom conditions in June, even though A. clausi productivity during the bloom was apparently high. These results are discussed in the light of recent findings on the negative impact of diatoms on copepod reproductive potential.  相似文献   
Environmental contamination has become a global problem of increasing intensity due to the exponential growth of industrialization. One main debated issue is the metal contamination of rivers receiving Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) from active/abandoned mines. In order to assess the quality of lotic systems, diatoms are commonly used, as their assemblage modifies on the basis of changes in environmental parameters. Benthic diatom changes were analyzed along the metal-impacted Gromolo Torrent (Liguria, NW Italy) with the aim of understanding the effects of input from the abandoned Libiola Cu mine. The results support the hypothesis that metals from AMD lead to massive changes in diatoms, resulting in low biological diversity and in a shift of dominance, passing from the genera Cymbella and Cocconeis to more tolerant and opportunistic species, such as Achnanthidium minutissimum and Fragilaria rumpens. The high concentrations of labile metals, measured through Diffusion Gradients in Thin-films (DGT) immediately downstream of the two AMD inputs in the torrent, corresponded to a sudden decrease in the presence of diatoms, indicating the possible reaching of acute toxic levels. In particular, A. minutissimum dominated the mining area and was positively correlated with Cu and Zn; whereas F. rumpens bloomed downstream of this area, where the metal content was diluted, and was positively correlated with As and Pb. Finally, an important abundance of Nitzschia palea and teratological forms of A. minutissimum and F. rumpens were observed downstream from the mine, indicating that metals may have an important impact on diatoms up to the torrent mouth.  相似文献   
Habitat suitability modelling studies the influence of abiotic factors on the abundance or diversity of a given taxonomic group of organisms. In this work, we investigate the effect of the environmental conditions of Lake Prespa (Republic of Macedonia) on diatom communities. The data contain measurements of physical and chemical properties of the environment as well as the relative abundances of 116 diatom taxa. In addition, we create a separate dataset that contains information only about the top 10 most abundant diatoms. We use two machine learning techniques to model the data: regression trees and multi-target regression trees. We learn a regression tree for each taxon separately (from the top 10 most abundant) to identify the environmental conditions that influence the abundance of the given diatom taxon. We learn two multi-target regression trees: one for modelling the complete community and the other for the top 10 most abundant diatoms. The multi-target regression trees approach is able to detect the conditions that affect the structure of a diatom community (as compared to other approaches that can model only a single target variable). We interpret and compare the obtained models. The models present knowledge about the influence of metallic ions and nutrients on the structure of the diatom community, which is consistent with, but further extends existing expert knowledge.  相似文献   
松花江哈尔滨段流域是哈尔滨市重要的水源地,也是松花江重要的组成部分,其生态环境问题一直受到国内外学者密切关注,且近年来松花江哈尔滨段水体改善程度较为明显,流域内水体变化程度越来越受到相关学者和民众的重视,研究松花江哈尔滨段水体变化趋势意义明显。该研究的创新性在于运用典范对应分析(CCA)探究藻类植物与环境因子变化的关系,并运用欧洲硅藻数据库(EDDI)验证主要环境因子的准确性。国内现行的一些常规理化指标单独评价水体质量较为单一,不能更好地满足现行的水环境管理要求,并且对于水环境的变化反应效果及准确度较低。该研究运用相关理化指标数据和藻类植物的种类及丰度等的年际变化,实现从单一理化指标评价改善为理化和生物指标双重评价,从而更加具体地反映出松花江哈尔滨段水体状况的变化趋势。  相似文献   
硅藻指数在水环境监测与评价中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了硅藻种类组成对水环境状态的指示作用及硅藻指数法的基本原理,通过比较、分析发现:硅藻属指数适用于综合评价亚热带、热带地区的水体污染程度;硅藻模型相似性指数适用于评价气候稳定地区的水污染状况;生物硅藻指数适用范围广,稳定性最好;湖泊富营养化硅藻指数、营养指数、富营养化硅藻指数均为可靠的水体富营养化评价指数。指出目前硅藻的分类与鉴定体系不够完善,还应开展研究消除季节变化对硅藻指数方法稳定性的影响。  相似文献   
Since the climax of eutrophication in the early 1980s mainly greater lakes have been investigated and monitored in terms of their nutrient charge. In the future there will still be a need to develop guidelines for monitoring the trophic status of smaller lakes. Four small lakes were investigated by the author in the years 1996 and 1997. In order to define the nutrient charge of those lakes more precisely, special emphasis has been put upon the two criteria diatoms and macrophytes. Eventually an evaluation of the lakes' catchment areas will also be an important component of these studies. Benthic diatoms are the main part of periphyton. As unicellular fast reproducing organisms they are excellent indicators for trophic situations in lakes. The diatom index denotes the trophic status of the littoral zone during the last few weeks before sampling. The macrophytes, however, reflect the nutrient charge over a longer period, i.e. several years. The macrophyte index is based on the fact that some species are most prevalent at certain nutrient loads. The effort to combine these two indication systems carries a high resolution of spatial nutrient changes as well as in temporally changes.  相似文献   
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