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本文主要介绍了美国海军现用的工作服装种类、服装构成及穿着场合,并与我国海军07式作训服进行了对比分析。  相似文献   
从太原市焦化厂废水活性污泥中分离、筛选出一株苯酚降解细菌,经生理生化反应和16S rRNA鉴定,该菌株为Diaphorobacter属细菌,命名为PD-07.代谢机制研究表明,苯酚可诱导该菌合成邻苯二酚2,3-加氧酶降解苯酚.为了提高该菌株对苯酚的降解率,以海藻酸钙为材料,对该菌株进行包埋固定化研究.首先采用Plackett–Burman实验设计筛选出影响固定化菌株苯酚降解率的关键因素,然后采用最陡爬坡实验逼近最大苯酚降解率响应区域.最后用Box–Behnken实验设计及响应面回归分析,应用二次方程对实验数据进行拟合得,拟合曲线与实验实测值相关性良好,最佳条件为海藻酸钠浓度3.83%(m/V)、CaCl2 0.3mol/L、菌胶比1:26.73、固定化时间2h、摇床转速180r/min、培养温度30℃、初始pH值7.2、液固比4.86:1,在此条件下苯酚降解率可达96.89%.  相似文献   
To study the interaction between species- and ecosystem-level impacts of climate change, we focus on the question of how climate-induced shifts in key species affect the positive feedback loops that lock shallow lakes either in a transparent, macrophyte-dominated state or, alternatively, in a turbid, phytoplankton-dominated state. We hypothesize that climate warming will weaken the resilience of the macrophyte-dominated clear state. For the turbid state, we hypothesize that climate warming and climate-induced eutrophication will increase the dominance of cyanobacteria. Climate change will also affect shallow lakes through a changing hydrology and through climate change-induced eutrophication. We study these phenomena using two models, the full ecosystem model PCLake and a minimal dynamic model of lake phosphorus dynamics. Quantitative predictions with the complex model show that changes in nutrient loading, hydraulic loading and climate warming can all lead to shifts in ecosystem state. The minimal model helped in interpreting the non-linear behaviour of the complex model. The main output parameters of interest for water quality managers are the critical nutrient loading at which the system will switch from clear to turbid and the much lower critical nutrient loading – due to hysteresis – at which the system switches back. Another important output parameter is the chlorophyll-a level in the turbid state. For each of these three output parameters we performed a sensitivity analysis to further understand the dynamics of the complex model PCLake. This analysis showed that our model results are most sensitive to changes in temperature-dependence of cyanobacteria, planktivorous fish and zooplankton. We argue that by combining models at various levels of complexity and looking at multiple aspects of climate changes simultaneously we can develop an integrated view of the potential impact of climate change on freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   
It is a current challenge to better understand the relative importance of species in ecosystems, and the network perspective is able to offer quantitative tools for this. It is plausible to assume, in general, that well-linked species, being key interactors, are also more important for the community. Recently a number of methods have been suggested for quantifying the network position of species in ecological networks (like the topological importance metric, TI). Most of them are based on node centrality indices and it may happen that the two most important species in a food web have very similar interaction structure and they can essentially replace each other if one becomes extinct. For conservation considerations it is a challenge to identify species that are richly connected and, at the same time, have a relatively unique and irreplaceable interaction pattern. We present a new method and illustrate our approach by using the Kuosheng Bay trophic network in Taiwan. The new method is based on the interaction matrix, where the strength of the interaction between nodes i and j depends only on topology. By defining a threshold separating weak and strong interactors, we define the effective range of interactions for each graph node. If the overlaps between pairs of these ranges are quantified, we gain a metric expressing how unique is the interaction pattern of a focal node (TO). The combination of centrality (TI) and uniqueness (TO) is called topological functionality (TF). We compare the nodal importance rank provided by this metric to others based on a variety of centrality measures. The main conclusion is that shrimps seem to have the most unique interaction pattern despite that their structural importance has been underestimated by all conventional centrality indices. Also, our network analysis suggests that fisheries disturb the ecosystem in a more critical network position than the impingement by the local power plant.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean Sea hosts 5.6% of the world benthic invertebrate species on 0.82% of the ocean surface. Mediterranean ecosystems are also characterized by low densities (and biomasses) compared to other oceanic ecosystems, a feature often attributed to their oligotrophic environment. Oligotrophic conditions can induce lower growth rates and higher mortality rates, and a stronger competition for food between individuals. A theoretical model was developed in order to study the diversity vs. density patterns in coastal benthic invertebrate species. This model describes their minimal population dynamics including basic processes (growth, mortality, reproduction and effects of competitive interactions between individuals) and incorporating fluxes of larvae (finally recruited as juveniles) between a mosaic of local habitats. Populations are therefore structured in a metacommunity. The connectivity between local communities is ensured by passive pelagic larval dispersal. In the Mediterranean Sea, because of the microtidal regime, the connectivity between coastal habitats is lower and more variable than in macrotidal basins. Mathematical properties of the model revealed that competitive interactions (intra- and interspecific competitions) have a stabilizing effect on interacting organisms when gains by recruitment are higher than losses by mortality. In addition, low mortality rates and low connectivity which decreases negative local interactions maintains high regional species diversity with low local densities. This property suggested that oligotrophy cannot be the only factor leading to the high diversity–low density pattern observed in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
利用光合细菌菌株PSB07-15对辣椒促生作用及对植株与土壤中甲氰菊酯残留的生物修复进行了研究,为光合细菌生物修复菊酯类农药残留的实际应用提供科学依据。结果表明:菌株PSB07-15菌液用ddH2O稀释100倍液、200倍液浸种处理后能够显著提高辣椒种子发芽率;田间小区试验结果表明,菌株PSB07-15施用1 875、3 750、7 500 mL.hm-2,辣椒鲜质量分别增加15.12%、21.68%、14.79%;菌株PSB07-15能够有效降解辣椒和土壤中甲氰菊酯残留(辣椒中大于47.20%,土壤中大于50.73%)。  相似文献   
Gorgonian corals are long-lived, slow-growing marine species dominating Mediterranean rocky bottoms. Endowed with complex morphologies they give a structure to the whole community, moreover, being efficient suspension feeders, they play a key role in plankton-benthos energy flow and CO2CO2 storage. Thus, the structure and the development of benthic, hard bottom communities are linked to gorgonian survival. The red coral Corallium rubrum (L. 1758) is a precious gorgonian endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Harvested and traded world-wide since ancient times red coral is a clear example of overexploited marine resource. This species is structured into self-seeding, genetically differentiated populations, some of which, living in the shallower part of the species bathymetric distribution, was recently affected by anomalous mortality events linked to global climate change. The co-occurrence of overharvesting and mass mortality could dramatically affect such populations. Demographic population models, widely applied by conservation biologists to check population viability and to project population trends over time are fundamental to foster survival of such populations matching harvesting to population growth rates. Therefore we set out a dynamic model of a genetically differentiated red coral population living in shallow waters. This population is characterised by small/young, crowded colonies and high recruitment rate. On the basis of the size–age structure determined for this population, a static life-history table, in which survival and reproduction coefficients of the different size–age classes were reported, has been set out. Demographic data were included in a non-linear, discrete, age-structured dynamic model, based on a Leslie-Lewis transition matrix. Our field data indicate that the recruits-to-larvae ratio is actually density-dependent. Such dependence, positive for low and negative for high density values, was included into the model and the effect of colonies of different size–age classes on recruits-to-larvae ratio was considered to be proportional to the number of polyps they have. We applied such model to simulate the trends of the studied population under different increases of survival and life-span. As some populations of gorgonians actually show the dominance of sparse, big/old colonies and low recruitment rate, while others are characterised by crowded, small/young colonies and high recruitment rate, we simulated the shift from the former to the latter structure increasing survival and life-span. Our results suggest that a dramatic mortality increase of bigger–older colonies (due, in the case of red coral to overfishing) could have determined the population structure we found.  相似文献   
The present study aims to clarify the necessity and effectiveness of considering fuzziness in modelling fish habitat preference, and the advantages which would be achieved by considering it. For this purpose, genetic algorithm (GA) optimized habitat preference models under three different levels of fuzzification were compared with regard to prediction ability of the habitat use of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) dwelling in agricultural canals in Japan. Field surveys were conducted in agricultural canals in Japan to establish a relationship between fish habitat preference and physical environments of water depth, current velocity, lateral cover ratio and percent vegetation coverage. The habitat preference models employed for testing the fuzzy-based approach were category model, fuzzy habitat preference model, and fuzzy habitat preference model with fuzzy inputs. All the models were developed at 50 different initial conditions. The effectiveness of the fuzzification in fish habitat modelling was assessed by comparing mean square error and standard deviation of the models, and fluctuation in habitat preference curves evaluated by each model. As a result, the effect of fuzzification appeared as smoother curves and was found to reduce fluctuation in habitat preference curves in proportion to the level of fuzzification. The smooth curves would be appropriate for expressing uncertainty in habitat preference of the fish, by which fuzzy habitat preference model with fuzzy input achieve the best prediction ability among the models. In conclusion, the present study revealed that there are two advantages of fuzzification: reducing fluctuations in habitat preference evaluation and improving prediction ability of the model. Therefore, the consideration of fuzziness would be appropriate for representing fish habitat preference under natural conditions.  相似文献   
In the context of ecosystem approach to fisheries, it is a critical issue to build management tools able to predict the possible trajectories of ecosystems under various human pressure or environmental variations, but also capable to point out influent and sensitive components.  相似文献   
Although predator–prey cycles can be easily predicted with mathematical models it is only since recently that oscillations observed in a chemostat predator–prey (rotifer–algal) experiment offer an interesting workbench for testing model soundness. These new observations have highlighted the limitations of the conventional modelling approach in correctly reproducing some unexpected characteristics of the cycles. Simulations are improved when changes in algal community structure, resulting from natural selection operating on an assemblage of algal clones differing in competitive ability and defence against rotifer predation, is considered in multi-prey models. This approach, however, leads to extra complexity in terms of state variables and parameters. We show here that multi-prey models with one predator can be effectively approximated with a simpler (only a few differential equations) model derived in the context of adaptive dynamics and obtained with a moment-based approximation. The moment-based approximation has been already discussed in the literature but mostly in a theoretical context, therefore we focus on the strength of this approach in downscaling model complexity by relating it to the chemostat predator–prey experiment. Being based on mechanistic concepts, our modelling framework can be applied to any community of competing species for which a trade-off between competitive ability and resistance to predators can be appropriately defined. We suggest that this approach can be of great benefit for reducing complexity in biogeochemical modelling studies at the basin or global ocean scale.  相似文献   
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