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我国不同区域玉米施肥的生命周期评价   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
以吉林、陕西、河南、湖南、广西等玉米主产省份为例,以生产1t玉米为评价的功能单元,应用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,比较了不同生态区玉米生产过程中施肥的资源环境影响潜力.结果表明,五省环境影响综合指数大小依次为广西0.315、湖南0.309、河南0.273、陕西0.238、吉林0.183.几种资源环境影响中,潜力大小依次是富营养化、环境酸化、温室效应、土地利用和能源消耗,其中,施用氮肥引起的氨挥发是导致富营养化和酸化的主要原因.农户间玉米施肥的资源环境影响潜力差异很大,环境影响综合指数变异范围在41.2%~81.6%之间,且以湖南省最高,吉林省最低.如果将玉米追肥由撒施都改为穴施,五省的环境影响综合指数将降低8.5%~34.1%.总体而言,在目前生产条件下,吉林省具有资源环境影响较低的优势;富营养化是最主要的环境影响类型,而改进施肥方式、减少氨挥发是降低玉米施肥资源环境影响的关键技术途径.  相似文献   
Fertilization with 2.5 t/ha limestone: (83% CaCO3, 8% MgO, 6% K2O, 3% P2O5) reduces the 137Cs transfer from spruce forest soil into plants like fern (Dryopteris carthusiana) and blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) by a factor of 2–5 during at least 11 years as measured by the aggregated transfer factor Tag. In 1997 and 2006 these results were confirmed by additional measurements of the 137Cs transfer factor TF, related to the root zone (Oh horizon), which were explained by the selective sorption of 137Cs in the root zone by measurements of the Radiocaesium Interception Potential (RIP) in fertilized (RIP > 179 meq/kg) and non-fertilized soils (RIP < 74 meq/kg).  相似文献   
Olive oil mill wastewater for soil nitrogen and carbon conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work the application of two levels of N fertilizer (NH4NO3) dissolved in water or olive oil mill wastewater (OOMW) diluted 10 or 20 times in water, has been studied in relation to the properties of two soils (Loam and Silt-Clay-Loam). Also, the effect of irrigation water bubbled with CO2 (Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, DIC) was studied. Nitrate N, ammonium N, total N, organic C (OC), and CaCO3 contents were determined in the soil as well as pH, electrical conductivity (EC), oxidation–reduction potential (ORP), and absorbance at 250 and 360 nm.  相似文献   
Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are remarkably polymorphic. Several selection mechanisms have been invoked to account for this diversity, including disassortative mating preferences. In addition, eggs may discriminate between sperm based on MHC. To investigate the effects of MHC-genotype on fertilization success, we obtained mature gametes from ripe Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) males and females captured on spawning grounds. The eggs of each female were divided into two batches, and by letting each of 2 males fertilize 1 of the batches, we obtained a total of 36 half-sibling batch-pairs. The semen was diluted to ensure that the two males in each half-sibling batch-pair contributed with the same number of sperm cells. We found that MHC-heterozygous males had significantly higher fertilization success than MHC-homozygous males and neither initial spermatocrit, sperm motility nor swimming velocity co-varied with difference in fertilization success. There was no effect of female genotype or female-male MHC-similarity on fertilization success. However, one MHC-allele was associated with increased fertilization success. It seems plausible that the difference in fertilization success between homo- and heterozygous males may be due to MHC-dependent sperm selection by the ovum.Communicated by M. Abrahams  相似文献   
Spartina alterniflora was transplanted into dieback areas of a salt marsh in southeast Louisiana at two elevations (ambient and +30 cm) with and without macro- (N, P, and K) and micronutrient (Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn) additions to determine if transplant success is dependent on increasing elevation or nutrients.Spartina alterniflora transplanted into elevated plots had more than twice the above- and belowground biomass as compared to nonelevated plots after three months of growth. Additionally, there was significantly more vegetative reproduction (greater culm density and number of newly produced culms) in elevated plots as compared to plots at ambient elevation. Macronutrient additions increased culm densities only in elevated plots.Spartina alterniflora transplanted into nonelevated plots had lower survival rates even when transplants received nutrient additions. These results suggest thatS. alterniflora may be transplanted successfully into degraded salt-marsh areas if elevation is increased. The addition of nutrients without a concomitant increase in elevation is not sufficient for transplant success.  相似文献   
We tested predictions of the relative changes in plant leaf traits in response to land uses in Australian eucalypt grassy ecosystems. Predictions were determined from responses observed in European landscapes in relation to disturbances associated with agricultural land uses. We measured specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC) across five land uses: reference sites (closest to pre-European state), native pastures (unfertilized), fertilized pastures, sown pastures (cultivated and fertilized) and enriched grassland (previously fertilized, no longer grazed). Leaves were expected to have higher SLA and lower LMDC at sites with increasing fertility and/or disturbance.The predictions were confirmed, with SLA increasing progressively in land uses associated with (1) grazing; (2) grazing and fertilization; (3) grazing, fertilization and cultivation. Values for LDMC were closely (but inversely) correlated with those of SLA. For both traits, there were relationships with available soil phosphorus but not with soil total nitrogen. The positive correlation of SLA with phosphorus was not evident above 30 mg kg−1, the recommended level of phosphorus for improved pastures.Results confirm patterns of leaf-trait response to disturbance that reflect fundamental constraints to plant survival in habitats with different levels of resources and disturbances. A conservative strategy for low productivity undisturbed habitats is associated with low SLA and high dry matter content in contrast to fertile disturbed habitats which select for high SLA and low dry matter content. The changes in leaf traits across land uses resulted from species substitution rather than variation within species across sites, and most notably the replacement of native by annual exotic species as land use intensifies.Recommended fertilization rates for pasture production convert the ground layer to plants with soft, digestible leaves, that are responsive to fertilizer and desirable for livestock production. However, fertilization also drastically reduces the diversity of native plants and annual plants tend to dominate. The trade-off associated with high production includes increased vulnerability to soil erosion, due to reduced plant cover and low persistence of cover. If alternative ecosystem values such as erosion control, water quality, salinity control and biodiversity persistence are required, incentives may be needed to offset the loss of production that can be gained from fertilizer application.  相似文献   
Soil microbial biomass (MB) facilitates key ecosystem functions such as soil aggregation and nutrient cycling and makes a substantial contribution to soil organic matter. While agricultural conversion drastically reduces MB, the use of organic amendments is an effective way to rebuild depleted MB. Yet, little is known about broad-scale, global controls over MB responses to organic inputs. We used a meta-analysis to identify the degree to which soil properties, agricultural management, and geographic location regulate MB response (carbon, Cmic; nitrogen, Nmic; and C:N ratio, C:Nmic) to animal manure-based inputs relative to inorganic fertilizers. We show that organic amendments increased Cmic by 36% and Nmic by 27% across all observations. The chemistry of amendments and their application rates were the strongest regulators of Cmic but edaphic properties were also important. C:Nmic averaged 8.6 and was not influenced by organic amendments under any conditions, providing evidence that the physiological requirements of microbes, rather than management or environmental factors, constrain their elemental stoichiometry. Our study indicates that even small quantities of organic amendments can be used to rapidly restore MB across a range of cropping systems but specific responses depend upon the type and rate of inputs as well soil characteristics.  相似文献   
Nitrogen(N) runoff from paddy fields serves as one of the main sources of water pollution. Our aim was to reduce N runoff from paddy fields by fertilizer management and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF). In northeast China, Shuangcheng city in Heilongjiang province, a field experiment was conducted, using rice provided with 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%,and 100% of the local norm of fertilization(including N, phosphorus and potassium), with or without inoculation with Glomus mosseae. The volume, concentrations of total N(TN),dissolved N(DN) and particulate N(PN) of runoff water were measured. We found that the local norm of fertilization led to 18.9 kg/ha of N runoff during rice growing season, with DN accounting for 60%–70%. We also found that reduction in fertilization by 20% cut down TN runoff by 8.2% while AMF inoculation decreased N runoff at each fertilizer level and this effect was inhibited by high fertilization. The combination of inoculation with AMF and 80% of the local norm of fertilization was observed to reduce N runoff by 27.2%. Conclusively, we suggested that the contribution of AMF inoculation combined with decreasing fertilization should get more attention to slow down water eutrophication by reducing N runoff from paddy fields.  相似文献   
A review of results of fertilization experiments in wet dune slacks is presented. In most cases the above-ground biomass appeared to be limited by nitrogen availability. Primary phosphorus limitation was assessed only once in a dune slack where sod cutting had been applied very recently. In most other case studies phosphorus limits biomass production after nitrogen deficiency was lifted. Potassium availability is of minor importance for biomass production in this type of ecosystem. Singular nitrogen additions led to increased dominance ofCarex andJuncus species as well as perennial grasses, such asAgrostis stolonifera andCalamagrostis epigejos. A combined addition of nitrogen and phosphorus led to total dominance of grasses, while the characteristic basiphilous pioneer species (including mosses) decreased or even disappeared. Certain mechanisms are considered which may maintain nutrient availability in slacks with basiphilous pioneer vegetation at a low level, despite of the accumulation of nutrients in the developing organic soil layer. Some implications for management and further research are discussed.  相似文献   
The influence of management intensity on the richness, abundance and composition of land snail species was examined in 21 calcareous, nutrient-poor cattle pastures in the northwestern Jura mountains, Switzerland. Grazing intensity was positively correlated with the extent of fertilization of the pastures. Pastures without fertilizer application and with low grazing intensity harboured more snail species and more threatened snails than pastures with annual addition of manure or pastures with manure and nitrogen fertilizer and higher grazing intensity. Fewer snail individuals, open-land species and open-land individuals were found on pastures with high than on pastures with low management intensity. To preserve the threatened snail species in dry, nutrient-poor grasslands, a network of pastures should be managed without fertilization and grazing intensity should not exceed 180 LU ha−1 d (product of livestock units per hectare and grazing days).  相似文献   
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