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Abstract:  The sustainability of seed extraction from natural populations has been questioned recently. Increased recruitment failure under intense seed harvesting suggests that seed extraction intensifies source limitation. Nevertheless, areas where more seeds are collected tend to also have more intense hunting of seed-dispersing animals. We studied whether such hunting, by limiting disperser activity, could cause quantitative dispersal limitation, especially for large crops and for crops in years of high seed abundance. In each of four Carapa procera (Meliaceae) populations in French Guiana and Surinam, two with hunting and two without, we compared seed fate for individual trees varying in crop size in years of high and low population-level seed abundance. Carapa seeds are a nontimber forest product and depend on dispersal by scatter-hoarding rodents for survival and seedling establishment. Hunting negatively affected the proportion of seeds dispersed and caused greater numbers of seeds to germinate or be infested by moths below parent trees, where they would likely die. Hunting of seed-dispersing animals disproportionally affected large seed crops, but we found no additional effect of population-level seed abundance on dispersal rates. Consistently lower rates of seed dispersal, especially for large seed crops, may translate to lower levels of seedling recruitment under hunting. Our results therefore suggest that the subsistence hunting that usually accompanies seed collection is at the cost of seed dispersal and may contribute to recruitment failure of these nontimber forest products. Seed extraction from natural populations may affect seedling recruitment less if accompanied by measures adequately incorporating and protecting seed dispersers.  相似文献   
淀山湖浮游植物营养限制因子的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过藻类增长的生物学评价(Nutrient Enrichment Bioassay)研究淀山湖浮游植物生长限制性因子,并采用析因方差分析和事后比较方法分析营养盐(PO3-4P、NH3N、NO-3N)对浮游植物生长速度、平均最大现存量和平均最大特定增长率的影响。研究表明:磷对浮游植物生长有明显的促进作用,能提高浮游植物的生长速度和现存量,且促进作用随磷浓度(0.13~0.53 mg/L)的增加而加强,磷是淀山湖浮游植物增长的第一限制性因子;低浓度硝氮(2.91~5.91 mg/L)对浮游植物生长有微小的促进作用,但高浓度(5.91~8.91 mg/L)的硝氮表现出抑制作用;氨氮对浮游植物生长有抑制作用,并随浓度(1.25~7.25 mg/L)的增加而增大;添加磷+硝氮能明显促进浮游植物生长,磷与硝氮之间存在一定的交互作用.  相似文献   
Fe3+对赤潮异弯藻生长和光合作用的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用人工海水APSW以f/2营养加富,在总铁浓度为0—1000nmol L^-1的范围内,考察了总铁浓度对赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)生长和光合作用的影响.结果发现,当铁浓度小于10nmol L^-1时,最大藻细胞密度与比生长速率均受到明显限制.补铁后受铁限制的细胞得到缓解,表明铁是藻细胞生长的重要限制因子.当铁浓度大于100nmol L^-1时,最大细胞密度与比生长速率不再受铁限制,但其光合作用活性有所改变.在铁限制下细胞的光饱和光合作用速率Pm,暗呼吸速率Rd,表观光合作用效率a与铁丰富细胞相比都有所减小,而光补偿点Ic及饱和光强Ik增大.图5表1参11  相似文献   
We make a theoretical study of nitrogen cycling in a model of a grazing system with five compartments. The rates of uptake of nutrient by plants and herbivores are allowed nonlinear forms which involve no a priori assumptions about whether the system is subject to top-down or bottom-up control. We derive a method of piecewise linear approximation which allows analytical study of the system. We then use this method to investigate the properties of the equilibrium states of the system, and in particular whether the system favours donor- or recipient-control, the grazing optimization problem, and the potential benefits of herbivory to plant growth. We are able to generalise our results to all uptake functions of the same qualitative class as those considered, and to show that in general the system will tend to a stable equilibrium state of donor-controlled herbivory. In this model, the presence of the ‘right’ class of herbivore is not only beneficial to plant growth in certain circumstances, but can be essential to their survival, allowing plants to co-exist with herbivores under conditions in which they would be unable to survive alone.  相似文献   
关于风景评价中心理物理学方法局限性的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于对西方风景评价理论和方法缺乏足够的了解和深入的研究,现今国内对其中的心理物理学方法及其作用产生了一些误解。本文在扼要介绍了心理物理学派的主要方法思路之后,着重对该学派所存在的重大理论缺陷和方法局限性做了较深入的分析。  相似文献   
反硝化作用是公认的去除水体中硝酸盐的路径,但相比于多孔介质,岩溶地下河中反硝化效果具有不确定性.为更好地认识岩溶地下河中反硝化效果,本研究利用天然碳酸盐岩管道几何模型,以乙醇为可利用电子供体(碳源),示踪了控制流速条件下管道流中反硝化作用,并辅以多孔介质流实验进行对比.反应示踪、地球化学印迹和微生物检测结果表明:当碳源缺乏时,反硝化作用没有明显启动的迹象;一旦补充了碳源,溶解氧、硝酸盐浓度和质量都出现了明显衰减,并且有中间产物亚硝酸盐产生,水体碱度增加.然而,即使在碳源充足情况下,管道流中反硝化强度却明显比多孔介质流中强度低,两者硝酸盐生物去除率分别为39.4%和大于99%,生物降解速率分别为0.113和10.8 mg·L~(-1)·h~(-1).推测其原因,一是碳酸盐岩管道内固体表面积与水体积比值低,固体吸着条件不利于微生物生长与发育,降低了硝酸盐去除率;二是管道富含的溶解氧可能延迟了反硝化作用启动,溶解氧降至3.0 mg·L~(-1)左右时硝酸盐浓度才有明显衰减.相比之下,其它环境因素如p H值和温度没有出现明显变化.该研究意义在于:岩溶管道流反硝化去除硝酸盐的潜能是存在的,但即使可利用碳源充足仍具有明显的局限性,这可能意味着岩溶地下河一旦遭受硝酸盐污染,其作为饮用水源的安全风险更大.  相似文献   
A field study at Coeur dAlene Lake, Idaho, USA, was conducted between October 1998 and August 2001 to examine the potential importance of sediment–water interactions on contaminant transport and to provide the first direct measurements of the benthic flux of dissolved solutes of environmental concern in this lake. Because of potential ecological effects, dissolved zinc and orthophosphate were the solutes of primary interest. Results from deployments of an in situ flux chamber indicated that benthic fluxes of dissolved Zn and orthophosphate were comparable in magnitude to riverine inputs. Tracer analyses and benthic-community metrics provided evidence that solute benthic flux were diffusion-controlled at the flux-chamber deployment sites. That is, effects of biomixing (or bioturbation) and ground-water interactions did not strongly influence benthic flux. Remediation efforts in the river might not produce desired water-quality effects in the lake because imposed shifts in concentration gradients near the sediment–water interface would generate a benthic feedback response. Therefore, development of water-quality models to justify remediation strategies requires consideration of contaminant flux between the water column and underlying sediment in basins that have been affected by long-term (decadal) anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   
In systems where production is limited by the availability of a nutrient, nutrient input to and recycling within the system is related to the resilience, or speed of recovery, of a system to its steady state following a disturbance. In particular, it is shown that the return timeT s of the system to steady state, or the inverse of the resilience, is approximately equal to the mean turnover time of the limiting nutrient in the system. From this relationship, it is possible to understand and predict how various properties of food webs and their environments affect resilience. These properties include nutrient input rate, loss rate, size of the detritus compartment, and trophic structure. The effects of these properties on resilience are described by using simple mathematical models. To test model predictions, experimental studies of the response of periphyton-dominated stream ecosystems to disturbance are being conducted on a set of laboratory streams in which nutrient inputs and grazing intensity are regulated at different levels. In streams without snail grazers (low-grazed streams), 90% recirculation of stream water to reduce nutrient inputs resulted in longer turnover times (T r ) of phosphorus within the stream compared with once-through flow. However, in streams with snail grazers (high-grazed streams), there were no differences in phosphorus turnover time between once-through and partially recirculated treatments. Results on the rate of recovery of periphyton from a flood/scour disturbance to each stream partially support the model prediction of a positive relationship between ecosystem return time (T s ) and nutrient turnover time (T r ) within the streams.  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》的实施,为作好防震减灾工作提供了法律依据和保障,标志着我国的防震减灾工作已纳入法制化管理的轨道。加强防震减灾法制建设,依法管理防震减灾工作,是实现防震减灾社会功能的根本保障。在本法律条文中,关于执法时效问题没有明确规定,本文通过对该问题的浅析,希望为本法的修订和防震减灾工作深入开展提供一些参考。  相似文献   
水功能区纳污能力及限制排污总量研究是制定区域水污染控制规划的基础。依据《江苏省地表水(环境)功能区划》,结合江苏省太湖流域现状水质和污染概况,针对河网区和湖库区分别采用一维、二维非稳态模型,计算江苏省太湖流域水功能区纳污能力,在此基础上,引入最大污染物入河量,核定50%、75%和90%水文保证率下的最大污染物入河量分别为2015年、2020年和2030年限排总量。结果表明:(1)CODMn和氨氮纳污能力分别为284 803 t/a和22 448 t/a;(2)2015年CODMn和氨氮限排总量分别为221 867 t/a和20 520 t/a,2020年和2030年限排总量递减,均小于纳污能力;(3)CODMn和氨氮入河量削减率分别为21.8%和46.3%,与水质超标率相差均在25%以内,基本相符。江苏省太湖流域纳污能力、限排总量、污染物入河量削减率和水质超标率之间关系合理,计算结果合理。研究成果为太湖流域水环境控制规划提供决策依据。  相似文献   
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