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It is becoming increasingly popular to consider species interactions when managing ecological foodwebs. Such an approach is useful in determining how management can affect multiple species, with either beneficial or detrimental consequences. Identifying such actions is particularly valuable in the context of conservation decision making as funding is severely limited. This paper outlines a new approach that simplifies the resource allocation problem in a two species system for a range of species interactions: independent, mutualism, predator-prey, and competitive exclusion. We assume that both species are endangered and we do not account for decisions over time. We find that optimal funding allocation is to the conservation of the species with the highest marginal gain in expected probability of survival and that, across all except mutualist interaction types, optimal conservation funding allocation differs between species. Loss in efficiency from ignoring species interactions was most severe in predator-prey systems. The funding problem we address, where an ecosystem includes multiple threatened species, will only become more commonplace as increasing numbers of species worldwide become threatened.  相似文献   
Based on numerical experiments with a new physiologically structured population model we demonstrate that predator physiology under low food and under starving conditions can have substantial implications for population dynamics in predator-prey interactions. We focused on Daphnia-algae interactions as model system and developed a new dynamic energy budget (DEB) model for individual daphnids. This model integrates the κ-rule approach common to net assimilation models into a net-production model, but uses a fixed allocation of net-productive energy in juveniles. The new DEB-model agrees well with the results of life history experiments with Daphnia. Compared to a pure κ-rule model the new allocation scheme leads to significant earlier maturation at low food levels and thus is in better agreement with the data. Incorporation of the new DEB-model into a physiologically structured population model using a box-car elevator technique revealed that the dynamics of Daphnia-algae interactions are highly sensitive to the assumptions on the energy allocation of juveniles under low food conditions. Additionally we show that also other energy allocation rules of our DEB-model concerning decreasing food levels and starving conditions at the individual level have strong implications for Daphnia-algae interactions at the population level. With increasing carrying capacity of algae a stable equilibrium with coexistence of Daphnia occurs and algae shifts to limit cycles. The amplitudes of the limit cycles increase with increasing percentage of sustainable weight loss. If a κ-rule energy allocation is applied to juveniles, the stable equilibrium occurs for a much narrower range of algal carrying capacities, the algal concentration at equilibrium is about 2 times larger, and the range of algae carrying capacities at which daphnids become extinct extends to higher carrying capacities than in the new DEB-model. Because predator-prey dynamics are very sensitive to predator physiology under low food and starving conditions, empirical constraints of predator physiology under these conditions are essential when comparing model results with observations in laboratory experiments or in the field.  相似文献   
Insects that hibernate as adults have a life span of almost a whole year. Hence, they must have extraordinary adaptations for adult survival. In this paper, we study winter survival in two butterflies that hibernate as adults and have multimodal anti-predator defences—the peacock, Inachis io, which has intimidating eyespots that are effective against bird predation, and the small tortoiseshell, Aglais urticae, which does not have an effective secondary defence against birds. We assessed predation on wild butterflies hibernating in the attic of an unheated house, as well as survival of individually marked butterflies placed by hand on different sites in the attic. Our objectives were to assess (1) the number of butterflies that were killed during hibernation, (2) whether survival differed between butterfly species, and (3) how predation was related to hibernation site and the identity of the predator. There was a strong pulse of predation during the first 2 weeks of hibernation: 58% of A. urticae and 53% of I. io were killed during this period. Thereafter, predation decreased and butterfly survival equalled 98% during the final 16 weeks of hibernation. There was no difference in survival between the two butterfly species, but predation was site-specific and more pronounced under light conditions in locations accessible to a climbing rodent, such as the common yellow-necked mouse, Apodemus flavicollis. We contend that small rodents are likely important predators on overwintering butterflies, both because rodents are active throughout winter when butterflies are torpid and because they occur at similar sites.  相似文献   
The distribution of individuals is often the outcome of conflicting demands, such as between predator avoidance and reproduction. A factor that has seldom been considered in studies on habitat choice is time-dependent changes in risk-taking. We investigated the distribution of threespine sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, over two breeding seasons and found it to change with time towards shallower areas with a more open habitat structure. Shallow and structurally less complex habitats were probably favorable due to a higher reproductive rate, but costly due to an increased risk of predation. Contrary to expectation, changing predation pressure was not a predictor of the shift in habitat use and, thus, not the proximate cue. Instead date was the main predictor. This suggests that increased risk-taking in relation to predation contributed to the habitat shift. The possibility was supported by a laboratory experiment that showed sticklebacks to take larger risks and prefer more predator-exposed areas at the end of the season than at the start of the season. These results demonstrate that temporal changes in risk-taking occur and can influence habitat choice, which points to the importance of considering risk-taking, in addition to predation pressure, when studying the effect of predators on distribution.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   
Human-influenced changes in the diversity and abundance of native wildlife in a southern boreal forest area, which became a national park in 1975, are used to develop working hypotheses for predicting and subsequently measuring the effects of disturbance or restoration programs on groups of interacting species. Changes from presettlement conditions began with early 1900 hunting, which eliminated woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus) and elk (Cervus elaphus), and reduced moose (Alces alces) to the low numbers which still persist. Increases in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), as these other cervid species became less abundant or absent, provided enough alternative food to sustain the system's carnivores until plant succession on previously burned or logged areas also caused deer to decline. With increased competition for reduced food, carnivore species also became less abundant or absent and overexploited some prey populations. The abilities of interacting species to maintain dynamically stable populations or persist varied with their different capacities to compensate for increased exploitation or competition. These relationships suggested a possible solution to the problem of predicting the stability of populations in disturbed systems. For the 1976–1985 period, a hypothesis that the increased protection of wildlife from exploitation in a national park would restore a more diverse, abundant, and productive fauna had to be rejected.  相似文献   
The risk of predation may influence the acquisition of energy and the feeding activity of animals. Feeding activity and body reserves of wintering great tits Parus major in response to the priority to food access were studied in two areas differing in incidence of predators. The one-predator area contained sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus only, whereas the two-predator area contained both sparrowhawks and pygmy owls Glaucidium passerinum, whose hunting periods overlap at dawn and dusk. In the two-predator area dominant great tits arrived at feeders significantly later in the morning, and left earlier in the evening, than their subordinate flock-mates. Hence, feeding day length of dominants was found to be significantly shorter. The reverse was true for the one-predator area. In addition, dominants carried significantly greater reserves than subordinates in the area inhabited by two predators. Factors constraining subcutaneous energy reserves were also studied in removal experiments. After the removal of dominant individuals, subordinate great tits did not reduce their body reserves in the two predator area. In contrast, subordinate great tits significantly reduced evening body reserves in the single-predator area. I concluded that the presence of the two predators increases unpredictability in feeding conditions for great tits. Dominant individuals responded to this by shortening their feeding day and increasing body reserves at dusk. Received: 8 December 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 March 2000 / Accepted: 31 March 2000  相似文献   
An Allee effect arising from density-dependent mating success can have significant impacts at the ecosystem level when considered in the context of predator-prey interactions. These are captured by a mathematical model for the exchange of biomass between a structured predator population (continuous weight distribution) and a resource. Because the predator’s mating success affects the amount of resources required for the production of offsprings and their future growth into mature organisms, it influences the flux of biomass between trophic levels. Under simple assumptions, the equations can be reduced to an equivalent unstructured predator-prey model in which the Allee effect modulates the predation rate: the mating probability multiplies the rate of predator growth as well as the rate of resource depletion. Implications of the Allee effect for the bifurcation structure and equilibrium densities are examined. The model is compared to a modified version in which the Allee effect instead modulates the assimilation efficiency, hence the mating probability does not appear in the dynamical equation for the resource density. Both models exhibit qualitatively similar dynamics. However, compared to the model in which the Allee effect modulates predation, the model in which the Allee effect modulates assimilation efficiency predicts (i) unrealistically inefficient resource assimilation when predator density is low, (ii) a higher risk of catastrophic extinction resulting from a change in the parameter controlling the strength of the Allee effect, and (iii) no possibility of an increase in population size when the density dependence is enhanced.  相似文献   
Faced with an intermittent but potent threat, animals exhibit behavior that allows them to balance foraging needs and avoid predators and over time, these behaviors can become hard-wired adaptations with both species trying to maximize their own fitness. In systems where both predator and prey share similar sensory modalities and cognitive abilities, such as with marine mammals, the dynamic nature of predator-prey interactions is poorly understood. The costs and benefits of these anti-predator adaptations need to be evaluated and quantified based on the dynamic engagement of predator and prey. Many theoretic models have addressed the complexity of predator-prey relationships, but few have translated into testable mechanistic models. In this study, we developed a spatially-explicit, geo-referenced, individual-based model of a prototypical adult dusky dolphin off Kaikoura, New Zealand facing a more powerful, yet infrequent predator, the killer whale. We were interested in two primary objectives, (1) to capture the varying behavioral game between a clever prey and clever predator based on our current understanding of the Kaikoura system, (2) to compare evolutionary costs vs. benefits (foraging time and number of predator encounters) for an adult non-maternal dusky dolphin at various levels of killer whale-avoidance behaviors and no avoidance rules. We conducted Monte Carlo simulations to address model performance and parametric uncertainty. Mantel tests revealed an 88% correlation (426 × 426 distance matrix, km2) between observed field sightings of dusky dolphins with model generated sightings for non-maternal adult dusky dolphin groups. Simulation results indicated that dusky dolphins incur a 2.7% loss in feeding time by evolving the anti-predator behavior of moving to and from the feeding grounds. Further, each evolutionary strategy we explored resulted in dolphins incurring an additional loss of foraging time. At low killer whale densities (appearing less than once every 3 days), each evolutionary strategy simulated converged towards the evolutionary cost of foraging, that is, the loss in foraging time approached the 2.7% loss experienced by evolving near shore-offshore movement behavior. However, the highest level of killer whale presence resulted in 38% decreases in foraging time. The biological significance of these losses potentially incurred by a dusky dolphin is dependent on various factors from dolphin group foraging behavior and individual energy needs to dolphin prey availability and behavior.  相似文献   
• Structure of multi-trophic microbial groups were analyzed using DNA metabarcoding. • Discontinuity and trophic interactions were observed along the dam-fragmented river. • C, N and P cycles are driven by top-down and bottom-up forces of microbial food web. • Pelagic-benthic coupling may intensify nutrient accumulation in the river system. Cascade dams disrupt the river continuum, altering hydrology, biodiversity and nutrient flux. Describing the diversity of multi-trophic microbiota and assessing microbial contributions to the ecosystem processes are prerequisites for the restoration of these aquatic systems. This study investigated the microbial food web structure along a cascade-dammed river, paying special attention to the multi-trophic relationships and the potential role of pelagic-benthic coupling in nutrient cycles. Our results revealed the discontinuity in bacterial and eukaryotic community composition, functional group proportion, as well as α-diversity due to fragmentation by damming. The high microbial dissimilarity along the river, with the total multi-trophic β-diversity was 0.84, was almost completely caused by species replacement. Synchronization among trophic levels suggests potential interactions of the pelagic and the benthic groups, of which the β-diversities were primarily influenced by geographic and environmental factors, respectively. Dam-induced environmental variations, especially hydrological and nutrient variables, potentially influence the microbial food web via both top-down and bottom-up forces. We proposed that the cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus are influenced by multi-trophic groups through autotrophic and heterotrophic processes, predator–prey relationships, as well as the release of nutrients mainly by microfauna. Our results advance the notion that pelagic-benthic trophic coupling may intensify the accumulation of organic carbon, ammonium and inorganic phosphorus, thereby changing the biogeochemical patterns along river systems. As a consequence, researchers should pay more attention to the multi-trophic studies when assessing the environmental impacts, and to provide the necessary guidance for the ecological conservation and restoration of the dam-regulated systems.  相似文献   
We modeled a fishery's system with two types of fishermen, commercial and subsistence fishermen, who exploit the fish stock at the Amazonian floodplain lakes. In the first model, we combined the Lotka-Volterra equations with Verhulst's Logistic model, by inserting hydrological cycle oscillations. The second model was based on the equations proposed by Berryman, which reflect the predator's functional response in relation to the prey's population behavior, taking into account the hydrological cycle. In both models, commercial fishermen and local direct consumers (called riverside dwellers - riverines - in the model), were considered the only predators acting upon fishing stocks. Primary data were collected in 48 riverside homes throughout 2006. The total number of interviewees corresponds to 69.6% of the universe of homes in the community defined as study area. The riverines were the predators that showed capacity to eliminate the opponent predators (commercial fishermen). The best scenery obtained regarding the number of prey, was the one that showed only commercial fishermen in the region. On the other hand, the simulations show that the coexistence is possible among predators, and between predators and their prey. The seasonal model with functional response provides a better response in relation to the system's current situation and to the established modeling conditions than the Lotka-Volterra seasonal model. The seasonal model with functional response also showed a better response pattern in all scenarios, with oscillations taking place more gradually, both for variations associated with the flooding pulse and for relations between predators and prey.  相似文献   
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