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为理清应急资源研究发展脉络和研究热点,基于文献计量分析,从作者合作、机构合作、关键词共现、研究热点突现、关键词时序图谱5个方面,对1999—2021年中国知网(CNKI)收录的1503篇相关文献进行知识图谱分析,展现我国应急资源研究领域空间分布特征及研究热点.结果表明:在我国应急资源研究领域,作者和机构分布呈多元化发展...  相似文献   
Objective: The objective of this study was to explore the evolution footprints of simulated driving research in the past 20 years through rigorous and systematic bibliometric analysis, to provide insights regarding when and where the research was performed and by whom and how the mainstream content evolved over the years.

Methods: The analysis began with data retrieval in Web of Science with defined search terms related to simulated driving. BibExcel and CiteSpace were employed to conduct the performance analysis and co-citation network analysis; that is, probe of the performance of institutes, journals, authors, and research hotspots.

Results: A total of 3,766 documents were filtered out and presented an exponential growth from 1997 to 2016. The United States contributed the most publications as well as international collaborations followed by Germany and China. In addition, several universities in The Netherlands and the United States dominated the list of contributing institutes. The leading journals were in transportation and ergonomics. The leading researchers were also recognized among the 8,721 contributing authors, such as J. D. Lee, D. L. Fisher, J. H. Kim, and K. A. Brookhuis. Finally, the co-citation analysis illuminated the evolution of simulated driving research that covered the following topics roughly in chronological order: task-induced stress, drivers with neurological disorders, alertness and sleepiness while driving, trust toward driving assistance systems, driver distraction, the effect of drug use, the validity of simulators, and automated driving.

Conclusions: This article employed bibliometric tools to probe the contributing countries, institutes, journals, authors, and mainstream hotspots of simulated driving research in the past 20 years. A systematic bibliometric analysis of this field will help researchers realize the panorama of global simulated driving and establish future research directions.  相似文献   

运用文献计量学的研究方法,以Web of Science(WoS)为数据源,利用Excel软件对1990—2015年发表的相关PM_(2.5)研究的文献进行数据统计与分析,从文献发表年代、主要发文国家/地区、研究机构、期刊分布、热点文献等方面采用定量、定性的方法揭示了目前世界PM_(2.5)的研究进展。结果表明,近10年关于PM_(2.5)研究发文量增长较快,PM_(2.5)研究全球关注度较高,美国无论发文量、总被引频次和H指数都远超过其他国家/地区,体现了美国在PM_(2.5)研究领域的主导地位;PM_(2.5)相关领域的研究机构主要集中在美国和中国(未包含港、澳、台地区数据);文献多发表在相关大气化学与物理学、环境、健康、气溶胶等领域的刊物上;当前研究热点由PM_(2.5)所引发全球关注的生态环境问题转入对人体健康的影响上,且国际合作研究成为发展趋势。中国自2006年以来PM_(2.5)的研究文献增速显著,发文量和累计被引频次位居世界第二,仅低于美国。  相似文献   
运用文献计量学方法,对《安全与环境学报》(下称《学报》)2007-2017年刊载的4147篇论文进行了文献计量分析。从《学报》论文的时序产出与影响、分类产出与影响、期刊层面的知识流动及主题热点4个方面讨论了《学报》的文献计量学特征。结果表明,《学报》经过多年的发展,产出、影响力及知识密度不断提升,产生了一大批有影响的地区、机构、作者等。《学报》保持期刊内外的知识流动、交换和更新,使得期刊充满知识活力。经过长期的积累,《学报》已经形成了安全工程与管理、环境科学、环境工程,以及特色专题--安全与环境事故和事件统计快报4个方面的主题方向。《学报》的这些文献计量指标,为全面认识《学报》及未来发展提供了详实的科技情报。  相似文献   
This study analyzes the characteristics of publications on sustainability topics and education for sustainability in the Web of Science (WOS) database during the period ranging from 2005 to 2014. We identified the topics that are being studied within those subjects and other relevant topics. We also analyzed a special edition of the Journal of Cleaner Production on “Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Emerging areas,” published in January, 2014. Our approach was both qualitative and quantitative and aimed at qualifying and quantifying certain variables related to the scientific literature on the broad subject of sustainability. The number of published pieces in the WOS focusing on sustainability issues during the period from 2005 to 2014 was 5,924. In our analysis of the special edition of the Journal of Cleaner Production, we found and analyzed 17 abstracts and full papers. The main results of our survey highlight the education, educational research, environmental sciences, ecology, and engineering areas as including the greatest number of publications. Articles, as opposed to conference proceedings or reviews, accounted for 63% of the published documents, and the year 2013 showed the largest number of publications. Huisingh, Suciu, Katane, and Barth are the most published authors on these topics. Furthermore, management, environmental studies, ecology, and environmental sciences are the “hot topics” with the best search results, meaning articles of impact and high quality. Finally, it should be emphasized that publications on the subject of sustainability appear most often in the sciences.  相似文献   
Regional ecosystem monitoring is a central form of knowledge sharing and collaboration amongst scientists and decision makers on environmental health, land use change, and science-policy development. Despite the proliferation of such research networks on long-term monitoring on many continents, little has been achieved in Africa. This study aims to assess and examine the spatiotemporal trend and categorical patterns in ecosystem monitoring-related research in Africa for the benefits of conserving biodiversity and sustaining natural resource sectors for well-being and livelihood security, environmental planning, and ecological stewardship. A systematic review was conducted using bibliometric tools. Based on a set of search terms and peer-reviewed publications retrieved from various ecosystem monitoring networks and journal databases, further analysis was conducted using social network approaches, mapping tools, and content analysis. About 1442 scientific publications on ecosystem monitoring and related research were documented from 1987 to 2014 mostly published in English. The number of publication increased progressively since 1992 after the Convention on Biodiversity was signed and this trend peaked till 2008. South African Journal of Science was the most leading journal and Nature the most cited. Internationally coauthored and collaborative articles represented majority of the findings with the United Kingdom at the central position in the research network due to colonial relationships. Regional collaboration amongst countries is limited owing to language barriers and other institutional constraints such as funding and short-term projects. These findings have implication for prioritizing national and regional policies toward biodiversity science and its contribution to human well-being, food security, and global change responses.  相似文献   
酸雨的研究现状及新兴趋式的可视化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Web of Science核心集中的SCI-E、SSCI、CPCI-S及中国知网CNKI为数据源,以2000—2017年所发表的有关酸雨研究的2 333篇SCI及2 107篇中文文献为分析对象,分析了相关文献的时空分布。使用可视化软件Cite Space V生成了期刊共被引图谱、作者合作图谱、作者共被引图谱、关键词共现图谱及参考文献共被引图谱,分析了该研究领域的研究现状及新兴趋式。国际上,该领域近4年来的研究热度逐年上升,高产期刊为Atmospheric Environment,高被引期刊为Wa-ter,Air,&Soil Pollution,中国和美国是从事酸雨研究的主要国家,该领域的高产机构是中国科学院。同时还介绍了从事酸雨研究的主要科研团队和有影响力的个人。由关键词共现分析和参考文献共被引分析可知,中国的酸雨问题是目前的研究热点,酸雨对植物光合作用的影响和中国南方的酸雨问题是当前研究出现的新兴趋式。国内方面,我国于2010年左右对酸雨研究的热度达到顶峰,主要的研究机构是江南大学、南京大学及浙江大学。此外,也介绍了国内从事酸雨研究的主要个人及科研团队。  相似文献   
关于我国四大足迹理论研究变化的文献计量分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
孙艳芝  沈镭 《自然资源学报》2016,31(9):1463-1473
纵观全球,社会经济发展迅速,人类活动对生态环境可持续发展的影响不断增加。足迹理论可将这种影响定量化,为解决生态环境问题奠定基础,主要包括生态足迹、水足迹、碳足迹以及能源足迹等。论文基于文献计量分析方法,研究了我国四大足迹理论2000—2015年间的主要研究进展。研究表明:1)在我国,生态足迹理论在2000年首先出现,研究论文年均162篇,并促进水足迹和碳足迹的产生,现三者都已发展较成熟;能源足迹逐渐成为寻求经济发展与生态环境平衡的新突破口。2)各类足迹研究内容包括理论概念、方法、评估以及应用等;其中,生态足迹、碳足迹的应用指数整体高于理论指数,表明两者理论研究整体水平低于其方法技术应用水平;而水足迹、能源足迹相反。3)四类足迹具有相通性,未来应重点发展综合足迹理论,全面评估可持续发展。  相似文献   
基于文献计量学的“十三五”生态环境监测研究热点分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
利用科学计量与可视化相关工具,以《中文核心期刊要目总览(2017年版)》27种环境科学类核心期刊发表的2016—2020年生态环境监测论文数据为基础,从载文量分布、高被引论文、高产机构分布和技术主题分布等方面分析了"十三五"期间我国生态环境监测研究热点。结果表明:"十三五"期间生态环境监测论文数量有所增加,主要载文期刊分布于《环境科学》《中国环境监测》《环境科学与技术》;主要发文机构是中国环境科学研究院、中国环境监测总站、中国科学院大学;排名前10位的技术主题词分别是PM_(2.5)、重金属、土壤、污染特征、颗粒物、挥发性有机物、生态风险、臭氧、沉积物、多环芳烃,结合"十三五"前期和中后期热点主题词变化分析了生态环境监测研究关注点的变化趋势。  相似文献   
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