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针对定量确定合理钻孔间距困难问题,基于损伤力学和多场耦合理论,建立了水力压裂和瓦斯抽采的煤层流固耦合模型,包括和水运移场、应力场以及孔隙度、渗透率演化方程,并采用Comsol联合Matlab求解,研究了不同钻孔间距时压裂和抽采过程中煤层弹模、损伤值、渗透率、瓦斯压力、抽采量和压裂贯通时间的变化规律。结果表明:耦合模型可较准确地模拟煤层水力压裂和瓦斯抽采过程;压裂贯通时间与钻孔间距呈指数增长关系;在马堡煤矿,当钻孔间距为4~8 m时,压裂损伤区在抽采孔贯通,渗透率呈“n”型曲线,瓦斯抽采后,瓦斯压力迅速下降,抽采有效区随间距的增加而增大;当钻孔间距为9~12 m时,压裂损伤区未贯通,煤层渗透率呈“m”型曲线,抽采有效区随间距的增加而减小,与间距4~8 m相比,瓦斯抽采量较小。  相似文献   
为揭示半填半挖黄土路基的变形规律及其影响因素,为高填方黄土路基稳定性的评估提供科学依据。以国道G310典型半填半挖黄土路基为例,运用Settle3D软件对不同工况条件下的黄土路基进行精确建模与系统分析。结果表明:自然条件下路基左右侧沉降量差别不大,而降雨条件下原状黄土侧的沉降大于压实黄土侧的沉降,土层交界处沉降差异显著;降雨条件下中心点的沉降曲线在原填土交界处发生转折,表明压实效果显著;各施工阶段间沉降量差值呈非线性减小趋势,但降雨条件下的稳定时间更长。因此施工中控制路基压实度和采取合理的路基防水排水措施非常重要。  相似文献   
The research was aimed at determining the depth to the watertable, aquifer thickness and subsurface geology of the studyarea thus revealing its groundwater distribution as well as its potential as a substitute to the surface water resources.Vertical electrical soundings were carried out in the study area with maximum electrode spread. The Schlumberger electrode configuration technique was adopted. VES data were processedusing Schlumberger analysis package. Lithologic logs of alreadyexisting boreholes in the study area were collected, evaluatedand comparison were carried out. The results reveal alternatinglayers of sands, sandstones, gravel and clay. The lithologiclogs revealed that the study area is underlain by coastal sands (Benin formation). The water table varies from 10–64 m and thickness of the aquifer ranges from 20–80 m. Results show that the study area is underlain by a thick extensive aquifer that has a transmissivity of 2.8 × 10-2m2 s-1 to 3.3 × 10-1m2 s-1 and storativity 1.44 × 10-4 to 1.68 × 10-3m s-1 values. The specific yield is about 0.31.The sandy component of the study area forms more than 90% ofthe sequence, therefore the permeability, the transmissivity andthe storage coefficient are high with an excellent source of groundwater resources.  相似文献   
为提高低透突出煤层的瓦斯抽采效果,在薛湖煤矿2303风巷进行了深孔水力致裂与潜孔抽采联合消突技术的试验应用.首先结合现场实际情况,从注水压力、钻孔布置和现场施工等方面研究了施工技术工艺,然后从应力分布、瓦斯解吸速度、钻屑瓦斯解吸指标、瓦斯抽采浓度等方面考察了水力致裂增透效果和联合消突技术的消突效果.应用表明,深孔水力致裂增透与浅孔抽采联合消突技术,工作面前方支承压力、瓦斯解吸速度、钻屑瓦斯解吸指标均大幅降低,瓦斯抽采浓度明显提高,抽采效果明显,为同类矿井的防突工作提供了可借鉴的技术和经验.  相似文献   
This study was carried out to measure the fluoride levels of water consumed in the Njoro division of Nakuru district, Kenya. The sources of drinking water, methods of water storage and utilisation, as well as the perceptions of the local community towards dental fluorosis and the percentage of children with moderate to severe dental fluorosis were also determined. Rainwater had mean fluoride levels of 0.5 mg L-1, dams 2.4 mg L-1, wells 4.1 mg L-1, springs 5.5 mg L-1, and boreholes 6.6 mg L-1. Water stored in plastic and cement containers did not show appreciable reduction in fluoride content with storage time; water stored in metal containers reduced fluoride by up to 8.2%; water stored in clay pots had the highest reduction in fluoride content, ranging between 34.3 and 64.7%;. Forty eight point three percent of children observed in the area had moderate to severe dental fluorosis, even though most people in the area did not know the cause of the problem.There is need to educate the community on the causes of fluorosis, and to lay strategies for addressing the issue, such as encouraging more rainwater harvesting, treating drinking water with alum, or using clay pots for storage of drinking water.  相似文献   
小构造附近是瓦斯灾害容易发生的危险地带,探明煤层小构造对煤矿的安全生产至关重要。基于古汉山矿二1煤层瓦斯抽采工程特点,分析利用瓦斯抽采穿层钻孔进行地质构造探测的可行性,根据试验工作面、底抽巷、瓦斯抽采穿层钻孔空间关系,建立煤层小构造预测数学模型及预测方法。结合试验工作面瓦斯抽采穿层钻孔现场施工数据特点,分析钻孔误差及校正方法,绘制煤层底板三维曲面图、煤层底板等高线图、煤层底板趋势面残差图及煤层厚度等值线图。根据煤层底板预测图件,对小构造分布做出了综合判断:在工作面走向通尺360~390 m、倾向上距离运输巷35 m处,可能存在落差1. 5 m、走向N45°W、延伸长度20 m左右的小断层。现场实际揭露地质情况与理论预测结果基本吻合,工作面推进与小构造距离小于20 m时,瓦斯突出危险程度明显增大。  相似文献   
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