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对松嫩平原苏打盐碱地养鱼稻田水体微生物数量及种类组成进行了初步研究。结果表明,养鱼稻田异养细菌数量为0.280万~30.716万mL-1,高于未养鱼稻田(P<0.05),其平均值的时间分布为水稻生长末期>中期>初期;养鱼稻田和未养鱼稻田放线菌和霉菌数量均较少。养鱼稻田大肠菌群数量为403.6~17934.2L-1,显著高于未养鱼稻田(P<0.01),其平均值的时间分布为水稻生长中期>初期>末期。异养细菌数量与鱼产量、总施肥量和有机肥施用量均呈极显著相关,与化肥施用量相关不显著;大肠菌群数量与鱼产量相关显著,与总施肥量相关不显著,但与有机肥施用量相关极显著。养鱼稻田中检测出10个科(属)异养细菌,优势菌为弧菌属(Vib rion)、气单胞菌属(Aeromonas)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)。  相似文献   
Data from long-term groundwater sampling, limited coring, and associated studies are synthesised to assess the variability and intrinsic remediation/natural attenuation of a dissolved hydrocarbon plume in sulphate-rich anaerobic groundwater. Fine vertical scale (0.25- and 0.5-m depth intervals) and horizontal plume-scale (>400 m) characteristics of the plume were mapped over a 5-year period from 1991 to 1996. The plume of dissolved BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene) and other organic compounds originated from leakage of gasoline from a subsurface fuel storage tank. The plume was up to 420 m long, less than 50 m wide and 3 m thick. In the first few years of monitoring, BTEX concentrations near the point of leakage were in approximate equilibrium with non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) gasoline. NAPL composition of core material and long-term trends in ratios of BTEX concentrations in groundwater indicated significant depletion (water washing, volatilisation and possibly biodegradation) of benzene from residual NAPL after 1992. Large fluctuations in BTEX concentrations in individual boreholes were shown to be largely attributable to seasonal groundwater flow variations. A combination of temporal and spatial groundwater quality data was required to adequately assess the stationarity of plumes, so as to allow inference of intrinsic remediation. Contoured concentration data for the period 1991 to 1996 indicated that plumes of toluene and o-xylene were, at best, only partially steady state (pseudo-steady state) due to seasonal groundwater flow changes. From this analysis, it was inferred that significant remediation by natural biodegradation was occurring for BTEX component plumes such as toluene and o-xylene, but provided no conclusive evidence of benzene biodegradation. Issues associated with field quantification of intrinsic remediation from groundwater sampling are highlighted. Preferential intrinsic biodegradation of selected organic compounds within the BTEX plume was shown to be occurring, in parallel with sulphate reduction and bicarbonate production. Ratios of average hydrocarbon concentrations to benzene for the period 1991 to 1992 were used to estimate degradation rates (half-lives) at various distances along the plume. The estimates varied with distance, the narrowest range being, for toluene, 110 to 260 days. These estimates were comparable to rates determined previously from an in situ tracer test and from plume-scale modelling.  相似文献   
介绍碱法草浆黑液采用膜技术处理的各种方案,着重介绍了碱法草浆黑液资源化全回收技术并提出了新的技术方案,该方案是先用硫酸中和酸析黑液中的木质素,或用纳滤方案回收木质素,然后采用双极膜电渗析法回收已去除木质素的黑液中的酸和碱,最后经蒸发和喷雾干燥回收其中的糖、其他营养成分及大部分水,达到无污染排放的目的。该方案碱回收率在50%~80%,取决于黑液中碱的浓度,回收1 t碱的耗电量低于2 500 kW.h。该法的基本投资比同规模碱回收法节省60%以上,具有较好的经济效益。  相似文献   
试验选用的乌梢蛇均为亚成蛇,平均体重291.79g。试验分2组进行,试验期45d。对照组用活饵投喂,处理组全程均用配合饲料人工填喂。活饵为泽蛙,人工饵料用鱼肉、明胶、添加剂等配成(粒度规格1—1.5cm^3)。各组饲养条件相同,试验结束时逐组逐个测量体重、体长、尾长,并计算存活率。试验结果表明,人工饵料组的增重、体长、尾长好于对照组,但人工饵料组的存活率低于对照组。  相似文献   
松嫩平原含盐碱斑的重度盐化草甸土种稻脱盐过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以松嫩平原西部内陆盐碱湿地的重度苏打盐化草甸土与盐土、碱土镶嵌形成的复区为对象,进行了种稻脱盐过程试验。在不采取化学、物理等其他措施的前提下,单纯采用种稻水洗方法,经过5年连续试验,土壤表层平均盐分质量分数由4.5%降至0.15%,水稻产量由第1年的近于零,上升到第4年的4250kg/hm^2,表明运用简单的种稻脱盐方法改良强度苏打盐化草甸土与盐土、碱土复区具有可行性。这一结果对合理利用劣质土壤资源和重建西部严重荒漠化生态景观具有指导意义。  相似文献   
Aspects of the trophic attributes of the mudskipper,Periophthalmus barbarus occurring in the mangrove swamps of ImoRiver estuary, Nigeria, were investigated during a 12-month period(April, 1992-March, 1993). Feeding intensity increased with size;it was higher in the dry season (November-April) than in the wetseason (May-October); monthly changes in the indices of feedingintensity were significantly correlated. Major food objectscomprised detritus and benthic algae; crustaceans, insects,macrophyte matter and sand grains were minor food objects whilefish, molluscs, Chilopoda, nematodes and fungi were unconsciouslydevoured objects. Diet varied seasonally; algae and sesarmid crabswere generally more in the dry season than during the rains whereasFPOM and fish increased in the wet over dry season. The mudskipperdisplay a high degree of euryphagy and can be considered as ageneralist and an omnivore. The lower trophic status of P. barbarusqualifies it as a good aquaculture candidate. Food richness washigher in big-sized class (BSC) than small-sized class (SSC).Size-based and seasonal variations were not apparent in foodrichness. Diet breadth was higher in the BSC than the SSC; therewas dry season increase in diet breadth.  相似文献   
The study examined the stage of clean-up of the Port Lavaca bay sites in Texas, which were polluted during the early 1990's by effluent containing mercury (Hg) from a chloralkali plant. In addition to Hg intoxication through environmental contaminations, human exposure through dietary fish and other seafoods occurred. Bacteria converts inorganic Hg to alkyl organic compounds and subsequently the metal crosses the blood brain barrier thus exerting adverse effects on the fetal developing nervous system. In order to conduct a survey of dietary Hg exposure, blood was collected from pregnant women and those of childbearing age at routine clinic visits at each of three centers in South Texas cities (Galveston, Texas City, Port Lavaca/Victoria, TX). A questionnaire sought dietary and lifestyle information including consumption, sources of fish and other seafoods. A significant number of subjects (119 out of 175, 68%) ate fish caught locally. The blood Hg concentrations (µg?L?1) range varied with the location of the study centers: City of Galveston 2.6–62; Texas City 2.8–111.8; and the Port Lavaca areas 3.02–126.7. The concentrations of blood Hg was directly proportional to the number of fish meals consumed for each species considered. Mean blood Hg concentrations for no fish meals per week were: Port Lavaca 4.5 (N?=?3), Galveston 4.3 (N?=?3), Texas City 3.5 (N?=?10). For >3 fish meals per week, the mean blood Hg concentrations were: Port Lavaca, 48.0 (N?=?53), Galveston 29.1 (N?=?35), Texas City, 36.1 (N?=?31). Data show that residues of Hg were still present in 1994 despite the clean-up efforts.  相似文献   
Selenium is an element that is both essential, at low levels of dietary intake, and toxic, at high levels, to man and a wide range of animals. The purpose of the communication is to review the evidence for the involvement of hyper‐ and hypo‐selenosis in the aetiology of cancer. High levels of selenium intake have been blamed for an increase in cancer, dental caries and an array of other conditions. Critical evaluation of the evidence, however, leads to the conclusion that such claims have little substance. On the other hand, low levels of selenium intake may be associated with an increased incidence of certain forms of cancer and there appears to be an inverse relationship between blood selenium levels and cancer death rate in the United States. Keshan Disease, in the People's Republic of China has only been shown to occur in populations severely depleted of selenium. In well nourished populations there is no evidence to indicate that selenium supplements have any prophylactic or therapeutic benefit against human diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease or cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   
This work presents an unconventional procedure for the recovery of spent Al-rich caustic soda solutions from the pickling of dies for the production of aluminium extrusions. Caustic soda was regenerated at roughly 70%, by precipitating aluminate, after addition of a silica source, in the form of zeolite A, a microporous material that is widely used in many technological sectors. It was shown that the process is reliable and can be repeated for several cycles, provided the concentration of the caustic soda solution is suitably restored. The by-product obtained, zeolite A, proved to be a high-grade material with performance as a cation exchanger and physical sorbent that is certainly comparable to that reported in literature (e.g., cation exchange capacity equal to 5.14 meq g(-1) vs. 5.48 meq g(-1) and water vapour adsorption capacity of 26.5% vs. 27.6% at 16 torr and 298 K). The economics of the process, although not examined yet, would appear generally favourable, considering that zeolite A is a valuable by-product which widely covers the costs for the recovery of the spent solutions. There are, therefore, significant prospects for the use of zeolite A, particularly as a builder in detergent formulation.  相似文献   
In response to Evelyn Pluhar'sWho Can Be Morally Obligated to Be a Vegetarian? in this journal issue, the author has read all of Pluhar's citations for the accuracy of her claims and had these read by an independent nutritionist. Detailed analysis of Pluhar's argument shows that she attempts to make her case by consistent misappropriation of the findings and conclusions of the studies she cites. Pluhar makes sweeping generalizations from scanty data, ignores causal explanations given by scientists, equates hypothesis with fact, draws false cause conclusions from studies, and in one case claims a conclusion opposite of what the scientist published. Such poor reasoning cannot be the basis of an argument for moral vegetarianism. A broader search of the literature and attention to reviews and textbooks in nutrition shows that each of Pluhar's claims is suspect or incorrect. Pluhar has not undermined my central claims: even if animals have certain rights and well-planned vegetarian diets are safe in complex industrialized societies, these diets cannot be so regarded if the presuppositions of high levels of wealth, education, and medical care do not exist; and, women, children, the aged and some ill persons are at greater risk on restrictive vegan diets. Thus, any duty of moral vegetarianism is not categorical but provisional in nature.  相似文献   
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